Monday, February 27, 2012


     Why is it we don't rebound to the nasty, over the top remarks throughout the years of  Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright? Better than that, why do they do it?
     Well, I'm going to venture a reason that probably won't surprise a lot of people. They're in it for the money!!! It's my contention they really don't give a damn about the concerns of the black population or they would have paid more attention to helping them improve their lives and conditions from what they presently are. But, they haven't done that nor do they want to for the sake of their own personal greed. It works for them to let them remain downtrodden as long as they have a listening audience that supports their greed.
     I believe there is physical and mental equality among all of us humans on earth. But first they must be taught how to use it. That's not what's happened, unfortunately.
     Slavery was without a doubt, the worst mistake this New Country ever made, and I disrespect the people responsible for it.
     Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright, Preachers all, are guilty of the same thing. Exploiting the ignorance of their own kind. They do it by spitting out hatred for the Whites in this country through their incessant, vile speeches time after time after time, and in this election year it's getting worse. I see no letup to it soon, either.
     They are the enemy within, in regards to inspiring hatred towards their own white countrymen, or the rest of their saviors of freedom for that matter. I refer to the civil war in which 365,000 union troops died in combat to free the slaves. But to what avail? Only to have their supposed representatives preach hatred toward the white population, not unlike the Europeans whom we freed from Hitler and Japan. In another article, I pointed out the recent question asked by a retired Army General. "I wonder who dislikes us the most,The ones where we kicked their asses, or the ones where we saved them."
     I believe the Black Leaders I have mentioned in this article fit into the same category. I say this with no discrimination in mind toward the Black population as a whole at all. I only resent what they're being told to further the cause of those greedy leaders and to fuel the fires of revolution that needn't be.      Just sayin'.

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