Thursday, January 29, 2015
I shudder to think it's going to stay that way for another agonizing 2 more years. I hate to think of what we can expect out of all this when the Obama nightmare ends!
The Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves, I'm sure. While Barack Obama tours the World in Air Force One making further arrangements for his future in running the World, getting consultation from every Nation we don't consider friends. His Administration is helter skelter trying to cover up his true motives to mislead the North American people.
The lying and diversions from the truth are out of control completely, as the new Congress attempts to bring it back on to the road to common sense. That's going to take some time!
Knowing their reign of terror is unraveling, I believe they will now start looking for places to hide from the new Gov't and the wrath they have coming.
Having operated on the principle of total confusion in order to get their way from the time they wrenched power away from the Normal thinking American people in 2008, that ploy has now come back to haunt them, and deservedly so!
The huge job of Nation building will finally begin. "Mammoth' would be a better word.
Their own policy of 'Divide and conquer' worked for them, as it has over Centuries for other rogue Gov'ts for a while, but was doomed for failure when they weren't able to accomplish it speedily enough to keep it sealed for good.
Thank God this Country of Immigrants who won the War of Independence from Britain in 1776, is tough enough to recognize this Chicago Thuggery that's been taking place.
The thugs themselves, are now in entire disarray. It's sad it had to happen in the first place, but I firmly believe we will be brave and strong enough to recover from this International Billionaire plan to use Obama as their main weapon to destroy our way of life, as they choke on it's own poison gas.
But a word of extreme caution as they retreat back into the shadows and once again pretend to be regular Americans in order to escape our Constitutional pursuit; They are what they are, and will never, ever agree with our American way as they deviously wait to pursue the next chink in our Constitutional armor. They are the dirty side of our politics.
Keep every stinkin' one in mind as we thread our way back through the tunnel and to the light at the end. Just sayin".
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Because the President is just that; BOGUS!! He is so busy overstepping his Constitutional obligation since he and his 'Progressive" Party lied to the people and stole the federal election in 2008, he has been in total absentia by tending to other Countries' affairs where he hasn't taken the time to follow the rules of the Presidency!
As a result of his actions, the United States has been brought down into shambles and I don't believe he has any interest whatsoever in letting it do otherwise.
So now that the voters have managed to wrench away the whole Congress back into the hands of smarter people with more common sense, they realize that this Country has to move forward without the nonsense of fighting fruitlessly with the brain-dead Dodo.
Business must go on, with or without him or the Communist Regimes he's been hanging out with in between his games of golf.
Every move he makes from here on in, will be to brainwash the Sheeple with promises he doesn't intend to keep, just to pave the way for another deceitful successor to his throne down the road. A ploy he is continuing to use from his former Chicago days.
It's sickening to hear his future cellmates and him talk about what the Congress didn't get done in Obama's term, when they were the perpetrators such as the leader of the past Senate, Harry Reid, who wouldn't allow anything to get past him to the President's desk in the first place.
Now, it's past time to get things done while the President remains in the bathtub eating cereal with Beyoncé.
She's probably helping him in between swallowing food to devise his Robbin' "Hood" tax plan. Just sayin'.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Well......., Why wouldn't he do it when you consider his history as President? When you retrace his steps from the time he was hired, he has headed straight for every Country who has despised the United States and what we have stood for, through 2 and a half Centuries, to apologize to and criticize the actions and achievements we have made in the past at the expense of hundreds of thousands of American lives. Are those the actions of a proud American?
As Ronald Reagan once said, "We are the last bastion of Freedom on earth. When we lose that position, there will be no peaceful way of getting it back". (Or something similar to that.)
Now, when you look at the situation we are confronted with from the present Regime led by Barack Obama, he has done the exact opposite in every respect to every positive, realistic option our country has had, in order to recover itself from an economy that suffers from the largest mass exodus of productive employment to outside countries we have ever seen!
Right from the day he took office, he immediately appointed an Administration from people he had befriended from the time he landed in the United States circa the age of 23. (Don't drink the coolaid that he was raised in Hawaii, because he was not.) To the contrary! He was raised in his earlier years in Indonesia and at the age of 8, enrolled in a Muslim school. Indonesia being one of the most corrupt third world countries in the World.
When he landed here, he showed up in one of the most infamous, and corrupt cities in North America, Chicago, Illinois and immediately applied for foreign aid status from the Gov't. He received that aid and as I understand the process, had to have produced proof he was born in Kenya, South Africa.
But set that aside for now, because what he did next throughout his earlier years of being here was to befriend a whole list of Atheists from around the Chicago area. Atheist Van Jones, Atheist Bill Ayers, Iranian born Valerie Bowman Jarrett and Eric Holder. - all of which were infamous either upon his arrival in Chicago or after. Take your pick!
Upon arrival here earlier, he picked his career as a student of the U.S. Constitution, and having studied it thoroughly enough not to abide by it, but as it turns out, to criticize it and lecture on it in a manner to disregard it.
A habit that he has practiced ever since. In his Administration as I speak, he has appointed 3 members of "The Muslim Brotherhood" in critical top levels.
Now is there any wonder or surprise, that this man has been discovered recently to have been maintaining secret contact by telephone with the Reigious Leader of Iran? Are you still wondering why he doesn't want Congress to hamper his secret "negotiations" by putting stiffer sanctions against Iran who has proven time after time, they are openly an enemy of the United States.
Haven't you wondered at least, how Iran has made such rapid and successful progress in the Nuclear field and development of modern weapons such as drones and helicopters in the last six years? Really? Just sayin'.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
You only have to realize the flaw in Obama's Utopian vision for America; First of all, you don't have to be a genius to look back at the first six years of his time in office to understand everything he has done has failed.
Imagine the reality of it all for him to wake up one morning along with his Utopian Administration, to find they're at a complete dead end on the imagined road to Communism mixed in with a partnership with Islam. "The Trilateral Commission" in Europe along with a "New World Order".
So what does he want to do now? Well,..... in desperation to clear the debris being left behind by him and the Progressive's destructive, give-away failures, he has promised the future voting bloc in 2016 free everything! In fact he is so bitter about his true losses so far in bringing this Nation down to a 3rd world status, that he could then turn around and re-build from scratch in his own one World, one President way. He will just give it one more fatal blow; Promise everything FREE in the future that he won't be here to recompense for, or answer to. Bright thinking, don't you think?
Knowing there is a probable impossibility to achieve, and also an inevitable take-over of Gov't by the Republican Congress along with a Conservative President, he intends to quagmire a situation so bad, the Republican dominance will not be able to solve it in a single 4 year term! (Remember this; A lot of the World's International Billionaires who operate with Goods from America don't pay any major taxes to the U.S. anyway. Their headquarters are somewhere else but here. BP and G.E. come to mind)
He knows very well the money will not be there to achieve those goals in the future. So to justify the impending expense, he proposes a tax increase on the wealthiest few that will trickle down in turn to the American Middle Class, that they can then create a better living for themselves with. HAHA!
WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL THE "PRESS" THE 'MIDDLE CLASS' IS "THE TEA PARTY"? (Obama wouldn't give sweat from his brow to "The Middle Class!)
No matter! Whatever he intends to promise won't work and he knows it! It's all an attempt to build a façade that will implode after he leaves office with his pockets bulging and Michelle's oversized purse stuffed with salt and pepper shakers anyway!
Keep this in mind; The "Progressives" will never be taken down without taking everything and everybody else down with them! That's just the way their Party is built! Just sayin'.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
And Your's truly is no exception, believe me. But at the same time though, I resort to my other adult side and give myself the advice and direction I would probably give someone else.
Often times, it saves me the embarrassment of reacting to a situation prematurely.
Having said that, I have convictions and promises I make to myself that I stand rigidly by. Such as giving no ground to anyone who offends me and my character wrongly for the sake of winning a dispute. If they cross the line of disregard and disrespect, I see to it they never get the chance from me to repeat it again.
Some folks may think God is all forgiving, and I agree. However, for fear that those same offenders who misleadingly offend me, family included, I refuse to allow myself to be at their deceptive mercy ever again.
There's an old saying that suits me just fine; "Wrong me once, shame on you! Wrong me twice, Shame on me". I go by that! Because although there's some Child left that urges me to forgive, there's plenty of Adult who knows better than to forget! So I just chose not to have those offenders in my life, period.
There's no greater letdown to a person who thought he or she was special in others' lives, than to find they weren't, after all.
So I leave it up to God to do the forgiving, which I'm sure he will, but as long as the hurt and embarrassment dwells within me, I have comfort in the knowledge it will someday go away.
There will be peace down the road in knowing I truly tried and did my part in the past, regardless of how they feel through being victims of wrong information from someone else with a grudge who convinced them otherwise. The child within me will stop crying some day, I'm figuring on that!
Just sayin'.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
How any decent, modern day believer in God can think other humans can excuse themselves by thinking they can turn their heads away in honoring such a thing to promote a specific belief in their Devil's Representative is beyond me.
To see 5 men dressed in all-white Muslim garb, gather around a condemned woman who was screaming words in Islamic over and over again as they laid her down on her side in a public street ceremony in Saudi Arabia in broad daylight and murder her, was terrifying.
Just to see one of those heaps of garbage step around into position and with raised scimitar, slice her head off with one blow, sending her head squishing away 3 feet from her body was totally shocking and sickening.
Immediately, my thoughts went to the stunning fact that their 'moderate' Religion has been allowing their International Islamic Army of ISIS, to do this daily to thousands of innocent humans who resist Mohammed's radical teachings of Sharia Law. How bizarre is that??
How long are we going to wait before the World's populace comes to it's senses and does whatever it takes to stop these disciples of the Devil?? Just askin'.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
It was not an attack on freedom of Religion at all in this case. Keep in mind it was an attack on supposed 'Freedom of Speech'.
Like Bill Donahue, I feel with tongue in cheek that political correctness has been over-reaching Freedom of speech by using it to cover the vulgarity, filthy perversion and mis-use of the term.
The employees who were attacked in that office were the writers. cartoonists and Editors who were publishing their filthy satirical trash not only against the Catholics, Protestants, Jews, but most every other Christian Religion there is!
By so doing, they were extending an invitation to violence by any of the above, at the same time continuing to doing it in an obscene fashion that ''freedom of speech' shouldn't have been extended to cover these filthy pigs in the first place.
The Ten Commandments were intended to be in consideration throughout the construction of the U.S. Constitution and our American Way.
If France wants to take it's chances by ignoring those decent values in their way of life, they should know that by trying to mix prim and proper with a satire of perverted filth in the first place, will have dire consequences.
My statements are by no means intended to justify the Muslims and the murderous way they do things.
It's hypocritical of that magazine staff to think they can describe themselves any way they want and still hide behind the protection of Freedom of Speech!
It's Reminiscent of the actions and tactics the backers of the Progressive Party have insisted on using. Just sayin'.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Have you not yet realized the twisted mentality of Barack Obama's thinking yet? Do you realize why he's against the XL Pipeline? Well,..... let me give you my point of view, if I may?
If you've noticed lately, he has been talking in a worldly sense about everything he does! Why? Because he has already elevated himself, with the help of the European Union, the United Nations and the International Mineral and Oil companies of the World, to be the President of the "New World Order" (Don't let the International Technology Companies off the hook either.) In his mind, he considers himself 'Untouchable'. and behaves that way.
Now, in case you don't already know this, there is actually a serious "Trilateral commission" established by those same people in Europe that, due to their own greedy desires for power over this 'getting smaller Globe' would like to obtain, grab or commandeer all of the natural resources of the World under one Supreme command. "The New World Order"
But there are countries in the modern portion of the Earth that are Independent and still believe in being "Governments of the People, by the People and For the People" and who like to think we are all a part of the ownership of our own destinies, freedom and last but not least, Natural resources such as Coal, Natural gas and Oil. They are the fuels we depend on for the successful operation of our Independent being. Our major source of income.
Well guess what?.......Those same gluttons for power and control by means of wealth, are in the midst of their final push to see to it that the ownership and control of those valuable, beautiful items we have so far independently enjoyed, will no longer be in our possession but in theirs!! So how have they gone about doing this?
First of all, there is the age old method of handling people that has worked successfully over the Ages, referred to as "Divide and Conquer'. So how would they do that?
Let's go back to the founding of this beautiful country which was built on the sweat, blood and tears of all the Immigrants who first came here and are still doing so in order to give themselves a better taste of freedom and enrichment. Away from the European, Asian, India and Muslim dominated way of life.
But mostly because of what our Founding Fathers labored to give us; The Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. Never had any Country in the World ever progressed as fast as this one because of it. Our basic freedoms wholly depend on it and has done so for two and a half Centuries.
As Immigrants all, with our Christian, Protestant and Judeo beliefs to guide us side by side with the strength it has given us, it has kept us glued together peacefully in unison for all that time.
You don't have to be a genius to see what they're attempting to do to us with the help of Barack Hussein Obama. Piece by piece they're dismantling our 'American Way' under our very noses. The war against the Ten Commandments and the religions that follow them.
Sadly enough, modern technology and cheaper labor somewhere else in the world other than here, has taken over our productive capabilities, and leaving only the lower paying Service types jobs for us people here. Hence the creation of the once productive "Tea Party".
The Devil's in the details and Barack Hussein Obama and the members of the "Progressive" Party are under his direction. Wake up, Sheeple! Just sayin'.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
As a retired U.S. General was said to have remarked; "I wonder who dislikes us the most? The ones where we kicked their asses, or the ones where we saved them?" It seems to me France fits right into that category!
Although they do have a semblance of Liberty in their bones, they seemed to always have a resentment rather than a thank you in their mannerisms toward our great Country and our American way. Their feelings are similar to the 'nose in the air' British Monarchy who have never really gotten over the bruising they took from us in the War of Independence.
You might also take into account the similarities on the Left right here in this Country as well.
As I write, we are only now getting over the mistreatment of an abusive Gov't that, in six years, has done it's utmost to take down the traditional way of life we always referred to as, "The American Way".
I think most of you would agree that, if we were to take a serious glance at who our friends really are, it is Canada and Australia! In fact as a duel citizen myself, I remember the historic visit by French President Charles De Gaulle visiting the French language-dominated Province of Quebec, Canada and hollering over the microphone; "Viva Le France", sparking an already resentful Province into wanting to join the Country of France and abandoning the Country of Canada to which it rightfully belongs.
In so doing, he never once thanked the Canadian and American people for saving their Parisian butts in World War 2.
To this day, there is a stubborn element of people in Quebec wanting to become a Separatist State!
With the exception of an aged group of people who joined the French Resistance during that period, no one else there in France really gives a damn about how they were helped at the cost of North American and Australian lives.
Similar to that, we here in the United States have a size-able element of selfish people such as the overpaid Hollywood and New York acting profession who, after glutting themselves with all the money they need, seem to enjoy vacationing in the bright lights of Paris and sharing the same attitude towards other Americans as France does.
Our President who is still insisting that Islam is good, must have heard that from another planet other than this one. Well,... a new chapter of 21st Century terrorism has just been written in the 'forward' of the new book of terrorism by striking fear into the World with their terrorist acts and the latest one in France and the execution of 12 people. In Arabic they screamed "Allah is Great" while they performed their murderous acts.
Maybe now, the rest of the World can pull their heads out of their 'you know what's' and recognize Terrorism by the "Muslim Brotherhood" for what it really is. ISIS is a member. It's global!
By the way, you might want to know that there are 3 members of the "Muslim Brotherhood" working in key positions in the Obama Administration. It's simply a matter of record! Just sayin'.
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