Sunday, November 3, 2013


      This morning, Sunday, I woke up at 6:30 A.M., and as usual, turned on the T.V. to catch Fox News. It's a regular habit of mine and there's always a good mixture of Politics, weather and often entertaining subjects that get me started for the day.
      On this morning's News, there was a very touching story of a passenger flight from overseas that I would describe as bitter-sweet, but heartwarming to any Patriotic soul. The story was that of a fallen soldier being returned home to his family from the now questionable, war torn, Middle East. Afghanistan.
      Just before landing, the pilot in a compassionate voice, announced the presence of the fallen soldier on board being delivered to his home, final resting place and waiting family. As described by the reporter, the voice was amazing, powerful and meaningful as he announced the soldier's name.
     Every passenger stopped what they were doing in preparation for the landing, and forgetting for the moment their immediate, domestic difficulties ahead for themselves, listened intently to the announcement in eerie silence.
     A female flight attendant, caught up in the moment, led the passengers in honoring the soldier with cheers and bravados that echoed through the entire crowd. Amidst the cheering, there was a water-spray hose greeting from a fire truck on the ground that is regularly there in cases of fallen soldiers being welcomed home. The heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice of bringing freedom throughout the World, such as we so often take for granted here in America, while unfortunately allowing the unpatriotic dissidents in this country to take advantage of in their own perverse, nasty way.
     It seems to be "the nature of the beast" that goes along with the Constitutional blanket we enjoy, for better or for worse.
     The reporter continued on in saying that there was a contingent of people gathered at the gate to welcome the soldier home as well. It included his mother and immediate family, and as the casket was carried through the group the pallbearers stopped at his mother. Once again, the crowd became silent as she reached up with her hand and caressed it in a loving way that only a loved one could do.
     With tears streaming throughout the crowd, they continued on to the waiting hearse and the soldier's casket loaded into it. It slowly drove away.
     There was something the reporter said that I found to be unintentionally misconceived, but commonly believed at the end of his story. Something to the effect, "It was a heart rendering event that surprised me, since most people in this country are against our Military."
     That, my friends, is a misconception if I ever heard one! But you can attribute that misleading thought to the adage that if you say something often enough, long enough and loud enough that isn't necessarily true, it becomes true!! So don't blame him for the remark.
     The only reason it becomes true, is because the perpetrators are allowed to say it over, and over, and over again, being greeted by us, the Sheeple, with silence. A silence brought on by the perpetrators who have brainwashed one generation after the other to, "Don't rock the boat," or "I don't believe in confrontation", or "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!" But they themselves feel free to say whatever they think is appropriate beforehand.
     Anyone who fits into the category of "Community Organizing", does it. Hence, the followers of Barack Obama. "The master of Community Organizing."
     Therein lies the problem. In reference to the statement the reporter made, there is absolutely no way that is true. The majority of the people do not dislike our Military! Only the loudest people who never practice what they preach, hate not only the Military or any other kind of Civil Police action, if it isn't in their favor. When it's not, out come the sticks and stones, black riot garb and facemasks so they came attack any car or storefront they can lay havoc on.
     But not to worry folks, as in the problem with Obamacare right now, and in the words of a prominent Conservative Spokesman Donald Rumsfeld, "No matter what the problem, the truth always comes out in the end."
     Right now, the truth about Barack Hussein Obama and his group of thugs is finally coming out!
     Our heroic fallen soldier didn't die for his country in vain. He died for a Principle that won't go away soon if we don't allow it to. It lies within the confines of our Sacred Constitution.
     Like the voice of the pilot on the plane, speak up and be heard.   Just sayin'.

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