Tuesday, July 28, 2015


      You're flirting with a disaster that's gonna' leave you asking the stupid question; "How could this happen???"
     You can quit asking the question right now, realize the truth staring you in the face, and go to the polls enmasse and get back to the good old Constitution as it was, before Barack Obama and his thugs totally lied their way into control of what used to be a Constitutional abiding Country.
     It makes no sense at all for anyone to defend the destruction that's taking place, just for the sake of being loyal to a Democratic Party that doesn't even exist anymore.
     Get it in your heads! They are the "Progressive" (Communist) Party backed by International Billionaires led by the notorious George Soros, who has the distinction of taking down Three other 3rd World Countries, leaving them bankrupt before fleeing each of them, one after the other and finally arriving in the U.S.
     The big Unions in this Country are going to collapse under their own bilge, by electing and defending a man who will soon take away every right you've had, that has been afforded you by the very Constitution they're intending to destroy.
     Your Unions are at this moment being hijacked by the sharpest thinking people in the World.
     When we assume the mental stance that they're stupid and just don't know what they're doing, Wrong!!! They know exactly what they're doing, and have been pursuing it for years.
     Anyway, go ahead and keep your heads where the sun never shines, and face a bloody revolt at the end of it all, or admit you're wrong for defending this man who is about to seize control of our entire country and turn the troops of the European Union, The United Nations, ISIS and our own Military against us. Just sayin'.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


     Yup!! Hot off the FOX News! In a hidden video, Doctor caught in act negotiating prices for  aborted baby body parts to buyers. Anyone surprised it hasn't been broadcast on the Main Media Left yet this morning?
     Yessirree! I woke up at 6 AM this morning to hear it officially on FOX, Channel #360 -Direct-T.V., #48 on Comcast. I then joined my wife in her room where she had the local Main Media news on, and not a word.
     Can you imagine the butchering process these monsters go through to extract the organs and sell them for 50 to 150 dollars apiece to the highest bidder?? They then crush the unwanted body parts and toss them in the trash.
     The transactions in this case were being discussed by a Top official of Planned Parenthood while dining on Hors D'oev'res!
     Neat, huh?? Aside from it being against all laws and proper protocol, there's no doubt the Communist/Main Media will hesitate to broadcast it.
     After all, how many other scandals can they surprise us with anyway? 
     Go ahead, backers of the Communist Left in our Government, vote again for them. But take a moment and ponder on it while you're relishing your dinner tonight! Just sayin'!

Monday, July 20, 2015


     C'mon for Pete's sake! This guy has been a stick in the eye every time there's been a chance to wrench control out of the hands of the Communist Left. John always seems to decide at the last minute that he wants to become involved in Presidential Politics.
     He's had plenty of chances during his career as a Senator from Arizona to be recognized for something worthwhile and, with the exception of the McCain- Finegold act, has accomplished little but collect a comfy paycheck at the taxpayer's expense, year after year. Enough already!!
     Whatever Donald Trump has to say about this "War Hero" is getting far too much attention for someone the likes of him to be the center of attention this coming election year. It's time to set this Washington Insider aside and get down to the real serious business at hand.
     Every Presidential Election it seems like the Communist Left gets their jollies out of manipulating subjects that take the viewers' eyes off the ball concerning the very serious events that really do matter. This John McCain thing is just another one of those.
     For John, his reasons for being involved in Politics may really be because he is married to a very rich Lady and their personal investments. Somehow, like John Kerry, both their wives seem to be kept in low profile.
     Anyway, If the Republicans are hoping to screw up another election, they just need to keep McCain up front and center in the News.  They'll lose another one for sure!. Just sayin'.

Saturday, July 18, 2015


     For several years now, I've been observing the actions and indications by Barack Obama that point to his true goal as, not just that of President of the U.S., but ultimately to be President of  "The New World Order". In case you haven't read some of my previous blogs on this, I was encouraged some years ago by a friend to look into the conspiracy theory by the U.N., the E.U., Russia, the Communist Bloc of the World and the Arab Nations to capture the 'American Way' as we currently live it, and take it under the Worldly umbrella of one identity over-all, established as the "Trilateral Commission".
     That Commission is based on a conglomerate of International Billionaires, Darwinian believers of Evolution without the Creation by God; The Atheists and those Nations just previously mentioned.
     After extensive research and verification of information and facts, a book was written about that Conspiracy called "Trilaterals over Washington".
     In this book, the research revealed a few of the Architects and Principals involved in what was at the time, just a dream. You'll see those people when you read the book I just referred to. Included in those characters are Jimmy Carter and one of the principle architects, Henry Kissinger!
     The Author published the book in 1973.
     That Conspiracy theory is no longer a dream. In Fact, if you pay closer attention to the behavior of Barack Obama, you will obviously see that he has already placed himself in a position of Authority that speaks not as the U.S. President, but as that of a Chief spokesman for "The Trilateral Commission".
     You also might have noticed how he bypasses our Congress on a regular basis now and speaks of the wants of the World, and not the American people. When he's confronted with a Decision concerning the involvement of U.S. concerns, he heads straight for the Trilateral Commission based in Europe for consultation, and not the U.S. Congress.
     You might also need to be reminded that the Secretary of State, John Kerry who also confers with the "Trilateral Commission" before he does Congress , is married to the Heinz International Billionaire Heiress, Teresa Heinz Kerry. So why wouldn't his interests as Secretary of State favor Worldly Ownership and Power?
     Pay close attention, Sheeple!! Know what I mean Vern??? Just sayin'.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


     There's something for sure; Regardless of Trump's colorful past in which he conducted himself in various ways to reach his fortune, be it past donations to questionable politicians in which he later was dubious about, he knows what it's going to take to bring America back to it's productive position as the greatest Nation in the modern World.
     Pay attention to his points! They're right on the mark! Just the fact he is being assailed by criticisms from all fronts, tells you he's got the "Status Quo" very nervous. (You can't deny they all need a wake-up call!)
     If there's any question as to whether he is serious or not about being President of the United States, he is accomplishing a task that most other Politicians have failed to do; He's honestly speaking out about what has to be done to bring America back from the damage created by the Cronies who are successfully hijacking our Country and presenting it on a platter to the rest of the retarded World.
     Simply by doing so, he's making the voting Bloc aware of what the truth is; It's time to re-read and follow the Constitution that is being laughed at, right now!!
     "Hijacker" Hillary Clinton will finish Barack's job of destroying it, by putting the finishing touches on it when she becomes President.
     There's no question now, since her and "Horny Bill" have gotten their taste of getting ready to join the rest of the Atheistic, International Billionaires of the World, that they've caught the "Greed for Power" fever that all their predecessor International Billionaires of the Globe have already succumbed to. But first, they need the money and they've pulled out all the stops to get it, by hook or by crook!
     Their so-called Clinton Foundation is merely a stepping stone on the way to achieving it. Once they reach their goal, it will place them in that enviable status of being in the class of  "Worldly Untouchables". By that, I mean they will, like Armand Hammer was during the 'Cold War', be able to watch the troubling World affairs, wars and otherwise, from a Perch beyond reproach, such as the way he did with Communist Russia. Every Country, including the Muslims, has their "Untouchables" who have operated for many years in their own "Above the frey" World of private Independence.
     I believe Donald Trump sees this, since in most respects, he is there, but separates himself from them.
     The difference is, he has a sense of loyalty toward our Country in which he credits the "American Way" for his success in gaining it. He did it by hard work, wise investments and understanding that it takes a "productive" dollar attitude to do it in a lawful way.
     When he looks at the "tailgating" those two Camp-followers are doing, I'm sure he understands the deviousness in their attempt to achieve the same status. "It just ain't fair!", as some might say.
     I believe Trump really can see what they're out to do, and like a lot of us, knows that in their Atheistic point of view, by pulling out all the stops on the way, they will say and do whatever it immorally takes to reach the Presidency for 4 more years of tyranny to finish us off.
     With Hillary having taken lessons from Barack himself in mastering the reading of the teleprompters, the Clintons are hoping to pull it off. Even though they will be seen as the 2nd biggest liars of the Centuries in comparison to the Obamas, it will no longer matter.
     Although deserving of punishment for their deceptions in getting there, they will be too far above us in Worldly status to receive it. Much the same as the Obamas will be.  
  As obvious as it is in their endless acts of skullduggery, have you noticed there is no talk of them receiving their just dessert when they leave the limelight?? Not even by Conservatives? I have!! Why haven't we??   Just sayin'.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


     Have you ever wished you could separate the true believers in our Constitution and the American Way from the Fence sitting Pundits and other so-called Rhino Republicans?
     Well now you have the chance of a lifetime. Just watch the dissenters to his approach of running for President and the negatives they come out with because of the naked fear from some of the long time, Good old boy Reporters and Washington Insiders.
     Boy oh-boy! Are they ever coming out of the Political closets right now. The plus here, is we might as well know now who they truly are, so they can be dismissed from being watched in the political discussions. Like one great Statesman said, "For better or worse, the truth always comes out no matter what!" With a little honest observance, it DOES!!
     By throwing caution to the wind, they are doing more harm than good, in their criticisms of this great man.
     In the past I always loved the John Wayne movies because he portrayed an upstanding, 'right to the point' kind of guy.
     The problem with that in real life is, the truth hurts a lot of people who make a living by twisting and spinning the truth for not what it is, but for the benefit of glorifying themselves. Those types of people shudder at the thought of truth interfering with their chances of limelight success.
     From my point of view, he is an accomplished man who says it like it is, is not in it for the money and calls the shots as he sees them.
     Haven't we been wishing for a man like this no nonsense fellow to step in and grab the reins of a run-away team of horses? After all, no one has picked up the ball, particularly the parasites who call themselves "Progressives", and ran in the direction as has been intended by our Sacred based Constitution like Donald Trump has recently.
    To the Contrary, they are more than obviously bending their subsidized backs to take us down to the level of poverty that exists in the rest of the World.
    Donald is in a rare position that nobody can penetrate with monetary threats, and I believe, is sincere in his concern towards "The American way", and the previous standard of living that was created by us, the working people in the productive dollar jobs that kept us the Greatest Freedom loving Country in the World.
    He has already experienced the success in the building of his own good fortune. What's wrong with him passing that success on to us, as he wishes to do?
    As it is now, we have a President who has turned out to be the most dangerous man in the World, and is presently trying to supply a Muslim Nation that is currently our most hateful enemy with Nuclear capabilities to wipe us off the map. 
     How can that possibly make sense to you?    If ever we needed someone to stand up and be counted to lead this Nation, that time is now. Just sayin'.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


     In reading the supposed re-searching of POLITIFACT" on FB, it is becoming more and more apparent they are positioned on the hidden left side of the 'Left Media' and poised to criticize only the actions and speeches of anything but their own preferences.
     Please be aware of that when reading their postings. When reporting the statements of the various Candidates in the race for the 2016 U.S. Presidency, I have found they are doing something that is typical of the Pundits on the Un-American side of the ledger; Spinning the statements of the Republicans to make you think they meant something they honestly didn't. But seldom pointing out the continuous, obvious lies of the President, his staff and Bill and Hillary Clinton.
     Their is nothing more dangerous to the endangered "American Way" than devious reporting by them and the "Left Main Media"!
     With this time in our downturn of the Worldly and U.S. economy, it is also becoming more and more apparent that Communism and their closely related Socialism has run out of "Other people's money"!
     The "Red Line" term used by Barack Obama in his so-called "Warnings" (When we thought he was on our side but now know he isn't!) are finally bringing us Loyal believers in true Republics and Democracy the fact we've been claiming all along, but not, on the other hand, being taught in our Middle, Public Schools and Colleges as they should be.
     Communism hasn't, and doesn't work for the Common People near as good as true Democracy does, and particularly under our Sacred Bill of Rights and Constitution. But honesty in reporting to the common people is utterly important too. Bringing me to point out, that under Atheist principles such as the Left operates, honesty doesn't need to be in their equation! Just sayin'.