Friday, September 14, 2012


                                         Read my blogs       http/

      Right as he boarded Air Force One last year, when the Wall Street protesters, encouraged by his Community Organizers began their marches in protest of the "Monetary Establishment", Barack Obama  told a reporter he supported them because they were entitled to their Constitutional rights.(Something he has been denying portions of the Congress for 3 &1/2 years)  
      The protests began, he took off on one of his many trips to Europe to continue his Community Organizing over there, leaving his supporting comment behind. The window smashing, Patrol car burning, killing, raping of their own women and indecent crapping in the streets went on. They started with makeshift, hand written cardboard signs that soon disappeared as his Community Organizers, equipped with bullhorns and plenty of cash, hit the streets with them, supplying store-printed signs, outdoor toilets, black costumes and plenty of professionally paid Anarchists to lead the way. The senseless chants of  revolt over the bullhorns prompting them on as they smahed every window in sight. Sound familiar??
      Well, look what's taking place in Egypt and Libya right now. The same anti-american establishment chants, the same rage, the same manufactured signs, (a sure give-away of Gov't financed involvement) and the same mentality and faces as you would see on any big city street in the U.S.A. when the Occupy Protesters are at work, only with a deadlier thought in mind. The murder of four beautiful, innocent Americans and the countless murder of dozens of Coptic Christians along with anyone who opposes the Muslim, extremist way of life. Barack Obama's "Dreams from his Father" religion.
      You're seeing the same organized confusion, the same hatred toward America, although they're all wanting to be portrayed (Under guise) as new, blossoming "Democratic" Countries in their infancy. This was the description of an Obama spokesman given to a host on Fox News "Give these protesters a chance, after all they are attempting to develop a new system of Democracy in it's infancy. Innocent mistakes might be made." Really? With Shariah law being adopted for their citizens?? The denigration of their women's rights?
      What I don't understand is, the female faction of the Democratic party wanting equality and abortion rights but yet supporting Obama and his strong Islamic ties. It's a conundrum don't you think?
      Surely they don't believe he's converted to Christianity, since in Islamic law, It's an automatic sentence of death for anyone who abandons the Muslim faith for Christianity. He was born Islamic, raised Islamic in Indonesia by American Grandparents who were missionaries there. They enrolled him in an Islamic Indonesian school to learn the philosophy.
      Tell me he isn't giggling in his sleep at the chaos he is creating for the sake of his own selfish dream. Whatever it really is! At the same time, he's dedicated himself to Marxist/Atheism. So which is he? When moving to Chicago in circa 1983, he completely surrounded himself with Atheists and even attended the Atheist Saul Alinsky created "Midwest Academy" in Chicago, to eventually become a member of it's board. When becoming President, he appointed his Atheist friends to every important position in the Gov't. In contrast to the rules of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, he allows them to remain in those positions regardless of what their past and present political records are and no matter how they behave. He does it by "executive order". A provision provided for emergency purposes only. such as when Congress is not available.
     He seems to encourage every group or country in the world who is in agreement on one thing, the taking down of the most powerful Judeo/Christian based country in the world regardless of what it takes.
      You're being deceived, folks!! He's the mystery man of the 20th and 21st century, along with the support of the "not  so mysterious" richest Marxist/Atheists in the world. Bill Gates included.
 This coming election is the most important in the history of the United States of America, and if it goes the wrong way, it may be the last honest one for a while. That's why it's critically important that all voters be required to produce I.D. when voting. The Obama Regime is counting heavily on the casting of mass fraudulent votes to retain the White House.    Just sayin'.

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