Monday, December 16, 2013


     Beware of anything friendly about Communism. The Marxist offenders have forever been the aggressors, not us. For those too young to have been concerned, The Military Memorials and Graveyards are full of American Patriots' names and remains who fought and died to keep us and other Democratic Countries free of their Marxist Principles and Tyranny.
     Now, we know there has always been a resentment to the way we have sacrificed lives throughout those years to maintain our American Values. Those values that are embedded in our three sacred Documents; The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Written, I might add, by the very wise Founding Fathers in a manner that protects the Common people from the aggression of outside and internal Totalitarian forces.
     There's no doubt in most of our minds, that it was a Totalitarian Monarchy that pressed our Country to establish the Declaration to start with; The Kings and Queens of England.
     Yet here we are, being controlled by the "Enemy Within", all over again.!
     When I refer to the "Enemy Within", I'm writing about the present Marxist minded Socialist Government we have at the reins today. (When I refer to "Reins", it might not be a suitable expression, because they are to be attributed to the history of the great achievements so gallantly handed to us by the proud horse.)
     In our case, today, they happen to be in the hands of a great group of people where there are a lot more "Horse's Asses" than there are horses. We call them, the Obama Administration.
     I don't think the greatest majority of us want Barack Obama or anyone else Being "lovey dovey" to, and "compromising" our hard earned freedom, with their direction for any reason. PARTICULARLY their "New Direction".
     We did just fine without them or their "Un-American implants" who managed to get themselves positioned presently in our Public Schools, colleges and Universities such as they are.
     Worse than that, they've even managed to get themselves planted in The Highest Court in the Land. The Supreme Court of the United States of America.
     Yes, Nelson Mandela was certainly and improvement to the Country of South Africa as a former member of the Communist Party of South Africa. But his friend and Communist Compatriot who has taken over his ruling there today, Sumo, is not. You need only to read his past history to know that.
     So hugging up to any Communist from any Country today isn't "Cutting any Ribbons" so to speak, in my eyes.
     Do not be misled by the "Friendly" Communist themes or ideas being so slyly presented to us at this time. You're bound to sacrifice something each time you do!
     They are not our friends!! Just sayin'.

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