Saturday, December 31, 2016


     The Hypocrite, Godless "Progressives" have jammed their feet in their mouths again!! But you gotta' give them credit for sticking to their guns by being  consistently, smirking and stupid; For 7 years and 11months, Barack Hussein Obama and Vladimir Putin have been greeting each other whenever they meet with hugs, broad smiles and winks that almost had me thinking they had something going on Bisexually!  What happened? Have they been caught cheating on each other???
     What's even more dumb, is for Barack Obama expecting us to think they weren't colluding all that time to partner up in World Politics should  the two of them be successful in their intentions to get Hillary elected for a third "Progressive" win for the White House. With that, they would be delivering our beautiful Nation with all our natural resources and Global independence 'lock stock and barrel' to the Rest of the Non-Christian World.
     But now that it didn't work out that way, the "Progressives" are trying to make it look like President-Elect Donald Trump is joining up with Putin!
     There's a saying that is good for All Americans to remember and Donald Trump hasn't forgot;  "Keep all your friends close and all your enemies CLOSER"!
     So I'm sure when Trump said,  'Putin is a very smart man", he was abiding by that saying and nothing more!  
     OH!! Another thing: Also for the 4 years included in those "last 7 years and 11 months", the Secretary of State's emails concerning Gov't "Classified Business" were all ordered de-Classified during her "Reign of Terror" in that position! Why?? Well, taking her word for it that they were "flat broke" when they left the White House, just ask yourself how her and Bill graduated to the top "One per center's" position during the same time???     Their financially bloated, "Clinton Foundation" Maybe? Just sayin'.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


      While listening to the speech of John Kerry this morning, he almost had me convinced to listen on! Then It struck me: What a convincing, bare-faced liar he was from the Past! I distinctly remember the huge condemning 'lie' he told us in his testimony to Congress and how they "Ran with it:" for so long after he did it! Witness to the "Mih Lai Massacre" (He told it in so much detail!)
     Then it was found in fact, He wasn't even THERE!!!
      Now....., so here we are, with two facts about his past! He was in Viet Nam but not at the 'massacre'! No where near. Then he received minor scratches that he procured Purple hearts for, but through them away when the issues were brought to light, claiming he was ashamed for having been there! This is an American Hero????
      Along with that, he followed Hillary "Lying" Clinton as Secretary of State, under "Coward" President Barack Obama who uses others to do his nasty work for him and then time after time, claims he "DIDN'T KNOW"!
      So here we are now with the Communist "Left" criticizing President-Elect Donald Trump for hiring Conservative Billionaires to fill his most important positions, that are critical to the operation of  the devastated 'skeleton' of our once proud Country that John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, "Horny" Bill and Barack "Coward" Obama are leaving behind for us!
      The fact is, we NEED those brilliant men to straighten out the mess the prior Administration made while in office! (A smart move by Trump to say the least!)
      But let me point out to my Readers one more thing; While the Communistic Social Media is doing their dishonest criticisms of Trump, they are 'closeting' the fact you should be aware of!; John Kerry is the husband of one of the most richest International Billionaires in the World; Patricia Heinz,  owner of HEINZ KETCHUP! Get what I mean, Vern!!  Just sayin'.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


     I'm so tired of the Communist Smirk that is permanent on the faces of the Progressive, Loser "Left" who keep pressing the dilution that Hillary Clinton won the "Popular vote"! There are probably15 million fraudulent votes that haven't yet been questioned but were counted without a thought of investigation, and nobody on the "Left" is willing to do it, either!
     Notice they're not wanting to face the real facts of all the illegal voters that were encouraged by Leftist Leaders to get out and vote without proof of Citizenship.
     I'm having a very hard time tolerating the totally ignorant false grins they implant on their dishonest faces. They never give up on it!
     I actually believe they all have been trained and encouraged in their Godless manner by Professionals like Hillary, Bill and last but not least, Barack who with his killer instinct inherited from Mack the knife, just never gives up on his Deviltry and detesting smirk.
     When on earth are you going to wise up?
     The teaching Profession in Public schools is a big part of the skullduggery and they are the most dangerous of all, with their ability to be able to spend more time with America's Youth than the Parents do. They're Godless and without shame when it comes to their own behavior that should come into question a lot more often.
Haven't you noticed the behavior of the Millenials and their absence of Christianity? The more alarming thought, is how comfortable they are without it! Just sayin'.

Sunday, December 25, 2016


     It only requires the Un-American traitor to our Country, Barack, Thief Obama to get the hell out of his office and drag a bush to cover his cowardly tracks as he leaves, so no one will ever want to know he's been there.
     He will only be remembered by me as the dirtiest trickster that left his nasty mark and insulting behavior behind, as he makes his exit to somewhere else in the World besides the United States of America!
     His ultimate insult to this Country was in abstaining from the veto in the U.N. and leaving the door open for the Muslim bastard Palestinians to reclaim Israel for their own!
     He has taken this Country into the depths of poverty and distrust like nobody but an Atheist like him could ever do. And he's making sure to spend the remaining days under his watch to belittle the Constitution that has protected us for 250 years and anything else that our military has so bravely fought and died for.
     He has made it clear that he is the greatest Enemy there could possibly be to this once-beautiful Nation.
     It will take decades to repair the damage he has caused and is still determined to do!.    Just sayin'.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


     Well........, It appears it's because Barack has all but abandoned his Post except to play golf and exercise his remaining days pardoning Violent Criminals, so they can and will continue the very crimes they were originally put away for.
     The reason those convicts received lengthy sentences was because they were so bad and incorrigible, they couldn't possibly be allowed to exist in the normal Society in the first place!!
     I stated in an earlier blog the fact that he is intentionally pulling off these stunts to spite the American People and our overwhelming desire of going back to the good old 'American Way' that our Founding Fathers meant by establishing our Constitution in the first place.
     He is being deliberate in his attempt to disparage us from normalcy that existed 250 years before he became President.
     Surely you must see by now, he studied our Constitution for the purpose of destroying the Cornerstone of our Freedom rather than stand behind it's purpose.
     This creature from another way of living ,such as the ancient Islamic culture he was raised and confirmed in, only then to become an avowed Atheist when reaching the United States, will not let go of the purpose he failed at in his attempt to lead us in a "Different Direction"!
     There lies in this man, an insane determination to continue to destroy our obvious, previous successful gain of supremacy over the rest of the World that gave this Country's strength from the unity of all races, colors and creed that our Gov't "Of  the People, By the People and For the People". It was a unity of all Immigrants who joined in eventual harmony to prove everyone is equal, through the prompting of our Founding Fathers creation of the "U.S. Constitution" with it's "Bill of Rights", and "Declaration of Independence"!
     You only have to look at the State of affairs the rest of the World is in, to realize by joining in unison with the rest of them for "One World Government" gives us no place to go, but DOWN!!!
     President Trump is rushing to form his Cabinet not to hasten his rise to the Presidency for his sake, but for the sake of taking the wheel of the ship that the foreigner Barack Obama, (Barry Soetoro) has abandoned. Just sayin'.

Saturday, December 10, 2016


     Well,........, YEAH!!, Why were they allowed to be hacked in the first place??? PLEASE!! Let's get up to the top of the ladder here! When America's Gov't had all the ability available to them in the modern, scientific, technical world, who was the top Official at the Gate guarding  our "Top Secrets"??
     Bob and weave again Mr. sitting President!! Yup!! Mr. Barack Hussein Obama (Barry Soetoro) himself.
     And Who made all those "Top Secrets" so available under the grinning "Cool Luke" eye of Barry?  Secretary of State, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON!!
     All the while they blame WikiLeaks, they're trying to place blame on Donald Trump who, supposedly has a "too friendly" relationship with the Russian Leader Vladimir Putin who has never even met the President Elect.
     It only goes to show you how stupid the Obama Regime and Hillary in particular, think the rest of us "Deplorables" are!! Ironically, the stupidity is theirs!!!!!
     How could they possibly deny that Hillary purposely laid out tens of thousands of all those "Top Secret" Emails to go totally unguarded for the full four years as Secretary of State?? Not only for WikiLeaks to plunder, or for the Iranians to help themselves to, but also for the Russians with all their Allies to hack freely into, for the full length of that time???   GOOD GOSH!!!
     It looks like to me, she was so intent on illegally 'trading' the information for the billion or so dollars to herself, Bill and the Clinton Foundation, She damn well didn't care if the aforementioned enemies of our Country had access as well!
     If they want to talk about close relationships between Trump and Putin who at last appear to want to solve some "resolvable" future issues, we all better reflect back to the numerous News reports and videos that went on concerning the "Loving relationship" for the past eight years between Obama and Putin!!!! I'm talking about the relaxing of our defenses, etc.. (You can't deny the overly apparent love affair that went on in the two or three dozen times they met, then!)
     Know what I mean, Vern???    Just sayin'!

Monday, December 5, 2016


     There's a lot of noise now concerning the usefulness of the computer age and what it has done to open the doors to what's REALLY going on in our Public Education system and the inner workings of our Political system as well in our States and in particular, Washington D.C.
      To most  of you with any savvy at all, it read: "Good riddance to bad rubbish!"  Only just recently, you can express that, to the very anti-Constitutional "Left" and it's "Globalizing" ideas to unify the whole World. But at the expense of the American Patriotic system by looting it's supply of financial and mineral rich resources. 
      Most of us by the way, made up of the General Population who abhor that idea, have now realized the sensible notion that there would be no place for us to go, but DOWN if that were to happen!
      Now that the Computer age has revealed to us just how corrupt our Establishment Politicians are behind the scenes, mostly by the ones on the 'Left' charging ahead "Full steam" and the rest being the over-paid "Old Farts" in the Republican house and Senate who are more concerned with their own financial resources than the future of our Country.
      It's apparent we have to reject all that Barack Obama has established by illegally circumventing our Constitutional process with Executive orders!
      How stupid he must think we are, for him to just keep on smirking and writing those Executive orders as if we all wanted him to do it?? Is the man Crazy?? Yes! He's insane about wanting to achieve his goal of being the President of the Communistic "New World Order". Even if Hillary had won as the U.S. President, she would have been Subversive to him as World Leader. 
      It was all in the planning Folks, and you'll realize it as time rolls on.
      Obama knew it, Bernie Sanders knew it and Hillary knew it!!
      Yes, overall, the Computer Generation and it's access to facts more than fiction, has guided us finally in a better direction with the guidance of  "The Donald".
      Hang on to your seats Folks!!  Just sayin'.


Saturday, December 3, 2016


     A man came from the Middle East, an area totally foreign to what we have over the years, (250), proven to be a better, more modern and Christianly lovable Society, than any place else on Earth. A land of equal opportunity and a Country of modern Democracy un-equaled to this day, The United States of America!
     This man's name to most who think they know him, is Barack Hussein Obama.
     Regardless of what he may claim to be now as the U.S. President, he comes form a primitive culture that existed long before Jesus Christ was born; A World of Tribes rather than towns and a Society that still imagined the World to be only as big as the eye could see at the time. Yet over the period of tens of thousands of years, they only allowed themselves the survival instincts  needed to get by on from day to day and they hold to a standard of beheading adults and children or burning alive anybody who attempts to follow a more passionate way of life such as Christianity.
     To us, Dogs are man's best friend! To the ancient Islamic World, they are food for the table.
     He has feasted on them and was raised and confirmed a Muslim in a tribal town in Indonesia by a White mother and two different Fathers.  who all spent very little time if any, in the United States of America. (Better said, as little time as possible!)
     Frankly at this point, I believe we need a thorough DNA test made on this man to be sure he really is, who he claims to be the actual son of. There's too much confliction and mystery in his life's tales not to warrant it.
     His birth Father we are told, was named Barack Hussein Obama Sr. As a child, his mother divorced his real father due to the realization her husband was raising several children from different wives, to marry a man whose name was Soetoro. Barack's name was changed by his mother to his temporary name of Barry Soetoro. (It appears from then on that he used both names to suit his own conveniences). He produced both birth certificates depending on the case, one stating his birthplace as Hawaii and the others with his birthplace as Kenya, South Africa.
     In the early 1980's, after having moved around the Middle East and parts of Europe, he moved to the United States.
     We are yet to dis-prove or prove either one. What we do know is, as a youth, he travelled on different passports around Europe and the Mid East with a substantial amount of time spent in Pakistan. (Another Islamic Country proven to be hostile to the United States and a country where the main training camps for Al Qaida and the likes of ISIS are trained before distribution to the rest of Europe and the Islamic World to create murderous havoc there, and to the rest of the modern World.)
     Please try to rationalize his motives with his Irrational behavior if you think you can;
     Keep in mind through the remainder of this blog, one important thing; Having been born and raised under the Islamic faith, a true Muslim can never denounce their Faith. They will live with the condemnation and fear of punishment of death if they do! Hence the beheading of anyone, including Muslims who reject the projection of Islam and Mohammed! You do NOT reject the teachings of their Islamic Religion and you do NOT abandon it!
     Also in their totally ancient Tribal belief that existed long before the birth of Christ, a Muslim may use whatever means is necessary to achieve their goal of spreading Islam throughout the World. What may they do to get their way??? Whatever it takes that doesn't offend the Preaching of Mohammed!!!
     As far as they're concerned, no other laws apply to them, no matter what Country they may choose to live in, including the United States of America.
     Now back to Barack Obama and his entrance into the United States circa 1983. Where does he head?? Straight into the heart of Chicago, Illinois, where he enrolls in the Saul Alinsky Atheist-based "Midwest Academy" where Marxist Communism is taught! There he eventually graduates from, and then sits as the Director of the Board for 2 years. (Does this make any sense to you at all??)
     Well, if you consider that, in order to satisfy the desire of a group of the Richest Billionaires in the World to take Power over the entire globe, you would need to take the Greatest, most powerful Nation in the World down to it's knees to achieve it!
     How would they do it?? Well,....., with the thought in mind by the Muslims that Mohammed is the one and only Power in the Spirit World and it matters not to anyone else what has to be done morally or physically to enforce their beliefs, their bottom line at the end of it all is, DO IT!! .....They're obviously DOING  it as I write!!!
     So what would a man of the Islamic Faith have in common with Atheism as taught by "The Midwest Academy" when it comes to reaching their desired goals??
     Since The Atheists who don't believe in any God whatsoever and therefore suffer no sense of guilt do to also achieve total control?? WHATEVER IT TAKES!!. So, like the people of the Islamic faith, they can in their own ways by joining together,  take down the only Christian based Country that stands in their way from attaining total Control over the entire globe under one Government; " THE NEW WORLD ORDER"
     The Atheists need the Physical power of ISIS to enforce it and ISIS needs the finances to do it!
     The main unity between the two of them in temporary partnership is; Neither one of them cares about our Christian God or our power as Christians to resist it!!
     Good luck on this Nightmare I just woke up from!!  The biggest smart Alec ever in the Presidential Office is leaving with the same smirk on his face he went in there with, but realizing he has lost in his effort!
     He, in knowing his efforts to take down the American way the way he imagined he could, and the realization by the International Billionaires that they'll need to put their desired goal of a  Global"WORLD GOV'T" on hold, are now resorted to crapping on every screen door of the American Household, on his way out of the Presidency. All the while, with that shit-eating grin on his face!
     Go get him Donald!! Guantanamo awaits!!  Just sayin'.


Thursday, November 24, 2016


 In the Summer she loved me and left me,
Such a short time it just seemed to be.
Always there when I needed her Sunshine,
Always watching her shows on T.V.

When she smiled it was always contagious,
When a tear fell I stood by her side.
But there's one thing that we didn't count on,
That an illness was raging inside.

As I sit here alone in our household,
I just wonder if I am to blame,
All the World seems to close in around me,
This old house doesn't seem quite the same.

Then I say "Oh my god, how I miss her!"
Will this pain always be in my heart?
As I look at her beautiful pictures
It just pulls all my heart strings apart!

So God help me with this little notion
 I won't see her the way I want to
I'll start planning a way for my future
As I know she would want me to do!


Tuesday, November 22, 2016


     I find it absolutely astonishing that, after all the endless and continued revelations of criminal misdeeds that are already facts about both the Clintons, charges would simply not be followed up on with the change of guard about to take place in the White House!
     Who in heck dreamed that up?? Ordinary Political hear-say rhetoric, I would say; "By all means!! YES!!" But with the actual facts of Hillary and Bill's obvious and well-known criminal behavior throughout their  Political past while in trusted office? NO, NO, NO!!!
     Lives have actually been lost due to her actions while Secretary of State? YES!! (The Benghazi murders of 4 heroic Americans while she refused to pick up the phone at 3 in the morning??) 
     Actually receiving donations of obscenely large (millions) amounts of cash into their "Foundation" and personal wealth from this Nation's no. 1, 2 and 3 most vicious enemies is beyond the pale!!!
     Is this the normal deal-making that takes place in our Gov't behind closed doors, and where we're seeing the nasty work that allows Politicians to live to a standard far legally different than the normal procedures the rest of us Sheeple are required to live by??
    The silence is deafening!!! If my former question's answer is "yes", then my faith in this Gov't. "Of the People, By the People and For the People" just went down a couple of grades from the Constitutional System I came down to live under 41 years ago!
    I hope I was just dreaming I heard that news. Just sayin'.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


     And to show you how MUCH she controls it, at the age of 39 years of living up there and having taken a Radio announcing course in my early years, I had to migrate down here before I found that out!!!
     Now at the age of 80, I finally learned how to operate a computer at age 75. It was only with that learning that I found out the Queen of England has forever owned and totally controlled it!
     Knowing that my favorite News channel down here is Fox News and that it has more viewers than all the other News Channels here put together, it became apparent to me through my children up there, that Fox was not being seen in Canada, nor is it going to be
     So knowing that the only main Railroad is also owned as far as I know, totally by British Investors as well, I'm no longer wondering what the Canadian people truly own as a "Government of the People".
     Get my point of stressing this; In Canada, the two most important Industries in Canada that make the Country prosper and grow, such as Communications and Transportation, belong to people that Canada thought it had 'yanked' it's freedom away from to be a free-acting Nation years ago. Obviously not! Britain and the Queen still maintain a Stranglehold on which foreign Companies may invest in Canada and where the profits will go. By not allowing competition to flourish in each essential industry, the industry who does, can charge whatever price to the user they want.
     I's pitiful to see it happening. In the all-important broadcasting industry where the truth on both sides of the story is sorely needed, only one side, the "Left" is allowed, but not the "Right"!
     Believe me, being a proud Canadian/American myself and who still loves the people of this Continent equally so, it gives me reason to want to give the common man and woman up there and down here the heads-up on some of those facts!
     E.G. Although it may appear "Honorary", when the Canadian Populace votes in a new Prime Minister, he is required to be "Appointed" to that position by the Attorney General of Canada! However, the Attorney General of Canada is "appointed" as the Official representing the Queen of England. Neat, huh?
     By the way, we down here are stuck with some of the major companies who help themselves to our Oil reserves and minerals such as British Petroleum, that is also owned by British Investors.
     But the difference between the two Countries is, other major companies in the same business are still allowed to compete and keep their resources and profits in this Country. It's known as "Competition".
     So; Back in the day while I still lived up there, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau who had a disdain for the fact American investors were investing in businesses in Canada and vice versa, convinced the ruling Party to disallow American investment in Canada altogether! They did!! But he did nothing to restrict European investment and in fact, encouraged it. American Investors on the other hand, were ordered to sell.
     Having more common sense, the U.S. didn't retaliate, and at the time I moved to the States in 1976, Canadian investors increased to 68% of their investments in Guess where? The United States!
     Pierre Trudeau was a fool and eventually died babbling, from what I understand.
     Now years later, guess who they've recently elected? His son Justin Trudeau who will probably carry on his spiteful Legacy in having to deal with the United States. Good luck on that one, Buddy!
     My ending advice to Canadian voters, is to demand FOX NEWS be allowed to broadcast into Canada so you can get both sides of the story as to how the rest of the World is actually run and not just from the Queen herself!  Just sayin'.

Friday, November 11, 2016


  You total bunch of LOSERS didn't watch FOX NEWS or you would have won too! Just sayin'

Thursday, November 10, 2016


      And with a lot of correction and hard work available to do it with. Thank God for the opportunity to have Christian Religion and the Ten Commandments that have been our survival guide since the North American original inhabitants welcomed our Mayflower ancestors to the Rocky shores of Plymouth Rock circa November 23rd, 1619! I particularly refer to the first Thanksgiving Dinner held between them!
     We welcome the privilege of re-introducing those almost forgotten Pilgrims and the later Founding Fathers who supplied us with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, along with our Declaration of Independence.
     I don't suppose I really need to tell us older Folks why I'm so elated to see a change of coarse from what we have had virtually crammed down our throats for the past nigh on 8 years, but I DO feel the need to express the importance of going back in our Public schools to the teaching of those very important documents that made and kept this Country great for 250 years.
     The surreal and nightmarish happenings of the current Administration will finally reach an end and hopefully now, we have the chance to correct that mountain of misdeeds those career Criminals are leaving behind.
     Of course they still haven't given up in total defeat, because as I write this piece, the current Administration-led and associated "Thugs" are in the major Cities raising unholy Hell in one of their usual unruly protests.
     This brings up the question as to who is to BLAME, and who is ultimately RESPONSIBLE for that behavior.
     As in all events, their needs to be a Leader or in this case, Leaders. But we must bear in mind, the difference between the terms, Blame and Responsible. (A short common-sense lesson here, if you will bear with me!); When an incident occurs, the actual perpetrator is directly to BLAME. Right?? Well with some incidents, there usually is a cause! If the incident is programmed to happen by someone else, then that "Somebody else" is RESPONSIBLE! Right??? -----RIGHT!!!
     So it's really a simple deduction here; The chaos in this Country began when a little known foreigner by the name of Barack Hussein Obama entered the United States and shortly after, became President of the United States.
     Little did the General populace know his ideals were not that of improving the strength and stature of the U.S., but to be sure to destroy it for the purpose of making all of it's natural mineral wealth, Military strength and financial resources available to the rest of the lagging, Socialist, Progressive, Islamic and Communist World!
     In order to make such a bizarre happening take place, he systematically had to reduce all of the above strengths down to an indefensible state of affairs.
     He simply has gone about accomplishing that for 8 executive-ordering years and all the while refusing to obey the rules of Governing according to the Constitutional process. How could he do that, you might ask??? Well, by studying the rules of the Constitution and continually ignoring and assaulting the very rules he pretended to swear by but instead used the Quran at the swearing in instead of the Holy Bible! (Chief Justice John Roberts was well aware of that when he swore him in!)
     But instead of being able to accomplish the task he set out to do in the 8 year term, he found he needed at least 4 more years of degrading the Country down to burning ruins. Because of the term limits, he needed another "Prop" to do it! Enter Hillary Rodham Clinton along with "Horny Bill" to do the remaining chore!(Take a look at her infamous past and read my earlier blogs on Hillary's past.)
     Conclusion: Be glad Donald Trump will be our next President of the United States of America.
     We can finally reverse Pastor Jeremy Wright's expression of, "Not God bless America! But God damn America" to our own deserved, "Not God damn America! But God bless America!"
     I'm hoping President Trump will save Guantanamo Bay for a while yet, because we're probably gonna' need it!   Know what I mean, Vern???   Just sayin'.

Monday, October 31, 2016


     All I can say is; "Thank Heaven" it's coming out now before it's too late! Why?? Because it would be a total disaster for the future of our Sacred Country if Hillary were to get in and be in a position for her as President, to pardon herself from prosecution for all the lying, improper misdeeds she committed as the very important Secretary of State in the first four years of Barack Obama's Presidency!
     We as free people according to our Constitution, are facing the dilemma of  several things happening that will imperil all of the basic freedoms we have enjoyed as a Gov't "Of the People", if  Hillary should become President:  In all of my research on the "Progressive" Party of which Hillary and Obama are in the Forefront of, they are, along with George H. Bush, Henry Kissinger and as far back as when Jimmy Carter was President, Hell-bent on the United States becoming a part of the dream of  'One World Gov't' already referred to as "THE NEW WORLD ORDER". 
     The most disturbing part of this is; Instead of having the rest of the World upgrade itself to the status of the much more advanced United States of America where everybody has a say in it's Politics, they would rather follow "The Line of Least Resistance" and make it easier to have the rest of the World take us down to the level of just another 3rd World Country such as it is in the European Union.
     Immediately, instead of us Citizens of the Continent of North America having the great advantage as we do now of  being independent from the rest of the World with all our needed Natural resources and powerful Military capabilities available to us, and the ability to say "To Hell with you and Your "Communistic" notions", they could simply help themselves to everything they want that is already ours! 
     Barack Hussein Obama didn't just 'accidentally' happen on the scene in America!
     He is part of a long range Global plan of  "THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION" that already exists in the City of Brussels, Belgium and to whom the existing Secretary of State and President Obama report to every time they visit Europe before their return to the United States and our own U.S. Congress! Bizarre??? Check it out!! The "Trilateral Commission" is a group formed by the International Billionaires of the World who believe in the creation of a "One Global Gov't." (In other words; COMMUNISM!!)
      Lets not forget that Secretary of State John Kerry is married to one of those International Billionaires by the Name of  Patricia Heinz of the famous Heinz Corporation.
     You've already heard Hillary Clinton state she wants to continue on "The exact same path as President Obama" if she gets in! (She herself being a professed Atheist who wrote a prize-winning Thesis on the matter in the Atheist-based"Midwest Academy" as Hillary Rodham! This being circa ten years prior to Barack Obama attending the same Academy and then sitting 2 years on it's Board as Director!)
     Hillary has absolutely no Compunction or guilt about doing "Whatever it takes" by lying to get herself in as President of our once-great Country!
     It's only through the continued side-stepping of our Constitution and entire Congress they've been doing, that they will ever be able to complete the course they're steering us on.
     Also recognize the possibility of jail time available to them for their skulduggery if  they don't achieve success in this very important election that's looming November 8th.
     They're beginning to fight for survival like the cornered rats they are!!   Just sayin'.

Friday, October 14, 2016


     It doesn't surprise me! Him being a Queer and all! What does surprise me, is that Fox News permits him to come out with all his vindictiveness towards Trump in such a convicting way without saying anything much about Hillary Clinton. With FOX NEWS parading itself with the motto, "Fair and balanced", there was nothing balanced about his announcement at all. 
     His attack on Trump was in a fashion, cleverly concocted to convince us that Trump was already morally "tried and convicted" in a court of Public opinion! When in fact, the so-called victims brought forth no corroborating witnesses to the events, that I'm aware of. 
     It was also clear from the presentation of Correspondents John Roberts and Jenifer Griffith, that they were in total agreement with Smith. (I'm not sure of their sexual orientation, either.) But it sure appeared as an intentional set-up to me! All three of them seemed feverishly intent on hanging the man yesterday instead of waiting for today!
     Anyway, I see a big difference in the unproven accusations brought on BY the aforementioned group along with the Progressive Clinton bunch  and the enormous amount of PROVEN allegations brought to bear ON "Lying" Hillary! Maybe it's the fear of losing Viewers, but this particular episode certainly wasn't "Fair and balanced"! 
  Just sayin'.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


     Yesterday, another bombshell Email of Hillary's was exposed, where she has talked with condemnation towards Christians as "Deplorables" and ignorant. At the same time, "Horny" Bill was recorded knocking the "Rednecks" as something less than intelligent! 
     All I can say to that is; "They have finally exposed themselves for the Hypocrites they really are!"
     Well......, "Let me just say this!"; The term "Redneck" did not come into being as a racial term as they would imply! Though of course if it's to their advantage, "Progressives" (Communists) will grab any old "Road apple" (Horse turd) and run with it! They continue to do it, time and again!
     At a time in the days of early manual labor when most production was performed by human hands, it was done in the outdoor atmosphere of the sun. being white, sunburn and suntan was prominent on the necks of light-skinned workers. Thus the term, "Redneck". The term was so popular over the years, it simply applied to anyone, regardless of skin color, who labored for a living. To add a point you may not be aware of, dark-skinned humans can also get  'sunburned' from the Sun! Just ask them!
     But one thing for sure, the expression was never meant to be"Racial"! 
     So let me describe more accurately who I think "Rednecks' are; Labor workers out of a job, labor workers with a job, Athletes, doctors, lawyers, Judges, Military combatants and anybody else who does or doesn't go to the voting booth. But there's some things they all qualify for; sincerity, the belief they're living with, are entitled to and appreciate, Freedom and a Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People". 
     They do it  by way of 'Old Glory', The National Anthem with hand over heart, and the U.S. Constitution.
    Which brings me to the question of 'Freedom of Religion'. You can think what you want to of that, but there's one thing most of us agree to for sure; Sincerity must prevail in everything we say or do! also for most people,There needs to be a reasonable guide to decency. For most people in the Civilized World, it's a belief in God.
     The disappointing and sad contradiction to that is; there is a group of  non- conformists in the Country who have been, and always will be, objectionable to our belief that the 'Ten Commandments' should play no role in the guidance of our nation or their lives.
     With the landing of the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock circa 1620, the original Immigrants there, were in dire need of help and guidance in their survival for the first severe Winters. They got it grouping together in Prayer and help from the Native Indians. The First Thanksgiving occurred then with the Natives also participating.
     The Christian faiths played the most major role in the eventual forming by the Founding Fathers of the Constitution. They prayed for success and we benefited to this day from it.
     In previous blogs, I attempted to convince you the "Progressives" were Communistic in their own beliefs and trying to eventually instill it in America. 
     Pay attention to the latest revelations by Emails both by Hillary  and her followers in this coming election and you will most certainly see I was right!
     When Hillary and the Progressives try comparing Hillary's sincerity to Trumps, it's as lopsided in responsible sincerity as comparing a cockroach to a butterfly. God help America and bless it, too!
 Just sayin'.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


     Even though it could mean the devastation of this country's Independence from the "Trilateral Commission" based in Brussels, Belgium, the Republican "Insiders" in Washington, D.C. seem to prefer that, than to expose their cozy, money-making nests they have been cuddling inside of, while supposedly representing a Government "Of the People, By the People and For the People"!
     It's now appearing to me that, they don't fear Donald losing the race for Presidency, but they instead, fear his "WINNING" IT!!
     For Goodness sake!! It appears more and more as I understand the political situation in Washington D.C., and the corruption that exists there, IS just the way Donald Trump has described it; "Horrific"!
     You can call Donald Trump a Republican or an Independent depending on how you want to look at it. But I can tell you this much; In their determination of not wanting to bring change to their "scallawag" habits in D.C. they in turn are committing political suicide by turning their backs on the man that was ironically, THEIR choice to run for President!! He won the race, fair and square!!
     In their hopes of staying in office, they are sacrificing their own chances by crapping on Trump and his supporters. As far as I can see, if they take down Trump, they will surely lose re-election of themselves.
     How could they possibly plan something so carelessly and stupid?? Just sayin'!

Monday, October 10, 2016


     After watching Megan Kelly perhaps for the last time, I see no difference between the cold-hearted two of her and Hillary, when it comes to Donald Trump. I'm discovering there's absolute narcissism in both and they will do anything it takes to keep Trump out of the White House. 
     Kelly's murderous smirk fits right in with her determination to rap Trump at each and every moment simply because of a disagreement in his and her personal behaviors earlier in this race. I'm surprised at the viciousness in her continued assault on Trump.
     In her occasional remarks that Trump never likes to lose, no matter what, she is unconsciously displaying to me that she would rather see Trump lose, no matter the detriment it would be to this Country!! She's the perfect example of a"get-even" women scorned. 
     Is it because maybe, that he isn't interested in appearing on her show anymore, that would cause her to display such behavior.
     Sure! Trump used the "F' word in his "Locker-room" talk 11 years ago, and I deplore it had to happen!  but crucifixion for saying something vulgar 11 years ago is way over the top. It may behoove Trump to do a research on Megan Kelly's earlier life to see just how her behavior was before she became involved with FOX NEWS!. After all, Megan's hell bent determination to deep-six Donald and throw the Presidency in the direction of a woman who would continue the "Progressive" movement of throwing the Country to the "Mad-dog" rest of the uncivilized World out there, is more than a little bit too much for the sake of a "talk show" woman scorned.
     Regardless of popularity, it might behoove Rupert Murdoch to at least have more than a "Word" with this......,"LADY"???   
      Take note of the fiery nostrils everytime she talks about Donald Trump.!!
     Or am I using the word "LADY" too loosely??    Just askin'.


     It would be utterly disastrous and unchangeable, should the Democrats of Yesteryear follow the old adage of "Like Father, Like Son" and follow that rule this election year! Why?? Because, believe it or not, there truthfully is no comparison between the Democrats of Yesteryear and the "Progressives" of today. It's very dangerous not to recognize it!!
     In fact, there will be no more Yesteryear if the "Progressives" have any further say in the "New direction" in which they're intending to "steer" us on, by Hillary Clinton! That direction will be in 2 parts; Away from the once-existing Constitutional Process we've all enjoyed, to the "Don't do as I do, but do as I say!!" and the denial of our once Sacred Constitutional Rights if we object.
     Make no mistake about it! There will be 2 sets of systems evolving from the present "Gov't of the People, by the People and For the People", and the "Progressive"s sole use of the Constitutional Rights to go by, to protect their misdeeds as they please.  (They, against us as not entitled when we as the"People", are objectionable.)
     A good example of it as professed by the Obama Regime, is in the hearings that constantly take place by the Republican controlled Congress while investigating the un-Constitutional antics of those "Progressives", in which they betray the American People almost daily and then use their Constitutional 5th Amendment to protect themselves, while not having to admit to their betrayal  when allowing the rest of the World in this case, access to our most coveted Security documents!
     I point to the revealing of our most secretive information on our Country's Security by Barack Obama, by way of Hillary Clinton's Emails.
     How could we possibly exempt the President of the United States from knowing exactly what Hillary was doing any minute of any day, when in fact, her job is to do exactly and promptly every task he has put upon her?? Especially when it comes to National Security and there is virtually no other "level of command" position between him and her?
     Which brings me to another point; "The Peter Principal" chain of command that most all large companies use effectively, is to be sure that all significant moves either trivial or important be reported to the highest Supervisor of  it's operation, and orders be initiated in accordance with their importance for the next in Command until it reaches it's required, intended goal. Barack Obama being the highest Supervisor in this case, would then be principally responsible.
     What does "Responsibility" really mean, when damage of any kind occurs as a result of  that consequential action? Well it's not just ended with the highest Supervisor saying, "I accept all Responsibility!' and just ending there, but just and appropriate punishment needs to ensue. NOT SO WITH THIS REGIME!!! The crime goes unpunished regardless of the severity of the offense! No one gets punished!
     Does that satisfy your appetite for correction? NOT MINE!!  Jut sayin'.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


     The huge bombshell that a normal human being did some 'trash talk' about the opposite sex ten years ago, has really hit the World News big time. WOW!!!
     Well, "Let me just say this!"; Would the man or woman who has not sinned, cast the first stone! I say it, because of the fact that, having been around the block some and having the knowledge of Catholic Confession the way I'm familiar with, the normal Priest hears Confession anytime you wish to tell your sins. Everyday sins and otherwise without fear of him telling anyone else.
     In my humble opinion and judgement, (Ahem!) Donald Trump, although not Catholic, honorably was man enough to confess his so-called sin to the whole wide World and apologize for it! The tremendous difference between that and confession to a Catholic Priest is this; The Priest has sworn to God that he will never repeat anything said in the Confessional to any other human being.
     Donald Trump had the guts to step up to the microphone and "fire the shot" that was heard around the World of 7+ billion people. It was something that's difficult for anyone to do. NOW THAT TAKES GUTS MY FRIENDS!!
     At this point, I would like to point out to you, there was gratitude and comfort in me when one of my subrdinates or children came voluntarily to me and of their own well taught conscience, told me there was something they needed to admit and proceeded to tell me. They did, and it was usually one of those 'everyday' wrongs that us imperfect humans do! (I bring this up, because it's comparable to what the majority of us God loving humans would do, too!)
     Having said that, let's just talk about what he has to run against in order to achieve his goal of becoming President of what was once the greatest, most honorable Country in the World!; He's already one of the richest, most accomplished humans in the World. (The 1%).
     On one side of the aisle, we have the majority of People wanting to continue on with being traditional in believing in the past values that the Founding Fathers of our Constitution laid out for us.
     On the other side, we have a minority but all to powerful, group of Sheeple whose thirst for ultimate power never eases up. These are the ones who will never give up in their quest to rule others, simply because of their narcissistic, Atheistic greed for money which ultimately leads to power. But their most notorious ones are those who will 'no holds barred', do whatever  it takes to get there! (Murder is no exception!)
     We can start with some of the International Billionaires of the World, such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and others.. They have chosen their Puppets carefully, starting with the chief Narcissist himself, Barack Hussein Obama, the Camelion of Deception.
     Everyone on the Progressive "Left" bends to their shadowed wishes. I say "Shadowed" because they always mingle themselves among the common people as someone they're not! (They do it with no feeling of guilt because they have no spiritual 'God' to answer to! Being Atheists, they have no belief in a punishment 'After life'.) The art of deception is the most important part of their Shadowed program. 
     Probably the most despicable ones at this point in time to me would be Hillary Clinton, followed by  Senator Tim Kaine. He is undoubtedly, the most treacherous of all!
There's no doubt in my mind that, he having played the role of a Catholic Missionary in South America for 25 or so years, could not possibly go against all the Christian beliefs he supposedly was guided by as he did his religious work, to suddenly appear as Vice-President nominee along with the already apparent 'Thug' Atheist , Hillary Rodham Clinton. It's just not reasonable or possible to think he has a belief in God!!!! Talk about a "Wolf in sheep's clothing"; he is DEFINITELY it! His smiling face tells it all!
     This is beyond question, the most bizarre display of deliberate confusion by the "Devil dogs' of Politics, I have ever witnessed in North American affairs.
     I also am disappointed with the turn-around of some so-called Conservative Pundits and previous Political supporters who are now saying they are withdrawing support for Donald Trump. I defy anyone of them to step forward and say they have never did trash-talk concerning women in their bar-room or locker-room discussions. PLEASE!! Step forward!!! I'll bet you wouldn't need to go back 11 years to do it either!
     There is absolutely no comparison between the private bar-room trash-talk about women or anything else in comparison to the traitorous give-away "Top secret" Emails and the murders of 4 American "Benghazi" Patriots that Hillary Clinton exclaimed, "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE????"
     Let's also talk about the FOX Pundits who slyly guide their 'shadowed' support of Hillary Clinton in offering suggestions in their criticisms of her faults by saying; "If she were smart, she would blah blah blah blah." Don't think they don't know they're throwing their support her way. If I can notice it, so can anyone else with a few ounces of common sense! 
     The sooner you realize the name "PROGRESSIVE" is only the diversive word for "COMMUNISM", the smarter you will be. Just sayin'.

Friday, October 7, 2016


I fill with mixed feelings, When sitting at home
Reflecting what happened when I feel alone.
The gains and the losses throughout this year,    lingering so much that, it brings out a tear.

Now, I know it shouldn't! For a Fella' like me.
But I keep on a' thinkin' it's my own destiny 
Walls in my house hold such memories dear,
The bitter-sweet moments, and why I stay here? 

I grab my guitar, and kick out a song,
It's been quite a while, as I  hum along.
Remembering lines,  I don't do so well.
No one can hear me,and think "What the hell!"

I look at the photos all hung on the walls,
It brings things to mind, and I stare down the hall
It starts me to thinkin', "Could I have done better?" 
I'm thinking of food, Wish my cooking was better!

I miss my best partner, my Soul mate and wife.
She left me so quickly, when she lost her life!
I ask God for Mercy, when taking her in.
This chapter is over, a new one begins!

George McNaughton2

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


     After watching the debate for just a few minutes, I don't have to wonder about the sincerity of Senator Kaine any more; Now that he's exposed himself in more ways than one! He is exactly the carbon copy of the typical Progressive" (Communist) Lefty. For years now, there's one thing that simply cannot be denied: They are totally rude with interruptions, whenever or whatever the opposition they are debating, or disputing differences about. 
     As Kaine professes in real life to be a Catholic Missionary once upon a time in the Hispanic Nations of the World, it is in direct contrast with his Political beliefs! He simply can't mix the phony position he has taken in his Political behavior as that of an Atheist, with that of a Christian! Yet there he was, the perfect example of the rudeness that it takes years to accomplish.  His tactics to any honest, church-going Christian were simply unacceptable in any person believing there's a Trinity. That Trinity consists of  God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
     Now, I'm not trying to convince anyone reading this blog, that I want them to start believing in that particular Divine person. But I don't feel that any Christian or Protestant Believer should ever vote for an obvious fake such as this man, Kaine.  (Probably CAIN of the Bible story where he slew Able would be more appropriate!) 
     As i turned on the debate, I was expecting a reasonable exchange where either Candidate would be allowed the courtesy of  expending the allotted time, supposedly  given to each one without interruption. 
     You've probably heard as I have, the honesty and sincerity of a person is portrayed in the manner of which they look and behave. Well,..... I saw the opposite, as Kaine proceeded to interrupt and boisterously over-talk  Governor Pence 70 confirmed times with a plastic-faced smile that would put a Laughing Hyena to shame. (Personally, I see the Hyena as a dog of the Devil. There's not a thing nice about them!) So be it with Kaine, as far as I'm concerned. (Take note in the future of this sort of behavior happening by such people as, Trump-hating Megan Kelly, Republican-despising Alan Colmes, and Republican-pretender Geraldo Rivera.
     There's no doubt in my mind that Kaine has read and adopted the "Rules of Revolution" in place of his Christian upbringing. ("Rules of Revolution" were specifically written by the dedicated Atheist to Communism philosophy, Saul Alinsky.
     Wake up!! Any Believer in our Christian God, just as any believer in a Supreme Being other than the Devil, would not conform to those rules by any means. 
     I don't believe there's an ounce of sincerity in Hillary Clinton or Senator Kaine!
     Don't ignore the signs on the wall. The Democrat in Politics today don't exist anymore in the present-day Framework of  American Politics, and you people who used to go by the Yester-year belief of voting "Like father, Like son" is only an old adage. Your Mothers and fathers of old would roll over in their graves, if you voted right now for anyone on the "Progressive" (Communist) ticket. 
     You'll be saying goodbye forever to the only 3 documents that have kept the common man safe from Totalitarian Rule as the "Progressives" (Communists") have planned for you; The "Declaration of Independence", The "U.S. Constitution" and the "Bill of Rights" that have protected us from the scourge of  Atheism so prominent in our Country right now.
     Kaine is no longer a God fearing man in my estimation, and last night couldn't convince me more!   Just sayin'.

Monday, October 3, 2016


God surely has his Angels! I'm sure there's some we know.. 
All busy at their posts, I'm sure!To keep them on the go
We just have to take the time, to wonder who or where.
Assignment is his busy chore, they have no time to spare.

He takes his time in choosing, which one he will ask
who's best to do his wishes and completing every task.
He knows that someone's needed, for each endearing sob,                
So he will pick an Angel, to do that special job!

He has a list he's keeping, they're special, every one!
The Angels gather round him, to see what should be done.
It's so hard to imagine, the favors we're requesting, 
And wanting them right now, or might be just suggesting.

With every prayer we offer him, impatiently we wait,
expecting there will be response, and often think he's late. 
He does his very utmost, with all the speed he can, 
To satisfy his image in, the most impatient man.

With 80 years a'coming on, the days are going fast,
For miracles you've done for me, to make this body last, 
I thank you Lord for everything, you did to keep me well
I only have just one request, You'll keep me out of Hell.

Dedicated to all the Miracles performed on me in Skagit Valley and surrounding Hospitals.
Thank you!
George McNaughton.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


     It's amazing, really!! She has hollered in one of her rants; "Who in their right mind, would get up at 3AM to twitter something so silly?"
     Well Hillary, You certainly aren't the 'pot' calling the kettle black this time!!You seem to be having a memory lapse again!
     Is this what you said to yourself when you refused to respond to a dozen urgent calls at 3 oclock in the morning when the Benghazi attack that murdered three noble Patriots along with our Libyan Ambassador? Or was it you that responded to the callers ready to save their lives to "Stand Down!"? I'm just askin'! Or did you actually scream at whoever woke you up; "What difference does it make????"
     Anyway, if Donald Trump wants to wake up at 3 O'clock in the morning to say or twitter something "silly", WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE????   Just sayin'.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


     Well here we go again! Since a hacker I'm getting to know quite well, has managed to eliminate a complete blog I just wrote, I'll try to remember to keep saving my print as I print it!
     Anyway, here goes once again:
     I must say right off the bat, even though I expected to see some one-sided-ness by the Moderator due to there suspiciously being just one moderator! (Something I haven't seen before!) I was surprised to see the guy be as biased toward Trump as he obviously was. His accusatory form of requests to Trump and then hastily cutting off Donald's answers impatiently, were proof of that! On the other hand, he never did it to Clinton throughout the whole show!
    My knowing Bill and Hillary Clinton as I have in the late 2 or 3 decades, I wasn't taken in by the way she composed herself the way she did, last night! Of course, knowing her as being the complete Narcissist that she is, I also recognize along with that, she is a confirmed Atheist who graduated from the Atheist based 'Saul Alinsky' founded "MIDWEST ACADEMY" in Chicago circa early '70's. (You'll find it if you research the Internet.) 
    "Rules for Radicals" written by Saul Alinsky himself and described as such, will open your eyes when you see that these are rules of 'Satan' and professed to be, by Alinsky.
    I bring this to your attention so you will see the similarity between her and Barack Hussein Obama.
    Her prowess, cock-sureness and limitless aggression matches Barack's to a tee! It's most likely because of two reasons; Barack Obama although a decade later, also completed his course at the same school based in the heart of Chicago. To further their similarities, Hillary received an award for writing a prize-winning thesis on her version of Atheism while there, and Barack completed his course and afterwards, sat on the Board of Directors for another 2 years.
     Under those rules, there are no holds barred as to what believers can do, under the protection of the Devil. Murder is no exception.
     Throughout the whole debate, The Moderator along with Hillary Clinton, had their taunting fun, trying to upset Mr. Trump in a way that might set him off. The Moderator with interruptions, and Hillary with her sadistic, sardonic smile, but it didn't work!
     Although Donald attempted to bring up Hillary's Emails and Benghazi, the Moderator cut him short and never did ask her to explain them. He remarked there wasn't ample time to bring everything up in 90 minutes! Really??? Not enough time to bring up something she had been grossly dishonest about, involving the murders of 4 Patriotic heroes along with the leaking of Top Secret Intelligence to our  #1 and #2 enemies?????   Simply eliminated from the debate! ARE YOU KIDDING ME????
    Not to mention omitting asking her about her habitual, outright denying of "ALL of the above"??
    Don't eat those 'road apples" Vern!! They're just horse-turds!!!!     Just sayin'.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


     In several of my blogs in the past, I referred to the "Trilateral Commission" located in Brussels, Belgium and their intention to bring the whole modern World together to form a "New World Order".
     After hearing about this, I did some research to find out the facts on what were passed off by the U.S. General Press as just another "rumor". It is in fact, true. 
     Have you noticed how much the use of the word "Global" is being expressed more and more, lately?? It's principally used by the Spokesmen and women on the "Left" all the time now. Along with the name-change from Democratic to "Progressives" which, in political terms was the name the "Communist Party of the United States of America" circa 1921 changed to, when they fell out of favor with the U.S. voters. It still faded into non-existence!
     Guess what?? Now it's back!!!
    Around 1973, it was "rumored" that a secret Society of International Billionaires, along with other prominent Worldly political figures were contemplating that the forming of a Central Gov't of the modern World would be a good idea! (Now, I said "circa" 1973, because that's when it was leaked by the Press. It's very probable the idea had been around for quite some time prior.)
     Anyway, in a book written back in 1973 called, "TRILATERALS OVER WASHINGTON" it was pointed out by the Author that Henry Kissinger, George H. Bush and Jimmy Carter were Proponents in pushing the idea! Particularly Kissinger! (You can find that book on the bookshelves of most Bookstores. Read it if you doubt my word!)
     Now, as the end draws near for all three, the true beliefs of these Communistic minded people are beginning to show. I say 'Communistic' because although they don't admit it, without pushing for a U.S. Constitutional Gov't of the  people, by the People and for the People such as we have here, it can't be anything else but that when an 'appointed' panel such as a "Trilateral Commission" is totally in control of the whole Modern World. 
     These leaves the Muslims completely un-affected to go on in their dream world of 72 virgins they so dream about with 9 year old girls.  Just sayin'.

Sunday, September 18, 2016


     It's just a comparable of course! So in the meantime, while he's wondering about it, He's not going to even suggest that Barack Obama call it an attack by a "Terrorist ant"!! Nor Hillary Clinton, either!!
     Not any other dedicated "Progressive" that's in the know, too!
     So, Barack is still going to push his plans to import another 100,000 of them into the country until we can definitely prove it was a Carpenter Ant that ate it!!
     But wait!!! They can't prove it until after the November Election, when they can all vote for Hillary without producing proper I.D!! He's promised to veto any act by Congress that says they can't vote!! Oh well!!
     I just woke up from another nightmare! Darn it anyway! I always wake up from a bad dream when it starts to get interesting!
     By the way, I also dreamed the "Animal Rights" groups are still trying o find a humane way to extinguish the 'Zika' mosquito too. They say it takes time and we'll have to wait until after the "Global Warming" issue is settled! After the November Election, though!  
     I woke up before that one ended, too! Doggone it!  Guess I'll have to wait 'til after the November Election as well!   Just sayin'!

Friday, September 16, 2016


     I see an old man just like me, that walks with his best friend.
     You know he loves that critter so, by all the time they spend.
     a walkin' down the boulevard, no hurry, you can tell, 
     Whatever past they mighta' had, to think back for a spell.

     There's one thing you can be sure of, they mostly think alike
     when they approach a crossing place, they both look at the light!
     The old guy isn't sayin' much, for sure there's not much talk.
     They only care when it turns green, and then they cross the walk.

     You wonder just what's on their mind. Do they reflect at times,
     To days gone by or could it be, there's not much on their minds!
     There may not be somebody else, to voice their consternation,
     Or if there is, then maybe not, a thought of conversation.
     They're only living day to day, that's all that really matters.
     Each has their pleasant memories, and sometimes maybe scattered,
     Why the heck would anyone care, they're happy, in their fog!
     God bring blessings on them both, the old man and the dog!
George McNaughton2

Sunday, September 4, 2016


     From the very beginning of his appearance as a `FOX NEWS' Anchor, I had my tongue in cheek about Chris Wallace and a couple of other Fox Anchors as well.
     I predict that Wallace, supposedly representing Fox News as a 'Conservative' moderator will actually try to deep-six Trump in his own devious, semi-Liberal way. Not so much for the the sake of truth, but for the fear of losing some FOX 'Liberal' viewers of his program.
     The other two moderators are clearly going to do it, being they are well known as dedicated "Progressives" in favor of Hillary Clinton anyway. But I've noticed several times lately, Chris obviously didn't hesitate to 'slip the knife' into Trump in many of his other shows.
     Don't kid yourself that he was chosen by a supposedly 'Neutral' group as a Republican, just to be sure us Conservatives would think they would be 'Fair and balanced' in their conducting of the debate! Watch what happens with Wallace!
     It's almost as bizarre to think Howard Kurtz or Geraldo Rivera would be fair to Trump in one of those set-up so-called "Fair" debates.
     There's no doubt the "Progressive" (Communist) Agenda being pushed by the Global thinking in accordance with their Atheist Saul Alinsky's "Midwest Academy" "RULES FOR RADICALS" they have been tutored by, is fully in play here!  (Look up, "Rules for Radicals" to get my point.)
     Simply research the political term for the Party name "Progressive" circa 1921 when the "Communist Party of the United States of America" tried to revive themselves as the "Progressive" Party" instead, but failed miserably anyway. They've revived the Title once again. While you're at it, research the history of the "Trilateral Commission" that has been dreamed of, but now has truly established it's ugly head in Brussels, Belgium.
     Take note of the fact that Barack Obama and John Kerry report to them, (The Trilateral Commission) before returning from their over-seas trips and then report to Congress as a gesture of 'good faith' maybe sometime later!
     Also take notice of the 'Confident' golfing Barack Obama while he speaks in a 'Global' sense in politics and "Global Warming"! He's simply looking forward to going up one more step to Leader of the "New World Order", once Hillary gets in as President. (He's already assumed he's there!)
     Once that happens, the United States will be looked at as just another large 3rd World Country that he thinks he's already made us into!   Just sayin'.

Saturday, August 27, 2016


     THINK ABOUT IT!!! If  being a follower of the "Declaration of Independence", which led to the "War of Independence", "The U.S. Constitution" and "The Bill of Rights" which kept us secure for nigh on 250 years is "Far Right", then the "Far Right" is for ol' Redneck me!!
     Now that you've thought about that for a while,----- What really is the "Far Left"??
     Well then....., ask yourself what their ploy really is?: Every move they make, is to pull us away from all those documents that have been so sacred to a Country of Immigrants and the barefooted farmers and workers who gave their lives for that freedom we have enjoyed up 'til now!
     I don't know about you, but their "That's old school" reason to abandon our American Way sure as hell doesn't resonate with me. Does it with you?
     Okay now!! What does the "Left" and "Far Left" mean to you?? To me, it means anything that would pull us away from the values like the "Ten Commandments", Christian Religion in Public schools, disdain for male homosexuality, the TRUTH that should always come out, and as far away from the American Dream that so many of us have cherished under the Freedom our Constitution provided us with all these years.
     Let's not ignore the obvious fact that they are insisting on referring to themselves as "PROGRESSIVE". In a previous blog, I mentioned the intention of the meaning , "Progressive" as a subterfuge for the real term, Communism! YUP!!
     Circa 1921, There was the "Communist Party of the United States of America". (Russia had already declared itself Marxist Communist right after the emergence of Vladimir Lenin and the 1918 Revolution.) Right up 'til now there has been a "Cold War" with them because of their Godless beliefs.
     Because of Russia's suppression of the common people, the Communist Party here, fell out of favor so much, it changed it's name in America to the "Progressive Party". But it did no good to advance  the Marxist agenda and the name "Progressive" in American Politics faded away as well. That is, until just 8 years ago and the appearance of the Worst President of the United States ever, Barack Hussein Obama, came on the scene in America. Now, the name PROGRESSIVE" has come back with a vengeance, along with the expression "GLOBAL"!
     Notice how much they're using the words "Global" and "Progressive", lately?? Even to the point the Democrats have rapidly accelerated the name of their Party to "Progressive" and refer themselves as the "Left", more than they do, "Democrat"?
     Another point I would like to make before I awake from this nightmare.; Did you make note of the way the "Godless Millenials" fresh out of High school and College flocked to the emergence of Communist Bernie Sanders who is going to give away everything to them "FREE"??
     Don't allow yourselves to be fooled by the rhetoric you're hearing from the mouth of Hillary Clinton, either!! She's in it for the money and will say anything you want to hear to get it!! Just sayin'.

Friday, August 19, 2016


     That is, before Obama gives it back to the Cubans as he intends to do. After all, we're gonna' need some place for the Obama, Hillary and Bill thugs in the "Progressive" Party to hang their hats on anyway, don't ya' think???
     It's going to be a joyful time in our lives to watch the "pardons" Obama will hand down before he leaves his free lodging at the White House, just to see some of them rescinded by a Republican President and nullified by an act of Congress! (Or something like that!) Only then will we see, and show the rest of the corrupt Nations and their Governments around the World, how a truly honest, American Constitutional abiding Gov't can once again, work!
      With me included with a naive bunch of other American, patriot loving Folks, it's difficult to look back at the last decade and make any sense at all of what's happened to our Country! Especially when it's been led by an "American way"-hating guy from corrupt, Muslim Countries such as Kenya, South Africa and schooled in Indonesia!
     As I reflect back, I realize this man with a truly, undeniable Muslim name was not put forth by the "Progressive", (Communist) Party just by happen-stance, but by a Coalition of International Billionaires and Atheist Entrepreneurs whose interest has been led first, by the greed for money and then World Power without the interference of Christian, Godly moral, and honest beliefs.
     You only have to research the true meaning as I have, the principals and "Rules for Radicals" as taught by the Saul Alinsky founded Atheist based, "Midwest Academy" deep in the heart of Chicago.
     Let' also not forget; Both Hillary Rodham and Barack Hussein Obama, although 10 years apart, Attended and passed through that College with flying colors!
     Unless you're in line with the current, Public School produced, "Bring 'em up dumb" 'Millenials' being taught these 'UnGodly' days, you will understand exactly what I mean. 
     True!! Bizarre, but unfortunately, unbelievable by the innocent, just the same!!  Just sayin'!

Saturday, August 13, 2016


     Let's bring this nonsense to a stop! Just because we 'for sure' are naive and trustworthy due to our belief in a Christian God, we can only believe the God-hating, rhetoric for so long.This, as their "Progressive" (Atheistic) belief is allowed to go on. That we will continue to be that way 'now and forever' has at least me, realizing the truth of their purpose. It is to banish our 'Christian, Supreme Being' idea from the face of the earth forever. They do it without conscience or fear of moral guilt.
     In the Devil's terms, they're accomplishing that task by following Lucifer's guidance by means of the Atheist-based, "Midwest Academy" You just have to research it on the Internet to realize I'm right!
     There are two divided groups in the "Progressive" movement; Those who dedicate their lives to accomplishing the task as laid out by Author/Atheist Saul Alinsky's "Midwest Academy" which Hillary, Barack and many others in their "Progressive" Gov't attended while living in Chicago.Then there's the unaware, vastly large group who, if we don't convince them of the reality of truth, will follow the Leader to slaughter.
     It reminds me of a time while driving Semi around for a company in Seattle; I drove over to a slaughterhouse and was waiting for my trailer to be loaded with 'hanging' skinned halves of beef.  
     I was in the vicinity of a corral of cattle adjacent to it, and was watching two men herding steers up the ramp into their obvious demise.
     The last two cows however, seemed to know what lay ahead for them, and absolutely couldn't be forced by pushing and pulling on a rope, to follow up the ramp. After about ten minutes or so, the men tired of this and one disappeared into the slaughter house and returned holding a rifle. He walked up to each cow and shot them in the head. Then attaching a winch line, they dragged them one at a time up the ramp and into the darkness of the building, while one muttered, "Dumb cows"!
     My feeling as I think about it now is; They were the only ones that weren't dumb at all. Had they known early enough, they would have still been out on the range!
The fact is; Although we weren't perfect in being born, the gap of deceptions and falsehoods between the past Constitutional-abiding Republican Presidents and the present Constitution avoiding "Progressive" President along with Hillary, is Gargantuan! There simply IS no comparison!
     Take my advice, "Progressive followers! Stay out on the range!  Just sayin'.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


This writer's note: Keep in mind through-out the reading of this blog that I'm not presenting this article as a tool to convince the readers it's a good thing to govern yourself by, but to reveal the shadowy, deceptive system the followers of  the dis-belief in God use to employ their unwary flock. They could very well be standing shoulder to shoulder with you in your group, your church or in any public gathering.
They operate totally from the shadows!
These are the rules as you can readily find them on the Internet under Google search by typing in "Midwest Academy, rules for radicals". Seems too bizarre, but these are facts right out of Alinsky's playbook from which Barack and Hillary totally believe in.
     To partially quote the internet, as written in a letter by Alinsky's son DavidAlinsky;
     "Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see my father's model for organizing, is being applied successfully beyond 'local' Community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday".
      Obama helped fund the 'Alinsky Academy'!! "The 'Woods fund", a non-profit on which Obama served as paid Director from 1999 to December, 2002, provided start-up funding and later, Capital to 'The Athistic based 'MIDWEST ACADEMY' located in the heart of Chicago.
     Obama sat on the 'Woods Fund' Board alongside pronounced Communist William (Bill) Ayers, Founder of 'The Weather Underground' Domestic Terror Organization.
     'Midwest Academy' describes itself as 'One of the Nation's oldest and best-known schools for Community Organizations, and individuals "Committed to "Progressive", (meaning Communist) change.
     'Midwest teaches Alinsky tactics of 'Community Organizing'.
     HILLARY, OBAMA AND THE CULT OF ALINSKY; True Revolutionaries do NOT flaunt their Alinsky taught Radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the current system from within. Alinsky viewed Revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick is to penetrate the existing Institutions such as Churches, Unions and Political Parties...... However, many Leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. But Hillary is simply following Alinsky's counsel to do and say 'whatever it takes' to gain POWER!!
     Obama spent years teaching the workshops on 'The Alinsky method. In 1985, he began a 4 year stint as a Community Organizer in the perfect place to teach it; the infamous home of Al Capone, CHICAGO, working for an Alinskyite group called the 'Developing Communities Project'......Keep in mind; Camouflage is the key to "Alinsky style"organizing! While trying to build Coalitions of Black Churches in Chicago, Obama was asked by a black minister, why he wasn't attending Black churches himself?
     He immediately started attending Black Churches such as the infamous Pastor, Jeremiah Wright!
     Remember; The first Radical known to man who rebelled against the Establishment and did it so effectively, won his own Kingdom.-----LUCIFER!!
     (The total of rules as you will find them in the Alinsky doctrine are condensed to give more clarity  to the Reader! Nowhere will you find the recommendation of honesty!)

(1)     "Better to die on your feet than to die on your knees".  (Revolutionist motto.)
     "Radicals must be resilient, adaptable to shifting Political circumstances, and self sensitive enough to the process of action and re-action to avoid being trapped by their own tactics and forced to travel a road not of their choosing".

(2)     "Ends and Means"
The end is what you want, the means is how you get it.Whenever we think about Social change, the question of means and ends arises. The "Progressive" (Communist) views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms.With the absence of God, he has no other problems. he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action without moral consideration. Why? Because he or she has no fear of Godly action. Therefore no guilt.
         He asks of 'ends' only whether they are achievable and worth the cost of 'means', only if they will work! It doesn't matter if they are corrupt and bloody, as long as they win!

(3)    The third rule of  Ethics of 'Means and Ends' is that in war, the end justifies almost any Means.

(4)    "The education of the Organizer"
To the Organizer; "Imagination"..... is the dynamism that starts and sustains him in his whole life of action as an organizer. With no sense of guilt, it ignites the force that drives him to organize for change, no matter whether that change will result in evil or good.

(5)    "Communication through manipulation"
The emphasis is on 'conflict', Dialogue and relationship.Every weakness of every proposed tactic of the opposition is probed with questions by over-talking the opposition. Is this manipulation? Of course, but with the goal of  "Whatever it takes" to win! Make them think you're their friend while doing this.

(6) An Organizer must stir up dis-satisfaction and discontent. he must create a mechanism that can drain off the underlying guilt for having accepted the previous situation for so long a time. Out of this mechanism, a new  Community Organizing arises. The job then is to solidify a large enough group to
move, act, and harness the necessary power to effectively conflict with the existing power and prevailing patterns and change them.
    Your function now is; to agitate to the point of conflict! I suggest you closely investigate the founder and financier of such disruptive groups such as "Wall Street Protesters", "Black Lives Matter", "", "Progressive Insurance" and "The Huffington Post". I think you'll find the name, "Atheist Global Billionaire George Soros" is closely involved.

(7) Tactics
Here our concern is with the tactic of : How the Have-nots can take power away from the Haves. It doesn't matter that you didn't earn it like they did.
   Always remember the first rule of Power tactics; TAKING.
    (1) Power is not what you seize and have, but what the enemy thinks you have!
    (2) Never go outside the expertise of your fellow people! The result is confusion, fear and retreat....and the collapse of communication from within..
    (3) Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. Blind-side them by bringing up irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.
    (4) "Make the enemy live up to his own book of rules. You can kill them with this! For they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian Church can live up to it's own Christianity".
    (5) Ridicule is man's most important weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the Opposition, which then re-acts to your advantage.
    (6) A good tactic is one your followers will enjoy.
    (7) A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Man can sustain Militant interest in any issue for only a limited time.
    (8) Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and action and utilize all the events of the period to your purpose.
    (9) The threat is more terrifying than the act itself !!
   (10)The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.It is this unrelenting pressure that will confuse the opposition.
   (10) If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will eventually appear as a positive. Such as legalizing Homosexuality.
   (12)The price of a successful attack becomes  a successful alternative. Push a negative long enough, it becomes a plus.
   (13) Pick the target, freeze it,center around it, personalize it.
"One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the Angels are one side, and all the Devils on the other, Activate Anti-Government and Anti-Corporate activism-----   Some of these rules are worthless, but they work!


     "Alinsky's rules for Radicals"
------------------------------------   "The father of American Radicalism", Saul Alinsky developed strategies that take the enormous, unfocused emotional energy of grassroots groups and changes it into effective, Anti-Gov't and Anti-Corporate activism in order to transform individual Corporations and Gov'ts into one World Entity: Godless Communism,Such as;"THE NEW WORLD ORDER". Some of these rules are ruthless, but "Whatever it takes", Works!!

Note: As the Writer of this blog: I warn you if you choose to take the path of Saul Alinsky's method, you, the programmed rioters that already do, will simply have been a tool to be used and exploited.
    You will have given way to the "Line of Least Resistance" only to  eventually become just another number to have no more but the crumbs they will throw our way. This is, as I have pointed out in several other blogs, seldom the way to go. Christian Religion, Personal freedom and the Constitution along with the "Bill of Rights" will become past History. Just sayin'.