Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Does it make sense to you? While destroying any desire to maintain a Democracy here in the United States, and being in the midst of his perpetual campaigning, he has been so totally wrapped up in raising money to buy the next election, he never takes the time to focus on the saving of the American Way. The fact is, he totally doesn't want to.
Why?? Because he couldn't devise a true plan to revive this Country to it's original Constitutional success and still be able to achieve his goal.
It's clear by now to most anyone with sense at all, his intent of destroying American Values for him and the Regime's own personal gain of moving on to be a part of a world Leading Organization instead., far over-trumps any thought of being loyal to the American people.
He's there for the sole purpose of bringing America Industrially and financially to it's knees. They no longer can conceal their true intentions and in fact, are flaunting them.
If you don't think the Radical Left Wingers aren't totally in tune with his intentions, guess again! Because they think there's something important in it for them as well.
He has led the Dummies to believe it.
For Obama, it's all or nothing right now, and it's extremely important that the next two general elections will be going his way. If not, his Worldly plans are going down the toilet for the next hundred years or so, and he's not gonna' live anywhere near that long.
Why is he pretending to punish Russia through silly sanctions that don't work? He's hoping to waylay any doubts as to his ability to be a sincere Leader of Democracy. At least that is what he is wanting his followers he has left to think. He knows, and John Kerry knows, that they are virtually powerless in stopping President Putin from overwhelming and keeping his spoils of war for himself when the World Trade Organization, the U.N., The European Union and The Trilateral Commission converge on the rest of the World as one "New World Order".
Putin is gathering his flock as an Independent portion of that plan when it takes place.
The probability is, that Obama was so attached to Putin in sharing the same Communist philosophy together anyway, he spilled the beans a little too much, too soon, and Putin is now separating himself from Obama's plan of being the President of the New World Order and becoming superior over him.
If Obama is sincere at all about trying to put a stop to Putin's zealous advances right now, it's only because he himself will have less power over Putin, should his dream of being the World Leader take place.
Until something else happens that adds to the confusion created by the Obama Administration already, that's the way I see it, anyway.
Know what I mean, Vern?? Just sayin'.
Monday, July 28, 2014
If one Israeli gets killed by Hamas missiles fired into Israel, Israel must kill 250 Muslims to keep the Percentage score average even.
Now, since Hamas began firing on Israel without prior provocation by Israel, I think Israel should be given the self-defense edge by really killing 300. Why? Because they didn't start this fight. Hamas did!
That's reasonable, in a case where the offended needs to do whatever it takes to defend itself and not lose, don't you think?
So what's the problem????
I don't know what the information is that you're getting, to think that this particular war needs "compromising", but there shouldn't be any question who the aggressor is. It's the Muslims, and their message is clear. They've stated it many times over the decades.
Don't forget; Obama has gotten so ridiculously far with the destruction of the American Way by never compromising when he would have to concede something. He only asks for compromise when he can gain something!
By following this self made rule, he has nothing to lose, but everything to gain.
God never compromises with the Devil. Why should Israel?
When Obama states; "The Congress won't sit down and compromise with me, and that's why I can't get anything done!", it's because he knows that compromising by the Congress on issues that would pull us further away from the Constitution and closer to his goal of totalitarianism, would be his gain.
Know what I mean, Vern??
I'll venture to ask this; Could you please tell me what we could compromise with the Radical Muslims that would be good on our behalf right now? I'll also venture to ask, "Since when did we abandon defending the hopes of freedom for any Democratic Country just to benefit a bunch of radical killers with a religious agenda so primitive it has been totally isolated from modern living for thousands of years, and isn't about to change?"
Another question; "Why is Obama so intent on focusing on the Russian/Ukraine conflict that really doesn't directly affect anything in the United States but seems to be thumbing his nose at one of our most important Democracies such as Israel being attacked by the most dangerous killing machines on the face of the earth right now??
Any answers?? Just sayin'.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Through all ages of life, including 'til now,
The laws put before us our leaders allowed
The rules and precautions we choose to abide
Judeo and Christian to use as our guide
With all of those laws they gave us back then,
They never considered the devilish men
Who would take advantage with devious intent
To mis-read the meanings of what they all meant.
They slyly deceived us while leading us on
And little we knew then, the plans being drawn
Our Good Constitution would soon be abused
By Devil's Disciples and plots they would use.
But don't be mistaken, Cause America's tough.
When people awaken to say that's enough!
And they will by Golly, the truth will be rockin'.
And it surely does when justice comes knockin'!
With hearts on our sleeves and nothing to hide,
We'll all let our conscience, today be our guide
We know in our hearts, the right thing to do
When penance get's given. We'll sleep better too.
George McNaughton2
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
To me; Barack Obama became President of the United States in reality in Nov. 2008. To him, he became President of "The New World Order" in his own Ideological dream. A dream that has solidly been implanted in his mind ever since. But worse than that, we knew little that his dream was driven by the odd-ball Ideologues that propelled him to think he actually was the Champion of the Universe. (Keep in mind, even after all the misgivings it has caused, they're all still hoping to achieve the same Communistic Ideal.)
If you reflect back on his behavior right from the beginning, he imagined himself to be not only the most powerful man in the world, but the the smartest man in the World as well. He immediately began arranging his Regime in a manner where he was so important, he needn't be bothered with the chore of managing the internal affairs of this Country, so he speedily appointed a friend and Confidant who had been born and partially raised in Iran, a country that did and still does despise everything the United States of America stood and stands for. (I don't think I need to go into the fact that Iran has totally detested everything about us, that they are in the final stages of developing a nuclear capability that could destroy us and any Allies that stand with us. Namely, Israel!)
The name of the lady he appointed to that post is Valerie Bowman Jarrett. A woman intimately involved with his wife and himself since long before his realization he would become President.
Valerie was born in Iran of African American parents who, dis-satisfied with the American way, (much the same way Barack's White American Grandparents were) moved to live away from this nation they had disdain for, and were more comfortable with their profession as Doctors to practice in Iran's hospital system.
Speaking fluent Persian, she was perfect for the purpose of being a Liasson in communicating personally and privately with the Iranian Leaders on Barack's behalf.
(Wondering how Iran suddenly sped up it's technology in developing a Nuclear system? Me too!)
So immediately upon hiring Valerie as his personal and Chief Advisor on Domestic Affairs, the White house was declared off-limits to absolutely everyone, no exceptions, unless first questioned and then possibly permitted to speak to the President or the First Lady, with whom she had been personal friends before meeting Michelle's fiance, Barack Obama.
As Edward Klein pointed out in his book, "The Amateur", The Obama White House became immediately on lock-down to anyone who wasn't a supporter financially of Barack in the first Election.
Even some of his stauncher Supporters such as Oprah Winfrey were waylaid when they tried to access Barack.
I have long suspected the order to "stand down" during the "Benghazi murders" was orchestrated by her when Obama "Couldn't be found".
What were the things the notorious trio all had in common? The City of Chicago politics whom Valerie and Michelle worked for prior to either of them meeting Barack. (Michelle worked as an underling to Valerie) They all believed in the Leftist Harvard philosophy, at which school Barack supposedly had attended but was never confirmed as an attendee but only as a Lecturer, and all schooled in the Chicago, thuggery way of doing business, starting with the Mayor of Chicago, Harold Washington.
Why do I emphatically point this out? Because there is a conspiratorial connection between the time Barack came on the political scene and all his political, un-Constitutional behavior right from the start of his Presidency.
Barack then appointed his Administration from friends he had became acquainted with in the Chicago area, and who also felt the same contempt for America and it's Constitutional system as he did. I dare say virtually every member, including avowed, openly declared Communist, Van Jones and others had an affinity for, and an association with, the "Muslim Brotherhood" who also has members in "Al Qaida". (In fact, "Al Qaida" IS a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.)
Obama was so overly-confident in his quest to be the Leader of the whole World and not just the Presidency of the United States, he thought he could leave that lowly position for Valerie and Michelle to take care of while he flew around the World keeping tabs on his idealistic pet dream; The leader of the World, answering only to the Trilateral Commission made up of International Billionaires, most of whom have no loyalties to this Country whatsoever. Their sole interest is our natural resources.
That's their ONLY concern,; being in control of all our Natural Resources which the rest of the World so badly needs.
So think about it! From the very beginning, Barack has appointed all his Administration to care for the affairs of this Beautiful America while he traipses around the Globe acting and playing the role of the Leader of World affairs. Exactly as he's doing right now!
I want to get sick when I see and hear him talking in his Dictatorial way about other problems in the World and, thinking in his mind that he 'must' do it in a manner that he does, in order to control the Planet. Yet as the president of our Nation he is the greatest, most embarrassing failure the modern earth has ever experienced.
It has become glaringly apparent he doesn't give a sweet damn about what happens to the American way of life and America itself, except for what he can offer from us to the rest of the World in technology, in military knowledge and Tact, natural resources,(which he has so cherished for use of others that he restricts our access to them by way of vetoes, restrictions and if need be, illegal Executive Orders.
He wants nothing to do with our internal problems, and through his various Dictatorial Agencies, he has impeded every advance America attempts to make from the time he became President and Puppet to the Billionaires of the Globe.
The way he looks at it, is the same way any total Atheist Narcissist would; He wants what lies in his futuristic ideological dream for him, and the Billionaires can help themselves to the rest.
The problem for the rest of us lies in his demented determination in accomplishing his goal regardless of the cost to the American Way and our So successful, valued God-based Constitution.
Have you not noticed how he, as the Commander-in-Chief, has left every decision or problem up to his Administration to make or solve, not caring that he was elected to lead them in the first place? An irresponsible, inadequate group of Homosexuals and Bisexuals heavily recruited among them, despite who became the way they are from making bad decisions in the first place? Are you kidding me???
Every time there's any kind of serious crisis that directly affects the affairs of our nation, he boards Air Force One and heads over to the other Countries, United Nation members, Russia, (With whom he has been obscenely chummy with from the start of his first term) the European Union and the Trilateral Commission to discuss affairs that are of less concern to the American people than our problems here.
He's a puppet for the Puppeteers who wish to take this Country down, the way I see it. Before it's manifests itself any further, you readers of this blog would be wise to see it the same way.
We have a mad, greedy group of very rich people including Bill Gates and Warren Buffet along with George (Schwartz) Soros making their bid to help him make it happen.
There's no doubt to me that Vladimir Putin has realized what a nut we have for a President, and he's 'Gathering his former flock' of surrounding bloc of Soviet Nations in order that he escape the noose of the "Trilateral Commission" and the "New World Order" when it actually happens.
He can be compatible with them since he's a former KGB Communist Operative and because the aim of the "Trilateral Commission" is a future Communist World anyway, he would be a partner rather than a member under somebody else's direction.
Obama already knows all this, and his feeble attempts to bring peace to an impossible problem is only to make it look like he is a peace-maker.
Don't be taken in by his lying, deceitful rhetoric.
His financing of the border Crisis is a last ditch attempt at saving the next election for another Communist Presidential Puppet that will answer to him if he wins and operates from a higher level.
There's not much doubt in my mind now, as to knowing what the end result will be to all of this.
It's going to be sad to say the least, particularly with the minorities when the financial correction will in reality, need to be made and hits home with the announcement there will be drastic cut-backs in all the benefits and free-bees they are currently receiving. (That's inevitable no matter who takes control of Gov't in the coming elections, because what they have already done is over-spent to the point of National Bankruptcy if they don't change the course of spending.)
Worst of all though, is the tremendous let-down of the truly innocent African-American people who believed in him and his now-broken promises of Eutopia they were deceptively counting on.
It's going to be tough to swallow when they finally realize that everything he's promised in the past was not for their purpose, but for his alone. Even the Supreme Court, as Progressively over-weighted as it is, know they cannot rule in his favor or suffer tremendous changes in the Judicial system in order that they don't repeat the awkward decisions they've been making, or lose their valued positions.
As wacky as he is, he'll probably kill to get his way by use of Executive Order and Military Power. Even to the point of declaring Martial Law.
Just sayin'.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
For whatever reason, none of which have any proof or foundation whatsoever, that George W. Bush had anything to do with the Terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers.
It's sickening to hear anybody coming up with a theory that was started by a radical far left Radio show host, that had absolutely no proof or reports from any other sources, that George Bush or anyone else in his Administration inspired, conspired, or was involved in any manner that led to the attack.
It was simply a suggestion put out there by an un-American Atheist homosexual that had no other reason but to tarnish the record of an otherwise good President.
There are a lot of Sheeple out there who never follow or hear the whole news for one reason or another. Be it because FOX NEWS isn't reaching their ears and eyes, or they simply don't want to face the truth when it's everything but printed on their forehead.
Whatever it is, they're getting to sound more and more stupid every time they bring it up.
The fact is, they're misleading and doing more harm than good by insisting on saying such a brainless insinuation.
Try to pull your head out of your ass long enough to read this, please! Just sayin'.
Friday, July 18, 2014
The latest technology in nuclear power, the leaking of top secret information through the Dept of Energy, The most technically advanced war helicopter abandoned in Pakistan during the Osama Bin Laden killing, the latest technology loaded Drone that mysteriously was hijacked to land safely in the hands of the Muslim World with the use of top secret know-how that only the Pentagon had knowledge of. (How did they obtain all this?)
The rapid advancement in the last 5 years of every Country in the World that has always hated our Great Military and American way.
Iran on the thresh-hold of developing a Nuclear bomb. Russia using the latest in war technology in it's invasion of the Democratic Ukraine.
All of this knowledge obtained by our enemies that Obama lovingly befriended when he first took office, and ever since Barack became President and appointed an Iranian born Valerie Bowman Jarrett as his White House Chief Advisor on the day he was first elected.
The Justice Dept.'s Eric Holder and his lieutenants being caught red-handed in a gun running scandal involving the rivaling Mexican Drug Cartels. The investigation is ongoing.
The National Security Agency Caught spying on the American public, particularly the opposition Parties. (Peeking in on their private lives)
The IRS targeting of the Tea Party and Republican Congressmen.
The horrendous VA scandal.
The announcement by Barack that Al Qaida was dead, all the while with him secretly supplying them with Military weapons all around the World. (And still is!)
The murderous "Benghazi" murders involving Hillary Clinton and Barack himself lying through their teeth about it. (Investigation ongoing.)
The list goes on. Are you still thinking this Chicago trained Crook is innocent??
Are you really that Naive, Obama adorers?? Are you kidding me??? Just sayin'.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Barack Obama has already made his big step up to being the Leader of the New World Order. In his own mind, he's thinking he's already there! That's why he's behaving the way he has for a longer while now.
Haven't you noticed he doesn't talk to just America anymore, but his addresses are for the benefit of the whole wide World. It explains a lot of his actions lately.
His real mission in his mind, is to be the President of the New World Order, and he's not going to let anyone stop him, "Come Hell or High Water". It doesn't matter to him that he's simply a failed President and nothing more.
He actually thinks he's over the hump as far as defeating the Greatest Country in the world and he's moving on!
He's totally ignoring the trials and tribulations out there that have been created by him in the first place. Loaded for bear, he's got his loyal Servers out there, such as the Secretary of State John Kerry, meeting with Worldly figures such as the "Trilateral Commission" in Europe.
Can you imagine the second biggest B.S.'er out there trying to solve the unrest in other parts of the World when they can't even take care of our problems here? Are they kidding us??
The whole Administration is still solidly in tune with this spooky nut and as much as they're being brought to task with actual facts, all of us in the know, are realizing they're running out of places to hide, They simply have no alternative but to continue lying about everything in the hopes they somehow can weasel their way out of this mess they themselves have created.
So what are they doing in their death throws? They're letting all the stock out of the barn and all of the wolves come in. They're purposely letting the patriotic people in this Country become disarmed and defenseless with the hopes of delivering the final blow from the International Billionaires, the European Union and the United Nations who created the "Trilateral Commission" that is no longer a dream, but a reality
. "The New World Order" is chomping at the bit to impose Dictatorship with Barack Obama and his Regime running it under the the Billionaires control by way of the "Trilateral Commission". That is, unless we stop them. Just sayin'.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Yup!! It sure has! Going there for information on yourself and/or your wife if you're old and White, is an experience that's anything but enjoyable.
The second you walk in the building, you're confronted by a Security Guard who stares you down with a "Who the hell are you?" look on his/her face, but silently doesn't ask. It's just a stare. It's a look that changes to a "You're on your own Jack" expression, as you pause to wonder what your next move should be. The silence is deafening, even though the place is packed with people staring up at something on the wall.
Oh yeah!, you finally spot the ticket machine that grills you for everything except to see your upper false teeth including your Social Security number. you cautiously enter it and finally, out pops a tickity-tick-tick number. Believe me, as you look around for a seat in the crowded room full of people, you realize there are only two other people in the whole crowd of 18 that are your age, and also the only two who aren't minority. I understood that probably most were there to apply for Social Security numbers, and that's okay with me considering the alternative Barack Obama is so flagrantly and un-Constitutionally offering by way of illegal Executive Orders.
But as abrupt as the Minority lady behind the desk was, as I attempted to explain I needed not only my information but also my invalid wife's, I was taken by surprised by her cockiness in retorting she couldn't give me my wife's. This even after she talked to her on the phone and verified her SSI #
My main contention is though, no matter how polite and nice I was, She was not! She was down-right curt and she really seemed to behave as though she could hardly wait to call the next number. That's when I realized that she felt she had no need to be courteous. That's when I got the message, just the way Barack Obama sends his messages to the White People of this Country;
We're all "Just another number", And he really doesn't have the time!
Along with the ill-begotten "Tenureship" that should never have been allowed for any Gov't worker, it appears the "Obama" attitude is taking hold. Because they have no fear of being disciplined or fired, they're taking the liberty to be as snotty as they please.
The International Billionaires and the International Unions can share the blame on this, and it's time to turn things around with whatever it takes.
The tail has wagged the dog far too long, don't you think?? Just sayin'.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
All the while, they're committing direct offenses right before our very eyes, no mistaking it and anybody who has read the rules laid out by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, knows it!!
Fox News doesn't beat around the bush in pointing it out and I as an ardent listener, agree with their points.
Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, and most of the Conservative Critics recognize it for what it is, and say it, but a lot of our Conservative Representatives seem to be gun-shy about how they object to the Progressive's blatant infractions.Yet again and again, I see and hear Republican Representatives "Walking on eggs" very carefully with what they say such as "mistakenly", "inadvertently", "unfortunately" and other 'soft' words when referring to someone in the "Communist minded" Left who makes an outright false statement and smiles sardonically after they say it.
Say it like it is!! It's A LIE!!
I don't know about everyone else, but I believe in returning the message the way I receive it.
Right from the start, the Obama supporting bunch has been throwing the first punch, meaning exactly what they say when they're on the offensive, not necessarily true of course, but knowing the truth is forthcoming coming from us about the crappy, illegal stuff they're actually doing! (They're fighting back first.)
They don't mince words! True or not. On the other hand, the Republicans, as right as they may be, still don't respond in kind. A GOOD OFFENSE MAKES A GOOD DEFENSE. Regardless of friendships or the like, They stay the dominating predators, and it works.
It's time we got tough back, my good friends. Mishandle them, talk to them with no nonsense disrespect, punch first and ask questions later just like they do. In this case where fighting fair loses you the fight, what good is it?
I'm not offering this advice in the sense of physically punching someone out, although there's p;enty of times maybe we should. But they're handling themselves in a "bullying" way that I'm suggesting we go on the offensive in the same manner. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, I say!
You'll have plenty of time to be fair after you win, but with that ornery lying bunch who doesn't understand the word 'Fair', why waste the time?
Trey Gowdy's my kind of fighter! Just follow his lead. Just sayin'.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
How do we come to that conclusion? Read this; In 1865, it was a Leftist Democrat who shot and killed Abraham Lincoln.
In 1881, a Left wing Democrat shot President James Garfield, who later died from the wound.
In 1963, a Left wing Radical Socialist shot and killed President John F. Kennedy.
In 1975, a Lft wing Radical Democrat fired shots at President Gerald Ford.
In 1983, a Registered Democrat shot and wounded President Ronald Reagan.
In 1984, James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonald's Restaurant.
In 1986, Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma Post Office.
In 1990, James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.
In 1991, George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Tx.
In 1995, James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 Co-workers in a Texas Laboratory.
In 1999, Larry Asbrok, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a Church service.
In 2001, a Left-wing Radical Democrat, fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill President George W. Bush.
In 2003, Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed/Martin plant.
In 2007, a registered Democrat Seung -Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.
In 2010, a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Representative Gabriel Gifford and killed 6 others.
In 2011, A registered Democrat, named James Holmes, went into a moivie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012, a disgruntled Democrat, Andrew Engledinger, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
In 2013, a registered Democrat, named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people in a school in Newtown Connecticut.
In Sept. 2013, An angry Democrat shot 12 at a Naval Shipyard.
None of these were NRA members, Tea Party members, or Republican Conservatives. or were involved in any of these murders.
It's no surprise that all the gun-toting Nuts are within the "Progressive" Communist movement.
How about the lead Nut being in charge of our Military?? Thought anything about that??
Know what I mean, Vern?? Just sayin'.
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