Sunday, April 30, 2017


With Eighty years over, I have no complaints
when it comes to Angels and God's crew of Saints!

It took some thinking by this fellow here,
About all my illnesses, Nightmares and fear!

I've had some bad ones, no doubt about that!
My doctor told me, "Hang on to your hat!"

Diagnosed with Diabetes, a hard thing to swallow.
But not a big thing, compared to what followed;

They found Prostate Cancer and treated me then
Four weeks of treatments, made me good again!

All the while though getting better from Cancer,
I felt prayers to God would give me the answer!

Soon after those days, they found with my ticker,
I required three stents, It couldn't be done quicker!

God's Angels were good, and went on to save me!
Diverticulitis ensued, and attacked with a fury!

That wasn't the end of it, as I wished it might be
Blood flowed from my body and ever so freely!

28 units replaced it by the Angels on earth,
They tirelessly saved me like a baby in birth!

Again life got better, from those Medical Folks
They never give up from saving us Blokes.

Bless all you Angels that work all those hours,
I'm not finished yet as I still smell the flowers.

A lower bowel rupture had to be repaired!
They fixed it quickly from time that they spared.

Blood poison came next, from a Corn in my foot
raged through my body, my heart, lungs to boot!

My beautiful Wife I loved thirty one years,
Passed away suddenly, as this man shed tears!

But as I reflect here on all of my worth
I think of God's Angels who live here on earth

There isn't a time here when I look at the past,
I don't count my blessings, as long as they last!

Sunday, April 23, 2017


     Much the same as Megyn Kelly in that regard, I noticed the difference between her and Wallace is; She's gone but Wallace is still there!!!
     For some time now, I've been pointing out the oddities of Wallace and "Alternative Normal" Shepard Smith on their consistency in being critical and continually negative toward our President from the time he entered the Presidency!
     With Wallace, it first came to light when his swelled head appeared as the host when Trump and Clinton were debating on his show prior to the election. As all political Hosts like to be more aggressive for the sake of making their show more interesting and exciting, it appeared to me as though he was pointedly trying to get Trump to 'fall on his own sword' so to speak, just for the sake of more viewership. He did it repeatedly, though, while pulling his punches on "Crooked" Hillary.
     But his continuance of being negative to Trump through-out his scheduled shows since then, has convinced me he never intends to stop. (It seems the same with Smith's continued dislike toward the President!) Why do I think that?
     Well I can't think of any time lately, I've heard them defend the "Chief in charge" since he became President!
     You would think FOX NEWS would want their shows to be a little bit more "Fair and Balanced" than that, as they brag to be, wouldn't you, Vern??  Just sayin'.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


     Doesn't it make you sick to the stomach when you hear the popular theme on the "Progressive" side of the ledger, insist they think we should "Globalize" and become part of the rest of the World??
     Particularly when it's obvious that the rest of the World has without exception, failed so miserably as they have time and again, failed and then depended on the U.S. to 'bail' them out.
     You tell me; How could the same voters who elected Barack Obama to 4 years of misleading and misrepresenting the integrity of our once-great Country to the rest of the envious World by criticizing our behavior in a continual theme while visiting other Countries.? Then through the magic  of 'Smoking mirrors', again be re-elected just to double his efforts and increase his hatred for the 'American Way' and the Common people! Those who in fact made it Great in the first place!
     His only record of success in all of the 8 years of Dictatorial rule by Executive Orders from behind closed doors, was to intentionally degrade the hopes and dreams of the common good folks down to only being able to stand by and hopelessly watch him write his non-sensible stuff at the Tax-Payer's expense. 
     Mind you, he didn't do it alone by any means! He did it with the help of the devious 'Main Media' whose hope was to gain power and strength through increased viewers and Listeners! But as an end to their failed efforts, they lost any viewers who had any savvy at all to the most powerful Conservative News Organization in the Nation, FOX NEWS, who now has more viewers than all of the other National News stations put together!!
      Anybody with one lick of sense would not allow them to get away with it, and they DIDN'T!! What those Ignoramooses  did, was to confuse and damage the free thinking people into  believing that "GLOBAL" was better for this Country and to convince them it would be helpful for all mankind. (Under the guidance of Obama, his intention was to bring America so far down on it's knees, we couldn't possibly recover in time to stop him!)
     So they took the Nation's Taxpayer dollars, valuable mineral resources including it's top Secrets, National Security, with the guidance of  "Horny Bill" and Hillary Clinton and put them out there for the "Global" World to help themselves to in exchange for "Rewards" they ran to the bank with.
     If that wasn't enough, along with the Leaders of the Teacher's and College Professors Unions, they excluded the word God in the Public Schools and have recently been encouraging the teachings of Islam. That's a sad FACT!!
     Now the lesser-minded Millennials coming out of High School and College have graduated from "Boobs" to "Tits" with their rioting antics.
     As I said in previous blogs, those stubborn "Progressive" individuals who KNOW damn well this is the case, have made the unwary and absence of common sense Milennials, absolutely dumbfounded enough to listen to the smirking defenders of what took place, and continue to re-elect anyone who would insist on pushing 'Globalism'!
     Now it's a clear-cut case of  following the "Line of Least Resistance" because it's easier to drop down to the level of the impoverished, rest of the World than to encourage them to earn their own way as we have toiled for 250 years to do.
      Obama, having been schooled and raised in Islamic Indonesia where no one works for a living and people eat dogs off the street, thinks of us as wasteful! When in fact,  we WORKED for the pleasures of life we're entitled to enjoy today!
     Let me also inform you, that Our Gov'ts of the past have been in the habit of Writing I.O.U.'s to our hard-earned Soc. Security we paid into; taking a little at a time to use for some of their pet projects and then not replacing it later on.(They've done it for many years!)
Obama however, is the main reason our Social Security Income hasn't gotten any bigger is because when Obamacare started on it's disastrous way, he had to pour more money he didn't have and couldn't budget for, from Congress, so he 'Wrote a huge I.O.U. to the tune of circa 650 billion dollars and took the cash we had invested into it for future cost of living increases from the interest that was supposed to be paid from it's investments in other ventures.
     Wondering why we've had little or no increase over the 8 years he was in office???
     "DUH!!" Know what I mean, Vern???  
Just sayin'.

Friday, April 14, 2017


     How much nuttier can they get? On top of that, considering how dangerous they already were at the time Barack achieved the Presidency, we must ask ourselves why Barack and Hillary left all of our top secret, strategic and Nuclear advances in Military technology 'wide open'?
     With all of that, for the rest of the precious information available to all Hackers for the corruptive sake of lining the "Left's" personal pockets!
     How much consideration did our "Progressives" give toward the Personal Safety of our precious United States of America during 8 years of  their reign then??
     In my estimation, that particular situation was not brought on by the 'Evil' of Iran, Russia, Syria or the rest of the hostile World, (who we already know ARE all evil!!) but by the extremely dangerous "Enemy within" our own corrupt Political borders!
     Equally as dangerous are the Main Media people who would impede someone like President Trump, who is now in charge of trying to untangle the terrible mess Obama and his crew of 40,000 Thieves!
     He is sadly enough, saddled with the problem of making the decision to stop the head "NUT' of the World with the only few options left available for him by equally Nutty "Peace-nic" Obama!
     We're talking about the sorely needed, but necessary correction by Brute Force!
     I believe there is very little choice left but to stop the eventual world carnage by "Kim Jung Un" (Or however it's spelled) in the coming future if he isn't stopped in his tracks while we can!
     Know what I mean, Vern???
     Oh, by the way!! As I previously pointed out, has anybody taken notice of  Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith of FOX NEWS in their feverish, never-ending assaults on the integrity of our latest President? It's plain to see they have no intention of letting up on the guy, No matter what!!
     I wonder if it's in retaliation for the obvious and wise decision not to show up on their show of "Hanging rope" questions?? Think maybe??   Just sayin'.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


     All things considered!; For me, the last 8 years of Barack Obama's Presidency was the biggest attempt by one group of dominating people who couldn't have been more intent, on taking away our individual, Constitutional Rights to bear Arms than any other time in our history of those Documents.
      Why did they do it, and what for? Now, I first have to consider as I take a brief time to look back at the history of it all, when did something that started out as a suspicion become an actual fact? Because while this bizarre Phenomena of Barack Obama as President was taking place, he was totally bragadashio about being a Constitutional expert who wished to 'spread the word' about his expertise, and teach it. Add that to the announcement he made about his Administration going to be; the most 'Transparent' Administration in the history of the U.S.! The FACT is; To the American People, he was the opposite! To the rest of the World concerning the secrecy of our Top Secret information in the hands of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?  He WAS! That's exactly what he did, or Didn't do! Those are FACTS!
     Then, as it turns out later on, his speeches were not for the purpose of implanting the word about how usefully important it was to KNOW those powerful Constitutional documents, but for how to use them in criticism AGAINST the use OF them! In other words, it was not to re-enforce the importance of them to the American Populace, but to use them for his own purpose of tearing down the very fabric that made us the Greatest Country on earth in the first place! (Exactly what the rest of the hateful, hostile World towards the U.S. wanted to hear!!) Those are FACTS!
     Just look at the 'Hostile World' for a minute!; The United Nations Group who uses our Tax-payer contributions to help fund themselves, would wipe our only Ally in the Middle East out, just to find a place in Israeli Territory where Christ lived his short life, for Barbarian, Anti-Christ Palestinians who refuse to live anywhere else they've already been offered! (That was only part of Obama's intentions!)
     At first, it was just a suspicion of his true intent to obliterate Israel, but we had to "Read between the lines" of his shadowy prowess to find, it eventually was, a FACT!
     You only had to look at the Atheist/Communist friends he surrounded himself with, to know now what he in FACT, had in mind! !
     One of his first picks for friends after graduating from the Saul Alinsky Atheist based "Midwest Academy" in Chicago, was the Nationally known, avowed and self-proclaimed Communist, Van Jones and his gang of Atheist, Anti-American born friends in the "Muslim Brotherhood"!
    Barack, by the way, sat as Director of the Board of that Academy for two years after his graduation and circa 10 years after Hillary Rodham (Clinton) completed the same course with honors before meeting "Horny Bill"!  More FACTS!
    Then we have in Europe, the European Union who was solidly lined up behind Barack Obama to take a punch at the successful United States of America we've all come to love for 250 years.
    Which brings me to the point of my heading for this blog;
    For 8 solid years, we had a hateful, vigorous group called "Progressive" followers led and paid for by Atheist Billionaire Gyorgy Schwartz (Alias George Soros)  cheer this un-American President on, while they all took part in kicking, punching and viciously rioting throughout  all our major Cities by use of misinformed, un-Constitutional Millennials living off the taxpayer dollars, due to laziness or lack of work!
     As far as I know unless proven otherwise, all events I've pointed out here, are FACTS!
     So back to the 2nd Amendment and a very serious question; Why in God's name, would we be so foolish as to allow anybody who actively backed Barack Obama and his paid for Gang of 40,000 thieves who terrified this Nation for 8 solid years, to bear arms under that provision when all they've done is abuse the Constitutional system and then stand behind it for their own protection to start with??? Who do you think they're gonna' be shooting at?? HUH?? And why???   Know what I mean, Vern??
     Because I know of one personally who I was told, is packing one!! Good Gosh!!
      He's a danger to himself, without one!! Let's just hope he shoots himself in the lower torso, somewhere!    Just sayin'.

Sunday, April 9, 2017


      A clear-cut case of "Not Seeing the forest because of too many trees!" I say this, because we often take for granted, the many good things that come our way almost every day, but take it as something we deserve just because we're here, so why not?
      I wonder if anybody besides me ever stops to think about all the good things we have that just because of repetition, nice things and pleasant people are naturally there and to be expected every day, regardless of how we ourselves feel at that same time! EG; When I walk into my second home every day (Starbuck's) for my morning or afternoon coffee, I see a long line of miscellaneous  Customers, patiently or impatiently waiting to order their favorite, first drink of the day, and the Baristas scurrying around to satisfy their needs, but still having to maintain a pleasant attitude toward the Public, because regardless of the personal problems they all have away from the job, they owe courtesy to the Customer!
     I often have to remind myself that I'm not the only one with everyday problems, but they all do too!
(By watching other people as I do as a 'natural born',  people watcher,) I think of a saying that's so true, "You can make other people's day just by smiling and asking them how they are doing, as if you're pleased to be with them!" Within 3 minutes or so, even if you WERE faking it, You truly ARE  feeling better yourself!
     BINGO!! Other people respond in kind and for the moment, you have made the beginning of their day too! It works in all walks of life, too!
     There's another old saying; "It takes seven muscles to frown and only two to smile,!!"
     The 'Angel' part I started this blog off with concerns the memories of my Mother, whom you will soon agree, was truly one of God's Earth Angels!
     Ella Jean Beutel was born in Jackson Minnesota on April 29th, 1900. At the age of 4, her two German Immigrant Parents travelled to Eureka, Mont. both by train and then 3&1/2 days by horse and wagon. At the age of 18, she met our Canadian Dad, a logger and saw-filer. They were married and after Homesteading a small ranch and having 6 children there, moved across the border to where the remaining 5 of us were born in Fernie, B.C.
     As it turned out, our Dad was severely suffering from PTSD from having been wounded as a machine-gunner in the Canadian forces in the 1st World war.
     Sadly, although he wasn't physically abusive towards our mother, Alcohol would soon reduce him to an Alcoholic and he died as a result of it later on in our years.
     Ella Jean went on to raise 11 of us by herself, through hardships and heartaches that only my Siblings and I have come to reflect back on, can truly understand!
     Ella Jean was raised a Catholic and until her death in 1999, remained one with total Faith and courage only she could fully muster up and explain if she were here now to do it.
     She neither drank or smoked cigarettes in her entire lifetime, and never ever complained when we imbibed in the habits somewhat, ourselves.
    Her lifetime I bring up to you, because if it wasn't for her beautiful sense of humor that I base my original point on, she would never, ever have made it without the help of a husband, alone. Welfare was very familiar to us in those growing years. ( A story for another time!)
    One of my mother's strongest points that played a major role in her well-being was her God-given ability to laugh at her own mistakes, rather than to get distressed. (Over the years, I've been working on that, myself.)
     As a footnote to the beginning of my blog about Angels, I wish to make my point again that All God's Angels don't exist in heaven, but they're right there among us every day.
     These Angels though, walk and talk to us as they go about doing the jobs they have assigned themselves to do without complaining, just as Ella Jean did! 
     Hospital Workers of all jobs lead the way in my estimation as they go on tirelessly satisfying the needs of people just like you and me.
     As serious as their jobs are from the bottom to the top, they still smile at us when we think we have it bad!  To all of God's Earth Angels; We know you're here and there! We just have to be there for you as much as you're there for us!   Just as you all are doing, she surely did hers!
     I like to imagine that when God is flying around above us,  I see my mother Ella Jean, as his Co-Pilot!  Just sayin'!!

Saturday, April 8, 2017


     Have we been so used to a previous "Progressive" Gov't that was totally operated from behind 'closed doors' for 8 years with their own un-Constitutional system, we don't want to wake up from our long sleep to suddenly have to get back to the unfinished business of running our 'TRULY Constitutional system as it should be??
     Hasn't our Present Gov't already recognized that they need to TRULY represent their Constituents as is required by our Founding Fathers 2 and a half Centuries ago?
     Don't we finally hear the buzzing uproar of the disagreements now taking place as they should, in order that things be discussed and agreed to so positive events can finally begin to take place in the affairs of a normal Congress and Presidential Administration? YES, thank God, we do!!
     But of course, the Media needs to make it appear as though it's a manifesting, abnormal behavior that screws up their sensational way of News reporting! so they seem to be compelled to report things that are finally getting back to normalcy, look like pandemonium rather than 'Business as normal'!!
     It makes one wonder, if we just sent those reporting pundits who involve themselves in that sort of behavior, on a Sabbatical, just to see then if the reporting goes back to  sensible normal as it should REALLY be!
     To me, it's a sign that our Congress and Administration wants to get things right for this Country as they should and that's a necessary part of the process.
     Shouldn't we want to commend them for going about discussing differences in order to agree on proper conclusions??
     Thank you, Congress and our new President and Administration for answering the call from us Middle Class Rednecks who, along with a lot of other good people, want to see you "Make America Great Again"!! 
     Go on! Argue, discuss, swear, point fingers, beat each other up!! Then go to the nearest Pub, joke laugh and remain friends just like it didn't happen, but you still got things done, Darn it!!
     That's the way it's done in Hockey and the Fans love it!!    Just get it done!!   Just sayin'.


     President George W. Bush requested permission to take action against Iraq, because he believed Iraq still had "Illegal Weapons of Mass Destruction"? Do you also remember, ever since the announcement was made by the "Progressive"/Communist Party who took him and the Republican side to task, that they didn't find any after all? And that Syria never had any either? (Strictly at the word of Syria?) And have clung to that 'Political' weapon of mass distraction' ever since?
     Well, because it isn't very far from Iraq to Syria, most of the 'Common-sense' Folks of the World kept a 'tongue in cheek' suspicion about the affair while the Sheeple convinced by the 'Left', clung to the conclusion they had been lied to! For SURE, 'Lied to!!' In fact, they fastened themselves to the claim IRAQ never, ever did have those weapons in the first place! Neither did Syria!
     Okay!! That was then, This is now! As it turns out, you only have to listen to FOX NEWS to learn that Syria has just now used those weapons by poisoning thousands of their own babies and children, bringing to a total of 500,000 civilians killed by Assad with other means as well!
     So, how smart do you have to be to realize Iraq, did in fact have those weapons and knowing the American invasion was about to take place, (Thanks to our noble, Liberal 'Main Media' ) quickly transfer those weapons into Syria for safe-keeping right up to this day?
     Hence; Was it a lie that Iraq and Syria had weapons of Mass Destruction?  Or was it a lie that they Didn't?
     Because Senator Hillary Clinton at the time stated they did and she voted in favor of that Invasion!
     Wha'da'ya' think, Vern??? Just sayin'!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


     And he continues to work from the shadows while taking advantage of people of his own race!
     Tell me why!! But since you probably won't tell me, I'll project my idea why!; The Devil's alive and well in America in the respect that Barack Obama has inspired all of the lies the "Progressives" tell!
     So be it with Susan Rice and a lot more of his victims. Actually, you can divide the Progressives into two groups; Those who are sincere in truly believing what the Devil's Representative spews out of his tricky, lying mouth so convincingly, they dedicate their entire lives to this man. They would literally die while rioting on the streets under his 'paid' inspiration (George Soros funds the leaders!) and promise of a better World without Christian Religion barring their way! 
     Sadly, those same people are victims rather than the heroes they imagine they are! (I refer to that Crowd as 'Sheeple'!) They refuse to believe they are NOT the beloved 'Democratic' Party that used to be made up of  Moms and Pops who fought a lot of Wars on behalf of an America they wanted to keep 'FOREVER'!
     The other group consists of the true Perpetrators and Progressive/Communists who believe in a Christian-free, Globally controlled World, and nearly achieved it through folks who still insist on believing there's still a "Democratic, Constitutional Party" when it really isn't!!.
     I believe I can safely state this; While watching the facial expressions on the face of Susan Rice lately, I think her faith in Barack Obama has evaporated with the realization she has been victimized for the sake of a man who continues on with his Shadowy Quest without Punishment for inspiring her in the first place!!
     The latest look on her face was that of a minority woman who knows now, he will NOT step forward and take responsibility for his victimizing of her. In other words, he is allowing her to be thrown to the Wolves instead of being the man he never has been in his entire life and stand up for her by taking the Responsibility himself.
     My sympathy goes to you for that reason, Susan Rice. Your sincere faith that he would stand up for his own beliefs  in misguiding you in the first place, has made you realize it!
     I believe you are sorry for his misguidance of a normally dedicated, minority Woman! I only hope the "truth" investigation will see this and finally convict him and not you!
     So far, he's been walking away Devil free with that everlasting, hateful smirk on his face after having led the Politically starved Black and Brown Races into thinking he actually helped them but instead made them victims of false information! Now he's still looking forward to pursuing his goal to "Globalizing" America further down the road!
      Since America has already achieved being by far, the Greatest Country in the World, His intention was in taking us nowhere but DOWN!!
      Don't let him get away with it, Susan!! Tell the TRUTH!!   Just sayin'!

Sunday, April 2, 2017


     He did this through-out his retirement Career. It was not concerning U.S. Gov't business! True, $25,000 for two speeches to Russia! It was unrelated to business with the U.S. Gov't, as far as we know!
     Hillary Clinton gave dozens of speeches along with Bill, while on the payroll as Secretary of State to enrich their worth personally and Clinton Foundation wise, to all the major political Enemies of this Country.
     Their riches amassed during that time amounted to hundreds of millions, maybe even into a billion or so! So tell me why Hillary got through that without the Progressive/Communists objecting to, or making light of it throughout her entire term of Secretary of State?? (Setting aside her filthy peddling of Top Secret E-mails for a brief moment!)
     So if you want to make something out of General Flynn's private business with Russia, There are dozens of business Owners right this very minute flying back and forth to Russia and Iran on Private Jets simply by wagging their wings when crossing into "Enemy" Airports. Business that also doesn't concern Gov'ts directly, but some indirectly.
     Just so you understand the comparisons, way back when and now, Billionaire Armand Hammer flew back and forth to Russia regularly during the "Cold War" doing "unrelated" business as the Owner of "Arm & Hammer" baking soda! (However, he did play a critical role in bringing Russia and the U.S. together in the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, during Reagan's Presidency!)
     Comparing apples to apples here: "Valerie Bowman Jarrett", Obama's Chief Communications Advisor, an Iranian born African/American, received a minimum of $1.2 million dollars per year  from 4 different Companies around the U.S. including her official position with Barack Obama. She collected that minimum amount and possibly more for 8 years of Obama's Tyrannical Presidency!!
     So like their "Global warming" theory the EPA have exploited so much to suit their own corrupt purposes led by exploiter, now Billionaire Al Gore, it fits right into the expression of ; "Making a mountain out of a Mole hill!" The only difference between the two fiascoes is; With "Global Warming", it was Greed for money! The one now is to save their sorry asses from future Prosecution for the thousands of misdeeds they performed while in Congress and the various levels of Government.    Just sayin!

Saturday, April 1, 2017


     First, let's compare where this honorable man who led our noble troops into action on behalf of this Country through his entire career as a soldier, with a group of Atheist/Communists such as the left-overs from the Obama/Holder Era!
     You can't deny that during that time of Thuggery in Obama's Administration from start to finish, that America fell back 8 years of leading the World in Democracy, to a divide in our Politics to such a point, it makes one wonder, not unlike Humpty Dumpty, if we'll ever be able to put us back together again!
     Put yourself in Flynn's place for a short time, knowing what he may know about the complete insincerity of those thugs who, by the way, are justifiably fearful of what's going to come out about them as President Trump advances his agenda of; "Making America Great again?"
     Are you kidding me?? They are shivering in their sandals and backward under-shorts about the definite underhanded stunts and un-Constitutional Crimes they had the perverted pleasure of  committing, all encouraged by President Obama himself.
     It was an insane freedom allowed to exercise the "Rule for Radicals" as written by Hillary and Barack's Mentor, Atheist Saul Alinsky!
     As I've pointed out before, (Take the time to read this on the Internet as I did!!) They have exercised those rules to the letter, that allowed them to behave the way they do, and did.
     Once you've done the research, you will realize just what they had in mind! (Trouble is, the stuff you learn will appear so bizarre, it's hard to believe the underlying plot they intended to take place!)
     You will also discover why General Michael Flynn wants immunity and protection against the repercussion that will follow his Testimony!
     Given all the absurdity and unfound sources of the tremendous amount of leaks surrounding the top Intelligence Communities, Flynn's life and Character are no doubt, in extreme, life threatening danger! He's not a stupid man!!
     While you may think the same old news day after day from the Media is getting boring, the lid is about to come off concerning the illegal antics of the Un-American "Left-overs, still idling away their time to leave the employ of the corrupt Obama Administration"! (They can run like the bunch of cornered Rats those leaders are! But they can't hide forever!)
     Not to be forgotten and the most dangerous of all, are the shenanigans taking place in our Public Schools! You need to be tuning in with FOX NEWS to have the opportunity to be made aware of that! Because you're not getting it from the 'Main Media' hardly at all!
     Stay tuned for more!!!   Just sayin'!