Thursday, March 22, 2012


      He is clearly a battle weary soldier whom Obama sent back into battle for the fourth time and for what purpose? He got tired of it and flipped his lid! There's no question about that! No doubt he'll be justly punished. But listening to the blood thirsty Socialist/Muslim factions in this country, whose loyalties to this country are questionable anyway, they want it done not today, but yesterday! All of them are outraged and calling for immediate revenge for such a dastardly deed being carried out in the midst of a battle zone.
      All of this outrage being demanded in an overwhelmingly Judeo/Christian, God loving, world protecting, United States of America.
      Of course he will be punished!! He did murder 16 Afghan civilians including small, innocent children, and he will also answer to our Judeo/Christian God!
      It's okay to feel the pain and anguish of the people offended by this, but I'd like to point out the hypocrisy of it all on the part of the angry Muslims of this great country that has so far, tolerated their radical behavior. I'm aware that two wrongs don't make it right.
      But where was the same hostility 2&1/2 years ago when Major Hasan, a U.S. army Psychiatrist stationed in Fort Hood, went on the killing rampage, shouting "Allah Akbar" (God is great)? He's a radical Muslim who openly stated his objection to the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, but all of his Superiors ignored it. (Probably because of his Constitutional claim to free speech.) What in heck was he doing in a U.S. military uniform in the first place? He never spent one minute in a war zone!
      His rampage murdered 13 dedicated, volunteer defenders of our country and wounded 29 more.
      As "peace loving" Islamics around the world, where was their outrage toward him then and now? They simply brought forth statements that mistreatment of the Islamic faith caused it to happen.
      Have they to this day, apologized to Judeo/Christians of this Country for his behavior? And by the way, the U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder still hasn't charged him either! Again, that's the hypocrisy of it all, isn't it??    Just sayin'.

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