Sunday, May 27, 2012
You can close your ears to the future of this world's politics, this Country's politics and keep on voting the way your parents voted since 1945, but if you don't pay attention to the inner workings of today's politics for your own sake, you're already duped into following a path that you think is fruitful for you, but sadly isn't.
You can say, " This is the way my parents voted and that's the way I'm gonna' vote. They were Democrats and so am I." but the only person you're fooling is yourself. Because the Democrats your parents voted for in the past were not the same people you'll be voting for today. Far from it.
Except for the little non-important Marxist/Socialist party of the past, where their few little votes didn't matter anyway, It was mostly the Republicans, Independents and Democrats, all of whom generally were satisfied with the Capitalist system, which operated under the rules of The U.S.Constitution and Bill of Rights. It was a system born of Judeo/Christian beliefs. The Presidents generally always respected the Congress (House of Representatives and Senate) and last but not least, the Supreme Court and the District Courts below them. The God loving Christians and Jews were evenly spread among those Parties. It worked well!
People can say it wasn't and isn't perfect, but for 230 years it was tested by the rigors of time, Civil war, 2 World wars and several other major Conflicts as well, including the Cold war against Communism around the World and survived far better than any other well populated Country in the this modern Era of today.
Yes, there was a time in the late twenties and early thirties when the monetary system of the whole modern world was overcome by inflation brought on by greed on the part of the various levels of businesses and banks. The same thing is happening in the World today. Probably not quite as catastrophic but it's for the same reason. Take particular notice of Marxist/Socialist countries of Europe who touted Socialism, mocked Capitalism and boasted Marxism under Dictatorship by various means. Yeah, we've had our slowdowns under Capitalism, but look what's happened to their monetary system that our own Socialistic Politicians are trying to sell us here. Pretty, ain't it??
And take a good look at the two-bit, nasty changes the Marxist/Socialist Regime is trying to shove down our throats by way of Barack Obama and his White House "Chicago" style Administration while bypassing our Constitutional system entirely with unconstitutional, Presidential mandates.
It's no longer the Democratic Party whom your Mom and Dad voted for in the past, but only a shell of it. A shell used as a cover for an entirely different direction that would eventually lead this country into the same situation as Europe is tragically in today. You, who would vote for what you think is still the Judeo/Christian Democratic Party of yesteryear, will be voting for a much different way of life than you are living now. Just sayin'.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Do you think it's possible for everyone to work for, be paid by the various Gov'ts, pay taxes charged by the Gov'ts, retire from it's generous pension plans and still expect the money paid to you to be worth the paper it's written on? you??
The silence is deafening again!!!
Don't you see that once you have more population being paid by the Gov'ts than there are private workers earning productive dollars to support the economy that you're doing precisely that. When that happens you're standing in the bucket, my dear friend of some other dummies!! I say that because you're sure not anyone I want to befriend!
Don't you see yourself reading this blog looking like a deer staring into the headlights?
Well, this is exactly what the current Marxist/Socialist Party in charge of the Runaway White House has in store for you. Are you so foolish or stupid to think they're working on your behalf?
Step out of the bucket before the next election in November, 2012, Folks, because you and I can't afford another 4 years of the kind of spending that has no future productive money coming in to support the same spending binge you just witnessed in the past 4 years.
Have you even thought about how much a trillion dollars really is? Could your high school children tell you how much it really represents without a pencil and paper? Maybe even WITH a pencil and paper!
Just 5 years ago, it wasn't even spoken about without a tongue in cheek! It waspurely an exaggeration of expression. But the present Marxist/Socialist Gov't has brought it into stark reality to the tune of 5.6 trillion in a matter of 3&1/2 years.
Don't be so dumb as to listen to a backer of the Socialist Regime tell you that everything they're doing has been done in the past by other Presidents. If it was, it's too late to change what they did.
The most lame duck excuse I've ever heard was to hear one of these two bit representatives remark that it's okay to do it now, because somebody did it wrong in the past.
Isn't that the stupidest remark for someone to expect you, as an honest individual, to believe is justifiable, to do it wrong again, and again and again?
Would you steal from another just because an Uncle of your's did it in 1950?
It's time to wake up and smell the roses people!! Just sayin'.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
When you read my blogs, you probably wonder how sincere and well founded my information is.
With a lot of my subjective material concerning National Politics, My choices of information come from various sources that, after doing common sense research, appear to me are the most truthful. One way is by tracking the background of characters involved, what they have said in the past and whether they have true, upfront transparency for the reason they stand behind what they do.
Call it the "measure of the information" behind the source. But after all is said and done, I have the chore of deciding what the facts truly are. That's the bottom line. The "FACTS".
In determining the facts, I also question the sincerity and background of the person or persons publishing or making the remarks and what's in it for them personally for making the statements.
For example: Do I think the individual has basic moral, God based beliefs, or is he an Atheist? My reason for this question is because our Country was founded by people with a Judeo/Christian background and a knowledge of God based rules such as the ten Commandments. We all know that those rules are the basic foundation of our guilt or innocence that guides us on our journey through life itself. That foundation is the backbone of our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
An Atheist has absolutely no reason to sense guilt for what they say or do because after death, no Godly punishment exists, or so they think. A great candidate for the Devil's work, don't you think?
My belief in God allows me to be guided in a direction that will reward me through my life in one way or another and after death.
With all that said, I'm inclined to believe people who tend to follow the same path I do.
Religious beliefs vary of course. Some religions such as Islam do not base their beliefs on guilt or innocence. They are strictly based on ancient man made beliefs, beliefs that make allowances for lies and murder as long as it furthers the cause of their sacred Leader, Muhammed.
So without the Judeo/Christian belief system, you cannot rely on the tendency they're telling the truth if they think they're lying for the sake of Muhammed. Or murdering for the sake of him, for that matter. Their sense of guilt is guided by a different philosophy and purpose; "Control" of the ignorant masses. Look how far they've progressed over thousands of years. Do the camels smell any different?
It's not to say that Christians and Jews don't lie or kill, they do! But they do it knowing there's a punishment at the end of it all when they do, which is why the Ten Commandments are there to control us from doing so. Generally, we successfully make an attempt to abide by them.
What other proof do we need that it works, when we have had several thousand years of proof to look back on to prove that it does? At the same time it has allowed us to progress culturally, scientifically and morally to the modern world we're living in today.
Hence my reason why and where I place my research and facts on the side of believable judgement and believable people. I surf the Internet for information of all kinds and sources and then try to determine the most truth based on my assessment of human beings as a whole.
It works for me! If I'm proven to be mistaken, I'll admit it. In the meantime, I refuse to be silenced by any other person with a different view than mine. The Special Interest groups who wish this Country to follow a political path that's beneficial to their own personal interests rather than the Constitutional beliefs of the majority of this country will, and do lie, in order to achieve their means.
"Divide and Conquer" the people is being displayed every day.
If they can silence the population that still believes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, they will! Whatever you do, don't be silent!! Just sayin'.
Monday, May 21, 2012
On Friday night, when confidence in myself was at one of it's too often lows, when one illness after another took their toll in my recent past to the point that it seemed they would never stop, a gift showed up at our door around about 9:30 P.M.
That gift was my daughter Kim and her husband Gary. Oddly enough though, I had been through a trying work day around our house in an attempt to make it look presentable outside to the neighbors and in preparation for Spring. My yawning was persistent and I couldn't get past 8:00 P.M. so I hit the sack and was asleep in minutes. As a result I missed greeting them when they arrived and so graciously allowed me to sleep.
Sleep has a habit of overwhelming me when the "perfect Storm" of negative happenings take place and there's absolutely nothing I personally can do to reverse it or control it. Prostate Cancer treatments, (Successful I might add), followed by 2 heart procedures and 3 stents inserted shortly after that, and then to top it all off, Diverticulitis, a bleeding condition at which point the colon bleeds excessively internally and can also be quite fatal. Believe me, it can play with my mind!
Gratefully and with the help of prayers and encouragement from all of my Starbucks friends of all religious faiths, I was delivered through all of that by the great Hospital workers at three different hospitals without exception.
There is no other profession in the world that can compare with the dedication and compassion that accompanies these people, from top to bottom.
But I have a tendency to let those very important facts slip away too readily once I'm feeling physically better. I'll try not to from now on.
So the feeling of seeing my oldest daughter, a gift born on my birthday over 50 years ago and who had undergone successful Leukemia treatments herself 5 years prior, was a bit overwhelming to say the least. I enjoyed a visit that was much too short for my liking, but I understood they had a busy schedule with it being a Canadian Memorial Day weekend and other folks to visit.
The realization struck me as to how fortunate and full my life really is, with a couple of pretty daughters, concerned relatives, wife and friends being there to bolster my moral, and believe me it's nice to know that there's really someone who wants me to stick around.
It's a good feeling to realize who my friends really are, who I'm comfortable with and who wants my presence. It's even nice to know the ones who don't.
I can handle it all at my age of 75, and look forward to enjoying what years are left to come.
Just Sayin'.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
In a news report this morning on Channel 5, they reported the notice of eviction to the local Boys and Girls club in Anacortes from a $12,000.00 per year rental being paid for the use of a vacant portion of the the National Guard Armory building in Anacortes. As I understand it, the rent is being paid by the Club itself.
The reason given for the eviction was for more space needed to expand the National Guard program. A reasonable explanation, no doubt. The problem seems to be with the Federal Gov't not offering, or attempting to find an alternative place.
With the Obama re-election now in question, he may have alterior plans for the need of an additional National Guard should he decide not to leave office and goes to plan "B". ( Marshall Law). Just kidding, of course! Since I believe the local National Guard is under the jurisdiction of the State, but funded by the Federal National Guard Fund.
To get serious again, though, I happened to be reading some statistics yesterday concerning all the vacant buildings the Federal Gov't owns in America as I write this blog. We,(the Federal Gov't) currently own 900,000 buildings in the nation. 52,000 of which are partially vacant or only periodically used for impromptu meetings or storage of hundreds of thousands of purchased, never or seldom used pieces of equipment such as "official vehicles". There are an additional 14,000 buildings totally vacant, with no immediate plans for usage.
It seems to me that for something as important as the future of our upcoming youth and the desire to set them on the right path in preparation for adulthood, better thought could be put into accommodations that would be suitable to them. Even "free" space could be afforded with a little bit of thought.
The Mayor of Anacortes has generously offered the club the use of the City Hall basement and although with the exception of it being rather small for their required needs, is at least a step in the right direction. Good thinking on the City's part and "Hats off" to them! But considering ultimate responsibility here, maybe the Federal Gov't could set aside it's "political mode" for a moment and tend to business at hand that's so important as our Country's future "Handlers".
So come on, you "so important" Gov't planners, get your "responsibility" hats on and look after business as we would expect you to! Just sayin'.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Approximately a month ago, I was rushed to Virginia-Mason Hospital in Seattle with a bleeding condition that was considered very serious and threatening to my health.
First of all, let me say that in the past year and a half, I had been diagnosed and treated for stage 2 prostate cancer at Skagit State Hospital in Mt. Vernon, Washington. The treatment was performed by the staff in Radiology and I must say couldn't have been more thorough and expertly done. I was, and still am, delighted with the follow-up results that show the cancer is in decline, much to the delight of everyone concerned. A special kind of dedicated people indeed.
But much to my chagrin, 2 weeks after completing treatment it was discovered through blood tests that I had 3 complete blockages in my aorta and another 90% blockage in an artery even closer to my heart. Once again, I was admitted to C.C.U. and after receiving the best care anyone could ask for, it was determined I should receive stents to correct the situation, but this time the Cardiologist felt he should perform the operation in the Cardiology facility in Providence Hospital, N. Everett, since my condition might require open heart surgery should there be any complications with the stent insertion procedure. Once again, everything went according to plan and a beautiful job was done by one and all.
After feeling better and everything seemed to be okay, I decided to go back to work at my posponed Handyman business. I thought I was over the hump of illnesses once and for all. Two weeks after returning to my work, I was suddenly stricken with a bleeding infection in my colon and was admitted to Skagit Valley Hospital where they were not able to diagnose the problem but realized I would soon bleed to death without tests that could be more readily diagnosed at Virginia Mason in Seattle. The race was on!
After a whole battery of tests and intrusive procedures, I t was found to have an infected colon called Diverticulitis. The bleeding stopped on it's own, and after several days of post observation, I was allowed to return home to what I hope is another shot at normalcy. Although I have been warned the condition can and probably will reoccur. No guarantees, but after all, who ever gets those anyway?
I have received a letter from Virginia Mason requesting I remark on the treatment I received while there.
Well, here goes. I couldn't have been treated better! Being a patient strictly dependent on Medicare meant nothing in the way I was treated by everyone in the hospital facility. There was absolutely no concern expressed by the staff from top to bottom regarding my ability to pay for treatment. No costs were spared in their attempt to save my life when it was on the line. and it WAS on the line.
At the moment I have no ability to make a donation, but when I can, I certainly will. I can't thank you all enough for the superb way you all handled yourselves without exception and with professionalism at it's best. I owe my life to the whole Medical world of Skagit, Snohomish and King County. Thank you!!!
George McNaughton.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Is he really a Conservative? Or a Liberal, or a Progressive, or a Socialist? Well that depends on which speech you may have watched lately, doesn't it? Personally, there's no doubt in my mind anymore, he's a man who wishes to rule the Islamic World as Muslim Leader, while at the same time rule the Modern World as an Atheist. He has been thoroughly educated as both.
Is he an American man as his American birth certificate says? Or s he an African man, as his Kenyan birth certificate says, that he used to obtain a Pakistani entry passport when he visited Pakistan during a "no entry" policy for Americans circa 1981.
Or is he again Kenyan as he proved in order to obtain a passport to enter Indonesia around the same time?
Is he really Barack Hussein Obama born in Hawaii Aug. 4th, 1961? Or is he really Barry Soetoro, born in Kenya, Aug 4th, 1961?
Who really is he?
In his book, "Dreams of my Father", he refers to a girlfriend throughout his younger days as "Julia".
It turns out "Julia" was a total composite he made up of many girlfriends during that time, in order to make his book more personally attractive.
Did he really hold 3 separate passports, American, Indonesian and Pakistani passports at the same time under different origins of birth? Records showed he did.
Is he really Muslim? Is he really Christian? Is he really Atheist as his past suggests, since he was strongly associated with Chicago's infamous, Atheist oriented "Midwest Academy" ?
Did he really teach in any of the Colleges or Universities in the United States as his friends like to suggest? Is that why no one can produce evidence that he ever taught anything anywhere in the U.S.?
Investigations can uncover no proof he did. There is no evidence that he ever taught a class!
Did he study the U.S. Constitution so he could dishonor and dispute it? I think so! Does he believe in it? I don't believe so.
Was he ever "poor"? No. Did he ever lift a shovel? Did he ever pay for his college education or did he always manage to finagle it one way or another on someone else's dime? Surely the U.S. Taxpayer's!
If he was born in Hawaii, how did he manage to get a foreign student grant to go to an American College? Research it! He did!
Did he ever hold down a non-gov't related job?
Who really is this non-slave related foreigner who never paid his dues but claims to be in the same boat as the African/Americans such as Herman Cain, Martin Luther king, and the rest of the slave related descendants who did?
Is he exploiting the born in America, direct descendant African/American group of people who did fight for their independence in the Civil War, the Spanish-American war, the 1st and 2nd World war, the Korean war, the Vietnam war, the Iraq war and the ongoing Afghanistan war?
Yet he doesn't know what the inside of a uniform looks like, let alone doesn't respect? Did he mislead the minority groups of this country to believe they've been treated unfairly in order to get re-elected in Nov. 2012?
Should any man who is President of the United States ignore and disrespect the National Anthem by not holding his hand to his chest while everybody else does?
Should any man who is President of the United states decide that it's okay to totally bypass the duly elected Congress of the United States as is required by the Constitution?
Does he have cause to show us, he alone thinks he knows what different direction is best for a Country our people have existed in for 250 years, while he has only lived on the dole from for 28 years? Are you trying to kid me??? Just askin'.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
The greatest drain on the American way of life besides a Recession/Depression, (If you still have some work, it's a lull in the economy, if you're still collecting Unemployment benefits and are about to lose your home, it's a Recession and if you have depleted your Unemployment benefits and are on food stamps and Welfare, and have lost your home, it's definitely a Depression. You can take it on yourself to determine what category you fit into.) is the outsourcing of jobs in general to other countries of the world besides ours.
It's really quite simple to reason why this has taken place. The major manufacturing and service companies have been allowed to expand to the point where they have taken control of the competitors either by buying them out with an "offer they can't refuse" or by underpricing the smaller competitors out of business. Eliminating competition eliminates competitive prices. This happened under the noses of our Government because of a lack of regulations that could have been in place to protect the consumer's interest. Namely by not allowing one Corporation to eliminate it's competitors to the point where it it has total control over the market. Once the major Corporations took control, they then convinced the Gov't. to allow job outsourcing to other countries that have a much lower standard of living and pay rate than this country has. Again due to lack of consumer protection regulation. Some Companies didn't even have to outsource to do it, such as Power companies and Utility companies. They pretty much charge what they want, like it or lump it. You simply have no choice but to pay the costs or have those very essential services cut off. Again because the Gov't neglected to be sure there were consumer protection regulations in place requiring a certain amount of minimum competitors. To put it gently, gov't regulations are more and more for regulating the consumer rather than protecting them. And then some Gov't Agencies regulate just for the sake of being there. First for the power, and then for the tenured money. They're virtually recession proof.
For instance, the infamous EPA. Immune from Civil prosecution, they're untouchable.
So what's this "Moving forward" stuff that the Atheist/Socialists are telling us? They can only mean retraining to more menial jobs than the jobs that once were, because the productive jobs are now over in China and other Third world countries and until we, the people, install a gov't that's willing to regulate the deportation of productive jobs through proper regulation, it's going to continue happening. Otherwise the expression of Obama's called "moving forward" actually means moving "backward" to the standard of living in the third world countries. How could it possibly mean anything else?
So what they're really saying to us is, "Quit complaining, take what we have to offer you, get on with it, like it or lump it !!"
I believe the "Well Oiled Machine", along withe Barack Obama, has the notion we have been living too lavish a lifestyle in the past while other 3rd world countries have not, and they're going to change that notion to teach us "freedom loving, greedy Americans" a lesson. A "Different direction" is their motto but it's certainly not "true" North they're talking about.
Otherwise, they would have taken the time to present us with a better plan, don't you think?
Can you think of any other logical reason for their Godless, brain dead planning?
Once again, the silence is deafening!! Just sayin'.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
The problem with the above title is, it's not funny. Just look at the Obama Administration pussyfoot around now! We don't dare upset China over some blind dissident wanting to follow the lead of Democracy. How dare he reveal that he and his family were tortured to disfigurement while being held in jail? How dare he escape to the American Embassy and put Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama in the very nervous position of having to defend a refugee against a Communist Nation who has done nothing but stolen Nuclear secrets from under the noses of a Liberal Clinton Administration,supported the Communist North Korea in the Korean war, supported the Communist North Vietnamese in the Vietnam war and taken two thirds of the good, productive jobs away from workers in the U.S. ? Are you sure China isn't still waging war on us?
Be sure not to tickle them in the wrong spot, Barack. We don't want to lose this kiss-butt relationship you've got going there!
Regardless of your decision on this Barack, you've already showed your true cowardly image to the American people and the real direction you want to take us, which is not the direction of Democracy and Judeo/Christian beliefs that we've been so successful with in the past.
Instead of solidly defending the human rights of this man, you worried about how the Chinese would be angry with you if you did! The whole Free World is watching you now.
More than anything else besides me wanting to see the poor man defended, I'm tickled pink that you are showing the free world what I've been telling them all along in my blogs concerning you.
You are not a loyal american as you would want us to believe, but a shameless man who never had any respect for the U.S. Constitution since you entered our Sacred country in 1984. You have committed the cowardly act of handing him back to the Chinese like he was a bail of hay, instead of demanding the release of his family as well. Being the sociopathic man that you are, you have no shame. Thank God I still have the Constitutional right to print this blog. But for how long? just sayin
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
So why are they allowed to be so horrendously one sided in their political opinions and reporting? I mean, if they were any more left wing, they'd be somewhere out in the Pacific Ocean!
Why does the Congress allow this to happen? Why do the States, Counties and Local Gov'ts allow it? Shouldn't they demand fairness and well balanced reporting in return for their money?
Approximately 2 years ago, when Juan Williams, a moderate Liberal leaning reporter voiced his opinion that wasn't to the taste of the Socialist/Atheist Debbie Wasserman Schultz, She fired him for it. True, it raised a firestorm of protests that caused her to apologize for her caustic remarks toward him, but the firing stuck and happily to his benefit and dismay to NPR, he was hired by Fox News at a pay raising contract that has put a permanent smile on his face to say the least anyway. At last, he's in with the big boys now.
He remains a Moderate Liberal, but to his credit, he reports and comments in a fair and balanced fashion that seems to be lost in the latter day, Communist leaning NPR. He still defends his beliefs.
Wouldn't you assume that any organization who receives public funds of any source where the money is derived from Taxpayers, Federal, State, County or Local, should not be allowed to lean toward any political source? Am I fair with that assumption, or just too honest and naive? Maybe all of the above! It's amazing how the Sheeple keep listening to NPR without realizing they're only listening to a small portion of the real news. Just sayin'.
But it still doesn't stop me from questioning the dishonesty and insincerity of it all.
So where was Barack Obama yesterday, May 1st, when his Community Organizers, awe inspired Union leaders and Atheist followers joined the naive "Occupiers" in their unruly displays across the Nation? Complete with the black garbed, hooded "Anarchists" all disguised the same way, all wearing backpacks and all destroying everything systematically in sight. Then when confronted by the police, faded into the crowd of misled "Occupiers" to change into their normal garb so no one would be able to identify them. In their wake, they left behind destroyed store fronts, broken windows and slashed tires for the owners to contend with. Well, Barack just happened to be on a very important, unscheduled trip to Afghanistan!
May 1st being a Communist inspired Holiday, since it was established circa 1921 along with other Socialist countries proclaiming it World International Worker's day. In the past it's been a favorite day for Communist Nations. Would-be Communist nations enjoy it as well, but using different, "worker" inspired names. It was actually a time for celebration and rejoicing. But now it's been twisted around to be a day to protest. Great timing by Obama, wouldn't you say?
Tell me, what workers in any of those nations have lived as well a "Worker's" life as we live here in the United States under Capitalism? Well, don't everybody speak at once!!! The silence is deafening!
It sort of reminds me of the convicted killer complaining because he's being hung with an old rope. Know what I mean?
Are we supposed to forget the first Wall Street protest where a ragtag bunch of bums decided to march on Wall St.? I haven't!
When they first appeared with their cardboard signs, charity acquired sleeping bags and drug paraphenalia and crapping anywhere they could in the streets? I haven't! It was then the champion of Community Organizers, Barack Obama, seized on the opportunity to collect potential votes he may need in November, 2012, by speaking out on behalf of the protesters and sending out his Anarchist followers, Union organizers and Community organizing thugs to emphasize the cause.
Suddenly, the cardboard signs disappeared to be replaced with big professionally printed ones, bull horns, New Black panther leaders, Atheists Michael Moore and Van Jones. Why, they just appeared out of nowhere, didn't they? Portable toilets appeared out of nowhere too. They needed them when those two showed up!
And coincidentally, Barack disappeared on one of his very frequent overseas trips to the European Union or something like that back then, in order to avoid any unpleasant confrontation. You know how the Lefties always like to avoid confrontation! They do it by saying what they have to say, starting something, and then clamming up or disappearing into thin air because they don't care for unpleasant confrontation.
Barack Obama is a tactful user of other people, standing back after he has started something, watching it unfold to his liking, and when confronted with the situation by the Press, he say's "Who, me???" It's just another slippery trick he picked up at the Atheist, Saul Alinsky founded "Midwest Academy" in Chicago Illinois while he was a member of it's board.
Do yourself a big favor, Readers, look up the history of "The Midwest Academy" and the associates of Barack Obama who all attended there at one time or another including Atheist Bill Aires. You'll get the real notion as to where he's coming from. A true chameleon.
He's laughing at us while I write this blog. Just sayin'.
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