Thursday, September 20, 2012


                                                    Email me
            If you are wondering why the Stalemate in Congress is so persistently taking place, allow me to give you my perception as to why.
       When the election took place in 2008, the (Democratic) Socialist Party took over the majority in both the House and Senate. So much so, that at one of those rare times in the history of the Congress,(When I say Congress, for the benefit of those countries on the outside looking in, both factions, the House and the Senate are together referred to as "Congressmen".) the Congress became a majority not only with a simple 50%, but by an overwhelming 2/3's majority. Since everything's fair in love, war and politics, for the first 2 years of Obama's reign as President, this was the one chance in a 100 for the (Democratic) Socialist Party to run roughshod over the GOP Representatives, by going behind closed doors without any possible input from the rest of the House or Senate and pass the Obamacare and other "long wished for" laws and bills that could otherwise have been discussed with other party members. (They did this to avoid filibusters by the opposition which then would have taken more time.) Hence, the Obamacare bill passed without even the Socialists having read what was in it. (A flaw in the Constitutional system that was cleverly recognized by the Socialists and taken advantage of.) They passed the Obamacare bill that, when the 2700 pages were finally produced and read, No one, including Obama, could properly decipher the inconsistencies in it! He admitted it himself laughingly. But to them, if they were to "Seize the rare moment", they didn't have time to abide by the Constitution.
       After two years of the (Democrat) Socialists flagrantly abusing  the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America with no one, including the U.S. Supreme Court, stopping them, the 2010 mid-term elections took place and the sensible voters finally overcame the Socialist's dictatorial power in the House of Representatives by a large margin in favor of the GOP. However, the (Democratic) Socialist Senate still managed to keep a 51% majority, rather than the 60% they had before. As a result, a stalemate between the two factions took place. At this point, Obama and the Senate decided they would plant their feet solidly still and take their chances on non-compromise and let the economy, job situation and financial boondoggle continue until after the 2012 Nov.6th election. The GOP House of Representatives have produced a bunch of Economy and job producing alternatives to move this country forward now, but the Socialist Senate will not even bring them to the floor for discussion as I write. They really aren't interested in the affairs of this Nation until after the General election. They're going for broke.
      If they win again, they will  continue pushing their Marxist/Socialist march, as backed by the Infamous Atheist George Soros, who, before entering the United States, had already led several 3rd world countries into financial ruin before fleeing them with his pockets full and theirs empty. His philosophy, "Money is Power." He's now attempting to challenge the Great U.S. Lets' hope he "awakens the sleeping giant" before that time.
      So there you are, folks. All the while, to election time, they will count on the Sheeple who voted them in the last General Election to re-elect them again, confident they have made enough voters comfortably, financially dependent on the the Gov't. At least until AFTER the Nov. 6th election. Remember the old saying, voters; "Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!"    Just sayin'.

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