Friday, July 20, 2012


       There's no one I know who is purposefully against African Americans. I'm sure I'm not only speaking for myself, but for most other non-Blacks when I say they're welcome to my life in every positive sense. The rejection only comes to people in my life who behave in an undesired manner. I don't profile anybody in connection with their race.
       In fact, it's a moral obligation to avoid or confront said person who outwardly displays contempt for the law, for other religious beliefs and other reasonable ethnic beliefs.
       As far as crime in the streets is concerned, there is a prominent dressing behavior that invites scrutiny. This also involves parental outlook that comes into play. If the parents are too distracted to care,then who's to keep the kids straight?
It's a fact that gangs roam the streets all over the U.S.A. Those gangs have all donned a dressing style that is definitely representative of someone who thumbs their nose at normalcy and intentionally wants to behave and appear different. Unfortunately it involves ill intentions of one sort or another starting with graffiti, gang dedication and then leading to gang activity. Then it's felony arrest for drugs and sometimes death.
The next problem comes from the lack of housing in the Penal system. Why are we so reluctant to provide larger cell accommodation in virtually all the jails and prisons? If the need is for more, then build more. As it is, when a felony is committed, the police  find and apprehend the offender, charge him or her and place them in jail to await trial. They've done their job, right? The problem is, when they're brought before the judges, they have no place to permanently jail the offenders. so they simply reduce the charges to misdemeanors, schedule them for a further court appearance and release them. They frequently don't reappear for the misdemeanor trial, and unless arrested sometime down the road, roam free to commit further offenses. This results in another problem. Since it's been reduced to a misdemeanor, it allows them to register to vote, whereby otherwise they couldn't because of the felony.  Do you think the Judges consider this when they make their decision? With their busy schedule, probably not. Slick, huh? And if they weren't in the habit of wearing a hoody to conceal their facial appearance, they are now!!
       Call it profiling if you will, but wearing a hoody on a summer's day when it's hot and covering your head like you feel more secure by doing so, is copying what most normal dressing people find odd and associated with gang behavior. They're inviting scrutiny!
       In my opinion it's defiance of Society and even though you may be doing nothing wrong, it's a subconscious way of not caring if you do appear that way.
       Most harmful of all, are the parents or parent condoning such behavior and assuming that their son or daughter aren't doing anything wrong just because they dress that way. When in fact they should be continually checking them just to see they are not.
       But then again, there are too many parents who are so busy self-serving themselves that they don't care to take the time involved with interacting with them and explaining why they shouldn't follow the leader in dressing similar to the way the Gangs do. It's bad news and it leads to bad behavior.
       Ironically, those negligent parents are the first to blame someone else as a result of their loss.
       If you decide to attack another person just because they're there to keep their neighborhood safe, don't be surprised if they protect themselves with a fitting defense. And most of all, whether they're right or wrong, don't be surprised if they use it. It's the right to bear arms in accordance with your Constitutional rights to bear arms. In this case, George Zimmerman was clearly being physically attacked at the time he defended himself from possible death.
       George Zimmerman may have been overzealous in his behavior with Trayvon Martin in questioning his suspicious looking nature, especially when thefts had been taking place, but he's not guilty of murder.
       He's only guilty of saving his own life from an equally overzealous teenager who wanted to assure himself he was capable of beating up and possibly beating to death a non- black human being.
 His death was truly unfortunate, but until parents teach their children to be more respectful of their fellow being by not dressing like a gangbanger hoodlum, they're taking unnecessary and unfortunate chances that could easily have been friendly circumstances otherwise.
      If you're not black, don't take a neighborly stroll down the African American part of Rainier Avenue in Seattle, even in the daytime without some sort of defense on your person. You can be sure that anybody who confronts you is going to have one!
     You can place the blame on Leaders of some of these Ethnic groups who, although they have blended into the American way of life themselves, see an opportunity to Community organize in a negative sense and keep the pot of racism stirred with their speeches and demonstration prompting.
     After witnessing several Hispanic parades on Communist day, May 1st, in Mt. Vernon, their bullhorn prompting is not to blend the newcomers into the already established American way, but to keep racism alive and well to suit their own financial desires. Their self serving need to be a leader, so to speak. Chanting Anti-American slogans, Claiming Mexican Independence while here and waving Mexican flags in the faces of American citizens is obviously not showing the rest of us that you're wanting or trying to live life the American way. Try waving the American flag, you may get to like it and I know we Americans willl.
      I don't by any means feel uncomfortable in the presence by invitation of Hispanic people into their home.. They themselves are honored and gratified that the Caucasian American people would accept an invitation to enter their home. They prefer to be friendly and love to demonstrate their friendship and willingness to blend into the normal, family unity way of life. They are truly a family oriented race and we could certainly do well by learning the lost art of family interaction that they have never ignored. However, leader presence can be sensed when someone of Community Organizing stature comes into the picture. With them comes a presence in the air, you might say, of separation that didn't exist before. It's almost as if that person doesn't want any type of commingling to take place that might change the mood of resentment that they've worked so hard to establish, principally for their own means.
       Don't you think you would be more inclined to be proud to welcome them as newcomers to our country if they carried American flags, sang American Patriotic songs and expressed the wish to be American citizens along with the rest of us? Rather than being prompted to carry the flag of Mexico, chant anti-American slogans and then look at us for three months after parade day, like they've just kicked us in the shins and "What are you gonna do about it?" look? That behavior is prompted by the Community Organizers!!
       But they aren't stupid by any means, they want to advance and they will some day tell these Community Organizers to get lost. It's only a matter of time.
       The African Americans will hopefully want to do the same thing. It's going to be more difficult for them in the sense that a major portion of them have abandoned their "family" atmosphere by the unfortunate disunity caused by the ranting of people like the "Reverend" Jesse Jackson, "Bafoon" Al Sharpton , Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright. They're the enemies of American unity for sure and again for their own selfish means.
The African American population would be doing themselves a great favor by turning their backs on those who continue to make a living by spreading a facade of dissent that only benefits their own pocketbooks. but does harm to the people they pretend to represent.
       As a professional Handyman, I do work for all races and have always felt welcome when entering their homes. We all have the same common problem and that's the intrusion of Gov't trying to take command of our homes.
       In my desire to remedy the problem and knowing that most of our problems come from big Gov't, rather than be solved by them, I'm recommending every retiring politician should be required to spend a Federally mandated sentence of 2 years in the pokey.     Just sayin'.

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