Saturday, November 19, 2011


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    Reflecting back on a previous blog concerning the the early rejection of the "Tea Party" in it's infancy by the Conservative ,"Inside party " commentators, I hope they didn't deflect enough Independent voters from the Republican influence that they won't get them back come election time in 2012.
    Bill O'Reilly, Karl Rove, Brit Hume and Charles Krauthamer, all took offense to the newcomers as though they were afraid of the change that would take place in the "Republican Establishment" within the Party. The "Old fart " politicians who were so firmly embedded in Washington,D.C. were about to be toppled if the Tea Party took hold and prevailed in the Party's way of doing things. They did, and the Washington insiders' Bipartisan policies of "Compromise" got the boot. The Liberal/Socialists had taken control and were running roughshod over the American electorate, and are still trying to, even though they lost the House of Representatives to the Republican "Newcomers,"(Mainly from the Tea Party.) It was none too soon, either! The insiders such as the four I mentioned above, finally recognized them as the real force to be pampered, not criticized.
   Soon enough, they were to emerge as the real core of what the Republican Party used to be, but had abandoned in order to make "Sweetheart" deals with the opposition. So much so, that for a while I wondered where they really stood. Honor wasn't really in the forefront anymore. It was a struggle for survival at anybody's cost but their own.
I must say at this point, Sean Hanity, Greta Van Susterin and Glen Beck never abandoned the Tea Party grievances, recognized them for their beliefs as true Independents, and stood up for them all the way. All the anti-Obama forces finally recognized there was no more compromising with the "Seminar Liberals." Because of losing the House, The Socialists have only NOW begun asking for compromise in it's true sense of the word. There's still time to bring in some more Tea Party newcomers for the 2012 elections. Be wise and do it.
     I used to think Glen Beck was a little over the top with his predictions. I don't anymore.
     God bless the REAL Christians and Believers out there, and thanks to the Tea Party for  showing up when they did.         Just sayin'.


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