Sunday, November 29, 2015
They don't want anybody's Religion that doesn't agree with their particular Islamic beliefs, that's why!! Secretly, they're all happier than hell that the 'Refugees' are being purged from the Arab Countries.
Also, be it the Refugees are Christian or Muslim, these oil rich countries simply do not need them for any productive reasons they have to make money, because their riches come from oil production, and there's already plenty of that!
The Refugees don't want to be there any more than they're wanted there! The oil-rich Arabs taking them in would simply mean more mouths to feed and share the wealth with. The Palestinian Crisis has been going on for thousands of years and there's no cure for them, either.
Don't be so stupid not to think that Barack Obama isn't a part of that idea. He himself, has no intention of living on in this Country now that he's shared the wealth with as many of his friends that he could, during the time he's been in office here. He's more than happy to look at America and the rest of the Civilized World as 'dumping grounds' for the Arab Countries unwanted people.
See it for what it is, and don't let his "Show of compassion" for the "poor" fool you! I see the man as being a total Narcissist, drunk on power and out of his mind on a bigger power grab on behalf of the rest of the Third World alongside Vladimir Putin. The only differences they ever have, is who's gonna' get what, first!
The International Billionaires of the World including the oil rich Arab nations are cheering this guy on and laughing as their own monetary oil benefits arrive at the same time.
OH!!! And don't forget John Kerry is the husband of one of those Billionaires; Patricia Heinz; She owns the HEINZ companies lock, stock and barrel! What do you suppose is in it for him to be Secretary of State??? Just sayin'.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
We don't need your advice, Barack! We don't need your scolding, your criticisms, nor did we vote you in to hear your anti-Christian attitude! You're a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer and all is plain to see.
All we hear from you is 'climate change' and how it affects the World everywhere but here. In fact, when you do concern yourself with anything else in respect to harm inflicted on this Country you are trusted to represent, You place yourself on the opposing side with the U.N., European Union and rest of the 3rd World, Socialist or Communist Countries.
Once again as always, you board Air Force One and head overseas to where you feel more comfortable siding in with Russia and spreading your rhetoric of taking from the 'Rich' and giving it to the 'Needy', or you continue on the forever pathetic subject of 'Global warming'.
Now we're finding that you have been tinkering with our Intelligence people who give you the 'actual' facts on top secret information after risking their lives to obtain it, and you and your Staff have been altering it to skew the facts with something other than the truth to hide your true, devious intentions.
Without compassion for the consequences, or the U.S. and our Allies, you have been betraying your oath to the highest office in the land and our Sacred Constitution.
Well,...... We're finally catching up to you and your sinister, deadly game and as a famous Statesman recently said and I repeat; "The truth always comes out!" Sadly for this Country and it's loss of a lot of gallant Soldiers, it's painfully coming out now! As Ronald Reagan once said, "You can run, but you can't hide!!"
Good luck on that one! Just sayin'.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Let me tell you what "FREE' does with our young Society.
When you buy them their first toy, they love it, but if not taught differently, they tire of it and it's soon discarded. Because they don't understand value.
When you buy them their first bicycle, they love it, but if not taught the value, they trash it! It has no value to them.
When you buy them their first car, they love it!, but if not having shared the cost, they abuse it!
When you pay their first tuition, whether it's from your pocket or the taxpayer's or both, they abuse it. After all, it's no cost to them. It's party and demonstration time!
All of theses things tend to be true to form, if not handled by teaching them the value of work related money to pay their own way.
What else do they do, when the Teacher or Parent doesn't teach and the pupil doesn't learn?
Well all you have to do, is look at the way the students raging around without being checked on the College campuses and misbehaving right now, and you'll know!
You can bet your life that the protesting students in the Public Colleges that are violating the rights of the 'opposition' they don't agree with, will be those who have been receiving free tuitions too!
Otherwise, when not doing menial jobs to pay for a tuition, they, unlike the ones who don't have to, will have their noses buried in the books they value and paid for to achieve their goals of diplomas when put into use, post College!
God bless Atheist Bernie Sanders for being so stupid, he would complain if we hung him with an old rope! Better yet, if he hung himself with an old one! By the way, the rope would be FREE!
Just sayin'.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
No sense fooling yourselves any longer, by you old traditional Liberals hanging on to the hopes that traditional "Liberalism" is still out there! Pull your Ostrich thinking heads out of the holes they're in. "Democrats" on the "Left" are GONE!!!
Harry Truman and John Kennedy would virtually throw up at the image and intent of the "In lock-step" "Chicago thinking" Thugs you have as Representatives!
Who, back then would honestly be thinking of a One World Government devoid of Christianity now known as a "Trilateral Commission" representing the Godless, Marxist thinking, Richest People in the World who are drunk on the thought of doing "Whatever it takes!"
I get a kick anymore, the way people on the "Right" (My kind of People) say; "The Socialists don't seem to understand!" or "Why can't they see it for what it is?" or "They just don't get it!" or " Why can't they add 2+2???" or "Why doesn't Obama tell the truth once in a while?" or "They all have the same smile like they know something we don't!" or "Why do they all have the same remarks in return for a Question?"
Well......., the problem here is; the only reason we ask all those innocent questions and make those observations of their 'Dumbness', we don't want to face the thing we fear is most correct! They are the true enemy of Capitalism and Democracy, but we hesitate to realize the bizarre truth!!
All of them, although some are ' pseudo church goers', some are homosexuals appearing normal, some, by benefiting wealth in doing so, some are Atheist lawyers, some are Atheist judges, some are Agnostics, and more and more of them are becoming Muslims, be they Radical or not, and a few are International Billionaires. They all despise the thought there is a Christian God!!
So please!!!! See it for what it is!!! By doing that, you will understand that they have all gathered together like a well practiced Choir singing the same tune.
They know exactly what they're doing!! They couldn't be more in lock-step with hopes of the same result: The death of our Christian God and those of us that refuse to go along with their Goal of Godlessness!!
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, Damn it! It's a DUCK!!!
Just sayin'.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
After the deadly bombing and shooting attacks in France recently, the President of France has retaliated appropriately by going after ISIS (ISIL) on it's own Syrian turf or part of it. I say "Or part of it" because we pretty well know by now that it's members are originating from most of the different countries of the World, including our own, But the main brain-washing, or indoctrination is ultimately done in ISIS training camps and HQ"S apparently situated in Syria. (A long time enemy of Christian and moral Democracy)
But it seems the World of Modern Constitutional Democracy for all intents and purposes, didn't know "where" in Syria. So no one supposedly knew, until just recently the Leader of France obtained it from the United States FBI.
From those ISIS HQ's, they communicate with their Satellite members around the globe by secret "chatter" they 'Solely' understand. The secret was well kept.
Their progress in expanding the ISIS theology and methods, spreading like wildfire and ISIS is growing rapidly over the 7 years after our 2008 U.S. Presidential election.
Now, ISIS has grown to Biblical proportions as they acquired modern technology, Military weapons, from secret black market weapons they bought or commandeered from both Russia and our supposed Allies being pounded daily by Al Qaida Terrorists and the Taliban. (Often referred to as Muslim Cousins.)
I believe The higher command in Iraq's Military and Militias along with the Taliban Leaders are and were, in the back pockets of the ISIS Top Command. I also believe the planned and undercover supply of Military arms by The Obama Administration was already knowledgeable that, once those arms were intended and delivered for the defense of the Iraq Army, Libyan and Syrian Rebels, they were going to be immediately abandoned, (and not disabled) fully fueled along with plenty of Ammunition and arms.
Then when ISIS advanced on their positions the top Commanders ordered their troops to simply leave them to be utilized by the ISIS Islamic Terrorists.
As a retired U.S. General pointed out, a lot of that equipment required well trained operators in order to use them and when they did take them, they operated them expertly. How could that happen?
To this day, Barack and Hillary deny there was the fear of discovery of arms being transferred to Al Qaida Terrorists by the CIA in Benghazi, that sparked the attack on Christopher Stevens and his Compatriots.
To top all that off, Barack Obama knew 14 months ago, where the location of the ISIS command and training centers were operating in Syria, and refused to destroy them.
Why did he wait 14 months and another disastrous slaughter to take place in France, before allowing the FBI to inform the President of France of the ISIS Command's location??
So, where is the head of snake? Just sayin'.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Where in hell did he learn the History of this country's last two centuries of "not being fair" to the rest of the World? The theme of his speech!
Throughout his speech he insinuated shame on our Country for not being in step with his wanting to import potential Terrorists along with the Unfortunate refugees of the 3rd World.
I'm amazed at the smoothness with which he defended his desire to infest our Nation with Syrian Muslim refugees with no proper investigations (Vetting) upon entering. (10,000 of them)
Ever since he entered this Country as a foreign Aid student producing a birth certificate showing he was born in Kenya and receiving his furthered education on the money obtained under that premise.
He has spoken ill of America and our Constitution ever since. As usual, he played the role of an innocent do-gooder complaining about wanting to help the rest of his Muslim World who only wants to share what we earned and give it to the Poor around the World who didn't.
We have news for you Muslim born Obama.
Neither you or your African Forefathers had any role in the progress that's been made in this Modern World over the past 250 yrs.
Your Muslim Ancestors did nothing to help the Founding Fathers and their barefooted Patriotic friends fight for and achieve the Independence this Country received and maintained until you came on the scene.
None of your Muslim Forefathers, fought in the Civil War Conflict in which hundreds of thousands of white men in the Union army died freeing the slaves of this country you pretend to attach yourself to.
None of your Muslim Forefathers fought in the Spanish-American War on behalf of any other Country such as the United States.
None of your Muslim Ancestors aided the Allies of Europe and the North American Continent during the defense of Europe in the Ist World war.
Your Muslim ancestors did nothing to stop Hitler and his Nazi-ism from slaughtering 6 million Jews as his troops stormed through Europe.
Your Muslim Ancestors did nothing to assist the advance of Democracy in the fight against Communism in South East Asia in the 1960's and '70's.
Last but not least: Being the disloyal American you are, you've done nothing but impede the Constitution of this Country nor have you done anything but to supply arms and ammunition to the Islamic Terrorists who are getting their rocks off by slicing the heads off of Christian and Muslim Children. Just sayin'.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
It amazes me that a man elected to represent and lead a Nation such as ours, would think he would, after all the lies that he's told us, want us to believe anything he tells us about his meeting with our number One enemy, Vladimir Putin??
If you connect the dots, you will realize he and Putin have been 'In bed' since their first meeting that Obama has become President. Except for an accidental taping of a conversation he had with the Prime Minister of Russia. In that whispering moment when Obama thought he couldn't be heard, he told the leader something like, "I will have more room to make decisions after my re-election to a second term as President!"
This was already after the relaxation of our Nations defense mechanism against Communist Russia that was a huge mistake after Obama was first elected. All of this with the assistance of the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
What more do we need, to realize that 'their' meetings are not about the safety of America's interests! We keep taking our eye off the ball and you can blame the Social Media, for a lot of it. they continue to back a man that's a pitiful Liar with the same idea as "the Trilateral Commission" based in Europe.
The whole Socialist/Communist Party called the "Left" knows it too.
He continues to allow ISIS to behead any dissenters wherever they may be. I believe the only reason he's allowing a pitiful small amount of U.S. troops into Syria, is because he knows he is about to have his ass kicked out of office if he doesn't.
He needs to keep himself there to finish the job the "Left" hired him for. That's to finish taking America down! Just sayin'
Saturday, November 14, 2015
There is a fascination for France by a certain faction of people in this country, who seem to think there is something beneficial to holidaying, studying or living in Paris, that they can't have here. (Or anywhere else in the World, for that matter.)
Quickly looking back to the days before I was born, (!936) there has been an expression; "The French would sooner f**k than fight!"
Forever in my lifetime, the Military of the United States has gone to war to defend and retrieve the freedom of France, Britain and other so-called Allies from aggression. To what avail for us? What have we gotten back to our credit from them? (Don't be all day telling me!!)
I remember back somewhere in the early Seventies while I lived in Canada, Charles De Gaulle visited Canada long after he was re-instated to Premiere of France by the Allies from Nazi aggression.
Canada was already having a problem with the Province of Quebec and some of it's citizens wanting to return to French rule. Although a minority of it's citizens were the only ones wanting to.
The first thing he said after entering our Country by invitation of the Canadian people was; "Viva La France!"
That statement is ringing in the ears of the French population ever since and is still raising havoc since he made it!
Hundreds of thousands of Canadians and Americans have sacrificed their precious lives to maintain freedom for these Countries in one sense or another from Atheistic, Nazi-istic, Communistic or any other anti-Christian aggression.
I take my hat off to those soldiers of the Free World who participated in that effort. Not just because, but also for the reason that I have had many relatives, brothers and nephews who participated in that defense. (I believe, due to our Mother's prayers, they all came home!)
Let me point out; All of the European Union has the policy of open borders. Once a perpetrator is on their soil, they are free to travel wherever they please. As well aware as the European Union is of the danger of aggression, they have to be STUPID to think they will always have the protection of the United States and other free countries of the World to protect them forever.
I've got news for you!: You would be wise to keep your kids at home in this Country if you want them to be safe! There is nothing the North American Continent Wants or needs from the rest of the World that we don't already have here.
The danger is not just in Europe or Asia anymore! Barack Hussein Obama, ( For pity's sake, just think of him changing his name back to what is is now from 'Barry Soetoro' when he entered this Country) has been in full assault on the American Way and our once sacred Constitution in this Country since before he entered it!
Have you not recognized the fact that most of the military equipment, (if not all of it!) has "accidentally" fallen into the hands of ISIS right from the very beginning that he began supplying it.
If not a true Radical, ISIS appears to be HIS army! Please prove to me otherwise!! His actions have proven it!! Just sayin".
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Physically, the difference is in the trophy or the prize. Mentally, the reward to everyone participating is, in trying to, or reaching the finish line and having the pleasure of knowing, there are a heck of a lot more who didn't even try.
Having said that, the disappointing part of life comes when someone else who didn't even try in their life but could have, wants part of what you have in terms of financial equality. The fact is, if they just want to lay back and have the pleasure of being a fan, it's gonna' cost 'em. Agreed?
So, what I'm trying to impress upon you is, whether or not you win first, second or otherwise, be proud of what you have accomplished in trying, because you have the memorable treasure of knowing you did your best.
When you go to bed tonight, give more consideration to the attempts you made in doing things the best you knew how to then, not the failures that have the tendency to linger since.
Have yourself a peaceful sleep, all my treasured friends. Just sayin'.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Will anyone ask;
(1) We all know that the stale state of our economy has been caused by productive jobs leaving the Country! What ideas do you have to correct it?
(2) Should regulation of exports and Imports be regulated more on behalf of the concerns of the general Populace, as they should be, instead of in favor of the International Billionaires that has allowed this mess to happen in the first place?
(3) Just as the Constitution does, Will you abide by it, enforce it as a permanent part of any Schooling of our Children, either Private or Public, so they know how important it is to the survival of our individual Freedom we have treasured so much in the past?
(4) Will you see to it, in the first regulation change regarding Exports and Imports, all raw materials presently being exported will be tightly controlled, and that we will only export finished products produced here?
(5) Will you declare all natural resources to be under the Ownership and control of the People and not the Private ownership by any International Corporations to market as they please without approval by a vote of the People?
(6) Will you limit the travel of any Politician or financial supporter, who has been responsible for the last 8 years of plundering and approving the transfer of materials or money to anyone, who has violated the Constitutional Rights of the American people through Gov't enforcement?
(7) Will you create a law that will not permit anyone who violates or ignores the Bill of Rights and Constitution to the detriment of others, to hide behind the 5th Amendment?
(8) Will you dissolve all Executive Orders that have been issued by Barack Obama concerning Obamacare and backyard deals with Guarantees of profit to Insurance Companies?
(9) Will you, along with Congress undo anything Barack Obama has had his Administration do without Constitutional process?
(10) Will you continue to investigate the obvious offenses committed by Obama's Administration during his reign that endangered or took the lives of American Citizens?
(11)Will you swear now to uphold the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the entire U.S. Constitution through due process and without "Deals" or Compromises"?
(12) Will you place the Ten Commandments back on display in every Public building they have been removed from?
(13) Will you outlaw the Islamic Religion from being exercised where the physical punishment does not comply with modern U.S. laws?
Just askin'!
Saturday, November 7, 2015
At the moment, it's probably the most deceptive remark anyone can make! Especially when it comes from the informants on any Political program. Why?? Because at this point in time when all we have left for us in this down-trodden Nation, truth is all we have left to salvage until we elect a new President.
We've got to know the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us God!
Having said that, so many times in a political discussion, you hear someone say. "There's a lot of people out there, that Blah, blah, blah".
The trouble with that misleading statement is, 0.1% of 330 million are still a lot of people! But when they say it, it only indicates to you they have absolutely no idea how many there are. It's only a 'cover' for something that probably isn't a fact anyway.
It's also seldom a fact, when they say, "A majority of the people think the same way I do!" ????..What majority??
Eg; The majority of Atheists don't believe there's a God or Supreme Being. (That's a fact in their way of thinking!) However, only 10% of the United States is Atheistic. The 'real' fact is; the other 90% know it's not!
So the next time you hear a far Lefty like Geraldo Rivera, Alan Colmes, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton use that term, assume it's probably not the truth!
Know what I mean, Vern??? Just sayin'.
Friday, November 6, 2015
My hat's off to Carly Fiorina!! Bless her heart!
She took on the Self-labelled "Comedians" and showed the modern World just how limited the level of intelligence is of those folks!
For the first time that I'm aware of it, the regular hosts on the VIEW are describing themselves as "Comedians". To me, if being downright nasty is "joking" and funny concerning Carly's facial features, then I guess I need to re-assess my idea of what "funny" means.
Of course when you think of looking at it the same way those Hosts do, then it fits right in with the kinky way the homosexuals describe themselves as "Alternative Normals", and Queer as "Gay" instead of happy!
The Hosts" of the VIEW fit right into that mix when describing the turmoil going on in this country.
They simply hide, or disguise the reality of what they do, by revising the true picture or fact, to something that makes it appear less "Nasty". But to the vast majority of us who remain on the normal side of decency, "Nasty" is still "Nasty"!!
So be it with the Directors, Producers and extremely homely, and loud mouthed Co-Hosts of the "VIEW"! (Wow!!, does Hypocrisy prevail here or what??)
In my blogs, I place emphasis on the suggestion that the Communist "Left" is deliberately, and in most cases, succeeding in confusing the general Populace into believing everything they, the present "Above God" people do or say, is just fine.
Don't you find it odd that the entertainment world where far too much money is paid out to the participants for what they do, is kept immune from the resentment expressed by the "paid" Rioters and Looters who roam free in the streets to wreck every Capitalist business they can lay their hands on?
The whole darn objective of the "VIEW", seems to be to lead the charge for lack of decency.
Just sayin'.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
First of all, should the habit of drafting, passing and application of laws by officials who have been 'appointed' rather than 'elected', be allowed to bypass the Legislature? In other words, is authority being designated to people for the creation of laws that haven't been authorized by the Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People" without the election process?
Although the Assignees are properly qualified to design the application of laws, are they Constitutionally permitted to enforce them? Probably not!
Does Federal law supercede State law when there is a conflict of interest? Probably so!
I ask those questions, because it seems only Constitutionally acceptable that any establishment of laws by one single person or Authority should not be allowed.
Which brings into question the "Executive Order" process that "supposedly" allows a President to change or establish laws of any kind without due process. Doesn't it also apply to State Governors? Sorta' like Jay Inslie, who seems to want to "copycat" Barack Obama's habits?
It doesn't make sense that one single body or authority cannot be stopped from abandoning the Constitution and it's simple rules they were voted to represent, enforce and abide by. But then take it on themselves to deliberately misinterpret or change? (Again, without due process?)
Doesn't it seem odd to you, that Barack Obama, a supposed Constitutional Lecturer and scholar, would turn around once elected to the highest Office in the Land and immediately instruct his Administration to ignore the Constitutional process, except to use the 5th Amendment to protect themselves from having to admit the truth about their Tyranny?
Hypocritical, don't you think?
But more than anything else, don't you think that once this nightmare is finally over, our Constitution and Bill of Rights will be re-enforced to ensure the Devil's Representatives are not permitted to ever again repeat their nonsense??
Know what I mean, Vern??? Just sayin'.
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