Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Let me explain it to you; All along his purpose has been in the taking down of the United States with our hard earned success and sharing it to his International Billionaire "Globally" inspired dream. Even though his dream was soundly rejected once we caught on to his global ploy, he has been soundly implanted with his narcissistic, Atheist "Brainwashed", "Rules of Revolution" as written by the Saul Alinsky "Midwest Academy".
Both he and Hillary Rodham (Clinton) graduated from it with honors before meeting each other later to compare notes, and join arm in arm in their march on Democracy and the Republic of the United States.
It's old news to me, but not to the average person in our great Country. You see, he was picked by the rest of the unfriendly part of the World including the U.N. and European Union standing in the shadow of the wings, to run for President of the United States. Right about this time, the question began as to whether the Democratic Party even existed anymore!! ( they began referring to themselves as "Progressives"!
I believe they, (The unfriendly World and Obama) felt so strong with success in their "Globalization" dreams, They simply couldn't be stopped, given his uncanny ability to preach!
In fact, in the first two years while the Party of his choice had control of the House and Senate, They continued to refer to themselves as "The Progressive Party" and went behind closed doors to purposely lock out the Republican portion of Congress so they couldn't even filibuster! REMEMBER THAT???
During that time, They hurried on to either change the laws that suited their taste, and allowed Barack Hussein Obama to write Executive Order after Executive order! During those two years as well,(after promising his Gov't to be the most transparent in history,) They did exactly the opposite! It was obvious they did it for two reasons, They were relying on the rest of us having short memories based on their "Above God" assumptions and, were self-assured their intentions couldn't be turned around!
Anyway, they plowed right on through the Constitution as though it never existed for "every American's" behalf, and saving it for use of their own purpose if anything went wrong! Neat, huh?
Okay!! but with Trump's election, it Didn't work out, did it???
But have you noticed how, now that they flunked at their crooked attempt to steal the Election, the "Progressives" have reverted back to calling themselves "Democrats"?? Know what I mean Vern?? Does it fool any of you Readers??? NOT ME!! They're simply just saving the term "Progressive" for use another day!
In a few earlier blogs, I already pointed out the Atheistic relationship between Hillary and Barack although a decade apart in time, were taught the same Politics in the same Political Atmosphere in Chicago. (Al Capone style still reigns in Chicago. Not because it's good for the whole Country's purpose, but because it "Works"!)
Although they are different languages apart, Islam and the Saul Alinsky's "Rules of Revolution" as taught by the "Midwest Academy" in Chicago are eerily similar in their ways of mistreating other people and especially Christians. Eg: They both advocate doing "whatever it takes" to convert to their beliefs, or death by beheading, rioting and destruction will be one of their few remaining options for the rest of us!
(Read the Atheist's "Rules of Revolution" as written by Saul Alinsky and you'll soon realize they are admittedly by following the Rules of SATAN, the Devil himself!!)
You can listen to the "Back to Democrat" Pundits all you want and you'll see they have no compunction about lying at anything that suits their Fake News stories. They all, along with Radical Muslims, despise Christianity and have no fear of punishment by our Christian God!
Are you wondering why Barack Obama has insisted on remaining on the Worldly scene now that he failed to complete his task for the Christian haters ? Well,..... he still hasn't dropped his dream of at least remaining in the limelight for the rest of the Arab and third World Countries of the Christian-hating "GLOBE"!
I'll repeat my saying of the following as implied by a past U.S. General; "I wonder who hates us the most! The Countries where we kicked their asses, or the one's where we saved 'em??" Just sayin'.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
It' almost an insane and amateurish behavior that goes against the grain of the "American Way"! I'ts a manner that is rude, Atheistic, mean and didn't exist before the Era of Barack Hussein Obama. The Devil himself couldn't be more apparent than in this man, his "Muslim Brotherhood" followers and pitiful Sheeple that are under his "Mohammed" spell and have ravaged this once beautiful Country almost to the point of no recovery.
Why is it that you can get one or two supporters trying to support him on Facebook and at least 20 or 30 more anti-Obama, pro-Trump supporters expressing their thrill of finally having President Trump come into Office? What greater need could we have than to replace King Turd of Crap Island?
Why is it that, rather than face the Visual and Audio facts that are right there staring them in the face and true, they still turn a deaf ear to the facts, as though they've been 'programmed' by the devious "Progressives" to follow the sheep to slaughter? WHY??
And why is it, when we refuse to bend to their way with their Socialist/Communist and "Global" rhetoric, they are allowed to un-Constitutionally ravage and burn everything down that's the property of other private and taxpayer funded cars, property and buildings in their path of insane rage, yet still claim their Constitutional Rights to "Peaceful Protest"??? The burning and desecration of our beautiful flag, "Old Glory"???
Why are they so adamantly against President Trump wanting to conduct a full investigation into their claim that Hillary won the Popular vote, even though there's clear evidence of massive voter fraud in the heavily populated "Progressive" voter Precincts all around the Country??? Why is there clear evidence of people admitting they were encouraged by the fraudulent "Progressive" vote-getters on the "Left" to vote several times each?? Isn't it time for the water cannons to clean them off and put the fires out while they burn in contempt of our laws?? I'm sure it would serve a duel purpose by giving them their yearly baths as well?? Throw the Communist/Atheist Billionaire Gyorgy Schwartz (Alias George Soros) in there too!! Just sayin'!
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Now that they've lost the control of anything they had before, they're back in the shadows licking their wounds and showing their butts with the destructive behavior of Global Billionaire,George Soros (Once birth-named; Gyorgy Schwartz in Budapest, Hungary.
Americans have now become aware of his funding of the "Community Organized" leaders of "Black Lives matter", "Wall Street Protestors" and pretty well all of the other Anti-Republican, Anti-American Protest groups you've all become too familiar with, in every major American City!
But they're a little too late in finally switching back into the shadows and back to calling themselves "Democrats" as though denying the fact they had anything to do with trying to bring down this devastated Country to a third World status. (How on earth can they deny any of it??)
I guess they're still too stupid to realize we've caught up to their "Switch-a-roo"!! In other words; they are clearly going to hide behind the pretense that they were loyal to this Nation as "Democrats" all along. They simply think we aren't bright enough to remember what they attempted through foreigner Barack Obama to do; Take this Country down to a weakness where we could no longer resist having to go down to the level of the "Global", One World Order" under which Europe would have control with a Central World Government based in Brussels, Belgium called the "Trilateral Commission".
Hillary Clinton if elected, would have finalized that move. Just sayin!!
Americans have now become aware of his funding of the "Community Organized" leaders of "Black Lives matter", "Wall Street Protestors" and pretty well all of the other Anti-Republican, Anti-American Protest groups you've all become too familiar with, in every major American City!
But they're a little too late in finally switching back into the shadows and back to calling themselves "Democrats" as though denying the fact they had anything to do with trying to bring down this devastated Country to a third World status. (How on earth can they deny any of it??)
I guess they're still too stupid to realize we've caught up to their "Switch-a-roo"!! In other words; they are clearly going to hide behind the pretense that they were loyal to this Nation as "Democrats" all along. They simply think we aren't bright enough to remember what they attempted through foreigner Barack Obama to do; Take this Country down to a weakness where we could no longer resist having to go down to the level of the "Global", One World Order" under which Europe would have control with a Central World Government based in Brussels, Belgium called the "Trilateral Commission".
Hillary Clinton if elected, would have finalized that move. Just sayin!!
Sunday, January 22, 2017
I'm absolutely stunned at the behavior of Chris Wallace and his suspicious behavior towards President Trump! I have always watched and listened to Fox News and their ability to be 'FAIR AND BALANCED'. However, knowing that Mike Wallace, Chris's Dad, was a total anti-Republican ever since I entered the United States as an American Citizen. I pondered on it!!
Having said that, I was surprised to see Chris as a Fox News Anchor! I was wondering; Why the switch?? Did Fox News actually think this guy was going to appropriately play the role of "Fair and Balanced" in an honest-to-goodness fashion??
Well'....., He has finally got his taste of fame when being a sole interrogator concerning the debates. practically everyone in the Fox organization congratulated him for being picked! Finally I thought, someone from a "fair and balanced" News Organization would be chosen to at least moderate ONE of those debates. Because up until then, no one had been!
I wondered about that! Why ChrisWallace,who grew up on the other side, the Dishonest Main Media, was the one to be picked?? Why not a solid Conservative moderator like Bret Bair or Sean Hannity?? But anyway, they picked Chris, which I thought personally was the wrong guy due his distant background? So be it!!
But after the debate, along with Megyn Kelly, there seemed to be a distinct obsession to downplay Trump in every program they moderated! Time after time, after time!!
Now that Trump is President, they have gotten even more incensed toward President Trump, even though he hasn't finished his Cabinet picks and has barely been sworn in!
Has Fox News given up on their slogan "Fair and Balanced" and simply joined in with the rest of the "Left" Main Media??? Looks like it to me! I surely hope not!
Take now, how Chris Wallace has even taken up the torch of the burning, destroying Mobs hired by George Soros to interrupt the progress of Trump's Presidency, and how he has also taken up the side of the totally dishonest Main Media for Trumps rebuttal of them!
No doubt in my mind about the true, selfish and shameful way Chris has that matches more to the PROGRESSIVE Agenda of taking this Country down!! Just sayin'.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
I'm really getting a kick out of hearing the Boobs on the main Media exposing themselves in more ways than one on their favorite "fake news" channels. Anthony Weiner for example! (what an appropriate name for that guy! In particular now though, they are are blaming "Twitter" for their loss in this past Election!
In the past 6 years or so that I have had this computer and have half-assed learned how to use it, I personally thank Facebook, Google and Twitter for giving us normally 'uninformed' middle-class people a way to learn and express ourselves as never before!
I guess there is a good thing that can come out of something bad, in the respect of almost everyone in the middle class suddenly being out of a job for 8 years but not knowing why! Well it took a while, but with the computer-age entering our doorstep and the leisurely time we've had without a job, we had the opportunity to communicate through computers, how the rest of the World was deliberately attempting to make the United States and it's Constitution into just another 3rd World Country.
Along with this technology being available in every American home, it has given us an eye-opening experience to follow the Political Realm and learn sadly along with it, the ability to realize that the Corruption in the Main Media and our recent 8 years of a Tyrant hired by the rest of the "Global" World to take this Great America DOWN!!
Little did we know back then, the purpose of the rest of the World's need, and wanted what we Middle-class workers toiled to achieve by working 8 to 12 hours a day to obtain.
They didn't strive to have a Constitution to protect them as we have, nor did they fight to have it through rejection of the British dominance that had us staked to the ground until 1776.
This Country was brave enough to stand up to the tyranny of "Taxation without Representation"!.
So now, through President Trump's use of these tools of communicating through Twitter, Google and Facebook, The "Takers" on the "Left" could not as easily fool the Middle Class as it did in the past. To those following the Un-Godly, 'above the rest of us "Sheeple", they never expected anyone else smarter than them to recognize the potential in talking to us 'Underdogs" the way he did.
Well,....., President Trump DID!
Hang onto your hats, Folks!! The Internet has brought us to the "ins and outs of Politics" as never before and forever in the future! The thugs are finally out of Office! Get ready to go back to work this time for OUR sake and not for the benefit of the rest of the World whom we've protected over the years but weren't thankful, and didn't earn it. Thank God for that!! Just sayin'
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
There's a pun I once heard that comes to mind from decades ago and suits the political situation we have now: Back in the days of the Romans, they would use the Coliseum for events and one of their favorites was to take a slave who had offended them, bury him up to his neck in dirt, and turn loose a male lion that they had starved for two weeks.
This one day, the lion was in such a hurry to rip his head off, it over-ran the red-neck slave, stopping with his gonads directly over the red-neck slave. In desperation he reached up and grabbed the gonads with his teeth and wrenched real hard, refusing to let go!! The lion could do nothing but stand there and howl!
The Romans, being all "Progressives", all jumped up and began screaming, "Fight fair, you Red-neck"!! "FIGHT FAIR!!
By the time the Lion tore himself loose, He had no balls and wasn't hungry anymore.
Now, let's get real! The "Progressives" and Barack Obama are kinda' like the Lion in the respect they have no balls. But they never did anyway since they discarded the name Democrat for "Progressive"!!All they can do now is Howl since losing to President Trump.
You see, the "Progressives" took for granted that the middle class of America wasn't somebody to worry about because we were too politically dumb. But with them being without the presence of God and with the thought of being a cut above him if he did happen to exist, were, with the guidance of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the "Progressives" thought that they would never lose charge anyway. WRONG!!
Now they can belittle Twitter all they want to. But Donald Trump knew better and realized it was the key to communicating with the "dumb" Redneck class such as the "Progressives" thought we were!
Donald knew where the potential voting strength really was. Modern Technology had brought us to light through Twitter and the Internet. No longer was the Middle class Politically dumb!
Mr. President Elect: Please do not quit communicating with the rest of us through Twitter!!
Just sayin'.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
How much have you heard the 'Globally' used name by the "Left", "Progressive" instead of the forgotten title "Democratic", lately? Much less, I say! It's funny what an unexpected loss for them will do! Back to the shadows they go to "Democratic" to wait for another opportune time to raise their ugly heads!!
I've always thought we should require the financially smartest people in the United States to handle our affairs in Government because of them having already apparently made their good fortunes and required nothing more from Lobbyists to sway their managing thoughts.
Already having the money they could ever need, they obviously know how to make their Country and it's people great again as well, and still allow us to retain the one thing that made us greatest of all for 240 years; Our U.S. Constitution!
Now......, with all the failings of our "Progressive" Leaders in the Past Administration of and including, Barack Obama for the past eight years, (and I don't need to name them, Ha Ha!) another phenomena has arisen; Including "FOX NEWS" Anchor Chris Wallace and others, are now having the same Leaders from that failed Regime as Critics of the incoming Administration for their guests!!!! What impression does this give us as to the reputation of those Anchors???? And......., Our new Administration hasn't even taken over the reigns, yet!
In a normal situation, where we haven't just come out of this nightmare such as it was, they could call it 'Fair and balanced'! But we know, and the Anchors well know, that's not the case!!
A devious, self serving Anchor who behaves in a manner simply to earn a paycheck rather than give the facts, is not what the honest viewers want!! Just sayin'.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
It only tells me what a bunch of failed losers they have been to this Country in their past years of 'runaway' power and how they're going to do their best to impede any attempts to make this America great again. They never give up within the core of their intent to operate from the shadows of Atheism and Communism. they're always disguising themselves as something Democratic when they really aren't!
The childish remarks and displays should be noted by us all, and not forgotten when their terms expire.
They're going to use every means of deception to disguise the actual fact they have been bent on uniting the World into one Godless 'World Order'. If Hillary had won, they would have completed their mission they had in mind when Barack Hussein Obama first became President.
If you're wondering why Obama remained so smug behind that 'know it all' grin he kept displaying, it's because they thought there was no way they wouldn't win. But with all their trickery and money they spent, they didn't.
With their above God behavior, the American people finally showed them we weren't as dumb and naïve as they assumed us to be! So now they have to 'shelve' their intent for another more opportune time. In the meantime, they will again assume their positions of anonymity among us, and try to present to us that they're just another one of us law-abiding Folks.
Take my advice and don't forget what they attempted to do! They do the Devil's work behind closed doors once again. They may even try to avoid the name "Progressive" for a while! Just sayin'.
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