Tuesday, November 26, 2013


  In a News report in the Skagit Herald, it tells us he needs more money from his wealthy backers. Is "money" what it takes to promote a forced, unwanted program by 63% of the people in the U.S. to suddenly change their mind and want the boondoggle called "Obamacare? Really??
    He is using our money to force his will on us. Plain and simple.
    He's between a rock and a hard spot, because in return for the money he's already received from them for promises he's already made in return and can't deliver. I'm talking about the Insurance companies like AARP!
    Doesn't this tell you he's coming right open with the fact that his mind is running on the "Chicago Thug" theory that money can buy anything? Even the thought lingering in his mind that, with enough money, he can politically buy anybody, anything, anytime, anywhere in order to get his way?
    That's really it, folks! In his desperation due to low numbers because of the reality finally coming out, concerning his belief that "money buys everything", he's getting careless of it becoming apparent to the rest of us. He can't run again, but he's charged with clearing the path for more money others are going to need from the same donors in 2016. (And they're panicking too!)
    So, How many tricks does he still have up his devious sleeve? I think we've already concluded what his desire is, but is it our desire or that of his entangled, self-serving various Groups. Those support groups that include anyone from International Billionaires who are profiteers on the International market and see more profit in their businesses than to worry about the welfare of the United States, therefore draining us of our badly needed natural and raw materials to produce goods elsewhere, and to the "Alternative normal" kinks that are dreaming of creating their own, Sodom and Gomora" Paradise here in this Country. Lets' not leave out a religion that followed Barack Obama here, whose Radical members want to kill everyone who isn't seeing everything their own, religious Islamic way.
     They all have their common goal, and that's to eradicate any idea that there's a Supernatural God who would stand in their way.
     This isn't fictional, people! Everyone I've mentioned here share one common goal for their own selfish reasons. Although they say it's for the betterment of mankind as a whole, it is not! It is for the betterment of each of themselves and can only be to the detriment of the freedom loving people who are still the overwhelming majority in this country.
     But as I pointed out; In his mind it doesn't matter if it's morally or justifiably correct and in line with the wishes of God, because he doesn't believe there's a Supreme being except for him.
     How does he achieve it? By simply taking a Dictatorial attitude and making it happen with money, and it matters not to him where he gets it from. He's convinced that with money, he can and will buy anything.
     Barack Hussein is not the Devil, but he follows the "line of least resistance" in imagining he is above God and can achieve supremacy through following the Devil's principles. He is an avowed Atheist. But he believes in nothing.
     Barack Obama, in his desperation, isn't beyond proclaiming Martial Law to achieve his means. Because when he makes the big fall from grace which is threatening now, he's going down hard and a lot of other conspirators are going with him. Just sayin'.

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