Wednesday, October 9, 2013


      You can't tell me that after all these shenanigans that Barack Obama and his bunch have pulled, you shouldn't be able to charge the President with Treason by now as well.
,      The reason your Congressional approval ratings are so far down into the single digits is not because  and like me, they're asking why someone doesn't haveObama is doing a good job. It's because of what you're doing, but because of what you're not doing!! They're just mad at you because you're doing nothing about it!! That's all!
      Everyone knows what this traitor has done to the Country. They're wondering now where the so-called patriotism is in the Congress that they voted for and expected to see. When a Bully like him mouths off at random and openly displays disrespect to the "American Way", He's clearly wrong!
      Having the courage to step up to this thief and coward at this point with whatever it takes, is the only answer for it.
      Everybody would go out and get drunk to celebrate the fact that he and his Party got ousted. You can't tell me he can ignore and continually criticize the Constitutionally required way to behave as President. He swore to do it in his oath of office. Legally, he and everybody who aids him are not exempt from the laws they swore to uphold.
      Pick any scandal from every week and PAY these whistleblowers for telling the truth and pay them whatever it takes. Advertise a very husky monetary reward for information leading up to the conviction of these two-bit jerkoff Turds.
      Surely to God the people would stand behind someone who would go after these people. The polls would skyrocket  with approval from 80% of the general population..
      The only reason the Republican Opposition is getting low ratings is because they AREN"T doing something about this disgusting bunch who spit in our faces everyday without fail.
      Do something about this ingrate simply by using your Constitutional rights that so many warriors fought and died for. There's barefaced lie after barefaced lie that nobody's  doing anything about.
      It's pitiful to think we have a Military with leaders too cowardly to stop it.
      This Regime is definitely behaving in a way that's totally belittling to our once proud Nation.
      Shame on all of you who are capable of taking these ridiculous people out of power and do not.
      The citizens of this Country are watching and waiting. DO YOUR JOB!!   Just sayin'.

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