Monday, August 25, 2014
Don't you think there's something seriously wrong with the picture? Particularly when he was aware of the true story of what happened by that time, that led to the justified, self defense shooting by Officer Wilson?
Obama was too busy golfing, and Joe Biden was busy on vacation, Make sense to you?
Anyway, I wanted to address the "Devil may care" attitudes of the President and VP with the lack of attention to one event, and the extreme attention they displayed to the other.
Time after time, he shows little or no concern about the deaths of our noble Warriors. To him, it's just another day at the office.
Recently, the funeral of the top U.S. 2-star General who was assassinated by a Terrorist in Iraq was mostly ignored and not attended by our President, except for a hastily written note written by someone else that Obama read impatiently before leaving his podium. It was noticeable even to some in the (Left) Main Media that he couldn't wait to get out of there.
In contrast to that, and not waiting for the final results of the Michael Brown case, in which a White policeman acted in self defense against a proven 6'4" thug, and was required to "Shoot to stop" this guy, he sent three Dignitaries from his White house Staff to attend the thug's funeral. So what's that about??
Instead, they decided to play the 'Race card', and neglecting to follow the truth, They encouraged Race-baiter Al Sharpton to pick up the ball and run with it. He's been running with it ever since, encouraging Racial hatred towards the law and the White people of the Country. It was probably with an 'under-the-table' stipend that's significant to him as a pauper 'Preacher man', but of little write-off expense they'll inflate for collection on their expense accounts. (Sharpton is often invited to have private meetings and lunches with the President.)
I will end this subject to remark that there's been a successful attempt by Barack and the people on the Left to deliberately widen the racial tension and discontent in order to gain votes and allies from the poor, unsuspecting Black and Brown races.
They express sympathy for those, not because they feel sorry for them, but to retain their position in a Gov't. that's bent on leading us away from our treasured, paid for in blood, financial and personal Freedom.
It's one thing to have people living in different countries, including my birth Country of Canada, to look at it the way Sharpton does , because a lot of those countries don't get all the facts about the affairs of the United States, due to biased reporting from their own CBC News station which the Queen of England totally owns. Why??
I'll attempt to explain the difference; Until 1776 and the American War of Independence in which we defeated the British dominance of taxation without representation, Britain dominated the early Colonies, such as Canada, The U.S. and Australia.
In Britain's mind at the time, those were places to get rid of what were considered criminal, non-tax paying people who were a burden to them. (Many were considered criminals if, being as poor as a lot of them were, they were convicted of stealing food, such as a loaf of bread.)
Unaware of the potential of our Natural resources and strength of a mixture of desperate people to survive in a wilderness yet unexplored, they had the attitude that the banished criminals were out of sight, and out of mind. ( If they survived, they were too far away to ever contend with again. If they didn't, they would never have been worth much or of any good to them anyway.)
But they did survive and produced products and other goods useful to the rest of the World, and the first part was a lot of barter trade transitioning to profitable goods.
So the British, upon seeing the opportunity of taxation and nothing more, imposed their laws and tax control as the young nations grew. That is, until 1776, and the War of Independence! All British holdings were confiscated and belonged to the New United States.
It was different with Canada, because in granting demanded Independence, and loosening ropes of taxation to Canada, There was an Agreement signed, avoiding hostility that private British ownership would be retained. There obviously was little thought given to the fact the Royal family owned much land, Industries and communication networks, such as the CBC radio and Television network that still dominates the Airways in Canada today. Like it or not, because of financial ownership, Canada is still not out from under the thumb of Britain and the Queen of England today. Because the CBC sets the broadcasting regulations, she is bound and determined not to allow anything that she decides is detrimental to the Socialist way she manages to preserve through promotion by way of her favorite Party, the New Democratic Party (NDP). (a contradiction within itself, because they are the same handed-down leadership from the Communist Party of Canada in the late 20's and thirties.)
So it is today, that the Canada/Britain agreement did not allow for a Constitution similar to ours to be written and defended, the way ours was.
With that knowledge, We can be proud of how much the American People went to war to defend our Allies, regardless of the understanding they may have had with the British Monarchy. After all, there was still civility among us in joining to oppress an enemy that would have taken away the way of life we each claimed under different circumstances. (Freedom, although different to each.)
So knowing generally how the survival of Independence came about and still exists, and the lives our gallant ancestral and present warriors who died, defended and defend up until now, we still appreciate the American way of life. Why would we allow a far left, Communist minded, habitually treasonous President, his Regime and his backing by the International Billionaires to ever revert us back to a modern day World central power such as "The Trilateral Commission" and "New World Order" only to be exploited of our freedom today?? It's reminiscent of the Old World British Empire we fought to get our freedom from in the first place.!!
How can that possibly make sense to you at all??
How on earth can we permit ourselves to listen to the people, or the tales of their ancestors who say after they migrated for a better life, didn't return to their ancestral nations because they found it better here, say this or that was better in Germany Japan, Russia, Britain, Canada etc.??
It's a conundrum we are being plagued with right now.
This far Left group is depending on, and promoting confusion deliberately and continually, because they know if they keep the free nations in states of manifestation, jobless and undefended, but totally dependent on bloated Government, our morale and dignity will implode into submission. What they're truly after, as I stated before, is the free exploitation of our Natural resources and hijack whatever technology besides.
It's their way of encouraging us to "Follow the Line of Least Resistance." If you take a moment and think about it, it's seldom the way to go. But we won't have much choice, either will we?? I'm convinced it's 'the one and only' way he wants it, and won't settle for less.
He appears to me to be an incompetent that has no concern for the well being of the free life our Constitution granted us up until he entered office.
It doesn't make good sense at all to me, but if anyone's got a better notion of that , they aren't producing it! Just sayin'.
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