Thursday, October 3, 2013


     Get the latest smell of the Doo-doo from the Communist's Shoes yet, do you?
     The latest accusation from the "Left" is, "The Republicans are playing "politics" with the economy! It's clear now they have completely ignored what the rules of the game are in the Constitution, isn't it?
     They have now decided in desperation to make a dirty reference out of the term they have been involving themselves in for 250 years. Do we have to remind them now, that the reason they're there is, POLITICS!!!.
     So can you imagine someone who's in the game for the purpose of seeing to the affairs of their constituents, actually making a nasty image of the word? A word that for all the intent and purposes of it being there are for the sake of honest representation, and not for the reason of being cheapened by someone who makes their living at it?
     Of course I don't have to tell you, they can't come any closer to resembling another term; HYPOCRITE!!
     Politicians are there for that exact reason, Politics, but the people on the "Left" are so mixed up in trying to push this great Country in a new "direction", one that takes us into the realm of the "Absence of God", they're even going to sacrifice the term for why they are really there, and make an even more undesirable word of it.
     So with the word "Politics" already darkened by their bad behavior now and in the recent past, (Although it's always been a "tongue-in-cheek" word in the past) they have, in a very careless manner, thrown caution to the wind by implying in a sour manner that makes the Republicans look like they are discrediting it.
     For Pete's sake, POLITICS "IS" the game, front and center. (You see, with Communism, there virtually is no politics as we know them now) I guess that's why they're making slight of the term.
     Do I have to point out to anybody that the reason we put politicians into office is by being  involved in the "Politics" of the Gov't's affairs??.
     They've already cheapened the word "Compromise". If the Republicans say it, it's criticized as though they're being sacrilegious to suggest it, but then they turn around and try to use it to their own advantage.
     I don't think we ought to try and be fair with them any longer.
     Lets' just continue to press on playing "Politics" and hopefully get them out of there once and for all! Just sayin'.

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