Saturday, September 29, 2012


       Their favorite ploy is to discourage the opposition voters from wanting to vote. They did it when then candidate Ronald Reagan was running against Jimmy Carter in 1979. I clearly remember the Polls were rigged then just as I believe they're being rigged now. The morning of Election day, the Liberal Press, including Walter Kronkite, had the poll numbers all too close to count. At the time, the voters had all been led to believe by Kronkite that he was "true blue" honest to both sides of the fence and everything he reported could be taken in good "trust me" faith. We found out different.
       Ronald Reagan won by double digits in most of the 48 States.Jimmy lost in every State but 2!! Kronkite's popularity tumbled as a result and his reporting became obviously biased on the side of the Liberals for the remainder of his career. The same thing with Tom Brokaw when it was revealed that he was a registered, active member of the Liberal party and attended their regular meetings. So much for fair reporting on political elections ever since. Then came Dan Rather and Peter Jennings. Good luck!!
      So anyway, that's their first tactic. The second one is flat out lies about the "facts" and figures they blurt out at anytime, anywhere. It's God awful!! But a lot of the Sheeple go for it, and let's face it, the average Jo or Joe normally don't have time to follow the intricacies of politics as closely as "too few" of us do, particularly when they have a job. When they don't, their time is taken up wondering where the next dime is coming from, and what the kids are doing while the teachers are on strike. (Chicago right now, for example).
      So, maybe Obama will get re-elected and some of the poll figures are honest, but they still have Obama's ace in the hole if the vote is too close, fraudulent votes the Socialists are so notorious for doing. Remember the infamous organization Obama helped put together called ACORN? Defunded afterwards in disgrace.
      Already today, a Democratic official was caught submitting 100 votes on behalf of other people who never even voted yet. Because of that, why don't you misled Socialists just stay away from the voting booths, visit your favorite pub and watch it on T.V. with a nice cold drink. Someone else will probably vote for you anyway!!    Just sayin'.

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