Monday, May 12, 2014
Immediately after the Democrats took solid control of the Congress in the Election of 2008, they rushed behind closed doors in January of 2009 when the new terms kicked in, "Locking out" the minority of Congress from participating in their 'Organized Confusion' while plotting how to turn this Country in a "Different Direction".
No matter how hard the opposition tried to take their seats by following Constitutional Law, The "Progressives would not allow them to legally participate in the illegal, un-Constitutional process taking place behind closed doors. (We all know by now, what a mess the "Progressives" have submitted us to as a result of that illegal process.)
Now,....when the terrible tragedy took place in "Benghazi" on Sept. 11th, 2013 under the very watchful eye of the "Progressive" controlled White House Staff, Obama was eerily absent from the knowledge of it. Or so he claims!.
But once again, now that the Opposition has had to wrench back the House of Representatives from the lecherous clutches of Nancy Pelosi and the Communist "Progressives" in the mid-term election of 2010, (And thank God they did!) the house of Representatives are back in the hands of the Conservatives.
Because the U.S. Military has a policy to "Never leave a fallen warrior behind", The House of Representatives have arranged a Bi-Partisan Investigative Committee to investigate why the murders of four Gallant American Patriots including the U,S. Ambassador, took place while the White House Staff watched it first hand on live, "Action by Action' closed circuit T.V.! When the Military asked permission to protect the U.S. Embassy, they were ordered by the President's people at the highest level watching it, to "Stand down" 3 separate times!!
Hopelessly, the murders took place by the Al Qaida Terrorists and dragged through the streets of Benghazi while the tight-lipped White House Staff sat and watched!
So, unlike the illegal behavior of the "Progressives" I mentioned above in January of 2009, the Conservative controlled Investigative Committee has invited the "Progressives" to place 5 of their Congressmen on the Committee to make sure the Investigation is done in a Constitutional, Bi-Partisan manner.
But as it stands right now, Nancy Pelosi, the Minority leader of the House of Representatives is encouraging the "Progressive" members of the house to once again "Stand Down" so to speak, and not join the panel on the Committee.
Exactly in order that, by not appointing those "Progressive" Representatives to join, the Committee cannot claim itself "Bi-Partisan" by having to appoint five more "Conservative" members to the Board, so it can proceed! ( Please read it again so you can get the drift!)
As a consequence, when they do their investigation, and come up with the whole truth of who ordered the Military to stand down, the "Progressives" will claim as they have so far, the Conservatives are strictly Partisan, just on a political witch hunt, and not really exposing the truth.
When in fact, the Conservatives are truly trying to be fair in exposing all the facts in a Constitutional, Bi-Partisan manner. Just sayin'.
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Not sure why you're proselytizing religious claptrap in response to a blog post about investigations into the Benghazi attacks, but as it has nothing to do with the subject of the original post please take your religious bullshit elsewhere. Just sayin'
ReplyDeleteSo, just exactly what is it that is supposed to be the "crime" of Benghazi? Was it that Susan Rice used talking points (prepared and approved by the CIA, by the way)? Was it that Ms Rice discussed the infamous "Innocence of Muslims" video that was, in fact, the cause of many demonstrations across the middle-east that same day - including some of the largest and most well covered demonstrations in Egypt as well as other cities in Libya? Was it that the US Congressional Republicans denied repeated requests for additional money to supply "Diplomatic Missions" like the one in Benghazi (it was not actually an "Embassy", by the way. Not that I expect facts to be important to your understanding of this issue. They don't seem interfere with your rants on other issues, at any rate.)
ReplyDeleteWhat precisely do you think another investigation will uncover that the previous half-dozen mostly Republican lead investigations hasn't already laid open to the American people - at least those of us with an interest in the subject and access to Google?
Oh, and that whole idea that the President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, etc. (or whomever you think was in the Situation Room at the time) were watching the events unfold in real time "action by action" on "Closed Circuit T.V." is an asinine assertion. That part of the story is pure fiction, just as is the notion that they were watching the Bin Laden raid in Abbottabad in real time. I hate to inject reality into the discussion, but while that kind of technology is great in the movies it is ONLY cinematic fantasy. Science is working on getting us there, but the kind of real-time video capability that you seem to think already exists is at least a decade away from being practical and maybe another decade beyond that from being implementable on the scale necessary for the types of operations we are dealing with.
As to your statement "When the Military asked permission to protect the U.S. Embassy [sic}, they were ordered by the President's people at the highest level watching it, to "Stand down" 3 separate times!!" This is, again, demonstrably false. The US military was asked by the State Dept. and White House officials whether it was possible to mount a rescue and they were told that help was too far away and could not get there in sufficient time to assist. And once again, to be clear, the facility in Benghazi was NOT a US EMBASSY. A US Embassy building would have had sufficient armed protection, supplied by the United States Marine Corps, to ward off such an attack as the one at the DIPLOMATIC MISSION in Benghazi. Which is why the Obama administration and Secretary Clinton asked Congress to appropriate additional money specifically for the purpose of beefing up security at certain US State Dept. facilities including, specifically, the Diplomatic Mission facility in Benghazi.
Also demonstrably false is your statement "Hopelessly, the murders took place by the Al Qaida [sic] Terrorists and dragged through the streets of Benghazi while the tight-lipped White House Staff sat and watched!" (As mentioned earlier, the idea that anyone actually "watched" these events in real-time is pure fantasy/science-fiction)
Just to complete my thought:
ReplyDeleteAmbassador Stevens was loved by the local Libyan people and several Benghazi locals were instrumental in getting him to a hospital, not dragging his, or anyone else's, body through the streets. Unfortunately the terrorists won the 'battle' and Amb. Stevens, along with Sean Smith (US Foreign Service Information Management Officer), Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty (both CIA security contractors) lost their lives that terrible day. Are you going to try to put Sec. Clinton &/or President Obama on trail for the 'murders' of these brave Americans? If so, then they'll need to get in line behind Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Coni Rice, and even "Dubya" himself as we try them for the lies and the cover-ups that cost not 4 (four) American lives, but 4,000 (FOUR THOUSAND) American lives and over 100,000 (ONE-HUNDRED THOUSAND) Iraqi lives - or are those lies and those dead Americans not so important to you because it was Republicans that sent them to their deaths? Just askin...