Wednesday, November 27, 2013


     In the Pope's latest proclamation that "We must "get dirty" and "bruised" by reaching out to people in the street", Pope Francis points out in his 224 page document called "The Joy of The Gospel", and it is seen as a "New" manifesto for his Papacy. He calls for more "female" active participation in the spreading the of word of God as part of his directive.
     I agree whole-heartedly with his comment. However, having been raised a Catholic and being taught my basic religion in the first six years in a Catholic School, I can remember being taught by no one else but Catholic Nuns during that time. We were visited periodically by the Local and visiting Priests but the bulk of the work was certainly done by them, with the Principal always being a Sister Superior . I can complain about nothing when it comes to the quality of teaching and the way it was done. In fact if I was to complain at all, it was the severity of the swing of the strap on the hand by the Principal, Sister Superior Margaret, and the sting that was felt for days after. It was always well deserved, as I recall.
     The teaching was done so well, that when we transferred to the Public school to begin Grade seven, It was practically a repeat of what we had already been taught in grade six.
     Any failures after that were strictly a product of my own doing.
     Having said that, I'm confused by him announcing it as a "New" direction which sounds so suspiciously like the "Direction" in which Barack Obama fooled us with at the beginning of his devious, misguided "Merry-Go-Round" he has so disastrously led us on.
     Yes! I can hear you already, and I said that with a shadow of shame, that I would compare him to a "Devil-worshipper" such as Barack Obama. But the stings from that "Killer bee" attack we're suffering through right now aren't something we would want to be repeated in a religious sense anytime soon.
I guess that's about as nice a way as I can say it.
     So, is this a fact that the traditional teachings of God that have served the Christian followers  and the world so well, have strayed from those teachings of such things as the basic Ten Commandments?
Because as a child, I learned from the Nuns, not really from the Priests, (God bless them!) who, when we went to Mass every Sunday, spoke the holy Celebration in Latin, of which, although I held was quite appropriate and mysteriously sacred, I couldn't understand a word!.
     But it was the Nuns who always were in the "front lines" of it all.
     With his announcement, had the Catholic Church really strayed that far from it's original teachings? I ask this because of his statement; "A new Direction".
     Since the Radical Muslims have been slaughtering Christians all over the World, I have heard very little in response from the Vatican concerning those atrocities. With a meeting that took place between the Vatican and our Muslim President behind closed doors recently, and knowing our President never concedes anything, particularly any concern whatsoever for the welfare of Christians, isn't it time we started thinking of the conversion of "Plowshares into swords" in the near future instead of this 'all too familiar' suggestion of a "new direction"?
     The article I read implies that the Catholic Church should look in the direction of Socialism and we should all know what that means, already. It isn't "compromise" we should be offering here if that's what our new pope has in mind, is it? Has he already placed the Catholic Church in the position of compromise to the rest of the World through the eyes of Barack Obama?
     First, I don't believe it's just "Socialism". It may be that for now, but it's already obvious to a lot of us that Obama's final goal is Totalitarianism which means 'real' Communism. "Hence; Atheism!)
     You can't tell me the Vatican doesn't recognize that by now.
     I hope I'm wrong, because the spread of Christianity, mainly through the Catholic Church and other religious organizations by means of the Christian bible worked very well.
     The Radical Muslims aren't just playing Chess, here. They're slaughtering our Christians right, left and center with neither the new Pope or Barack voicing serious, backlash promises of retaliation.
     If we follow the lead to "Socialism", it means "compromising" our Judeo/Christian based Constitution and Bill of Rights. There's no other way to look at it. Our Constitution has become our last "Fortress and line of defense" of our American way.
     It would certainly be ironic, knowing that our simple rules are based on the Ten Commandments and that our Pope would suggest moving toward compromising them.
     I also hope and pray that I'm wrong in suspecting the Vatican may be under the control of "Alternative normal" management. I truly do. I'm sure our Government presently is!
     Just sayin'.

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