Tuesday, September 18, 2012


                                                    email me  macgeo2345@hotmail.com
       Have you stopped to ask yourself or anybody else, for that matter, what's in it for Obama's active supporters, you know, the people in secure, tenured positions that have long ago outlasted their need to be there anymore? Those already with Taxpayer paid pensions who, have plenty of income and lots of time to involve themselves in political events and making sure the people who can keep them feeling  comfortable get re-elected? Or those who still sit in comfortable positions in a government sponsored system of one sort or another but really have no purpose but to belong to a "Think tank" group that can come up with ideas to raise more taxes? Who, in their spare time, "volunteer" to stay on different Boards that they once were active in, always having in mind that there might be something in it for them?
       The EPA, for example. Socialists all, who think they're necessary to "be there" to think on behalf of the dumb Sheeple, who they consider just stupid enough to not be able to think for themselves.
       But you can be sure of one thing, it's always for the purpose of there being something in it for them and the politicians they're promoting. They're generally not in it for the sake of  the "needy" or "poor".
       I say "Generally" because once in a while, some are in it sincerely for other people's needs in mind such as Social workers and others who are simply wanting to stay in it for the "love of the game" so to speak. I always have great admiration for the ones who are in it for the concern of the needy recipients. But that's where I draw the line between them and the "Freedom Moochers" who would take advantage of the system for their own personal sake but run for cover up in Canada at the threat of a possible draft.
       So, why would anyone else be naive enough to think that the current Administration is in it for the good of the Country? To follow a Leftist Party trying to lead the Nation in a "different" direction, a direction that reflects a Socialist philosophy that has failed in Europe far worse than we have here in the United States? It's the greed for Power and Control.
       They really see themselves as being "a cut above", and therefore need to take total control.
       They fooled enough people into voting for them in 2008, accomplished "zero" in the four years since, except to make a mess of things with our Allies such as Israel, and blatantly lied to cover their Marxist butts by blaming everybody else and are ASKING FOR 4  MORE YEARS???
       For God's sake, folks!! Just because all stupid people are human, shouldn't allow them to think all people are stupid, should they?
       Are we all going to sit back and just allow them to treat us that way?
       It's time to unload a whole bunch of Narcissistic "Freedom Moochers" from our once proud Gov't and cut off financial support to groups such as "The New Black Panthers" who have already announced they will be disrupting the polling stations again this November 6th election.  Just sayin'.

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