Saturday, July 14, 2012


     Have a good look at them now, before it's too late for you to change your mind. Have you not realized how many have fooled you into believing they were behind your honest to goodness, hard efforts to get by the way you dreamed of and were promised, only to assess yourself and find they weren't truly there for YOU at all 4 years ago.? Are you better off than you were then?
     Did you really know what the Liberal Press (Main Media), Atheist Billionaire George Soros, (The man who is really behind the Marxist Socialist machine throughout the World) Atheist Barack Obama, Atheist Arianna Huffington of The Huffinton Post, Atheist Debbie Wasserman Schultz of the DNC, Atheist Nancy Pelosi, Atheist Harry Reid of the now exposed (Thanks to Glen Beck,) disorganized Democratic Party had in store for you? I'll just bet you didn't! ..... And I'll again bet they didn't really want you to know, because they needed the votes of naive, unknowing religious voters in order to accomplish their task. After in power however, they are a little less fearful of them finding out the true reason for their objective. I believe all of these people truly do NOT believe in God, even though some of them hide behind the skirts of one church or another. They can't, and still wish Marxism on this Country's destiny.
     So Folks, let me tell you what I think they had, and have in mind. You see, they obviously don't agree that the way of life we have had in the past of plenty of work and plenty of opportunity if you wanted to pursue it, should be the way it works. Having two cars in the driveway with a good portion of "Garage sale items" taking up parking space in the garage, a two week vacation every year, and a  pretense of at least having a sizable bank account to count on if you needed it. Let's throw in the privilege of attending your favorite restaurant once a month with your coveted family and then off to church where you can sincerely believe there is a God watching over things should you need him, and thanking him for just being there. Shouldn't that be the way to go? Well, Just for you younger ones' information, that IS the way it went!!
     In the favorable seasons, Picnics and barbecues were common, with your favorite friends and family,  choices of meat and food to suit the pocketbook. Along with the feeling of being secure with a Military that had proven itself formidable to any Aggressors that we have defeated in the past 235years.
      Some families at least had the realistic wish that they could help their kids through school and for those who couldn't, kids were encouraged to find a part-time job to aid themselves. They did!
      Do you see anything wrong with that so far?? I'm older and retired now, but I can look back at that way of life as the normal way to live.
      I was never reluctant to donate to charitable causes, be it for people in a different part of the world or  right here in good old North America. Not unlike any other working citizen, I simply did it because I could. I, along with the majority of the civilized modern world, bore no hard feelings for the way other people in the outside world preferred to live, because I felt if they wanted to elevate themselves, they simply had to do what the United States and Canada did. They demanded a better way of life, fought for it, and through creative means and hard work, earned it.
      Do you see anything wrong with that proven, achievable philosophy? I don't! Were we taking it for Granted? No! Because we earned it.
      But that's not the way the Atheists look at it, and that's not the way the self appointed Elitists of the world look at it either! Their vision is total control. Control to be able to do as they please, but at the expense of the general population of the planet. The sub-serviants, I will call us.
     The rest of the underdeveloped nations are looking at us as being over abundant. To them, over abundance means us having things that they don't. It doesn't matter how we achieved it, that we paid a sacrifice to get it, they just know we have it, and think they should too, or we shouldn't either.
The Obamas of the world have enticed the underprivileged  to believe that OUR country's wealth will be the key to THEIR success. He has left them no alternative but to believe it.
     (I know you may think I'm overdoing this thing about the Atheists, but I in turn, see a clear picture of their Modus Operandi. They are groups of Individuals who, for different reasons, oppose the far larger groups of us that prefer to walk on the same beaten path that was pioneered for us through our preferred, God loving beliefs.) Truthfulness, Decency and Morality is not among the aggressive intentions of these people. In fact , its not even on their wish list!
     They are attempting  to place us in a position of shame for what we've accomplished here in America, rather than to praise us for doing it and being proud of it. The shame is, they're managing to do it from within our own borders. Isn't that enough to frighten you?
     Barack Obama, being the brilliant Orator(simply a master of reading speeches) that they've recognized him to be, was perfect for accomplishing the tasks of the Atheists, and the group I previously mentioned is part of the same well oiled machine that furnishes the fuel to Obama in his speeches.. But  through him, they must render this country powerless to do it.Their mission is simple, take from the hard working fortunate to purchase the herd of Sheeple. Who cares where the food will come from to feed the sheeple once they've accomplished that? They won't care!! Their first mission is to take this country down, financially. Then they'll be doing what Jerry Sandusky has already been doing. It's part of their group.  
     They haven't done as they promised you they would. Their change is not what you were promised.
     They lied, and are still lying to you today. Don't wear your shorts backwards with this group.
     Just sayin'.

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