Thursday, October 18, 2012
By now, you've been hearing or reading about the mysterious Barack Obama. His life is cloaked in "intentional" mystery, a mystery because, if you were to understand the true Barack Obama too soon, He would surely fail. I see it intended this way for a number of reasons.
Reason #1:
I think most of us know now, because of past history, that Communism can only become popular at a time of extreme crisis. It's not difficult to see that the whole world is confronted by a Socialist financial failure that's already happening in modern Europe.
This is due to their unwanted beliefs that everyone cannot have a comfortable retirement income without 2 people taking his or her place in the private, productive work force. That of course, is in order to pay taxes earned from outside the "Gov't" sponsored work programs.
The retired Gov't workers are from those programs where there was no retirement savings paid from their salaries in the first place, but have negotiated through their Gov't Employees Union to receive it, regardless. The Gov't foolishly agreed.
How much more short sighted can they have been?
It's mathematically impossible. As the Conservative thinking Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said, "Socialism works well until the Gov't runs out of money."
We are already heading into that "Socialist" style world and, if continued as the Communist thinking backers wish it to be, it's gonna' happen sooner than later. You simply cannot have a Gov't that pays for everything without money earned by private company wage earners paying taxes for it.
It's a "Rob Peter to pay Paul" kind of failure taking place right now. I.E.: Sawing off the limb you're sitting on.
The Communist inspired "Well Oiled Machine" already knows this. But they want it to happen because they also know that when the system manifests itself to the point of bankruptcy, it's the best opportune time to step up and overtake the Country with Marxist style Communism. The public system is rapidly approaching it's weakest moment right now!
That's the ploy of the "Well Oiled Machine." The "rich" beyond worry, who are Atheists and wish to expel the notion of a Christian God. The Ten Commandments are just a pain in the neck to them, since our Constitution is based on them.
I hope I've explained the first reason clearly enough. I'm referring to the Non-Muslim Countries.
Now we must rationalize the thinking of the second reason.
Barack Obama is, as far as the Islamic world is concerned, a Muslim. He can deny it if he wants, but he is. Having been educated in a Muslim school in Indonesia into his teens and inducted into their own, Mohammed inspired design. "Once a Muslim, always one, a Muslim until death".
So, entering the the United States almost directly into the Atheist inspired world of "Chicago" style politics, and being a complete Narcissist by nature, he recognized early that, with the exception of the black population that was already Muslim, he still had to set that thought aside and conspire the support of the Black Christian population. He then joined the "Black Christian"" church of Jeremiah Wright.
He needed it for his future political base, but not upset the Islamic world by claiming to be anything but Muslim. His life would be at stake if he really did convert.
Now to keep the Islamic world behind him and not raising their Ire toward him at any time, there is a "proviso", if you will, in the Islamic faith. It allows one to commit sins in the Christian sense, be it lies, theft, betrayal and even murder as long as it does not offend the ways of Mohammed on his part, and can contribute to being supportive at the same time of Mohammed's beliefs.
Therefore deceiving any other religion that doesn't follow Mohammed's teachings is okay. Just don't upset Mohammed!
Take note of how he is always supportive of "Shariah Law".
In order to keep peace among his supporters, he has to walk softly on eggs not to upset anyone he has gathered dedicated or financial support from. Regardless of whether he is honest about it or not, he is a very convincing man, void of compassion and intent on achieving his own personal goals.
Cleverly, he has achieved part of that. So far, so good.
The third reason:
For enough financial and voter support, he has to turn to the Sheeple, the ones who don't know a thing about politics, are out of a job, money, and looking for anyone they can believe in for his assurance of winning re- election.
But even in poverty, they still, including the ten to thirty million occupants of this Country that entered it illegally, will go to the polls and vote, regardless of it being illegal.
Enter the President of the U.S.. In order to stay President where he can fulfill his quest, he will fight tooth and nail to have those votes counted. He will promise whatever it takes, all for the purpose of achieving money and power.
In fact he follows the revealing statement of Atheist Billionaire backer,George Soros who, although born a Jew himself, played a large part in the anihilation of 6 million Jews during World War 2. "I did it for money. Money is Power!"
So, Obama promises to make the Country healthy again, and at the same time, guide them in a different "direction." But he and the Well Oiled Machine" don't want them to know the real "direction" yet, because they realize how hostile and threatening the word "Communism" is at this point in time.
Especially with the "Cold war" with Communist Russia still fresh in the memory of history books. It's extremely important that no one suspects that yet. In the meantime they dream up the "soft" word, "Progressive".
At this point in time, it's more fitting to their hidden, shadowed cause.
The Atheist Billionaires, Philosophers, Marxist educators and such, don't care about the Sheeple Barack Obama recruits for the time being. In fact they may even look at them as necessary "Dead weight" for the moment, but needed in their push to establish their Godless "New World Order".
Once they achieve that power, they will proceed to shed the dead weight with whatever means is necessary. If it's deadly force, then by all means, it will be!.
Conclusion? After the "New World Order" collapses in failure from nobody wanting to earn their way, the riots will occur, the struggle for power will re-occur and only then will the people understand that because of the hunger and greed, history will repeat itself, people will realize they have to work and produce something in exchange for a living, and Democracy will have a new beginning and last another 250 years. That is, if the Arabs don't get the Nuclear bomb that Barack is busting his butt to give them.
Which brings me to another "bizarre" point.
Being the President of the most powerful nation on earth and in control of all our top Military secrets including our nuclear armament, why wouldn't he leak them the way they're being leaked to a country like Iran if he truly does intend to be in charge of the "New World Order"?
Regardless of whether he makes it in for a second term in the United States or not! If he has leaked enough information to the point they could be our Military equal and he would have control of that, then why wouldn't he?
He could actually place himself in a position of power whereby he could be a force to be reckoned with as the # 1 adversary and enemy of the United States and the Allied nations if he should be rejected here. Maybe this is why he is so careful to not step on the toes of the Islamic world. Maybe he could be their "Exalted" Leader some day soon. Personally, either way, he would come out a winner.
It's not too late for the North American Continent to save itself from this destiny, but I gotta' say, it ain't lookin' good so far. Go get 'em Mitt!!
Just sayin'.
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