Sunday, June 22, 2014
The Crisis we are seeing is not a nightmare we can just wake up from in the night, rub our eyes, thank God it isn't really happening, roll over and go back to peaceful sleep. (I wish it was, I really do!)
But it's not. Maybe nature has built in a self-defense system in our mind we naturally resort to, that permits us mentally to soften the blow from what is the inevitable to come. ( Kind of like, "If I put off facing it today, maybe it won't be here tomorrow!")
Well, it's time to count the money in the till at the end of the month, to see if there's any profit there for your business to be able to open it's doors in the morning of the next month. ( This of course, after you actually knew stock was continually missing every day while you witnessed the shoplifters and dishonest employees run out the front and back doors with it. Your naive trust in your fellow man tells you, they wouldn't do that!)
Well, here we are folks! Right smack in the middle of a real life nightmare that this time, isn't going to go away until we make it do so. There's no rolling over and going back to sleep!
Only this time, we're talking about common sense, and Reality. And who it is that's running off with the goods that have kept us in business for 250 years.
Though they're doing their darndest to hide Reality with the substitute of Idealism, they've done a lousy job of convincing us that Idiology replaces the actual truth. Because the truth is what it is, and always comes out in the end.
So what say you?? Are you still drinking the illusive cool-aid and thinking there's a promised pot of gold at the end of their kinky rainbow?
The only "Rainbow " they believe in, is the substitute name they've chosen to distort, along with "Gay", "Alternative Normal" and "Homophobe" among others. Below is a list for you to ponder over as an indication for what they really are. It's factual and as of right this moment, they can't deny.
For you own self assurance, You'll find it all on Wikapedia and other internet sources;.
Read them, and determine for yourself;
(1) Obamacare
(2) Renewable investment failures where tens of billions of Tax-paid dollars disappeared into thin air.
E.G.; Solar Trust of America, Bright Source, LSP Energy, Energy conversion devices, Abound Solar, Sunpower, Ener-1, Beacon Power, Ecotality, Uni-solar, Azure Dynamics and Evergreen Solar.
(3) Work Participation rate, lowest in 35 years.
(4) Federal take-over of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac.
(5) Bank bail-outs for those who contributed to their campaigns
(6) Cash for Clunkers
(7) Refusal to enforce the law with the take-over of polling places by the Black Panthers.
(8) The blatant issuing of Unemployment figures to enhance their figures.
(9) The "Fast and Furious" discovery of the Jsstice Dept. Trafficking Arms and Ammunition to the Warring Drug Cartels.
(10) The NSA Spying scandal
(11) The IRS targeting of Tea Party groups
(12) 70% Food stamp Increase they tried to hide.
(13) Removing the Work search requirement for Welfare Recipients
(14) The ongoing Criminal investigation into the horrendous VA scandal
(15) The pretense by Barack Obama that "Al Qaida" was dead, While all along he's been arming them with Arms and Ammunition all over the World
(16) The murderous "Benghazi " murders of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya along with the 3 gallant warriors who protected him. Their mutilated bodies were dragged through the streets amongst the cheers of Al Qaida supporters and photographers afterward.
(17) The refusal to curtail the flow of Illegal Aliens crossing our Southern Border.
Now lets see their list of accomplishments! Just sayin'.
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