Sunday, April 19, 2015


     Looking back at the behavior of those three, you can see the "Progressive" behavior now of the way they conducted themselves in the weird  headline events of each Presidency and Administration.
     Carter for instance; although professing to be a Christian Preacher, was obviously the most naïve example of one in Modern history! Although he was honest enough to believe in God, and he himself followed God's teachings, he was overly naïve to get involved in the philosophy of a "One World Order" represented by an Atheist, Godless Gov't now in existence in Europe called "The Trilateral Commission". Carter was an active player back then.
     All the while, prompted on by a wealthy, well known U.S. Statesman, Henry Kissinger and Prominent Architectural participant in the philosophy of the "Trilateral Commission" and "New World Order" circa 1973.
     It makes little sense, because of the direct confliction between the existence of God, and a Central, Communist Government the "Commission" is intended to be. Nevertheless, he did!
     On top of that, it was known that he vetted little of his White House guests and their behavior beforehand, when inviting some of them to dinner. Jim Jones for instance.
     Eg; Shortly before Jim Jones did his move to Guyana with his nine hundred plus congregation of followers, and then murdered a Prominent U.S. Congressman investigating that move, fed them all the deadly 'cool aid' laced with Cyanide! They all died, of course.
     It's a wonder he lasted the full four years in the White House that he did.
     Then after 8 truly good illustrious years by which Republican President Ronald Reagan conducted himself beautifully, and who can be credited for ending the cold war along with four more years by Republican George H. Bush who crushed the tyrannical, murderous Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the reins of Presidency were handed over to the Democratic "Playboy" of U,S; Presidents, William J. Clinton and his now infamous wife Hillary. What a joy ride that was, as we watched what we now know was, the worst sex scandal in the history of our nation's Capital.
     It was then the first sign of outright mistruths were formed and the intentional misleading of truths became obvious to the American people.
     For a short time after Clinton stepped in as President, William P. Barr was inept Director of the FBI, and was in charge of the murderous raid by dozens of FBI Agents on the remote mountain cabin of  supposed White Separatist, Randy Weaver and his family circa Aug. 21st, 1992.
     This was before Louis Freeh was appointed FBI Director shortly after the actual incident. Mistakenly, a lot of people think he was in charge at the time. He was installed in the position after Bill Clinton fired Barr in July, 1993. However, Barr did everything he possibly could to cover the mistakes of the FBI before being replaced by Acting Director Potts.
     Louis Freeh quickly announced that no FBI Agents would be fired or severely punished in their attempt to arrest Randy Weaver for selling two sawed off shotguns to an undercover FBI agent some months before.
    Randy Weaver lived in a remote cabin in northern Idaho on property he owned and developed with his wife and family 40 miles south of the Canadian border. Considered by the FBI as a White Supremacist, Randy did not profess violence but believed in his Constitutional right to feel races should live separate. He never threatened violence in any way against them.
     To repeat an article by writer James Bovard:
     In 1989, An undercover Agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms approached Randy Weaver and pressured the mountain man to sell him sawed-off shotguns. Mr. weaver at first refused, but the Agent was persistent and Mr. Weaver eventually sold him 2 shotguns----thereby violating federal firearms law.
     A court official sent Mr. Beaver a notice to appear in Court on the wrong day. After Mr. Weaver did not show up on the correct day, a justice Dept. attorney (who knew of the error) got a warrant for his arrest.
     Then Federal Agents began an 18 month surveillance of Mr. Weaver's cabin and land.
     David Nevi, a defense lawyer involved in the subsequent court case, noted later; The U.S. Marshalls called in Military aerial reconnaissance and had photos studied by the Defense Mapping Agency. Subsequently they installed solar powered, long-range spy cameras.
     They intercepted the Weavers' mail and even knew the teen-age daughter's menstrual cycle. They then planned an arrest scenario.
     On Aug. 21st, 1992, six heavily armed, camouflaged U.S. Marshals crept onto Weavers' property. Three Agents threw rocks to get the attention of the Weavers' dogs.
     As Mr. Weaver's 14 year old son Sammy, and 25 year old friend living in the cabin, ran to see what the dogs were barking at, the Marshals shot and killed one dog.
     Sammy Weaver fired his gun back in the direction the shots came from. Randy Weaver came out and hollered to his Son to come back and the son turned and ran towards the cabin yelling, "I'm coming Dad!!" A Federal Marshal then shot him in the back as he ran, and killed him.
     Kevin Harris responded to Sammy's killing, by fatally shooting a U.S. Marshal doing the sniping.
     Federal Agents first testified in court the U.S. Marshal was killed by the first shot in the exchange, but later evidence showed the Marshal shot seven times before the return shot killed him.
     After the death of the U.S. Marshal, the Commander of the FBI's hostage Rescue Team was called in, and ordered Agents to shoot any armed adult outside the weaver cabin, regardless of whether that person was doing anything to threaten or menace Federal Agents.) Thanks to the Federal aerial Surveillance,  officials already knew the Weavers always carried guns outside their cabin.)
    With the massive Federal firepower  surrounding the cabin,-----the automatic weapons, the sniper rifles, the night vision scopes, this was practically an order to assassinate the alleged wrongdoers.
     Four hundred Federal Agents quickly swarmed into the mountains around the Weaver cabin. (During this time forward, no one attempted to call Mr. Weaver to negotiate a surrender.)
     The next day, Aug. 22nd, Randy Weaver walked out of his cabin to the little shack where his son'slifeless body lay. As he was lifting the latch on the shack's door, he was shot from behind by FBI sniper, Lon Horiuchi.
    As he struggled back to the cabin, his wife, Vicki, Stood in the doorway holding a 10 mo. old baby in her arms and calling for her husband to hurry. The sniper fired again, hitting Vicki Weaver in the temple, killing her instantly.
     Reuters reported 3 days after the shooting on Aug. 25th,; FBI Agent Gene Glenn said that the Law Enforcement Officers were proceeding with extreme care, mindful that Randy's wife Vicki, and three remaining children were also in the cabin. -----"We are taking a very  cautious approach!" he said in a statement to reporters.
     An internal FBI report completed shortly after the confrontation, said that the shooting was justified, because she placed herself in harm's way.
     Though Federal Officials now claim that the killing of Vicki Weaver was an accident, Jerry Seper of the Washington Times reported in 1993; "Court records show that, while the woman's body lay dead in the cabin for 8 days, the FBI used microphones to taunt the family. "Good morning Mrs. Weaver, We had pancakes for breakfast! What did you have?" asked the Agents in at least one exchange.
     Neither Randy Weaver or Mr. Harris fired shots at Gov't Agents after the siege itself, began by Reinforcements. Mr. weaver surrendered after 11 days.
     An Idaho Jury found him not guilty on most charges and ruled that Kevin Harris's shooting of the U.S. Marshal was self defense.
     FBI Director Louis Freeh justified the shooting of the Weavers because Mr. Horiuchi "observed" one of the suspects raise a gun in the direction of a Helicopter carrying other FBI personnel. Other Officials testified there were no helicopters in the sky at the time.
     One of the most disturbing aspects was Mr. Freeh's 'slaps on the Wrists' to the Affair overseen by his deputy Director Larry Potts, who was in charge of the Idaho operation and signed off on the "Shoot without provocation" orders. Despite the findings by the Justice Dept. that the orders violated the Constitution, Freeh recommended that the only penalty to Mr. Potts be a letter of censure. Much the same as the letter he received when he lost his Government issued cell phone.
     There isn't enough time available to point out the travesties and mistakes under the watch of the Clinton Administration and the mass killings that took place under the Watch of the infamous Janet Reno at Waco Texas. Remember that??
      Now just look at the Dictatorial actions of Barack Hussein Obama and ask yourself; "Do I really want any more of this from the "Progressive/Communist Party"??
 I don't think so!!!  Just sayin'.

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