Friday, December 20, 2013


     The war against Christmas has escalated now, to the extent of downright nastiness on the part of the "Jesus Haters".
     A few short years ago, It was a tasteless phenomena by just a few anonymous groups, who mainly remained back in the shadows, breathing distaste to themselves and impatiently waiting for the Christmas season to end, so they could be rid of the reminder that through Good Saint Nicholas, God Still exists.
     Now I'm not including certain religious groups with beliefs that somewhere back in ancient times, it was a Pagan ritual along with a whole bunch of other rituals throughout the year. Because these present religious groups wish to ignore it, doesn't mean they hate it. It just means they choose not to celebrate those "rituals" within their own practices. Remember Our Constitution? It's their religious belief.
     The fact is, they still remain believers in a Supreme Being that is "God" in our minds but prefer to use an old biblical term of "Jehovah"' albeit the same recognized Spirit. They also still believe in the birth of Jesus and the fact he died for all of us on the cross.
     I am talking about true Jesus and God haters who, for their own narcissistic desires have chosen a different path in order to satisfy what we  consider their twisted pleasures.
     To name a few of those groups, Thieves, Pimps, killers of any kind, including the most common, Abortionists. They're not alone, because I include Radical Muslims, (Although condoned by other so-called "Peaceful Muslims") Atheists, Agnostics, some Actors and performers, Homosexuals, Bisexuals, Liars and miscellaneous others.
     They live and thrive in all walks of life right up to, and including the Congress, Justice system and Supreme Court. But mostly in the minority, and as I view it, always will be.
     They are all together, because they all have the same selfish dreams of being a cut-above us "God worshippers", in the sense they will never have a "Supreme Being" to answer to as we do. They assume themselves free of penance! ( But I've yet to see any of them leave this life before or after death with a smile. Have you???
     I often refer to their behavior as; "The Line Of Least Resistance". In other words, instead of seeing it as our strength,they look at us as weak individuals having to depend on God for Righteousness. I use that reference because in fact, according to God's rules, It is seldom if ever, the way to go. In fact, the "Resistance" gives us strength.
     Hence, their reason to stand in our way of anything that gives us the courage and determination to stand in their devious way, in return.
     Within all those characters I've described, there is one spirit that has the ability to be any of those spiteful persons: The Devil himself!!!
     But not just the Devil! One man can represent the same bunch, and he doesn't think we have the will or the determination to fight back!
     In their 'short term' way of thinking, they have forgotten one past event.  The Crusades!
     It can, and may have to happen again, through the same courage our fallen and survived Warriors once fought with before and won.
     Remember the saying, "Together we stand"! "Divided we fall"? That's why I emphasize we need to set aside our religious differences and act as one body in resisting "The Devil, himself". I believe that's what it's coming to, unless they retreat to their proper place; Hell!
      So lets' carry the fight to them with; "MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY!!!   Just Sayin'.

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