I'm sitting at my desk, wondering what I should write about tonight, and while I'm pondering, I also am lending one ear to Fox News, Bill Oreilly and Megyn Kelly!
Then it comes to me! The truth! Why not write about that?? Why? Well,...... it struck me that over the past 7 years, All of America has been struck by, pounded with, and convinced to a damaging large degree with anything but guess what? The truth!!!So here we go! Never in my life, (And I've been around for going on 79 years!) did I think that Someone, or some group of devious people would or could take a big strong, beautiful Country like ours and totally turn it and it's Sacred Constitutional values upside down.
A cunning group, non-believers in God, has succeeded in doing just that. Especially to most people, enough to vote him into the most singularly powerful position in the World. The Presidency of the United States of America.
What particular group of people? And how did they get to do it? Well if you were the Devil himself, how would you do it? Just like they did it, you would silently and secretly join forces in various ways that suited the same Godless thoughts they had amongst themselves.
Being secretly wrapped up in a Godless atmosphere, it made them free to abandon any fear of a penance they would normally have to pay if they were believers in God and a Here-after.
"Atheism" is the word that would pertain to that group, quite comfortably.
Who belongs to that extended group? Well, I'd venture to say it's made up of a varying kind of groups who, for their own purposes, feel the need to dominate over others in one form or another; to achieve dominance in one form or another by whatever means it takes to satisfy their perverted needs.
I again venture to say, the ones with the most Predatorial instincts, particularly in the field of perverted sex. Homosexuality!
It's a fallacy, and always will be, that people are born into that desire. From what I have determined through talking to others over the years, there is almost always a sexual predator that gives others no other choice but to experience male homosexuality by force, and after a short period of time grow to like it although ashamed to tell anyone else. It also makes them submissive to other temptations as well! Drugs and alcohol for instance. God knows! No one is given life on earth by God to volunteer for that nasty habit.
But to gain prominence and achieve power, they needed to join forces with other groups such as Atheists, Agnostics, Narcissists, thugs and people motivated by their greed for money. A common desire they can achieve by any means as long as God isn't included.
Relatively small groups at first, but as they grew larger and quietly moved up in all walks of life by remaining in their own closets, they were able to develop a philosophy suitable to all their own means; Communism! (A naïve 'freedom' afforded them in the Constitution and taken advantage of, to achieve devious rights that weren't intended for that purpose)
Now, they have grown so united and strong in their thirst for power and money, (again claiming Constitutional rights to cover their cause) they temporarily reign supreme in North America.
This was relatively late in happening in North America, since to the rest of the Old World, we were all immigrants gathering together to find a life free of dictatorial dominance such as had already happened in the countries who had been in existence for century after century since the beginning of civilization. Their stale existence there for so long, just keeps the "Sheeple" in their "Just go with the flow" and "Don't create waves" sense of submissiveness.
The most repetitive reasons there uninformed, but insistent supporters use over and over again is; "They're all the same no matter what Party, anyway!" or "The other side's just as bad" or "What's-his-name did it back in 1865".
They're continually using those 'generalized' reasons to justify their enormous wrongs, by pointing out the random wrongs of others in the past as though, two wrongs make it right, now!
Obama, although denouncing the persecution of the innocents, will forever try to justify the heinous beheadings and human cage burnings by his Muslim friends, by pointing out the past wrongs of Christians 1000 years ago.
The newcomers to America on the Mayflower arrived here to escape the defeated lifestyle of Europe, Asia and the murderous Muslim Extremists of the Middle East in search of the truth and freedom. (Two thirds of them perished in their quest.) They made it, and when they arrived, a passenger named William Bradford drew up the precursor to our Constitution as it exists today, "The Mayflower Compact". Read it!!
But as a great statesman in my estimation said; " The truth always comes out, and the truth always prevails, regardless of pain or pleasure."
So now that the truth is beginning to surface through all the deception and lies of the recent past, the outcome is evident, and will bring us back to the rules of God, and the Ten Commandments that so carefully guide us in the Goodness of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.
Because we're still of the New World and consist of the strongest group in the World; a Country of Immigrants who don't mind a good fight in the quest to believe in a Supreme being, and remain free to do so. Just sayin.
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