Saturday, August 27, 2016


     THINK ABOUT IT!!! If  being a follower of the "Declaration of Independence", which led to the "War of Independence", "The U.S. Constitution" and "The Bill of Rights" which kept us secure for nigh on 250 years is "Far Right", then the "Far Right" is for ol' Redneck me!!
     Now that you've thought about that for a while,----- What really is the "Far Left"??
     Well then....., ask yourself what their ploy really is?: Every move they make, is to pull us away from all those documents that have been so sacred to a Country of Immigrants and the barefooted farmers and workers who gave their lives for that freedom we have enjoyed up 'til now!
     I don't know about you, but their "That's old school" reason to abandon our American Way sure as hell doesn't resonate with me. Does it with you?
     Okay now!! What does the "Left" and "Far Left" mean to you?? To me, it means anything that would pull us away from the values like the "Ten Commandments", Christian Religion in Public schools, disdain for male homosexuality, the TRUTH that should always come out, and as far away from the American Dream that so many of us have cherished under the Freedom our Constitution provided us with all these years.
     Let's not ignore the obvious fact that they are insisting on referring to themselves as "PROGRESSIVE". In a previous blog, I mentioned the intention of the meaning , "Progressive" as a subterfuge for the real term, Communism! YUP!!
     Circa 1921, There was the "Communist Party of the United States of America". (Russia had already declared itself Marxist Communist right after the emergence of Vladimir Lenin and the 1918 Revolution.) Right up 'til now there has been a "Cold War" with them because of their Godless beliefs.
     Because of Russia's suppression of the common people, the Communist Party here, fell out of favor so much, it changed it's name in America to the "Progressive Party". But it did no good to advance  the Marxist agenda and the name "Progressive" in American Politics faded away as well. That is, until just 8 years ago and the appearance of the Worst President of the United States ever, Barack Hussein Obama, came on the scene in America. Now, the name PROGRESSIVE" has come back with a vengeance, along with the expression "GLOBAL"!
     Notice how much they're using the words "Global" and "Progressive", lately?? Even to the point the Democrats have rapidly accelerated the name of their Party to "Progressive" and refer themselves as the "Left", more than they do, "Democrat"?
     Another point I would like to make before I awake from this nightmare.; Did you make note of the way the "Godless Millenials" fresh out of High school and College flocked to the emergence of Communist Bernie Sanders who is going to give away everything to them "FREE"??
     Don't allow yourselves to be fooled by the rhetoric you're hearing from the mouth of Hillary Clinton, either!! She's in it for the money and will say anything you want to hear to get it!! Just sayin'.

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