Tuesday, April 4, 2017


     And he continues to work from the shadows while taking advantage of people of his own race!
     Tell me why!! But since you probably won't tell me, I'll project my idea why!; The Devil's alive and well in America in the respect that Barack Obama has inspired all of the lies the "Progressives" tell!
     So be it with Susan Rice and a lot more of his victims. Actually, you can divide the Progressives into two groups; Those who are sincere in truly believing what the Devil's Representative spews out of his tricky, lying mouth so convincingly, they dedicate their entire lives to this man. They would literally die while rioting on the streets under his 'paid' inspiration (George Soros funds the leaders!) and promise of a better World without Christian Religion barring their way! 
     Sadly, those same people are victims rather than the heroes they imagine they are! (I refer to that Crowd as 'Sheeple'!) They refuse to believe they are NOT the beloved 'Democratic' Party that used to be made up of  Moms and Pops who fought a lot of Wars on behalf of an America they wanted to keep 'FOREVER'!
     The other group consists of the true Perpetrators and Progressive/Communists who believe in a Christian-free, Globally controlled World, and nearly achieved it through folks who still insist on believing there's still a "Democratic, Constitutional Party" when it really isn't!!.
     I believe I can safely state this; While watching the facial expressions on the face of Susan Rice lately, I think her faith in Barack Obama has evaporated with the realization she has been victimized for the sake of a man who continues on with his Shadowy Quest without Punishment for inspiring her in the first place!!
     The latest look on her face was that of a minority woman who knows now, he will NOT step forward and take responsibility for his victimizing of her. In other words, he is allowing her to be thrown to the Wolves instead of being the man he never has been in his entire life and stand up for her by taking the Responsibility himself.
     My sympathy goes to you for that reason, Susan Rice. Your sincere faith that he would stand up for his own beliefs  in misguiding you in the first place, has made you realize it!
     I believe you are sorry for his misguidance of a normally dedicated, minority Woman! I only hope the "truth" investigation will see this and finally convict him and not you!
     So far, he's been walking away Devil free with that everlasting, hateful smirk on his face after having led the Politically starved Black and Brown Races into thinking he actually helped them but instead made them victims of false information! Now he's still looking forward to pursuing his goal to "Globalizing" America further down the road!
      Since America has already achieved being by far, the Greatest Country in the World, His intention was in taking us nowhere but DOWN!!
      Don't let him get away with it, Susan!! Tell the TRUTH!!   Just sayin'!

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