Friday, March 1, 2013
You need to pull your Ostrich heads out of your "hole" and recognize things for what they are, so you can really combat the Marxist/Communist attempt to take over our country and all of it's precious resources? You don't see yet what they're up to?
The Fiscal Cliff and the Sequester doesn't worry them a darn bit!!
They're simply waiting for this country to hit rock bottom financially and morally so they, the Communists, can step in and render it under their total control. You don't think so, but this is the "Well oiled machine" consisting of Atheist International Billionaires such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and many more untouchable, extreme Billionaires who believe in a "New World Order". He also has the full support of the Atheists that are powerful inside this country, such as the EPA, The Sierra Club and the Community Organizers like the powerful Union Leaders.
Barack Obama is a part of this scheme, and right now basks in the dream that he's in charge of it all. He is not!! Definitely not!!
Whenever a crisis arises where they feel they need to handle it from the shadows, the "Well Oiled Machine" sends the baffoon on a trip somewhere, anywhere but where he has to answer questions, because he isn't capable. In fact when a manifestation takes place, sometimes not even HE is aware of it!! Haven't you recognized it yet? He's here to make speeches, that's all! Otherwise, he's golfing!
Not just once in a while, but EVERY time a crisis arises, he's gone.
They only want this guy because of his ability to communicate. That's all! He has his orders and he doesn't dare acknowledge anything else. He lies, and when it isn't him, the shadows take over and lie for him. His speech writers are among the best in the world, and rightfully so, because they are a part of the "Well Oiled Machine". It tells you why he couldn't answer to the Benghazi murders. I'll bet he didn't even know it happened. He wasn't able to make a decision. He wasn't THERE!!!
They WANT the country to fail. Their working money isn't here. It's all over the world, but not here, and it continues to make money for them no matter what happens here.
Obama worries more about his own butt in relationship to them than he cares about the situation in the U.S. If they succeed, He becomes the President of the "New World Order". IF they don't, and the situation corrects itself to the benefit of the people here, he will settle for the cash he has somewhere and rest in luxury. It's a "win, win" for him either way.
But don't kid yourselves, his ultimate goal is to go for the big win if he can get it.
The latest news on the universe is that, the scientists are watching a new planet being born. I have news for you all. If the atheists take control of this planet, we're going to need another one!
Every decision that comes out of his whistling puppet mouth is directly damaging to the welfare of the United States. HE DOESN'T WANT THE COUNTRY TO SUCCEED another day.
Only God knows where the hundred billion dollars he can't explain disappeared to from the last four years, and he doesn't intend to.
We need to recognize it for what it is!! He and the "Well Oiled Machine" are looting this Nation blind. Look at their behavior when confronted by Reporters from the Right. They're insulting, arrogant and unafraid of being caught red-handed at lying the way they so often do, because THEY DON'T CARE!!!.
Not only will Obama seek to take control, he's not beyond wanting to SEIZE it if necessary.
Don't fool yourself, he sits quietly still while the new movement against the white populace by the dominant blacks who support the new "Black Panther" agenda shoot their mouths off.. In a speech at one of his rallies, Louis Farrakhan ranted on that they should kill everybody who doesn't comply to their Muslim wishes. Kill the adults the men, the women, the children, and the blue eyed babies. Kill them all.
"Blue eyed babies??" who do you think he was referring to? And what do you think Obama did about it? NOTHING!! He supports the fact that they're arming themselves in military weapons and dress, while at the same time he wants us to register ours.
Do you honestly think he would be watching them arm themselves quietly, yet want to restrict ours by having the ability to know who has guns among the white people and who don't? All this if he doesn't have that in mind so he can eventually seize them, should he feel a need to?
Nothing is beyond his thirst for power if he thinks, (and his backers think it will work) he can pull it off.
In one of his recent speeches he inferred he was being hampered by "This messy kind of Democracy".
Can you imagine you would ever hear a President of the United States talk negatively about our own Democracy. It's clear, he has no use for it!!
He's panicking right now and his true colors are starting to show whether it's a little too early or not, to suit the "Well Oiled Machine". If he screws up too much, too early, they may take it on their own to solve the problem. Who knows? Just sayin'.
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