Wednesday, February 11, 2015


     With nothing to look forward to in the remainder of his term, haven't you wondered why he continues to push his non-sensible agendas??  Doesn't it dawn on you that, those Agendas are far more than he alone would push for?
     It is clear to me, although he knows he has failed so far, that it's the People behind his puppet moves who have no intention of letting up on their future dreams of having Central World control over all the World's populace.
     As I have mentioned before, they are intent on changing the system on earth to a Central, Marxist controlled "New World Order". A one Gov't being set up by the International Billionaires of the World who, believe it or not, have already set up an appointment Panel process called "The Trilateral Commission". That Group of political Ideologues have an aim to eliminate the power of all other National Governments and Countries and the only election process left, will determine who leads it.
     Private Ownership of anything will no longer exist!
     It's a quest by these extremely rich groups to lead through "Totalitarianism" who will then be able to help themselves to the Natural resources anywhere on the Globe.
     Barack Hussein Obama is their chosen Puppet, and has already elevated himself above the position of U.S. President and to him, he is ignoring the existence of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights as though they never should have been established in the first place.
     He is treating them as though they are nothing. There will be no God before him except the "Trilateral Commission" who already has accepted the principle of "True Communism."
     All of his appointed people are in tune with this, which explains why they are in lockstep with everything he does or says.
     Jimmy Carter, Henry Kissinger Bill and Hillary Clinton, and George H W. Bush have all had hands in this idealism from the early '70's.
     That's what Ronald Reagan recognized when he said while running for President;" This Country is the last bastion of Freedom left on Earth. Once we lose it, There will be no other place to go"!
     Barack Obama's presumed authority of trampling on our Bill of Rights and Constitution must be halted now!! His stalling for time is only to help other consenting World Leaders and his ISIS army to accomplish their tasks before lowering the boom on the rest of us.
     It's only our Freedom of Religion that stands in their way and as you can already see, what ISIS is doing to that. 
     For some stupid reason, we aren't seeing it for what it really is as we continue to ask, "I wonder why he's saying what he says? I wonder why he doesn't do this or that??"
    Wake up and see it for what it is! ISIS is the army of the Devil himself, and Barack is leading it in his own deceptive, Devilish way.
     He helps people not out of compassion, because he's not capable of displaying it. It's to buy their favor when he needs them down the road.
     Our Congress needs to expel this man from all authoritative decisions if it means arresting him for Treason which he is already committing.
     With his term approaching an end, he is simply preparing the ground-work for the final push the "Progressive" (Communist minded) Party needs if they can get another President of their choice in 2016. They're desperate enough now that they've lost the Congress, to do whatever it takes before we pass amendments to safeguard the future for ourselves from further damage.
      Who on earth would have imagined this man would abuse the power of the Presidency to the degree that he has?
      He, along with his rich backers from other parts of the world, has hijacked our political system and are refusing to give it back!
      Just sayin'.

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