The problem right now with the "Majority" party,( I will call them that right now since I feel its more appropriate), is because of the continued diversity within. Everybody in the world knows who's taking exception to who. The Beltway boys, Krauthammer, Hume, Rove and several other insiders are fearing their esteems are going to diminish somewhat if they are edged aside by the up and coming, diverse, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, Michelle Bachman and the other recent winners of the last election.
Lets face it folks, The latter group of people are the newcomers on the block and will be around for the rest of MY life at least.
The first group needs to re-assess itself and get aboard or they're only going to spoil it for what I see as the last chance we have to turn back the George Soros- Barack Obama Socialist, Marxist train. If you think the policies they've already set in place are extreme, "you ain't seen nothin' yet."
We need to keep pointing out their false projection figures, their blatant lies and their insincerity in everything they say or do.
As wise as the "Good ol' Boys" really and truly are, they're not going to prove anything by purpoefully ganging up on Bill O'Reiily simply because they don't like the esposure he's giving to the Newcomers.
I think they feel they have nothing to lose, since they're all independently wealthy and will be comfortable in their tax loophole dens for the rest of their lives no matter what happens!
Throwing someone else under the bus won't hurt them like it will hurt the less wealthy Newcomers.
The Consevative, normal thinking Tea Partiers sadly know what there is to lose, they've already lost it. An empty wallet wakes a lot of people up, including me.
Honesty and sincerity does not count with the Socialists. That's why they're so comfortable with the
Islamic philosophy. They think it's okay to lie if it suits their God's purpose. Their God is George Soros.
It's beyond me how they buffalo the innocent, church going Christians who really haven't caught on to them yet and still vote for them anyway.
It really burns me when I hear a Socialist Congressman say, "The President is supposed to lead the Senate and the Congress, but they're not listening to him."
HE HAS NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE TO LEAD ANYBODY! Good God, he'd get lost if there were 3 trees in his back yard! He gets totally lost when one of his speech teleprompters falls down.
He's a master at public speaking and Community organizing. Nothing else that comes close to running Gov't.
The Congress and the Senate need to guide him. Not the other way around. Just sayin'.
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