Wednesday, November 5, 2014


     It of course is! But I also think that although it is, the Construction Employment is only a source of employment until it's built. All we can hope then, is there are other pipelines making the oil available to our own distributors, for use and consumption here in America, too.
     I say this because I believe the bulk of the oil that will flow through the XL pipeline will be for shipment out of the country from the Ports at the Gulf of Mexico, by oil companies not paying taxes on profits to this country they make from it. I see only royalties being received here and from oil coming from here. Not Canada's oil which will also flow through it.
     I'm not familiar with any other arrangements the Obama Administration has with the International Oil Companies, but in light of how the Administration has behaved until now by delaying the XL pipeline, Who knows what money has changed hands, and for what?
     My main point being though, the New Gov't would also need to concentrate on permanent job activities that would be an ongoing manufacturing process type of work. Like bringing back and creating jobs that would mean the use of raw materials processed here and used here for the manufacturing and sales either inside this nation or shipped out as finished goods. Whatever it takes, those are the real jobs needed to bring this Country back to what it once was.
     surely it must be realized by now that although the problem of out-sourcing was started prior to Barack Obama's appearance on the political scene, it was intentionally exacerbated by his agenda designed to take us over the edge into oblivion on behalf of the rest of the World.
     Bringing those much needed jobs back to us, can only be done by proper regulation by our Gov't on behalf of the Consumer and the common workforce that once fueled the economy of the Country.
     As it is, the regulations in place right now are more on behalf of the real money men such as the allowing of Corporations who then swallow up the legitimate, home-grown Companies that once existed here. They then entered the International scene and greed overcame common sense in that they looked to other 3rd World Countries for cheaper labor and larger profits. Microsoft is a perfect example of that scenario.
     I believe Wall Street and the International Banks played a large roll in it as well.
     Barack Obama and the "Progressive" Party joined in the fray to help them after being promised there was something in it for them at the end of it all too!
     The end result of them all joining together was to take this Country down to a third world status, such as it almost is. Just sayin'.

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