Friday, October 19, 2012
When Oprah Winfrey decided to throw her support behind an African American for President of the United States, she did so I'm sure, because it was part of her life's dream for a chance of harmony between the races. A chance that would, for not only the black race but for all races to once and for all, help them surge ahead together for one common cause. Racial peace in America.
She endorsed Barack Obama in his bid to become the Democratic Presidential candidate over Hillary Clinton, and as a result, the rest is history.
But as much as she wanted that wishful harmony, and as successful as she became due to all races watching her show, I don't think she expected to see what happened after.
Whether or not she was aware of or sanctioned the "New Direction" will, at least for the time being, only be known by her and some closest friends.
After having hit the trail to appear with Obama on several shows in his campaign quest, her ratings slipped on her show from 74 to 66%. Some viewers took offense to her choosing race as a reason rather than substance. It was obviously a personal thing for her to fulfill a dream of seeing an African American President in the White House for the first time. I understood that to be her premise but apparently others didn't. She suffered a considerable financial setback in so doing.
After all, she achieved her success without prejudice by the viewers, regardless of race being a factor, and began her own magazine, "O. THE OPRAH MAGAZINE"
Approximately a year and a half after, Oprah traveled to Washington D.C. with the intention of pinning down an exclusive interview for her Company. She took along Gayle King, her Editor at large and her close companion. Expecting at least a warm personal welcome by the President and the first lady, they were surprised to be greeted by absolutely no one at the D.C. International Airport when her private luxury jet arrived. Shrugging that off, they hired a limousine and traveled to the White house.
Expecting to be greeted formally as honored guests, they were put on hold at the security gate and told they would have to wait until they were summoned. It was much the same as ordinary visitors. After a long impatient wait, they were ushered up to the Yellow room and after another prolonged wait, were joined by Michelle Obama alone.
It turns out that Michelle Obama is extremely jealous of her husband, and with the encouragement of her live-in "Keeper of the Gate", Valerie Bowman Jarrett, entertained them with idle talk relating to the bright colors of the room, etc.
After expressing how well the White house cooks made the best pies, Michelle didn't offer them any but instead, served them roasted almonds. Not an Oprah favorite.
Shortly after the curt meeting, Oprah and Gayle headed for home, disappointed to say the least.
Several months later, Oprah cast aside the ill begotten past and sent an invitation to Michelle to appear on her show. Oprah conveyed in her message she would help Michelle further her ambitions in fighting Obesity by promoting proper foods for children. They would be watched by millions of viewers to further her cause.
Oprah waited in vain for Michelle's response and finally received the message that, "It wouldn't fit in to the First ladies plans."
Michelle was quoted as telling her staff; "Oprah, with her yo-yo dieting and huge girth, is a terrible roll model. Kids will look at Oprah who's rich, famous and huge, and figure it's okay to be fat."
To quote the author, Edward Klein, in the article on this story in his book, "The Amateur", "I asked a White House insider to explain Michelle's animus toward Oprah," he said, "Michelle is furious that her husband makes latenight calls to Oprah, seeking ideas on how to improve his sinking popularity." "Michelle thinks he should turn to her, not Oprah, for that kind of advice." "What's more, Michelle suspects that at one point Oprah secretly encouraged Hillary to consider a run against Barack in the 2012 Democratic primaries." "The President laughs at Michelle's idea and so does Oprah,But Michelle still believes Oprah has been getting too close to Hillary, whom Michelle calls a "Snake."
To date, Oprah has still not endorsed Barack for the 2012 re-election campaign and everyone in the know with Oprah isn't sure that she will.
Does this Quality of behavior taking place in the White House by Obama and/or the First Lady look maturish and Presidential to you?? Especially when they should have the Nation's best interests in mind, rather than their own, selfish, personal desires?? Just sayin'.
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