Thursday, November 30, 2017


     WELL THEN,,,,,,. I guess it's because they themselves think twittering is only read by the lower class who don't matter in an election anyway! So Why do THEY THEMSELVES bother to read them??
    Is it because the LEFT intentionally doesn't want the lesser educated people to BE educated so they will remain a part of the Sheeple instead of PEOPLE??
     What's their reason for the destruction of the "Middle Class" that is so important to a Tyrant-free Country!
     I'm thinking they prefer them to remain Sheeple so the "Above God" Anti-Christs can continue going on with their Controlling Rhetoric.
     In other words, THE MIDDLE CLASS DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW!! "GLOBALISM" is the big push!
     But you see, President Trump is already well informed about that ploy! He's aware of the intentions of the GLOBALIST theme that a certain part of the International Billionaires of the World would like a Central Godless "One World Order" already based in Brussels, Belgium!
     So in their "Above-God" Atheistic minds, One World Godless Gov't. would serve their greed for power! In other words; COMMUNISM and Total control!
     The total elimination of Christianity would be dissolved forever!!
     So Folks, thank your Christian/Judeo Heavens that a God-believing President like Donald Trump can throw a monkey wrench into the Atheist/Communist works! Why???
     Well if there's going to be a "One World Gov't", Wouldn't you at least want it to be a Judeo/Christian one??
     Right Vern??? Just sayin!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


     If you believe in God, the true story about the Mayflower survival because of their belief in him, the eventual War of Independence that brought us 240 years of beautiful, individual Freedom in their bare feet, you're now considered by the PROGRESSIVES "Far Right"!
     If you agree with the Founding Fathers who brought us the God-blessed U.S. Constitution and Bill of rights based on our Christian beliefs and continue to believe in the Constitution,, You're "Far Right"!
     If you believe in our Fore-bearers, Uncles, Aunts, Brothers and Sisters who fought and died when they went to all the Wars since the War of Independence to protect other Countries and the United States of America free from Atheistic Tyranny, you're "Far Right"!
     If you believe in the basic "Ten Commandments" that have guided us so faithfully through the years in battling "The Line of Least Resistance" which so often overwhelms our guidance through our ' Human Experience' here on Mother Earth, you're "Far Right"!
     If you believe in the Right to bear Arms to protect yourself and others from Outside aggression or "The Enemy within our gates" such as we have in our Public Schools and Colleges today, then you're "Far Right"!
     So if you believe in all and more of those beautiful gifts, Please tell me; Who in hell are those ridiculous "FAR LEFT" people who would deprive us of all of those efforts our Ancestors went through just to be referred to as  "The Far Right"???
     Help me out here, would ya' Vern??  
     When you hear or see the word "GLOBAL" or "PROGRESSIVE" as the "LEFT" insists on saying, it's only their shadowed way of expressing, "COMMUNISM"!!  Just sayin'!

Saturday, November 25, 2017


     Here we are, faced to confront Iran, the most dangerous country in the World and the Chief sponsor of Terrorism in the World! How in the World was that allowed to happen, and all during the 8 years of Obama "at the reigns" over the most powerful Nation in the World; The United States of America???
     As you already know, the Iranian Regime is controlled by the Ayatollahs of the Islamic Country and while in control, are friends with the other Muslim sects who as a whole, hate the very fabric of the Souls of Christians all over the World! (You  can count the Christian's severed heads if you don't believe that!!
     The last time I checked, Obama's Chief of the Obama Administration staff was a Muslim all during this time with Iranian born, African American Valerie Bowman Jarrett as his Chief Advisor.
     Now, it doesn't surprise me that many of us didn't know that Valerie was in direct contact between Barack Obama and the Ayatollahs every day during Obama's time as President. She speaks fluent Persian!
     As a matter of fact, She practically lived with the Obama's, having her own suite in the White house, ate at their table and vacationed with them whenever and wherever they went! so much so since having been friends with Michelle before Michelle ever knew Barack!
     Just as I pointed out in previous blogs, Valerie Bowman Jarrett worked as Chief Advisor for 3 Mayors of infamous Chicago, Harold Washington, Daley Sr. and Daley Jr.!
     Michelle Robinson was an underling to Valerie Bowman at that time and it was through Valerie that Michelle met and married Barack Hussein Obama!
     Bet you didn't know THAT, either!
     Valerie was so powerful in the Obama Administration that no one, and I mean no one including Oprah Winfrey, could have audience with Barack Hussein Obama without her permission. In fact, She had the President's permission to walk into any official or un-official meeting taking place in the White House and listen in!!
     So if you're wondering who's side Obama was on during his terms as President, just ask Vern would ya'?? Right Vern???  (Vern is my imaginary advisor!)    Just sayin'!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


     Not just any President takes the time to communicate in the kind of  lingo that gets to every voter, no matter whether it's the Leader of a State or a simple-minded 'Road Apple' like Lavar Ball! Why??
     Because in this Nation of ours that believes in "All humans are created equal", "One man One vote", you are demonstrating to ALL Americans you have the time to talk to and for them, No matter What!!
     In the eyes and minds of  the "Above-God" Class such as the PROGRESSIVES think they are in, they obviously feel you shouldn't be talking in a simple, Redneck language and lowly mentality such as the Progressives portray us to be a part of; "The Lowly Middle Class!"
     What you are really showing us President Trump, is the uncanny ability of an Accomplished, World renowned Billionaire who doesn't have need for another added dollar in his wealth, but still has the decency, will, and determination to take the time to be concerned with the ill feelings of a bigoted, race-baiting guy like the father of one of the thieves who were caught stealing in China. (The disgruntled Dad is showing us the apple didn't fall very far from the tree!)
     I, on the other hand, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time from your tremendously busy World-communicating tour to still have the pity in your moral being to ask the Chinese for their forgiveness and release of those 3 young men who had clearly broken the law through thievery in their Country.
     In so doing, you displayed to me what an honorable and God-loving man you really are, even though you are without a doubt, the most powerful Human Being in the World.
     So keep on chuggin' along Mr. President! You are putting the fabric back together that was holding us of all Races, Color and Creed in Unison before Barack Obama came along and tore it apart!.
     By standing in the way of their ploy, "Divide and Conquer", You've got those "Above-God" Atheists shakin' in their boots. Just sayin'!

Monday, November 20, 2017


     For years now, the Democrats have wrongly assumed the 'Middle Class' of this Country has short memories, are principally illiterate compared to their 'Above God' political talents and we don't need to really know what real corrupt Politics is all about!.
     According to the Democrats while in power, we only need to know how to find our way to the voting booths and do the 'Like father, like Son, Like Mother like daughter' bit and vote Democrat.
     They really don't consider we have all learned now through the use of computers, how to communicate and understand that there simply isn't such a thing as the Mom and Pop Constitutional abiding "Democratic Party" anymore!
     For the last couple of decades now, it has very slyly been hijacked by a faction of Non-Democratic, Atheistic/Socialist Group who, since Barack Obama became President, divorced themselves from God through Barack's very shadowed prompting.
     Why??,,,,, Well you see, Except for Countries who have adapted to Democracy by fighting for their freedom such as America did with Britain through our War of Independence, there really isn't such a thing as a "Middle Class" in any Atheist Countries! Which makes this great Country very unique and is also why through the belief in God, a Country "Of the People, By the People and For the People" and resulting in a powerful "Middle Class" to vote for whomever they please!
     Get the drift, Vern???
     So with the intentions of the "LEFT" to "Globalize" the modern Countries of the World under a Godless "One World Order" they know they must break the backs of our Powerful "Middle Class" that stands in their way of doing so!
     In so doing, they don't like the fact we WILL fight back. They HATE that thought! And it reminds me of a humorous bittersweet story I heard one time!;
     In the days of the Roman Conquerers and the Coliseum, it was common to take a slave who was captured in war and for the enjoyment of it, bury him up to his neck in sand in the middle of the crowded Coliseum.
    They would then release a male lion they had starved in captivity for weeks and turn it loose to attack the slave. In it's haste to satisfy it's hunger, the lion over-ran his victim and skidded to a stop with his gonads directly over the slaves head. In his desperation to stay alive, the slave quickly turned his head up and gripped the lion's gonads in his teeth, biting hard!
    The lion could only stand there and howl loudly. It angered the anxious crowd, and they all stood up screaming, "FIGHT FAIR YOU SLAVE, FIGHT FAIR!!!"
    I picture the Progressives doing this very thing with the Middle Class of this Country if we were to let them!
    So please, President Trump! Don't let the Above-God Progressives do this to us! Keep talking to us on Twitter, would ya'??
     Just sayin'!!


You can't get to heaven by hoppin' a train
Nor can you stay dry if you stand in the rain
Your life has a purpose, believe it or not
It can be found with the gifts that you got

It's not by dreamin' that get's you life's best
Or ride other's backs to have your success
It's good old hard work, one way or the other
And it doesn't help to write home to Mother

Life's what it is, there's no disputing that
Crying won't help you when you're up to bat
Calls from the bleachers  "Swing at the ball!"
Will only upset you, not help you at all!

So look at life this way when praying to God,
He'll help you through with a smile and prod
"Darn it, Go get 'em!" a message to you
And you'll find success in whatever you do!


Sunday, November 19, 2017


     Especially after he spent 8 years as Vice President in solid lockstep with President Barack Hussein Obama. The Worst President the U.S. People have ever had to endure!
     Imagine; After 8 years of  ignoring the very Constitutional rights of the Middle Class people but at the same time hiding behind it to cover their own butts and causing un-holy Hell for the Nation as a whole, Joe Biden is suddenly thinking of stepping forward to lead this Country out of this mess that he helped to create in the very first place!!   ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
     At this time when the PROGRESSIVE Party from Hell, including Joe Biden and it's members are running helter-skelter for the exits to escape the Political  Hell they themselves, brought on to this once-great Country, this guy with the 'adopted' smirk of  Barack Hussein Obama, actually thinks the short memories of the "Middle Class" people will allow that same exploitation to happen again!!
     You see, this 'Can't keep his hands to himself'' fella really does think we're that stupid!! So I'm asking you now; ARE WE???
     While pondering on that question, consider the fact that the intention of  the changing of the name DEMOCRAT to PROGRESSIVE took place the minute Obama and Biden took over the Leadership of this once-proud U.S.A.  All in unison of course with the FAKE MEDIA who still, dismally exists as their sponsors today as well!
     Now today; That they've finally understood they have lost BIG time, they are all sneakily back to calling themselves DEMOCRATS again!   Know what I mean, Vern???
     As a final thought to all of this, there's a time in history that I've brought up in previous blogs that is weirdly similar to the course of action the Atheist/Socialists are going through today;
     Circa the year 1921, the official Communist Party of the U.S.A. fell out of favor in U.S. Politics so badly, it changed it's name to; (Yup it's a fact!) THE PPROGRESSIVE Party of the U.S.A. but then faded into oblivion anyway.    SOUND FAMILIAR??? So what do you think they were up to this time?  Just sayin'!

Monday, November 13, 2017


      Waking up this morning and wondering what this World has come to, I realize just how bizarre this "0nce-wonderful" Nation "REALLY" is"!! I highlight one person in particular who a few years ago as a FOX NEWS anchor, declared openly that he was GAY!! Sheepherder Smith!
      Thinking back only a moment or two, I'm seeing a Whole MONTH of October (including FOX NEWS DAYTIME) dedicated to "LGBT" (which all concludes to the same perverted thing!) ; SEXUAL PERVERSION!!
       Now please let me point this out; Man has and always will be, normally attracted to the opposite sex! I'm not speaking out in defense of what might be considered moral or immoral in the way both sexes go about wanting to have sex with each other! Not at all!! In my world, it is strictly between male and female!
       But being a male and having lived an eventful life through the years, I certainly know of the desires that Adam and Eve had for each other, was not frowned on then and still isn't frowned on by God to this day amongst the old Farts I  associate myself with in the Starbucks crowd.  I like to see them all to this very day!! It's what I like to refer to as the 'God-given' HUMAN EXPERIENCE of exchanging greetings and notes on everyday subjects including Politics!
      But don't you see something wrong with the behavior that's taking place in America today??  Where the LGBT crowd can take it on themselves to declare a whole MONTH as they did last month to say it's A-OKAY for one male to physically perform what I consider a filthy, rear-end sexual assault on another?? Particularly when it comes to a grown male or female to decide for themselves to take advantage of a half grown child of the same sex?? A lot of that starts that way!
      Where in Heck are we at this time, that we take One DAY to honor the veterans who, for two and a half Centuries, fought off the tyranny of foreign invaders in order to protect our Christian borders, just to sit back and watch the stinky behavior of LGBT for an entire MONTH?? Just askin!

Friday, November 10, 2017


     While talking to another Conservative-thinking friend today at Starbuck's, we of course agreed on how bizarre it has gotten on the MAIN MEDIA attempts to save their asses from total "Progressive" extinction.
     Hopefully, it's not too late to reverse the trend that in reality, started very shadily somewhere in the past 25 years or so!
     Who would have thought back then that our tax-funded Public Schools and Colleges were intending to erase the very core of our well-being through the use of  hiding behind the very same Sacred Documents that were meant to protect us "MIDDLE-CLASS" people in the first place!
     Slowly but steadily, we realize now just how effective the term "Divide and conquer" has served both sides of the Political and Warring factions over the Centuries.
     What difference in those cases though is, we Constitutional abiding Americans, fought in unity against the common Enemies on other soil before it could reach ours! Never then, was there any question as to disloyalty to our Country, Constitution and American Flag such as there is now!
     Yes! There were war dissenters who evaded the Draft and fled to the San Juans and north to Canada in the Vietnam conflict, but little did we know the dislike would be further spawned by those same people and their off-spring who wormed their way into the Nasty "shaded' Politics by way of the "PROGRESSIVE PARTY" Deceptionists of today!
     Why did we allow them to get so far out of  hand, that the "Enemy Within" our Nation is making a complete circus out of what once was; The American Way and the Middle Class??
     If the disloyal Leftists insist on changing our Constitution, lets' give them an updated one;  "NO ONE within the boundaries of the United States of America shall denounce this Great Nation as anything but the best Country in the World to live in! They shall automatically forfeit their Citizenship by doing such "Organized destruction" as they do Today!"
     Would that work for our "Middle Class" Citizens who are being so much ignored today, Vern???
     Another question; Why is the Press including the FOX NEWS CORP. paying so much attention to the notion that Bernie Sanders ( An avowed Communist since day one of his entire life and married to one ) was taken for a ride by the Hillary Gang of Thugs when they both use the same nasty toilet at the end of each day, anyway??
     Can someone please explain that to me??  Just askin!!