Tuesday, May 8, 2018


     Whatever Religion you are in the Realm of believing in the same Spiritual, Supreme Being who Reigns over all of us as a group, I believe it's time to defend this Nation's Constitution, Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution as it presently exists with "Whatever it takes" as they did then!!
     Every day of our lives and as perfect and kind as you wish to be in our days of the "Human Experience", We are all obligated to live through it as Christians and believers in God!!
     Just as Jesus was required to do by his Spiritual Father, I personally feel we are all required to live that "Human Experience" from birth to and including death!!
     When I hear someone say "God is testing us!" when we are tempted to follow that "Line of least Resistance", I cringe! I don't believe God tempts us to take that negative path at all! (Why would he??)
     I believe that temptation is brought on by the wish of the Devil, himself!!
     God has no logical reason to have us"test" ourselves!  But in every aspect, the Devil does!! First of all, he gave us through Moses, the Ten Commandments to guide us and not to deceive us!!
     The Atheists and other Non-believers in regards to our God-given Religions actually despise our rules handed down from our Spiritual God,
     They in fact are exactly the opposite to them!
     The Atheists main guide in their lives is influenced by their disbelief in God, rather than to act according to our Godly Rules. Their dedication is as written by Atheist Leader, Saul Alinsky! He is the Author and Founder of the Atheist-based and taught "Midwest Academy" located in the heart of South Chicago!
     That philosophy is taught in his personal book, "Rules of Revolution" and can be easily found by  Google Search! 
     As I pointed out in a previous blog more thoroughly, Hilary Rodham, (Afterwards "Clinton") and Barack Hussein Obama (Barry Soetoro) though a decade apart, both graduated from that College with flying colors and with Barack also continuing on as Director of the Board for 2 following years before entering Harvard and American Politics!
      To this day, Barack wears Muslim garb when he wants to and the Atheist one when that appropriates him.
      The two factions have one thing in common; Both absolutely HATE the United States of America!! They are his tools for getting the job done!!
     Sadly enough, the Principle of "Globalism" is guided by those same Ungodly rules when it comes to the Leaders of the infamous "Progressive" movement that has so badly infiltrated our Corrupted Gov't during Barack Obama's Regime!!
     Along with that, Obama wears the Islamic garb right along with it and needing everything he can get his disgraceful hands on, incorporates the Muslim religion to contaminate the other Religious beliefs and our honorable Forefathers' intentions for the successful, Powerful Nation we were for 250 years until he became President.
     Know what I mean, Vern???
     So to all readers of my opinionated blogs,; Please get it straight!!; Between some of the Above-God Billionaires, the  infiltrated Muslims of this country and the well organized Atheists of the World, they don't intend to stop anytime soon!
     Fighting back with those will be a worthless cause unless we do whatever it takes to stop them including an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!  Sadly , seeing the body of a headless Christian child was more than enough for me to write this blog!!   Just sayin'!