Friday, August 31, 2012
When you look and listen to the Stars of the Entertainment world, It isn't long before it's obvious which way they lean when it comes to U.S. politics. They're mostly, undeniably, sympathetic to the Anti- American posture of the "Well Oiled Machine" that drives the Obama Regime. Anti- God and pro-Marxist in their beliefs, it's amazing how quickly they've forgotten it's the consumer's willingness to enjoy entertainment that got them there in the first place. It starts with the consumers money! I bring up this point because of the way they can be so rich that they can place themselves among the ranks of the 1% elite. It allows them to sit above the fray, with no fear of exhausting their plastic money, no matter what.
Maybe for a short span in their lifetime they may have performed menial work on their way to stardom success, but it obviously wasn't long enough in the "real world" of things before the bucks began rolling in for them to remember it for any real length of time.
They get caught up in the world of entertaining people, the fast life of attending the never- ending parties that accompany the lifestyle. A lifestyle that can only be afforded the "Rich", and to look at money as though there's plenty more where that came from, with little appreciation for how hard the rest of the food chain had to work to pay just to watch them perform.
They're now on that platform of success that the rest of us can only dream about through the chances of winning the Mega-bucks lottery. And all they really had to do was what they love doing best, Performing and acting.
If ever there was an occupation that is immensely overpaid at times, it's the entertainment world. In a way, it's similar to the Sports world in which, through the manipulation of the charges to the fans, they're able to pay ridiculous amounts of money to some of the Stars.
In this writer's estimation, there is no way some of the stars are deserving of the amounts of money they're contracted to be paid and ultimately receive. Nor the Agents who negotiate the contracts as well!
It can only be achieved through the charges that are levied to the consumer who, have no choice but to pay it if they want to see and/or hear it. It's done through the world of Franchises and Monopolies that are afforded them by our Politicians, of course.
But having been elevated to those "Untouchable" positions financially, they can look at how life should be for the rest of us in their estimation. Unrealistically.
Now don't misunderstand my point, There are different classes of "Rich". For example, there is the business oriented "Rich", where most people in the business world have, through innovation and much hard work, elevated themselves over several generations, to finally achieve their goal of being among the 1% "Rich", and finally having reached that position, never really had time to party it up. They were too busy building a business and creating a productive economy. They're "true" Entrepreneurs who made this great Country as great as it is. If they didn't exist, the expenses of going to a movie or an event couldn't be afforded either. The exorbitant prices, I might add.
So it urks me to hear these famous, "Rich" performers, who exist only because of the good economy, take sides in deciding how the working class and the Middle class should be handled by a Dictatorial Regime such as the Obama one we're under today. The "In Absentia" one.
Sure, entertainers have performed for all kinds of World leaders, but it's nothing like they're performing for Obama and his "Well Oiled Machine" today. It's party, party, party. And guess what, they're doing it with the very money they extracted from us, on a non-political basis! Haven't they been missing an important ingredient in their consideration here? Our own Constitutional rights?
It's like the old, wise "Redneck" philosopher said; "Ya' can't clear up the drinkin' water 'til you remove the turds from the crick." Just sayin'.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Out of curiosity I decided to look up the cost of the emergency mobile homes supplied to the victims of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana. As the title of this blog reads, $400 million dollars. No they weren't pretty, nor were there any unneeded fancy conveniences in these homes. But there's one thing I'm pretty sure of, and that's the certainty the FEMA organization made sure of, they were built to the Zone's requirement for that region. They weren't meant for permanent housing, although for a lot of the poorer families in that region, they could have been. With my 'later-in-life'career of 15 years in the mobile home business, it was part of our duties as mobile home sales representatives to explore the history of the formaldehyde issue. In earlier years to 1976, there was a finding by the Industry as a whole, that there was a possible health hazard in some of the products used in the production of mobile homes due to the amount of Formaldehyde content. Some people discovered they were allergic to the chemical and simply being around the odor from the fumes produced by the materials.
An intensive investigation ensued and as a precautionary measure, the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) became involved in the production of these homes. Starting on July 1st, 1976, all manufactured housing required inspection and approved to the HUD code and in most cases the factories had an inhouse HUD inspector that placed HUD approved stickers on each individual unit. The formaldehyde levels approved by HUD were far below the allowable level of acceptance.
Since the HUD code required the same materials used in Mobile home production be the same as in site built homes, the formaldehyde scare soon became a thing of the past. But the myth still remained and exists to this day even though it is only that, a myth.
Formaldehyde was widely used in the production of laminate wood products and in the making of carpet. However, since Formaldehyde fumes dissipate similarly to gasoline fumes, even though the odor lingers, the actual harmful fume content is gone. So when the structure is properly aired for a short while of a couple of days, the threat evaporates from the product sufficiently enough and the problem is gone. It doesn't re-generate. It's gone.
Somehow, this safety message got lost along the way and Environmental nuts didn't let go of it. In their determination to spread the bad word about formaldehyde, they managed to persuade the official EPA nuts to condemn the use of the houses and they sat vacant the whole time of the Hurricane recovery. During all the time the residents were displaced, the Gov't had to pay the cost of other housing on top of it all. Probably equal to the cost of the mobile homes or more.
I now understand that upon the insistence of the EPA, those homes have been, or are in the midst of being purposely destroyed. I challenge any EPA representative or supporter to prove me wrong.
Just sayin'.
Monday, August 27, 2012
He claims he was born here, he claims that he lived here and he claims he knows what our problem is. His idea is for "Change". He came to town just when the great city is at one of it's weakest moments. "Vulnerability" is the mode of the town because of the monetary situation not only of the town, but the whole world.
The townsfolk in need are listening intently out of desperation to this silver tongued devil as he speaks with a powerful voice, unfaltering in his manner and so sure of himself in his presentation that no one has any doubt of his positive prowess. "Change" is the word. "Change" to a better life that he alone knows about. "Follow me, vote for me as your new leader in the direction of "Change". But where is the better life he is taking them? They were of the impression they already were in the city with the best way of life and has a 235 year old history to prove it.
"Take my word for it, You have been mistreated long enough. The rich have taken advantage of you. Join me in your quest for "change" and you will see. I'll take from the rich and I'll give to the poor. It's called redistribution of wealth. You won't have to work for the money I'll take from them. I'll just take it from them on your behalf. Follow me in my direction of "Change." "Then I'll give everybody a job with full medical coverage where it won't cost you a dime! You'll all work for me and you'll all get an equal amount of pay." "If you vote for me I'll issue you "waivers" from the rules I'll apply to the rich." "Oh!! Here's some money for you, don't worry about paying me back. There's more where that came from. I borrowed it from another town that has lots of jobs. It's called "Stimulus"money. I've already given some to my friends."
"Where are you from?" the townspeople asked. "Oh, it's a quaint city called "Shacktown".
Just go to Google Earth and type in KENYA, South Africa, Zoom in and look at what a well organized town it is.
They're working on street lights as I speak from some other "stimulus" money I borrowed." "By the way, the grass is greener there."
The townspeople, overcome by his smooth presentation, voted for him. Just sayin'.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
To hear Barack Obama reflect back to the days of his father, it sounds like the dreams his father had for the rest of the world are the dreams he wishes to honor for Americans, even though his father really didn't grow up or live here for any decent length of time. So were his dreams more suitable to South Africa rather than here?
What were his dreams for and when did he dream them. Talking about his Dad's grave and the desire to carry out his wishes and looking at his Dad's grave as he demonstrates in a video, how could his dreams have been to the benefit of North America? If in his dreams it meant the taking down of America piece by piece to the equivalent of South Africa, I think I can speak for Canadian and American citizens in saying "WE DON'T WANT THOSE DREAMS!!"
We North Americans have always been able to live by our own realistic dreams and our success or failures were totally left up to us.
Barack, you weren't brought up in a poor family even though you were surrounded by cardboard shacks at times. If you ate dog a few times, as you say you did, it was because you were inspired to do so. Not because you had to. You never had to ask someone else for food in order to survive, you were always well fed and taken care of. It was your Muslim friends who did, but not you. Your anti-American White Grandparents raised you with you having very little support by your drunken father if any. He was nothing to brag about, but neither was mine. He was a drunk, left over from WW1.
I'll tell you what it's like to be brought up in a poor environment.
My family was poor. Poor to the extent that due to being born to a family of eleven from a man only home long enough to produce another child and then leave again, there was no income. Thank goodness most of the 8 boys were born ahead of the girls. It was a small coal mining town deep in the Great Depression. It was all too common to see our mother cook oatmeal mush for breakfast and enough so that there was extra to fry oatmeal paddies to feed us at lunch and dinner time along with fried potatoes grown in our short summertime garden. At times she sat beside us at the kitchen window gazing out as we ate what we had. Too often as well, we realized she missed her dinner because there wasn't enough. The only meat we had was wild venison from the animals that were native to our region. My brothers and sisters will agree with what I'm telling you. At times, she would break down and cry with shear despair but with no manly shoulder to cry on. It was tough, but my mother had a dream. A dream that as we grew, we would leave for distant horizons and make something of ourselves. As we grew our first wish was to look at our town in the rear view mirror. That is, those of us who could afford to purchase an old car at the time. That's what it's like to be poor, Barack.
We pursued our dreams and they came true in one fashion or another. It all depended on how hard we tried. Some of us voted for different parties, but in those days they all led to freedom of choice and regardless of the dominant parties in power we, along with all of Canada and the U.S. succeeded in forming the greatest Continent in the world, bar none. I was no prize, but I did as good as I wanted to be.
Please, Barack!! Pack up your B.S. and go back where you belong. You have no idea how to keep this country great nor do I think you want to. So far, all you've done is empty the coffers for the sake of yourself and the "Well Oiled Regime." I see no resemblance between the dreams from your father and my Saintly mother who left this world peacefully at the age of 99, satisfied she honestly tried and succeeded. She was a perfect example of what it really takes to make this country great. Just Sayin'.
One year ago, I wrote a blog on the inner workings of the Obama White House, taken from the text in a book written by Edward Klein called "The Amateur".
Fox News, this morning publicly announced that no one has access to Barack Obama, without the permission of Valerie Bowman Jarrett.
I am re-posting that blog today.
Wonder where the "highly military" secrets to Iran might be going through?
I'm sure everyone who follows politics in the past few decades have heard of the shenanigans and corruption of "Chicago" style politics. It's certainly world renowned and infamous in any political language. Past Mayors such as Harold Washington, Richard J Daley, son Richard M Daley and now Rahm Emanuel, who due to his underhanded mishandling of affairs while under the direction of Barack Obama, resigned to run for Mayor of the only most electable, corrupt City position available in the U.S., and was, to nobody's surprise, elected.
Well, I'm also sure you know that Barack Obama, having been fresh out of Chicago politics when elected President, totally surrounded himself with Czars and White house staff including Secretaries of all major Gov't Dept.'s who are all, or have been connected to, "Chicago" indoctrinated politics. Chicago being the City of the notorious "Al Capone" and still operates under his flavor of doing business. So be it with Barack and his helpers because, that's all they know and that's all they intend to know.
Until just 2 weeks ago I had never heard of Valerie Jarrett. Suddenly her name pops up in a report by "Fox News" showing this lady meeting Obama just back from one of many trips to Europe. I printed her name into the Google search and am astounded to find how important this woman is to "The Well oiled Machine" pushing Obama's agenda.
Valerie Jarrett is African American born Nov. 14th, 1956. to African American parents, James and Barbara Bowman in Shiraz, Iran. She was raised as a child to speak Persian(Iranian), French and of course, English. Her father was a pathologist and Geneticist who ran a hospital in Shiraz. They returned to Chicago when Valerie was seven. Being a very bright child, she went on to earn a B.A. in psychology from Stanford U. and then a Juris doctor from the Univ. of Michigan. She married long enough to have a daughter Laura and divorced her husband after 5 years of marriage.
Jarrett got her start in Chicago politics in 1987 working for Mayor Harold Washington, who passed away in 1987 and eventually for Richard M. Daley. She continued her work in the Mayor's office in the 1990's, at which time she met and hired Michelle Robinson (now Michelle Obama) then engaged to Barack Obama.
She is said to have attached herself to a Muslim based organization due to her earlier upbringing.
Despite her impeccable social credentials, as Commissioner of Planning under Daley, she became embroiled in a massive screw up in the city's public housing revitalization plan, which cost Chicago millions of dollars in overruns. She was fired without explanation. She was known for operating from the "shadows" so to speak and never "left her fingerprints" on anything. Sound familiar? (Obama never assumes responsibility for actions on his behalf.)
On leaving the Daley bunch, she became CEO of Habitat Executive Services where she received $300,000.00 in salary and $550,000.00 in deferred compensation.
On her birthday, Nov. 14th, 2008, President-elect Obama selected Jarrett to serve as White House Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President. Jarrett is one of his longest serving Advisors and Confidantes and was widely tipped for a high profile position in the Obama Administration. She is Senior advisor to Barack Obama's Presidential campaign.
She has her own personal suite in the White house on the second floor of the West Wing, enters at leisure into the "Sacred" living quarters of the Obama family's private domain, of which no one can be found that knows them, has ever been allowed to enter. She has an all access pass to any meetings she wishes to attend. One day, she'll show up at a National Security meeting, the next day, she'll sit in on a briefing on the Federal budget. On many evenings, Jarrett will be seen going up to the Quarters, where she dines with the Obama's and their two daughters, Sasha and Malia. She is the only member of the White House staff who goes on vacations with the family. She is also one of the few people in Washington who can address the President by his first name to his face besides Marion Robinson, Barack's live-in Mother-in-law. Since taking Office, she is the eyes, nose and ears of the Obama's.
Valerie Jarrett holds down many jobs and positions in conjunction with working for the President, some of whom receive Federal funding in their association with the U.S. gov't. (Is that legal or ethical?) At last count she receives after income and gratuities, 1,200,000.00 per year.
She admits to no religion but is known to have been "strongly" recommended by a Communist sympathizer organization called Hansen and Shmidt of NASA GISS., another Federally funded private Corporation.
Obama has lost the favor and support of many high profile backers including Oprah Winfrey because they are never allowed access to Obama to discuss matters of political interest. This, after donating millions of dollars to his election in 2008.
Valerie Jarrett maintains complete blockage to Obama and he never overrides her decisions on that.
It seems the only transparency in the Obama Administration is whatever can be found by people who search for it by subversive means. Are you connecting the dots yet? Just sayin'.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Don't sweat the small stuff, Harry! A dip in the nude with the opposite sex is a normal thing to do. Adam and Eve did it. In fact a heck of a lot of people did it. People on nude beaches do it, and I'm sure it's safe to say, we've all done it by the age of 27!!
You did your country proud by serving nobly in the British military, willing to put yourself in harm's way for the sake of your loyal subjects. The plus here is, you did it with the opposite sex involved at least. It's amazing how people look at Royalty differently than anyone else. It's as if you're not supposed to bleed if you cut yourself, not supposed to cry when you hurt and not supposed to enjoy holidays in a normal fashion either.
It's a pity that the modern world can be as perverse as it is and still try to convince themselves that it's okay, because they're just every day folks. I'm sure you're very normal.
Take some advice from a normal, 75 year old man. Set your moral standards that you think are suitable to your own conscience and you're comfortable with between you and God. Act on them the best you can and tell the rest of the people who criticize you to start looking in the mirror until they're satisfied they like what they see. Whatever they're like, it'll all be right there looking back at 'em.
The face in the mirror will tell the truth every time. There's nothing wrong with you, Harry. Just sayin'.
As an example of how this country is going to be treated by "Dictator" Obama if he gets re-elected, read the latest news hot off the "Fox News" Press!
In his latest bid to create amnesty for the illegal Aliens in this country so he can allow them to cast their votes, he has issued a directive to the Dept. of Homeland Security that reads; "Effective immediately, certain young people who were brought to the U.S. as young children, who demonstrate they meet certain criteria,will be eligible to receive deferred action for two years, subject to renewal, and will be eligible for work authorization."
This being done in defiance of the U.S. Constitution requiring that Congress be consulted before making any major changes to America's Immigration policy.
The Obama Administration directive is a clear violation of the law, circumventing the authority of Congress for the sake of political posturing while weakening the system of checks and balances. This according to Arkansas Senator John Boozman and Louisiana Senator David Vitter.
This illegal action has resulted in Homeland Security (ICE) Agents, (9) filing lawsuits in the Federal District Court to challenge the decision of the Agency.
Not only did President Obama circumvent the authority of Congress in approving the policy, but his order has restricted the Director of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano from adequately providing guidance and direction to the Agents in the field as to how they are to comply with such an Anti-Constitutional, misguided order. Instead, it's a back door path to amnesty which will then allow them to cast their votes. The Congressmen have said this; "We are a nation of laws, but the President is once again stepping beyond his authority by determining what preferred laws can be enforced to suit his personal agenda."
"Americans deserve immigration reform, secure borders and improved workplace verification to hold employers accountable for hiring illegal workers. This all requires Congressional approval and Americans are committed to formulating comprehensive immigration reform without rewarding lawbreakers."
Shortcuts in the process should not be permitted for political, personal gain as is the case of Barack Obama and his George Soros inspired Regime.
The Constitutional process was not conspired to be simple. the reason it is complex is to prevent a rogue President or Party from committing acts such as this one. Of course no parties' opinions are the same and there are anticipated differences to be argued in a civil, pre-arranged Constitutional manner. Wishing for it to be simple is merely a dream, and disagreements were anticipated in coming to conclusions. It may take a while sometimes such as the case is now. Elections are held for a purpose, and Barack Obama and his Regime are no exception in determining the fate of this Great Country full of people who want it to remain great.
The ICE agents are executing their Constitutional rights, and thank God they still can.
This isn't a question of whether his actions are humane or not. Everyone wants to see kindness when it's warranted, no question about that. But to keep the checks and balances in order, a process was divised by our Founding Fathers where a determination of legal rights and wrongs could and should be followed. Barack Obama and his loyal thugs have taken it on themselves to decide the Constitution should be set aside to achieve what they think is the direction for this Nation to go. By doing so they have effectively or ineffectively sidestepped a process that has worked for this country for 235 years.
Through their own fears that the American people may reject that direction, they are simply ignoring the proper, legal way they are required to accomplish their task. Their thoughts on direction may be sincere, but ever since they have come into power they have afforded no room whatsoever for compromise and have acted in a manner similar to "It's our way or the highway!!" Then when there's congressional objection to their shortcut methods, they accuse the Representatives of the American people of not wanting to "compromise." It's a ruse and a lie. It's long past time that they be voted out of office. Just sayin'.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Just so you are totally aware of the situation of Mitt Romney and the accusation by Barack Obama's Re-election Regime that he has not paid Income taxes in ten years, the real reason is this; He pays 35% Capital Gains tax on all of his investments rather than personal income tax. So please don't think he hasn't paid taxes at all. It's just another example of how cowardly low Barack and his people can be in order to win an election. You're truly seeing the measure of a man who has never really lived the hardships that come along with being an entrepreneur in a free spirited Great nation. He didn't grow up in America, he wasn't guided in his youth to appreciate the success of a free country. Rather, he was raised by disgruntled American Missionary Grandparents in Kenya and Indonesia. He was tutored not to appreciate the ways of a free country, but only how to be self protective of what he thought to be his. He was enrolled in a Muslim School in Indonesia throughout his teenage years in an Anti-American neighborhood.. He came to America as a young adult and was instantly blended into a Chicago style, Atheist atmosphere and played a roll in the structure of the Atheist based "Midwest Academy" based in Chicago.
It's glaringly obvious how hypocritical Barack Obama is, particularly when it comes to the IRS. After all, he appointed a man to head the IRS, Tim Geithner, even after it was revealed beforehand, Tim had filed a false income tax return in which he should have paid $150,000.00 in addition to what he claimed. Instead, he hired Geithner to run the Agency and still runs it to this day.
Talk about a fox guarding the hen house!!! Just sayin'.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
In the first appearance before the White House Press Corp in 6 months, Barack Obama finally decided to field a few select questions from his favorite Main Media representatives.
In a sort of cowardly, whining dog fashion by the interviewer, he was asked to respond to a "Yes or No" type question. Of course he didn't answer yes or no, just as he never does. "Did he think Mitt Romney was a felon?" In his half grin, stare away and down fashion, he responded, not realizing he was admitting his own guilt by saying,"You just can't make things up!" "I found that out when I became President of the United States." I believe I repeated him verbatum on it. Did he only find it out when he became President?
Now think about it for a minute! What was he revealing about himself unknowingly here?
I've known for a long time, too long in fact that he makes things up all the time. For just a fleeting moment, was he actually being honest with himself not realizing he was talking out loud?
Was that not a confession he didn't really want us to hear?
It proves to me one thing that I've suspected all along. The only time he isn't dreaming things up are when his lips quit moving. Or was I just dreaming myself when I heard him say it? Just sayin'.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
But in my whole lifetime of watching and listening to politics, I have never heard anything lower, more slanderous, more dishonest straight up front as I have seen since Barack Obama appeared from the gutters of Kenya and anti-American Indonesia. To top it off, in most recent years, from the Infamous city of Chicago Illinois. He's careful not to use it himself, but he's an expert at having other lowly scum do it on his behalf, and his supporters either knowingly or unknowingly allow him to get away with it. This is probably because he has already promised something or already rewarded them with the Taxpayer's dollars to get it done. It's typical Chicago style Hooliganism.
But first of all, let me make clear to whomever reads my writings, that I aim no bad intentions to the misled voters, because like me, they truly vote for who they think is the most believable. After all is said and done, they're all, as being simply voters, looking for some shred of honesty and integrity in the politician.
So when I attempt to point out the sincerity or insincerity of a Party or politician, it's to bring it as close to the truth as possible. I've witnessed a lot of deception, misleading remarks and fact-dodging in all parties to some degree.
But when I see flat out lie after lie coming out of the same mouths day after day after day, and I can see how dangerous it is to allow it to go unchallenged, such as the direction The Marxist/Socialist bunch are trying to lead us, I'm going to call them on it. Then when I feel I've done my best to expose the true character of the man who can do us such harm, I will be done.
I receive my information from other various conservative people "in the know" so to speak, including Hannity, Gingrich and other well known bloggers. Unlike the Liberals, I'm not blowing wind.
So please don't be mistaken by thinking it's only me who gathers this information. There's a bunch more work in research than there is in writing the blogs.
I know that people who truly think this guy is the one to follow are offended by revelations of their favorite politician not looking so good, But I feel if they can sling the garbage they've been slinging and by that means get elected as a result, I certainly owe it to myself to fight them back with the truth about it all to the best of my ability. Win or lose, so be it.
But I'm not going to back down until they do. All I can say is, if the shoe fits, wear it.
If it's a nasty campaign, they chose to make it that way. It's a sneaky, stab-in-the-back campaign being waged by Barack Obama. Just sayin.
Friday, August 17, 2012
To compare what Presidential mistakes were made in the past, either intentional or not, is a complete insult and sinful insinuation that what this President is doing to our Once great Country is comparable to them. There simply is no remote comparison!!I'm so sick of hearing the dumb, phony Marxist backers referring to mistakes of the past to what the Obama/Atheist George Soros Regime is doing that it makes me ill!
They're having to reach back to the days of George Washington and others to justify the amount of mistakes they are making every week. And I'm being gentle when I say mistakes. Most of them are just plain blatantly bad decisions. Most of them are well planned, I might add.
The sooner the Judeo/Christian factions get together to battle these outright liars and thieves, the better off this Country will be. Another Crusades wouldn't be out of order if they continue to try to seize control of this country.
Quit letting the blatant homosexuals off the hook as well. Is Homosexuality a sin? Well, let's put it this way. According to all Biblical moral standards since religion began, YES, it is. It is only in recent years that some psychologists and psychiatrists in influential political circles who were most likely perverts themselves, determined that it should no longer be considered a mental disorder as it had been in Centuries past. That's all it took for every stinky mannered homosexual to jump on the political bandwagon. What I'm going to explain next is not for the faint of heart, but it's true. It's not only a mental disorder, but it's a SIN!! So don't read any further if you don't wish to know the truth.
In so many cases it is started by nasty thinking people like predator Jerry Sandusky who take little children and violate there poor little backsides. I feel it's important that decent people understand this so they can be aware of what can happen so very easily. The child is so ashamed at first, they fail to tell a responsible parent.
It's very well known that when it takes place repeatedly, the child develops rapidly and soon begins to enjoy the feeling created by the male organ massaging the prostate gland. the child is inclined to assault other children in later years as a result.
For any normal human being to think just because many predators do it that it's beginning to be okay, is a moral travesty!
I say to you, if it was a moral, indecent act before, then it is now. It's a terrible choice of judgement and I personally wouldn't want, and don't want a person of that immoral character making any other decisions for me, either. Don't you think that makes sense? Bad decisions lead to other bad decisions.
Imagine when a young man gets assaulted and reaches out to a perverted psychiatrist for help. Do you think he's going to get it?? Just guess what he'll get!
I once had an acquaintance get angry with me because I voiced my objection to him about Gays being in Governmental, decisive positions that can make choices that affect my welfare personally. He exploded in rage that I shouldn't have said that to him because he has a homosexual daughter who is in one of those jobs that does just that. He then stormed away.
Was I supposed to be apologetic for my remarks? I don't think so!! If I had an offspring that was immorally wrong in any respect, should I be offended if someone voiced that he was immoral?? No!
I don't care what goes on between adults behind closed, private doors, but that's where it should stay. I have no bone to pick with whatever it is that consenting adults do in their own private situations.
My objection is when they ask for special protection and privileges along with other minority groups. My contention is, they can always select to have normal sex with the opposite sex as God intended. There's no where in his wishes that it be otherwise. Atheism is a proponent of the stinky practice and they seem to work hand in hand.
I'll vote for no person who defends it. To me, Gay marriage is just anther one of those bad decisions. In the closet is where it belongs if they're gonna' do it.
Bragging about the habit and being proud of it is crossing the moral line. Back in the closet is where it belongs and special privileges to me are out of the question.
Just sayin'.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
I so often hear the hosts and guests talking about going after the Democratic votes to get them to swing to the Republican side. Are they that naive? I know from experience that it is virtually impossible to talk sense to a committed Democratic voter.
First of all, if you were to be sure that all of the ballots are truly legal and without fraud, there aren't enough committed Democrat voters to win an election without the help of the Independents and undecided voters! They just make a hell of a lot more noise, that's all.
So PLEASE!! Forget about trying to influence a Democratic voter and turn your concentration on convincing people who have the sense to at least listen to the real facts. There are a lot of confused voters out there who are silently screaming for the right direction to go. The main reason they're confused is because the Obama/George Soros Marxist regime is purposely keeping it so.
Once the real truth is out there, they'll only have the naive, dedicated voters to count on. It's as simple as that! So quit wasting your time that's become more valuable than ever as the Nov. election nears.
Another mistake is Fox News trying to be fair to the Democratic side by having Democratic sympathizers say their piece on valuable Fox News time. They have the whole darn Main Media on their side already. Why would Fox be so naive as to think it's only fair that they express their phony views on precious Fox News time. The only time the word "Fair" comes into the Socialist vocabulary is when they feel they're going to lose. Can you point out any other time they are winning that they've offered to be "fair" to the opposition, or for that matter "fair" to anyone besides helping their loyal selves?
The silence is deafening!!
It reminds me of a story when the Romans had their great shows at the Coliseum. One time, just for a preview to the main Gladiator event, they took a slave and buried him up to his neck in the middle of the arena. then they turned a male lion loose that hadn't been fed for two weeks. The lion in his anxiety to finally get a decent meal, ran so fast he slightly overran the slave and his gonads were right above the slave's head. In desperation the slave stretched his neck and was able to grab the lion's gonads with his teeth. The lion stood there and howled, to the dismay of the spectators. The whole crowd jumped up and hollered, "Fight fair you bastard, fight fair!!" There's a similarity here.
At times I find it almost humorous the way Greta Van Susterin plays "Devil's Advocate" to the point I'm almost convinced she subconsciously favors the Obama bunch. Is that just me, or do you see it too?
Just pay a little closer attention to the way she argues with the Republican supporters and I'm sure you'll wonder too. Bob Beckel and Alan Colmes are another two mistakes, even allowing them to spew their Socialist views on Fox.
"Fair and Balanced" doesn't mean surrendering to anyone's Atheist wishes if it means them picking up sympathizers to the Un-American view.
This isn't a game to see who gets the most viewers. They have the Anti-Jew Islamists and Marxists to do that on the Main Media. Wise up and start convincing the people who wish to know the facts. They sure aren't getting all the facts from the Main Media and until YOU tell them, they aren't going to know.
Time's getting short folks!! Just sayin'.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
You can stop right now, because they are living so well on the welfare assistance cheques and gratuities they're receiving that they'll tell you they aren't really looking for work.
In a recent random interview with black unemployed people in Harlem New York by Fox News' roving reporter Jesse Watters asked people standing on the streets, why they weren't working? Since the unemployment figure hangs at over 30%, you would think they'd be anxious to, wouldn't you? But they aren't. Why? Because they told him they were satisfied with the way they get by on the money they receive from the gov't every month. They explained it was simply this; the jobs that were offered them didn't pay any more than what they were already getting by not working.
Theses people are living in a welfare environment that allows them to be content with never working again unless they can go back to the jobs they once had at a much higher rate of pay. The fact is, those jobs are now in other parts of the world due to the World Trade Organization coming to an agreement with each other, including the United States, permitting outsourcing of those same jobs for a much cheaper rate of pay in Third world countries, without imposing regulatory tariffs to compensate the people within our own country for the loss.
Those jobs are now gone forever, Folks!!
Even the bill collectors calling us for overdue payments and debts brought on by the WTO actions are from other countries asking what we intend to do about our overdue bills!!
Just what do YOU think can be done about it? Should you be feeling sorry for anyone who doesn't wish to go back to work because a President of their color is paying them enough money not to?
They're obviously happy with their situation because according to the lastest polls, 95% of their population is stating they're going to vote for him again. Make sense to you? Just sayin'.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
The intended changes in our U.S. Republic that I have been warning everyone about in recent times are so ill-intended and bizarre that I myself sometimes wonder if I'm in the midst of a bad dream. So bizarre that it's difficult to accept them as reality.
But when I research deeper, and as the plot thickens, the more realistic it becomes when I realize Obama, George Soros and the "Well Oiled Regime" are for real and are doing their darndest to keep it hidden from the Public eye, at least until they gain firm enough control to the extent we Constitution loving Americans can do nothing to change it back. As the election gets nearer, and the more their fear of losing present control rises, the more desperate they become. They have in mind such an extreme change in store for our nation, that they are depending on the extremity of it all to be unbelievable to the average voter's ear. They took control of the total Congress in 2008 along with the Presidency going to Barack Obama. In fact, even surprising themselves with the realization they could finally fulfill their lifelong dream of bringing the great nation of the United States down and into line with the European Union. It explains why they alone pushed on forcefully behind closed doors to the rest of Congress, (the Republicans), and forged out a package of changes so immense that they knew no one could possibly absorb the 27,000 pages of documents they amassed in changes in such a short length of time. You can bet there's something personally financial in it for them. To their unpleasant surprise, the American voters realized what they had done and in 2010, elected at least enough Republicans to the house to bring a lot of these plans to a stalemate. Thank God for that.
Needless to say, AARP, a major Democratic contributor, has sold billions of dollars in policies to the unsuspecting private insurance buyers on the dependency of ObamaCare being passed. There's tremendous financial gain it for them.
Can you imagine the pandemonium it would have caused if the Supreme Court had not allowed it to pass? With AARP having to refund all that money?
The Marxists and the Obama/Soros Regime, have total dedication to the Marxist cause and are not beyond doing whatever it takes to accomplish their dream. They believe in a Godless World if they can make it happen. Boy, are they ever trying!!
I mean, to the point of no return as they would wish it so. They have actually constructed such an extreme change, that they, as Atheists, and having no reason to fear moral reprisal, are now desperate enough to say anything twistedly true or false and when faced with it, are planning on the average Joe to disbelieve the Surreality of it all. They're counting on us not believing it. "Nonsense", they hope we'll say, and still re-elect them anyway. They're relying on political ignorance and tremendous fraudulent vote casting to get them in as well.
Why do you think they are so bent on allowing illegals to walk in to any polling booth, declare they are legal citizens without proper I.D. and cast a vote. This also explains why they are currently giving them everything free including tremendous tax returns to illegals who have quite often never paid a penny in taxes to begin with. All they need to do is apply through legal tax return Agencies and they get it. You can check it out yourself if you ask your Congressman. They'll start with, "Let me just say this."
If ever there was a need for all Judeo, Christian believers to gather together in unity against these Atheist minded thugs, it is now, setting all differences aside in the need for united strength.
They aren't counting on us doing that because they don't really think we have the moxy it takes to do it. I write this because I feel the need for it to be said, and for the few short years I have left to voice it, I'm damn well saying it.
We need to bring Obama to his knees. No pun intended! Just sayin'.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Facts that Obama's people wish you didn't hear.
How, in the Gov't sponsored "Green Energy" industry,working Americans have ineffectively handed millions of taxpayer bucks in salaries and bonuses to top executives even though they knew they were heading for bankruptcy. They walked with tens of millions!
COMING OUT OF YOUR WALLET IN 2013 (After the Nov. election)
Tax-mageddon. If the Congress doesn't act against it, brace yourself for the biggest yearly tax increase in the history of the world. Obama wants to be re-elected before it goes into effect. It's his idea.
Obama is using the budget process to undercut immigration enforcement and Border Security. It accounts for the millions of illegal immigrants he has encouraged to enter since he got into office.
Remember when Obama promised that, under ObamaCare, You would be able to keep your preferred doctor? Not so for millions of Americans. A recent survey of Phyicians and Surgeons reveals that 43% are considering retirement in the next 5 years because of negative changes in their profession due to the enactment of ObamaCare. The poorer you are, the older you are, the farther apart the stiches are going to get, if in fact they okay any at all! Well, okay. just thought I'd add a little "Grim Reaper" humor there. I mean, look at him. He thinks everything's funny, doesn't he?
Military Chaplains are ordered to suppress religious beliefs and references in the repeal of the "Don't ask, don't tell" doctrine in the military. Chaplains feel their rights are restricted severely.
Obama is so positive he's going to get back in that he is now not afraid to express his Atheistic beliefs. Just another day and another lie is born.
How mineral and coal permits are being refused for "Green Earth" reasons that are so essential to industry for the production of goods here in the U.S. while China is being allowed to pollute the air that comes our way west from across the Pacific. And people are wondering where these recent sicknesses are coming from. It also accomplishes China's wish to keep us dependent on foreign and Chinese products. Ever wonder why there's no work here?
Obama doesn't give a damn if there's no work here! At this moment he's revealing his future plans for this country. He calls it a different direction. It's a different direction, alright.
That is why there is no work here!!
Socialists on the left are now claiming that "Political Correctness" on the american campuses are a figment of our imagination and laugh when the subject is raised. But a recent national survey showed that Socialist professors outnumber Republican professors in economics 3 to 1, in sociology 28 to 1 and in anthropology 30 to 1. What more can I tell you?
The Socialists in Barack Obama's camp are anti-God and if you do the research on the people he has surrounded himself with, you'll see they all are, or have been, in the Chicago area for a significant period of time, and have all adopted the "Midwest Academy" style of Marxism that's being touted by Obama's associates and peers.
Just sayin'.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Surely to goodness the average voter who normally doesn't catch on to this ploy in a normal election, sees plainly what these people are doing. They're lying through there teeth on a daily basis, quoting the same erroneous figures and then settling back to put on that smile as if to say, "I know something you don't!" When in fact they don't, but it must work, because they've all been trained to do it.
They all behave the exact same way. Then when the interviewer or host responds with facts that totally contradict the mis-truths, they break out in that infamous Socialist smile again and over-talk (filibuster) the opposition, interrupting the other person's allotted time to speak their piece.
If you pay particular attention, they never answer a question with a yes or no. When it's a controversial or contradicting question, they always try to side step it with filibustering once again.
They simply won't allow themselves to be brought to the truth or admit they are wrong.
Doesn't that indicate to you as a viewer that they're not being honest when it comes to the good old truth? Of course it does!! So think about this; Why on earth would you want a politician to represent your pocketbook, even if he or she only lies once a week?
I can tell you this. It's the first sign of an Atheist. They have no fear of a higher power and because they don't, they have no limits in what they will do to get your vote.
So have a good hard look at the once proud Democratic Party. It is proud no more. It is now referred to by them as the "Progressive" Party. In fact it is now misled by a well organized group of Atheists operating under the disguise of normal people. They are far from normal. The only people who are considered to be normal are the innocent voters who believe their rhetoric and they (the politicians) are assuming they have your vote because you think they're going to do something special for you.
Bull twitty, folks. They are a bunch of self serving, power hungry narcissists who really don't give a damn about your personal affairs.
Don't for one minute forget whose money they intend to operate on. Yours!! They'll use your money and throw you under the bus when you are of no use to them anymore.
A man that is never mentioned who leads this group is Atheist Billionaire George Soros. According to a study and report on this man by CBS' Steve Kroft, it reveals a truly deceptive, evil man with enough money stolen from previous third world countries to now be a billionaire worth in excess of 15 billion dollars. He controls President Obama's every move.
Who really is Obama? Why is the Main Media selective in what you know about this man? It's because George Soros wishes it that way. Obama is merely a puppet who was fortunate enough to agree with Soros' Atheist philosophy and has the gift of gab to further it's cause. Forget about Obama being a "converted" Christian or even a Muslim. His promotion of Islam is simply a facade to lead the world into totalitarianism. They gathered together with all the famous or infamous Atheists of the world to form an evil, formidable group that is banded together to this day.
They are the "Well Oiled Machine" behind Barack Obama and the reconstructed Progressive party with a Marxist, Socialist agenda. Forget National Independence, forget personal freedom and say hello to the "New World Order". They know if they take control of the United States of America, they will have total control of the world. Think this is just a far fetched theory? All I can say is, you're taking one hell of a chance in thinking you'll vote for this guy just in case he is honest about your future.
Maybe you think Obama's singing in a girly type voice and doing his Michael Jackson shuffle dance in celebration of his big win concerning the decision by the Supreme Court on Obamacare is the mentality that's needed to run this country, but I don't!
To go further concerning the little known George Soros, I intend to present more reliable information on him as gathered from other sources including CBS' Steve Kroft and other bloggers who have done extensive research on these men.
George Soros was born Gyrgy Schwartz to his father Tivadar, a non practicing Jew on August 12th, 1930 in Hungary. The Schwartze's changed their name to Soros in order to facilitate assimilation into the Gentile population to avoid detection as Jews.
When Hitler's henchman Adolph Eichman arrived in Hungary to oversea the murder of that country's Jews, George Soros ended up with a man who's job was confiscating property from the Jewish population. Soros accompanied him on his rounds. Soros has repeatedly called 1944 "The best years of his life!"
70% of Soro's fellow Jews in Hungary, nearly a half million human beings, were annihilated in that year, yet Soros gives no sign that this put any damper on his elation, either at the time or indeed in retrospect. In his interview with Steve Kroft, he said ultimately in looking back that it gave him a feeling of absolute power.
After WW2, Soros attended the London School of Economics, where he fell under the thrall of Atheist Hungarian Karl Popper, one of his mentor professors.
Two of Popper's most influential teachings concerned "The Open Society" and Fallibilism. It is the philosophical doctrine that is associated with the Agnostics. "The Open Society" basically refers to a test approach to Social Engineering.
Since the 2nd World War,most of the Western Democracies who have followed Popper's advice has gotten them into deep, financial messes, from which George Soros profited at the expense of the investors.
George Soros moved to New York City in 1956, where he continued to amass his financial fortune.
He continues to wield tremendous power over the so-called Marxist "Progressive Party".
Beware of this greedy man and his power over Atheist Barack Obama. Just sayin'.
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