Monday, January 30, 2012


     Comment for the day: Nero fiddled while Rome burned
      It's interesting to see how people can be so underhanded and crappy to someone who offers an opinion when it doesn't agree with other's around you. But it happens and all I can do is proceed with my thoughts and exercise my Freedom of expression, regardless of the loss of someone I thought was close to me. But the folks I'm referring to really weren't close anyway. I was just naive enough to think they were. It hurts, but I can handle it.
     I don't mean the voters, I mean the loyal, dedicated Liberal Socialists who have dirtied the name "Democrat", to the point that I'll bet the true "Reagan" Democrats are glad the Marxists are now referring to themselves as "Progressives." ( I guess it's their soft way of saying "Socialist" without swearing.)
      The fact is, they don't want to be revealed for the "Anti-God, Anti-Constitutional, Anti- American  Devil followers" that they really are!! They prey on the ignorant and uninformed in order that they can scrape up more votes at Election time. But brother, watch out for the fraudulent and illegal votes than the Socialists have so heavily depended on in the past. Although there are investigations under way, they're going to do it again.
      There's no way they would have the control that they do, otherwise.
      You can't tell me that a Country with 90% believers in God and has established it's rule of law in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, would willfully vote for what they "really" have in mind. Why do you think Barack Obama was so tickled to jump on the "Occupier's" bandwagon and instantly send his "Community Organizers" out there to get them organized? The first thing they did was take their home-made cardboard signs away and provide them with nice, new, professionally made ones that all looked the same. They aren't intending to further educate those people so they can compete and earn an honest living, and they won't either! They simply want their votes, legally or illegally and they don't care which.
      They don't intend to educate the voting masses with their true intent, otherwise they wouldn't make it. They have to do it by deception. They"re not looking for brains.
      In my discussions with people who still intend to vote "Democrat", they think they're voting for the system of the past. They refuse to believe otherwise, and think it's outrageous when you tell them different.They think you're just having a bad dream and that's what the "Socialists" want them to think.
      If we don't fight back and rightfully take control through honest ballots, they'll have this country in a position where it will be impossible to change back.    Just sayin'.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


      OF course, I've written about this before, but to get the message through, I'm going to point this out again so it will encourage newcomers to my blogs to recognize the phony ploy the "Seminar" Liberal/Socialists use.
      Even to this day, even though certain "Token" Liberals hired by Fox News to defend the obvious "Left" so it appears they are "Fair and Balanced", I'll refer to them as "Centrists" instead of  the Marxist/Socialists they still really are. Although they appear to have come halfway to their senses in the respect they say they have a religion now, don't allow yourselves to be fooled by it. Obviously, I don't!! They're there for the money first, their beliefs second, but they're all graduates of the "Midwest Academy" doctrine in one way or another. They are all experts at "Community Organizing".
      Kirsten Powers, Geraldo Rivera and Bob Beckel are the frontrunners in this regard. But don't let me forget Alan Colmes, the phony leader of them all. No matter what, including Juan Williams and Shepard Smith, They are going to push the Immigration agenda, the African American agenda, the Gay agenda and the "Midwest Academy" Marxist agenda as well. Read one of my previous blogs about the "Midwest Academy". It's guaranteed to open your eyes!
      They carry with them the habits ingrained in their minds from the Liberal "Seminars" they've attended over the years. I call it the "Zombie" affect.e.g. When in discussion with a person with different views, they will make a statement or accusation, using up all the time allowed for them and then some. When the adversary responds with a rebuttal, they interfere by overtalking, not letting up while the other person is talking. Then the phony smile appears. they use it in response to being exposed as having said a falsehood, after they have made a statement of any kind and to cover embarrassments of any kind. They also laugh when the adversary makes a sensible remark. They do it without fail, and without conscience or remorse. They seem to be in a trained "Zombie" state. Hilary Clinton looked that way during Obama's State of the Union speech. Biden too.
      What annoys me more than anything is, the moderators seldom step in to stop it. In fact, some of them seem to enjoy it!
      A simple step would stop it if the moderator shut off their microphones in order that the opposition could finish their response. By the way, if they're Lefties, place a Lucifer mask on them too!
      Only kidding of course.         Just sayin'.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

AT THE AGE OF 15................CHAPTER # 2.......

      The following year and at the age of 15, I was 6'1" and 196 lbs. I had made it through another School term, including another season of midget hockey. We had suffered the usual losses and I had just gotten over a fractured foot that took me out of the game, It happened accidentally when I playing defense, and I was struck by the heel of a hockey stick across the top of my foot.
      A painful recovery indeed. When it happened, my coach and I both thought the injury was just a bruise I would get over in a few minutes, but that wasn't the case. My next shift out made the pain even worse, so I was benched for the rest of the game.
The 1/2 mile walk home was a real chore and I had to sit several times on a plowed snowbank before I finally reached home. My mother insisted I should see our family doctor and called him to see if he could examine me right away due to the discomfort I was in.
We had no car in the family at the time, so a taxi was arranged for me and I was whisked up to the Doctor's office. He confirmed it was broken and he placed my foot and lower leg in a plaster walking cast. I walked home due to the fact there was not enough money to hire a taxi for the return trip.
     At this stage in my story I'll express how Fernie B.C. was fortunate to have exceptional doctors, considering it was only a town of 3500 people in a Coal mining, not rich environment. They all operated out of the same Clinic that was led by a well known family practitioner and surgeon named Dr. George La Rue. He was accompanied by his younger brother Dr. John La Rue, Dr. McRichie and Dr. East. The situation with George La Rue was that, although he was involved in many delicate operations in large hospitals in the U.S. and Canada, he loved the town and beautiful surroundings so much, he moved to the area just for that. He was truly a blessing to the town.
     It was an era when Doctors still made house calls, worked together in some cases such as a mine accident that involved several injured men. It wasn't uncommon to have explosions or cave-ins in one of the several underground mines in the Crows Nest Region. I believe the Comradarie was much greater than it is today. Night calls at home were common.
     Fortunately for our family, right around the same time I had my misfortune, my mother was standing on a tall stool attempting to hang some curtains over a window, lost her footing and plunged to the floor and shattered her left ankle. It was terribly broken and the other doctors determined that she should have her foot removed. Dr. George La Rue knew the circumstances of our large, father absent family and although being away, called and requested they not do it until he arrived home. He arrived back in Fernie and immediately rushed to the hospital. He told my mother he was going to try to save her foot and immediately started his attempt to do just that. For hour upon hour, he placed all the fractured pieces together with screws and wires. Then he totally immobilized her entire leg with a cast that required her to lay on her back for what seemed like forever. Slowly, over the course of a year, her leg healed through all the pain and misery she was experiencing. There was an ever present fear of infection. Many times us kids cried for fear of interruption of our mother's recovery. Frequent visits by Dr. La Rue ensued. She was our rock and we couldn't lose her. We didn't, and she eventually was able to have the last cast removed for good and slowly began placing weight on her foot.
     It took several years before she could walk without a noticeable limp, but as she got into her older years, she could walk quite normally but with a slight swelling in her ankle that never went away. She had no lasting pain from it.
     It wasn't the last time Dr. La Rue was to be involved in the lives of our family because when ever some medical attention was required in our family, we would call for him. I'll always feel blessed that he was in our lives throughout the growing and adult lives of our years.
     To continue my own experience at the age of 15, I was able to hire back on with the same Topographical Survey crew from the year before, when we did the Elk Valley job. However, this time it was mapping the Flathead range to the East of Fernie, B.C. and the Flathead valley stretched from Corbin Alta. all the way to the U.S. border, just north of Kalispel, Montana. The road was a 4 wheel drive trail ,very similar to the Upper Elk Valley road.
      This time, there was a ranch similar to the McGinnis Ranch in the Elk Valley. It was owned by Len Washburn, an old retired Game Warden who retired to resume guide and outfitting for American hunters in the Flathead range. He too had a cowboy there who tended to things named Fred Harbinson.
      When our camp was established close to there, Walter Walls, another school classmate, and I would visit there for hours in the evening and listen to his stories of the past. He told us once about how, when the hunting season came, they would take the hunters out into a range area where the Elk were herded together and the Elk weren't frightened of them as long as they remained on horseback. The hunters would find a "Trophy" bull to their liking and shoot it. It was almost unfair because Elk are usually the most difficult of the Deer family to hunt. They're normally very evasive after they hear the first few shots fired in the hunting season.
      The sad part about it was the hunters only wanted the head, so they would leave the rest of the animal to be devoured by the other animals such as coyotes , wolves and bears. There were plenty of those, too, so the meat really didn't go to waste, I guess. But those were the days when anybody would have loved to have it on their table. No one had any interest in packing them out.
      The cowboy had plenty of stories to tell and we enjoyed hearing them all. To soon, the evening was done.
      Since we were mapping the rivers and streams as well as the mountain ridges, we were often required to take the creek bed elevations every 50 ft. or so all the way up to their source. this mean't having to wade up the center of the creek to do it. It was also spawning season and the large lake trout from the Flathead Lake in Montana would swim up the tributaries to lay their eggs. Often we could see and feel them brush against our legs on their way upstream. Being up to 15 or 20 lbs., we managed to snare a couple and take them back to the camp to have them baked for dinner. I must say, there's no  better tasting fish than a trout or landlocked salmon cooked on the same day.
     The job lasted a little better than a month from start to finish, so we still had a month of vacation from school to go to work somewhere else. In the meantime though, I had never been to a bigger city, so Walter and I decided to go to Calgary Alta. for a week before we went to work at Bricker's farm bringing in the hay crop. We boarded the Greyhound bus in Fernie immediately after I went to Trites Woods general store where I was measured up for some gabardine strides with the narrow ankles that were in style, and I hadn't afforded to buy some earlier. Walter Walls already had some, and I wanted the same. Away for Calgary 200 miles we went to stay at his Dads place. For me it was a first time experience and went we arrived that night the city downtown section was all dazzling lights. From the bus station we boarded a transit bus to Walter's Dad's home. Separated from Walter's mother for several years, his Dad hadn't seen Walter for that long either. His father broke down in tears when we surprised him and I must say it was an emotional meeting, but a happy one. We thoroughly enjoyed the visit there, also visiting the Calgary Zoo 2 days in a row as well. The time raced by and soon it was time to go back home to work for the rest of the summer. The trip was uneventful and when we arrived there Walter went home and I headed to Trites Woods to pick up my ready and waiting strides.
      I paid the clerk $15.00, which was a lot in those days, and took them home. I had missed my Mom and I spent some time with her, telling of my visit to the "big" City. Tired from the excitement of it all, I retired to bed early.
      The next morning I woke up early and anxious to wear my new pants, proceeded to put them on. to my very unpleasant surprise, No matter how I tried, I couldn't pull them over my size 11&1/2 feet!!
      What a disappointment that was!! The store wouldn't refund my money but they gave me a $15.00 credit on a $100.00 gabardine overcoat. Good salesman, that guy. Now I was broke and looked forward to working the rest of the summer on the farm. Walter's feet were smaller so he went to the store and bought them for $7.00. All's well that ends well, I guess.
      The farm work and haying season came on us and away we went. It's another memorable event and a time that all us kids involved in it would jell into a group that would stick together up into our early adult years. Me, Walter Walls, Alan Neidig, Don Pisoni, Peter Elkington, Jack Brown, Clifford Corrigan, Frankie Lynch and Harold Lewis were to spend a lot of time getting in and out of mischief in the coming years.
     The work was often tough, but to say the least, healthy, and we were all at the muscle building stage in our lives anyway. I'm sure we were all fortified with good breakfasts before leaving our homes, but when lunch time arrived, we were more than ready for that too. I could really eat in those days and this was one time when coming from a poor family paid off. Most everyone else had sandwiches of store bought bread and mine were made from my mother's home made bread, and as far as I'm concerned, the tastiest.
     Peter Elkington was from a more well-off family and loved the taste of Mom's bread, so I would trade him one sandwich for two of his. Mine were made with thick, fresh lettuce from our garden combined with cheese and mayonaise. His were made from deli meats etc. It was a treat for both of us in the respect he loved my sandwiches and I rarely ate store bought bread with deli meats, so it was a good trade.Then we would share a sandwich made from homemade jam and peanut butter. There was never any sandwiches left over from anybody, let me say that! We all had our jobs to do and we did them.
      The Roberts family actually lived on the Bricker farm and they were a large family comparable to ours, and the father was a regular worker on the farm
     Mr. Roberts was an elderly man and saw to it that his sons did their share of work during the summer months on the farm. Although a poor family, he had been an officer in the Northwest Mounted police back before their name was changed to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. (RCMP)
     He was a man of few words, but knew how to speak when he had to.
     Later that summer his oldest son Albert, along with another kid, were suspected of robbing a horse's harness. They were hauled into court and as the proceeding went on, the Sergeant presented a written confession by the other kid implicating his son. They were both charged with the same theft.
     After the document was read aloud by the magistrate, he ordered Albert to stand up to declare whether he was guilty or not. At that moment Mr. Roberts stood up and requested to speak on his son's behalf. Magistrate Marshall told him to proceed. He looked at the Magistrate and said," You ought to be ashamed of yourself in allowing this proceeding to go on this way". He continued, turning to the Sergeant, "I want you to know something. I was a Sergeant in the Northwest Mounted Police when you were still sucking on your Momma's teat, I know the law, and you and I both know the court can't use one accomplice charged with the same crime to testify against the other." "I'm requesting this whole case be dismissed."
      The embarrassed Magistrate, quickly dismissed the case against them. Then Mr. Roberts turned to his son, pointed his finger at him and said, "I'll never step into the courtroom for you ever again" and left the room.
     Few people knew of Mr. Roberts' past, but every one looked at him with a higher regard after that incident.
     Labor Day came and it was back to school once again.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


     According to the latest news, China is offering to buy all the oil they can get their hands on in the world. I understand they will purchase the oil before it leaves the ground. If this is so, and Canada sells it to them from the Oil shales, We have already been told by the Canadian Prime minister to get the rag out or it WILL be sold to China. I wouldn't blame them if they did!
      Canada has spent a lot of money preparing for the sale via the Proposed Keystone XL pipeline, complied with all the rules and regulations put forth by the EPA just to have Barack Obama put a delay on it by Executive Order. He is so controlled by the Environmentalists because of it being an election year, that he's selfishly thinking more about being re-elected than the welfare of the Country. The pipeline will create a total of 120,000 direct and indirect jobs.
      If the Keystone XL pipeline were to be done, it is already estimated there is enough oil in this operation that the U.S. would not require the so badly needed oil from OPEC that the Arabs hold us hostage to. Obama knows this, yet he doesn't care!
With all the useless waste of Stimulus money so far, you think Congress would over-ride his order and either proceed with the deal or place a deposit on it out of the Stimulus money he's been wasting somewhere else.
      It's obvious to me that he's made a deal under the table with China to delay the sale so China CAN purchase it and then sell it to us at a higher price further down the road.
      China is offering to buy the oil without touching a lot of it, everywhere in the world. It's called "FUTURES" trading. They would then sell it to the U.S. Warren Buffet is in bed with Obama and wants to build a railroad to transport it. This is probably another reason Obama stopped the pipeline from getting started.  It's really starting to smell, isn't it???
     Building the pipeline would put all those secondary plans to rest. It would keep the price of oil down where it currently is.
     Obama's plan would be more attractive to the Environmentalists in the respect the much higher price from the Chinese would encourage them to think in the direction of alternative energy. Right now the alternative energy, no matter what kind is proving to be so prohitively expensive to produce. That's the reason Solyndra who produced solar panels, ran with $500,000,000.00 in Stimulus money and then claimed bancrupcy immediately after. Now they're taking the stockpiled solar panels they did produce and tossing them in the dumpsters. Friends of Obama's! Can you believe it!!! Talk about a waste of Taxpayer's money!!
      I just hope I'm not wasting my time pointing this out.   Just sayin'.


     "Midwest Academy" is the brainchild of Saul Alinsky. Alinsky was an author, Atheist and dedicated Marxist. It is supported by the "The Woods Fund", a non profit organization Obama started, and through that group provided funds and Capital for "Midwest Academy". Together with Bill Ayers, another Atheist and Marxist who founded the outlawed "Weather Underground" and spent time in prison, they co-directed "Midwest Capital", an arm of Midwest Academy, from 1999 until Dec. of 2002. They were well paid to do so.
     Midwest Academy is dedicated to "Community Organizing in accordance with the Alinsky Doctrine".
They promote "Progressive Social Change". An Anti- religion, anti-Constitution and Anti-Gov't Group. They follow the philosophy of the son of  Saul Alinsky, David, who wrote as an opening statement in his book: "Lest we forget an 'Over the Shoulder' acknowledgement to the very first Radical: From all our Legends, Mythology and history, the first Radical known to man, who rebelled against the establishment(God) and did it so effectively that he won his own Kingdom, "The kingdom of Lucifer" ( Hell). They don't believe in God but accept the ways of the Devil! Make sense to you??? David also wrote,"Obama did well in his effort to organize the communities beyond expectations in the successful 2008 campaign".
     Their reasoning is, if they could destroy the belief in God, they could then render the Constitution useless and any other laws based on religious beliefs. Marxism would then fall into play.
Hilary Clinton follows the philosophy of "Midwest Academy" and is counselled to do and say what ever it takes to gain power. To me she looked like a programmed Robot during the State of the Union speech last night. Mesmerized would be another word.
     Their training includes "Infiltrating the system from within" and Obama taught workshops for years on the Alinsky Doctrine. The main theme taught was the trick to"penetrate existing Institutions, churches, unions and political parties". Camouflage is another favorite theme. e.g. In his effort to control the U.S. African American population in Chicago, While encouraging them to build Black Coalition churches, someone asked him why he never attended the churches. He immediately became a churchgoer. It falls right in line with their doctrine to melt into the crowd. "The Occupiers" were organized that way, remember?
     Maybe this Blog will help the readers to take a second look at this guy. He's being guided by Lucifer, not God. Lucifer has trained and spent a lot of time training him. There is no one who could train him better at reading the teleprompters. It's too bad he has succumbed to the line of least resistance.
     Next time you're in church, look around. You may be listening to one that's there for the Devil's sake, not God's. He's there for the money. And if one of them reads this, don't be surprised if they say I'm outrageous. When they do, just click on to " Saul Alinsky, Atheist" on Google and push "enter". Then click onto the Gingrich info. He's seldom wrong!   Just sayin'.

Monday, January 23, 2012


     It's pitiful to listen to the Fox News pundits such as Karl Rove, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, Brit Hume, Charles Krauthammer, Neil Cavuto, Shepard Smith and Greta Van Susterin comment on their predictions about the surge by Newt Gingrich in the Republican Primary polls. They're all anti-Gingrich. Yet none of them have ever had the guts to run for office themselves. It's easy to be a critic, I am one! But I don't get paid to be fair to the voters like they do. So for Pete's sake BE FAIR!!!
     Other than knowing "Fox News" is Republican leaning, I'd swear you were all Liberal Socialists since Newt won South Carolina!
     I'm convinced you are all trying to slow down the contributions to Newt's campaign so he won't be able to stay in this race.
     I'm convinced the more you try, the more he's going to get contributions from the folks who desperately want this nation back on the right track. And there's lots of them!! I hope this happens!!
    Why is it that you were all so two-faced and nice to Gingrich until day before yesterday and come down on him so cold heartedly today? The man to be cold hearted to from here on in is Barack Obama! To already be calling the win for Obama in November because Gingrich is pulling ahead in the Republican race, is totally assinine treachery! If these are your true colors, and I suspect they are, I would like to suggest to Rupert Murdoch that he replace you all with people who still believe in sincerity over personal preference. May I suggest someone from the Tea Party?? Maybe your former bosses from the Liberal media would take you back. For less pay, of course.
     When in heck did any of you grow up to be perfect? Don't call me all at once! To me, Newt Gingrich is perfect in the respect that he is sorry for, and confesses to his mistakes.
     When did any of you last do that?   Just sayin'.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


      Ask yourself that. After all his wife wasn't proud of being one. She admitted it in an interview. So doesn't that make you realize he wasn't either?
      Why on earth would we make him the President then? Well, It's because he never revealed that until he was elected President, that's why! Who could have predicted he would climb aboard Air Force One in one of his first Grandiose performances and apologize to the Europeans for the behavior of this country, particularly when we had everything in the world to be proud of.
      To think that the newly elected President of the United States would shame us all by carrying the white flag of surrender to the rest of the world as though we had done them wrong, is as despicable an act as any proud american can dream of.
      For him, as a man who never donned a military uniform in defense of this country, or any other country for that matter, to deface the honor of our fallen heroes both from Canada and the United States in the pursuit of liberty through all the past wars in defense of our Allies, is unforgivable and shameful to most citizens of both countries. This Islamist is from a different world.
     Barack Obama received his childhood education in Indonesia, a country far departed from the U.S. He was raised by his missionary grandparents who eventually returned to the U.S. He was further educated and graduated from the University of Chicago, along with a bunch of his friends who also learned the "Chicago" version of Socialist/Communist politics.(An anti-american philosophy) and he brought them with him to Washington, D.C. Most of them are still there as I write.
     I say this to the Silent Majority; Don't let your guard down in this upcoming battle with the "Left". We did it 2008, and look at the mess we're in.
     For the moment I'm referring to the Democratic/Socialists as the "Left" for this reason: Just because all Communist minded people are Democrats, doesn't mean that all Democrats are Communist minded. Only a small fraction of them are. But they are the controlling ones at this point in time. Until the good, well meaning Democrats let go of their fierce loyalty to their "Socialist minded" friends, it's going to continue to be that way.   Just sayin'.


       I seldom watch "Meet The Press" anymore after determining they had become completely "left" after the old moderator passed away.
       I never dreamed that Chris Christie would deliberately go on the show and attempt to assassinate Newt Gingrich's chances of becoming the next President along with the "Lefty" Mike Murphy. But he did, and it's obviously because Newt Gingrich got better figures that Mitt Romney in the Republican S.C. Primary. Why did Christie do this?  Because Chris, as the newly elected Governor of New Jersey had made the political blunder of endorsing Mitt Romney before hand with the thought in mind that Mitt Romney could do more for him personally than Newt Gingrich would, should Romney become President. They had plans! But Christie's attitude and attack on Gingrich was totally selfish in the respect that he did it without concern for the future, overall health of  the Republican Party in the upcoming election. Christie, in pursuit of his personal interests, threw caution to the wind.
      Christie is a hypocrite in the regard that he is known as a man who says what he thinks and means what he says. Yet he pointed that out as a major fault in Newt Gingrich. Unbelievable!!
      Before Chris Christie became Governor, he obtained a law degree from Seton Hall in Delaware. Being Pro Choice, he was considered a "Moderate" Republican and was active in the Republican party.
      Is there something wrong with that picture??
Not only is he Pro-choice, he is also Pro-Gay and he demonstrated that in his selection of an openly Gay judge to the New Jersey Supreme Court. Appointing someone to the highest Court in the State is not the brightest selection to make when that person has a twisted way of making a bad decision like he did to be Gay! A stinky idea to say the least!
He is not a Tea Party favorite and along with Karl Rove of Fox News, does not agree with the Tea Party movement. He's a Republican "Insider" and has only been in one political campaign prior to becoming the Governor of New Jersey. He lost so miserably in that election that no one would claim to knowing him, so to speak. With Karl Rove's recommendation to George W. Bush, he was appointed to U.S. Attorney for the State of New Jersey, having little or no prior Prosecutorial experience. Obviously a purely political favor for Karl Rove who was President Bush's Chief Political Adviser.
None the less he did well while holding that job. Aside from that he was hired as a lobbyist to the Energy Industry for George Bush's Election campaign. I wouldn't talk to loud about that work.
     You see, I heard Romney, in his own haste to think he would most likely be the next President, was going to chose Chris Christie as his Vice Presidential running mate. Christie, in his drunkenness of newly acquired power, endorsed Romney on that Pretense.
      In fact, I think the Republican Insiders like Karl Rove and Charles Krauthammer thought the same way, but to their astonishment, Newt was forgiven by the religious Right and came out on top because of his honesty concerning the past. I say, rightfully so!
      Mitt Romney, although I think is also a very capable man in defeating the "Left" establishment, made the mistake of firing the first negative shot. I think he was ill advised by Chris Christie in doing so. Chris Christie would serve the Conservatives much better by keeping his newcomer mouth shut.
     It was a bad move on Romney's part. He gambled and lost. It's a pity that Religious differences need to be dragged into this fray. We already have a badly shattered G.O.P. Don't shatter it anymore.
     One thing I can say concerning the Democratic Party, as deceitful and insincere as they may be, they still stick together like cow excrement to the screen door. So far it works for them as bad as it smells. Chris Christie's behavior this morning stinks very much like that. His behavior this morning has certainly made me take a second look at his ability or sincerity in aiding the G.O.P.
      What's the big panic anyway? The race has only just started. Is Chris Christie going to be the loose cannon in the bunch?    Just sayin'.

Friday, January 20, 2012


      I'm getting a kick out of how the political pundits are putting the emphasis on whether or not Newt can keep his composure and not explode or implode in his debates and speeches.
      Don't let that fool you! It seems to me he merely expresses himself in accordance with the severity of his subject at hand. The fact is, the Socialist nuts are shaking in their boots at the fear of Newt Gingrich being the Republican challenger to the monitor reading Barack Hussein Obama.
      I suggested in an earlier blog that Obama will try to avoid any debates.
      Barack Obama explodes into temper "theatrics" with every speech he makes. Why do you think he does that? He, along with Newt have received that training because it's "professionally" effective.
      There's no better way to get a point across. So why is Obama given a pass in his behavior along with all the other passes he's received since he became President? He hollers and waves his arms around with exclamations of falsehoods one after the other. He can hardly ever speak without uttering a false accusation.
     Once again there are double standards here, but there's nothing new about that, now is there?
     This Country is being led in a communist direction by the Pseudo Religious leftists. The victims of this push (The Silent Majority) are hungry for, and happy to have, an emotionally sincere and extremely intelligent man like Newt Gingrich.
     How could any good american NOT be in the mood to express honest concern about the intentions of the Leftists, without wanting a brilliant man such as Newt display his thoughts emotionally?
     Like the minority Gays the Socialists represent, they have their sneaky ways of slipping in the back door, so to speak. Don't wear your shorts backwards around them!
It's high past time we put our feet down, Folks. Go get 'em, Newt.     Just sayin'.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


     While watching Bill O'Reilly tonight in his discussion with Marc Lamont Hill, It became clear to me that the working, tax paying people of this Capitalist Nation are not going to ever satisfy the so-called "Poor" people that Marc continually refers to.
     This guy likes us to think he's acting on behalf of the colored people when he is in fact contributing to   the Status Quo of those folks. He blames the Gov't for "failing the poor black people".
     The fact is clear that he has no intention of encouraging the "poor" to do anything but depend solely on the Gov't. Like Jesse Jackson, he has positioned himself so that he wants them to think they need him to represent them against the White establishment that's "never" going to treat them properly,so they might as well demand financial support with the thought in mind we will never allow them to get ahead. He implied a job of cleaning toilets to start with would be insulting to his people.
     To have these Leaders of the "Poor" on any Fox News program is a complete waste of time. and an insult to the audience's intelligence.
     I personally cleaned toilets for 8 years as a 2nd job in order to get ahead in my life. I resent his arrogant implications that the Gov't owes them a living, not a chance to earn one. From what I've seen, this Country has bent over backwards in an attempt to treat the African American as more than equals here. It's a pity that slavery ever existed. I'll give them that. But this nation isn't geared up to completely support the ancestors of the slaves forever. No one alive in this country has ever owned a slave. Nobody that's black has ever been one.  Nobody is obligated to apologize for it. Get over it!
     The fact that Marc has been "allowed" to be successful and shoot his mouth off and be paid handsomely doing it, makes him a total hypocrite. The fact is, nobody ever restricted him from getting ahead either.
     These black Leaders are paranoid that they would lose their death grip on the poor if they were allowed to help themselves. They would no longer be needed.
     There are plenty of special programs out there if people like him would encourage them to learn and help themselves. I have no prejudices towards these people. They're just as capable of learning as anyone else. Jobs aren't born, they're found.    Just sayin'.


       I grew up in the late Thirty's, Forty's and Fifty's. It was a time of one car families, ( My older brothers had one that ran occasionally) and it was a time when things were hard enough that no one was interested in beating around the bush, so to speak. A spade was a spade, gay mean't happy, gang bangers were a group who raped women, "ain't" wasn't in the dictionary and a personal insult deserved and got a punch or maybe two in the mouth. Believe me, it did a good job of keeping everybody straight and no one objected to it. If the shoe fit, you wore it. Sometimes it was deservedly so, if it fit your rear end.
      It may sound unbelievable, but the way I remember it, the good guy always won. The bad guy always got his "come-uppance" sooner or later.
      So, growing up that way, you always knew what to expect. The good guys knew when the bad guys had enough and a hockey game ensued. We all went out for a beer after. You always learned who to fight with and who not to.
      But it's different now. People patronize each other so much in political discussions when they're actually disagreeing with each other, that I sometimes wonder at the end of it all if I even got the gist of what they were saying.
      It's like this: "Well first of all it's a pleasure to be here." "I've known Republican Bill here for thirty years now and we've always been able to agree on virtually everything and I have to say first that he's an honest and honorable man" "However, as a Democrat, I have to tell you Bill, what you just said wasn't exactly the way I would have said it even though it may be true,even if I don't think it is. When I said I mounted animals you failed to tell them I was a Taxidermist."
     Then Tom Brokaw gets in the mix and suggests they should all stop arguing and have a gay time of it. I imagine you get my drift here.
     Anyway, I wish it was back in the old days again.    Just sayin'.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



       Well, Fantasy land is really where he belongs, because he's been there for 3 years already. It's a ride he's been on that the rest of us can only dream of. Mickey Mouse isn't anything new to him.
       Seriously though, I won a trip there once and with my wife having lived there at one time, it was a total pleasure because she guided me on a tour with the expertise of a professional tour guide.
      I enjoyed the trip so much, I wished we could have afforded to stay longer, but you all know how that desire is interrupted by the reality of it all, "Back to Work"! But not before I took a 2nd trip on the water ride, "It's a Small World". Everybody needs to take that ride at least twice to fully appreciate what Walt Disney had on his mind. It wasn't money, it was people. He loved to see humans enjoy life in a way that we could forget about the harshness of the real world for a brief moment and "let it all hang out", so to speak. There will always be a soft spot in my heart for Walt Disney because of his fabulous creations. God bless him. But back to Obama.
      In all of his very expensive exploits with the taxpayer's money, this is one that I would not deny his family. Although I consider him a complete foreigner to this country and always will be, his family is not. They aren't responsible for his behavior and I hope they have a ball. Just sayin'.

Monday, January 16, 2012


      Most everybody I talk to about Ron Paul seem to have a certain amount of confusion concerning the direction he would lead this country in if he was elected. For me, I feel the same! 
      He is more than reckless in his desire to diminish the role of the U.S. military in the world, especially in respect to him saying he doesn't care about Iran developing a Nuclear bomb.
      He appears to me as a Genius who never forgets what he reads, writes or hears, but at the same time  doesn't bother to rationalize his vision for the future in respect of consequences. After the irrational behavior of Iran in the past 30 years or so, I'm sure he would be hard pressed to convince more than 10% of the people in the free world that it's reasonable to allow Iran the ability to develop such a bomb.
     He has other ideas that are good and fall in line with Mainstream American values and desires. But amongst all of those he brings up suggestions of change that are too radical to even consider passing the House or Senate anyway.
     His popularity is coming from the younger groups of people and they seem to be more from the Intelligence level of the Occupy protesters and others who only get curious about politics when a major election comes around and want to make sure they don't have to go to work for an honest living.           They think they know everything when in fact they've been ill informed by the "Free spirit" type of bunkhouse intellectuals. 
     When interviewed by some of the Conservative reporters while traveling the streets, they could care less about who the parties are that are in power or who John Adams was. To me, those are the Ron Paul supporters.
     They are the ones who are following this guy like the rats who followed the Pied Piper. It's as if he sees an opportunity to get 15 minutes of fame by attempting to stir up the masses for his own personal glory and to hell with the consequences. He's using no foresight in this regard.
     The reason a lot of young people are like this is, in my estimation, because the schools and colleges who have taught this generation of people have abandoned the God based principles of teaching.
     I think he's simply a guy who says outrageous things only for the sake of being recognized.
     This eccentric nut is only in it to prove he can screw up an election.
     He's been a spoiler who's following in the path of Ross Perot and he's doing it with the money of his victims of outrageous information. He'll attempt to do it again in this election.     Just sayin'.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


     I know there are people who prefer to listen to or promote their own political and religious agendas. But I don't agree they should stop someone else from watching their preferred stations simply because there is a different point of view. To me "Fox News" gives ALL the News, not just the part they want you to hear. I'm hard pressed to find any of the Main Media stations that do. Their Socialist, Marxist leanings don't seem to permit them to.
     First off I'm going to say, anybody who believes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights should live their lives on that premise. No exceptions! They are the laws of this great land, written with Judeo/Christian beliefs, and apply to 100% of the citizens in the United States.
     Secondly, if they feel any differently towards those two documents than being loyal to them, they should leave this country and reside in another country of their choice that disagrees with the pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness as most of us do agree with.
     They won't, however, because there is no other country on the planet that is more compatible to the many diverse nationalities and freedoms of choice than this one right here. If there is, I'd like to suggest that Barack Obama save enough Stimulus money out of his campaigning to buy them all a one way ticket with the agreement that they drag an old Christmas tree behind them so they can cover their tracks of any sign they were here in the first place.
     I include in this bunch, any religious Zealot who would try to limit anyone else they're associated with, to seek or listen to the views and information of all the worldly news in order to form their own opinions on Religion or politics. It's everybody's basic right to choose. Promises on paper or verbally made that would violate their own rights don't count either.
     Anyone who would do that is not living by the two Sacred documents this Country was founded on. Free opinion is the backbone of this Nation, like it or move!
     I don't care what their background is or what duties they may have performed in the past, they aren't entitled to restrict someone else from doing what it is they are basically permitted to do. Not by physical, religious, mental, monetary or vocal restraint.
     If there is any Religious, political doctrine or mandate that is not in accordance with those rules laid out for us by the Country's wise Fathers, then the people forcing those beliefs need to be confronted as the lawbreakers that they are.
     Hiding behind the skirts of Religion for political or monetary reasons is questionable as well.
     Somehow a church isn't a church without true belief in God being present.   Just sayin'.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


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      What's going to happen if both portions of the Congress come under the control of the Republicans? Will they be able to control Obama's illegal behavior?
      We already know how our Democrat/Socialists did when they had total control. Along with Obama they virtually told the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and us REAL God loving people to "Go to Heaven"\What's going to happen if Obama gets back in and has no control over the Republican Congress? I mean, look what he's doing now!
      Right now He's chosen to totally ignore the Constitution and disregard whatever they have to say, even though the Democratic/Socialists have the majority in the Senate. He doesn't care, because he wasn't raised here with love for this country and never will have it.
      From the very beginning of Obama's circus in 2008, he has run roughshod over anyone he pleases and no one including the Supreme Court of the U.S. has lifted a finger to stop him.
      He has gone out of his way to degrade this Country to the rest of the world. A country he didn't grow up in! Are they still going to allow him to wreck a nation he never had use for in the first place? Does a man who has no respect for the values of this country that's 2&1/2 centuries old deserve respect in the next election?
      Do the pseudo Christians who hide falsely behind the skirts of sincere religion deserve anything better than him?
      I'll say it again! It's all about money! If he's allowed to continue with his disrespect for this country's laws in order to get his way, he'll do it. He's doing it right now with Stimulus money.
      Supreme Court Justice, William O. Douglas Wrote a book about his experiences in which he pointed out how much influence Joseph Kennedy had in his dealings with the High Court. The father of John F. Kennedy, Joe was one of the biggest bootleggers during Prohibition to exist in the U.S. That family still makes it's Empire's living from royalties on booze entering the U.S.
      When Douglas was first appointed to the Supreme Court, the first person he was introduced to by the other Justices, was Joe Kennedy, at which point they all went out to dinner.
      If you're looking for Angels, they won't be in the Supreme Court. Even they seem to be hesitating to wrap their arms around the reason we've been free for all this time. The U.S. Constitution!!
      The reason John F. Kennedy was allowed to run for office instead of his father Joe was because Joe had announced his intentions to run for the Presidency and was told by the Liberals who mattered that his own notoriety would defeat him.
      If you read everything about John F. Kennedy, you'll find there wasn't anything too glorious about him either.
      Back to Obama. Remember, he doesn't have to win the popular vote if he loses. It's the electoral votes that count. He's all about money! Just sayin'.

Friday, January 6, 2012


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       G.M. receives over 3 billion dollars, (That's three thousand million dollars) from Barack Obama's Stimulus package to develop an electric car. (G.M. is a major contributor to Obama's re-election campaign) G.M. develops the Chevy Volt. They have sold over 7,000 of them. They're still trying to develop a way to recharge them after 40 miles.
      In recent testing, when they're broadsided, they catch fire.
      Producing them costs $428,000.00 per car. (G.M. Supposedly offers to pay the Gov't back in G.M. stock options)
      Do I need to say more???

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


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     Watching the start of the Republican Caucuses and Primaries, It seems clear to me that the Democrat/Socialists are standing back enjoying the infighting that's going on within the GOP circles. It's right up their alley, cause if anybody's been there, done that, it's them.
     There is absolutely nothing the Republicans can dream up that isn't familiar to the Socialist Regime.
     God love the "sincere, honest" folks who have entered the world of politics with the intention of helping the Gov't claw it's way back to what was once, normalcy. But if they think they can defeat the enemy of Democracy by being "politically" correct, it's not going to happen.
     The newcomers to the Party are wishing for "Change" in a good way and I stand behind that premise to an extent. However, until we all recognize the exact deviousness of the Socialists behavior and expose them to the voting public enough times so they recognize it too, they'll continue to get away with it successfully.
     Teaching the voting Public how to familiarize themselves with the antics of the Left wingers is the  single, most important thing to do first.
     They know every underhanded trick in the book, and I don't know of anybody better in politics to expose them than Newt Gingrich. Unfortunately the Republican "Somebody's" have tossed him under the bus, or at least, think they have.
     It's time to take the gloves off and fight fire with fire.
     When the Lefties take control, there is no compromise, ever! Remember, there are a lot of things they've accomplished by means of partisanship because they had the power and means to do it, not because it was what the majority of us wanted. They simply saw the means to get them done in the interest of special Groups who had the money to give them for re-election purposes. Even though they appear to the voters like they're doing it in the best interests of everybody, they could really care less. It's all about MONEY!!
     I saw the dirty side of politics in the past 2 weeks among our own Republican candidates. Quite frankly I think much less of Mitt Romney for the way his money loaded backers went after Newt Gingrich with their anonymous lies that were pasted all over the News channels. It was clear to me that they had abandoned the moral aspect of the race and lied about Newt to get him out of Romney's way.
     Once again, it's all about money. Newt didn't have the finances in place to fight back.
     Mitt Romney stood by appearing to act innocent of the attacks because he didn't personally make them, all the while wanting us to think he's a God fearing Mormon. It's reminiscent of Barack Obama and it's hypocrisy at it's best, isn't it? If he's going to be slippery now, do you think he'll be considerate of morality while being the President of the United States?
     Mitt Romney took a man who, with all intent and purposes wanted to be up front and sincere with the constituents, and smeared his reputation with dishonest remarks, to get him out of the way. He mercilessly, smilingly cut him down in public to the point that he cried. Then still smiling, told the press, "If he can't stand the heat, he should get out of the kitchen".
     Mitt Romney doesn't want an honest man standing in his way, regardless of morals.
     You're a good man, Newt. If you're going down, take him with you! You can do it with sincere information about his own hypocrisy from the past.
     He was a loser in his last run against McCain to defeat Obama, why would we want him there only to lose again? And guess what? McCain lost and now he's backing Romney!  Duh???    
     Just sayin'.

Monday, January 2, 2012


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      I'm trying to be fair here!
      I think it's wrong for the White American labor force to blame the job shortage on Mexican Immigrants, legal or illegal.
      Here's why; When the economy was healthy and everyone had work who wanted work, there was still an unbroken chain of "productive" dollar jobs available from raw material production right on through to the finished goods production. Finished products were being made mainly in the U.S. or other modern countries closely tied to America, such as Canada and the British Commonwealth.
      Then a phenomena started taking place where there was an increase in exported raw materials to other countries including China. An agreement was reached by all the important countries of the world for the emergence of Free trade.It was called the "World Trade Organization". (WTO) The jobs producing finished products in America disappeared to China because they now had the raw materials to make those same finished products cheaper, even after shipping. Greed quickly overcame common sense. No long range thought was given to the American worker.
     The Mexican Communities were long ago established and supplied workers to the farming industry on a regular basis. Those were jobs that were menial and back rendering to taller people and mostly paid minimum wage. If you ever tried picking potatoes, strawberries and planting of such, you'll know what I mean. It's not preferred work, but it's work. Until recently, No one complained about it.
     Only after the economy turned sour, did somebody complain. Complain if you will, but they're not to blame. It didn't turn bad because of the Mexican workers. It went "South" you might say, because of other various reasons, but the main reason was because all of the "productive" dollar jobs other than the ones producing raw materials went to China. Raw materials left the country and only returned after they were converted to finished products. Thus eliminating all of the creative, productive jobs in between.
     Yes, the goods were produced less expensively and created a larger profit for the bigger, worldly Corporations, giving us consumers relief from higher prices in the short haul, but giving consumers less money to buy them in the long term due to a lack of jobs that were converted to the Chinese.
     The consequences all came back to the consumers after being shot in the foot by the greedy, International Corporations.
     Our Republican Candidates all have it right, along with Donald Trump. We need to quit exporting raw materials to other countries and get back to producing the finished products in this country, and then sell them to the highest bidders after we've had our fill.
     To the Mexican worker's credit, they're for the most part, the very few "productive dollar" workers left in the country.
     Let's create an Export fee on raw materials, an Import fee on finished products that we could be producing here, or both. Whichever is better!!!
     Quit blaming it on the Mexicans in regard to the bad economy!!    Just sayin'.


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       Did you ever stop to wonder how Barack Obama is going to pay for the billion dollar cost he's intending to incur to get re-elected? Well........, look back at where the money he's collecting was originated.
     It started with the billions of dollars we're just now beginning to discover that he paid out in Stimulus money to all of the Gov't related programs he and the Democrats started when they first Hijacked control of the Federal Reserve. This is money that our children and grandchildren are expected to pay back through higher taxes in the near and distant future.
     This isn't something I've just dreamed up folks, It's the stark reality of it all. It all began with vows of "Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" kind of thing. It's something that's been done among politicians over centuries, But not on such a "grandiose" scale as this one. This one is true "Chicago gangster" style with real life thugs having been placed in all the strategic positions throughout the Federal Administration. "Hijacked" is hardly a harsh enough word for it.
     Each and every one of theses projects has been totally disastrous financially with unbelievable billions of dollars that they now can't account for or refuse to account for. Eric Holder refuses to co-operate with the criminal investigation now taking place concerning the "Fast and Furious" murder investigation.. He's the U.S. Attorney General, for Pete's sake!!
    Anyway, large amounts of dollars are turning up in Obama's campaign coffers from Anonymous Donors. His record of spending Tax payer's dollars on his campaign trips is astronomical and unprecedented in the history of the Nation.
    So while you watch the elaborate speeches being made by him and the "flat out lies" being told by his  campaign supporters, including the Main Media, ask yourself where the money supply originated.
    Whose money is he really spending and where did it come from? It's coming from the present and future taxpayer of America, that's who!!!
    America cannot afford any more years of Chicago style thuggery.  
    It's true that Congress is at a lot of stalemates these days, but take some time to reason why. The the total upheaval of the American system by the the Democratic Congress and President happened so "fast and furious" if I may steal the term, that  reversal of such changes simply cannot be done overnight. The return of the House of Representatives to Republican control could not have happened too soon. Right now, a great deal of fence sitting is being done by the Democrats who now have their tongues in cheek over the irresponsible change that Barack Obama encouraged them to pursue while under the "drunkenness" of their previous win.
    So, It appears like the mistakes that pushed this Country into the confusion of partisanship, were all Congress's fault when in fact Barack Obama was every bit as involved in it.
    Barack Obama is throwing the whole Congress under the bus to stay out of the fray in order that it won't affect his re-election run.
    Place the responsibility where it belongs. Directly on the shoulders of the Chicago Thugs, including Barack Hussein Obama.
    I can't imagine another 4 years of  that bunch. Can you??     Just sayin'.