Tuesday, April 28, 2015


     You can blame the Baltimore Police Dept., you can blame the teen-age Rioters, you can blame the parents who didn't control them, but you can TRULY blame the educators who spend more time tutoring the kids on a Godless philosophy while in their charge, and that's twice as much time as the parents spend with the kids at home!
     Yes, you can take them to church for an hour a week, hoping that within that hour you're keeping them morally straight, but you're only fooling yourself when you think that they're going to include God in their thoughts, when the education system who spends 35 to 40 hrs. each week hinting to them, they should consider they're better off believing there's no God at all! That Religion is 'old stale news' and they should allow themselves to be led in a "New Direction!"
     But by pointing a finger in the direction of the teaching profession, you need to go further up by looking at who puts the finishing touches on your kids, once they reach College.
     Picture your kids being under the proud influence of Professors such as Atheist Bill Ayres, once head of the treacherous, bomb exploding "Weather Underground", or Van Jones, Avowed Communist, or Atheist Ward Churchill, once fired from a College for his radical, anti-American behavior!
     How often do you have a chance to guide and influence them in proper behavior, then??
     Surely you've heard and witnessed some of the Campus behavior in recent years!. Especially if you're one of those single parents who have to concentrate on how you're going to meet the expense of College  and at the same time meet the cost of your own means of support!
     Would you tolerate my impression of what's in store for your children, (Now young adults, actually!) when I prophesize the future for your brood?  Well,......indoctrination to the Godless World of  "Change of Direction" is what I see planned, now that you can't really afford to send them to College on your own due to the economy being what it is. But there's a plan of getting you around that; In view of the fact that the current Leadership of our Country needs to 'further educate' the children that are coming out of high school for the filling of the 'job opportunities' he's gonna' have created for them, ( He doesn't know what they are yet! But he'll surely think of something by that time!) you need to be prepared for those jobs!! Nor does he give a darn, now that he's on his way out anyway.
     But you need to accept his Godless theory of "Change in Direction!" Because you see, He intends to pay all that education expense on the backs of the hard working, 'TAX PAYING parents.
     There's one hitch here! You see, he has no idea where he's going to get those future jobs from for them, when they graduate from College! And furthermore, he doesn't care!
     The way I see it, with the Education system full of teachers and Professors who stand solidly behind his "Change in Direction", they will be able to, through mandatory College learning, finish  indoctrinating them into the followings of Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama's prior education at the Saul Alinsky "Midwest Academy of Atheism" that they themselves graduated from in Chicago before entering the World of Politics.
     Think about the fact, the Public School buses conveniently transported the teenagers to the site of the rioting prior to the start of the melee, and the Mayor of Chicago, Stephanie Rawlings Blake, also ordered the Baltimore Police force to stand down to give the teenagers a chance to vent their destruction. This,after admitting she had spoken to President Obama shortly before, concerning the build-up to the riot.
     Also consider the fact that the school board cancelled classes the following day. Ask yourself; Why wouldn't they want them in school to account for themselves?   Or will they need a day off from the toil of wrecking everybody else's honest attempt to earn an honest, TAX PAYING living?   Just sayin'.

Monday, April 27, 2015


     It's a sad day today, for everybody in Baltimore. This did not begin today! It started when  a man raised out of this Country in Indonesia and Kenya came to the United States under the guise of bringing all of America together. In fact, he did the opposite!
     There were deceptive and misleading promises right from the beginning with his rhetoric of a "Different Direction".
     With the tragic death of Martin Luther King Jr., it seemed to bring people both Black and White,  to a moral agreement through the mixed race Churches and the general Public together.
     In sports, and Neighborhoods and towns, although differences existed, normal people like you I, Black and White, were more able to look at each other in passing and often smile and nod to each other in mutual respect.
     The Military became more mixed in races and in many instances, died on behalf of each other. Again Black, Brown or White! 
     Neither I, or anybody I know since I entered the United States, ever had any compunctions about giving the Devil his dues without thoughts of discrimination.
     More than anything, in sports, generally speaking, Whites, Blacks and Browns have mixed in harmony to get the job done.
     As for the poor black neighborhoods, they aren't totally alone. There are poor neighborhoods in every part of America, regardless of Race, Color or Creed.
     Given all of that, there's always dis-harmony now, and always will be a notion of it. Call it the Human factor.
     I was one of them and in 1940, in our family of Eleven and absent a responsible father, we survived on gardens in the summer and a root cellar in the winter.
     Just at the time America was getting racially comfortable with itself, The Race mongers on the Left, such as Al Sharpton, Reverend Wright, Jesse Jackson tuned in with the new President, and saw the opportunity to get rich on the backs of the Uninformed citizens of the Country.
     In six short years, they have seized the misleading time when everyone is out of work and rekindled the flames of a fire that was about to burn out from dying embers.
     They knew it was wrong to rekindle it, but the Obama rewards are deviously and overwhelmingly never satisfied by the harmony that could have lived, due to the greed for money.
     It's a dirty, well organized disruption that right now, has Barack Obama smiling like the Devil he is! Don't be surprised if it spreads from City to City, and don't be surprised if he finally reaches his goal of declaring Martial Law that he's been dreaming of all along. Just sayin'.


     "Underprivileged" in what sense of the word? The Teen-aged thugs that are participating in Riots in Baltimore right now, are being spurred on by Thugs who are financed by a source or sources unknown for now, but are well organized and directed by people the likes of Al Sharpton and others with the same agenda as him.
     Just as in Ferguson, they arrive in buses by the dozens from various rendezvous locations and show up in places such as funerals being held for an unfortunate "underprivileged" victim of "Police brutality".
     Any excuse will do, as long as they can disrupt the everyday workings of a major City or town to supposedly voice their displeasure, and spur on the local residents to follow their lead. Who are the true victims of these So-called "Community Organizers"? The Townspeople who, after they've been convinced they are "underprivileged" and due to a single act of authority yet to be properly investigated, are prompted to responds with; "By God, we aren't gonna' stand for this police brutality anymore!"
     But the key word in egging the Townspeople on is really not the single incident, but the riot-starting, inspirational secret to the lighting of the fuse, "Underprivileged!"
     What better time for race-baiting, revolution inspiring unrest, than when a Country has over the last 8 years been depressed by the downturn in prosperity all over the four corners of the world, and particularly the United States? Especially when this country has been assailed by an economy destroying President named Barack Hussein Obama, ever since the downturn began?
     Who are the rioters? Teenagers! Children as young as 6 years old when Barack Obama took office and started his race-baiting and campaigning with the shout of; "Equality by Redistribution for the Underprivileged".
     A President, who as it turns out to be, the Champion of all champions of "Community Organizing"!
     The last great Community Organizer was Martin Luther King Jr. in the '60's and in case you don't remember, managed to spark off three Major City Riots in which hundreds of people died as a result. There's also the Watts riot when Riot snipers were shooting firemen off the ladders as they responded to, and attempted to fight the building fires the crowd had set.
     All over the exact same thing; Race-baiting and "Underprivileged". (Except, there was justification and sincerity in King's purpose and message.)
     Underprivileged is hardly the problem anymore, because you probably won't find one teenager in that whole crowd who doesn't have the latest in Communications including I-phones and Blueberries!
     And to add more hurt to the already painful downturn, he flooded our country with tens of millions of guess what? More "Underprivileged".
     So this indoctrination in our schools today by Obama's "Alternative Normals" who have infiltrated our entire education system,... have gradually and deviously indoctrinated our 6 year olds into the very teenagers who are rioting, throwing rocks and burning cars on the streets of Baltimore today!
     There he sits, back in the White House smiling like the Devil himself, and planning his next move.
     Who's waiting in the wings to continue his assault on what's left over from his Reign? A lady who was trained in Atheism ten years before him in the Atheist Saul Alinsky "Midwest Academy" in the heart of Chicago! Hillary Rodham (Clinton).
     Oh Yeah!! Another Chicago trained Thug, ready to straighten this inequality for Women out, once and for all!
     And by the way; What's an "Underprivileged, underpaid and "Unequal to Men" woman doing running for President of the United States, anyway??? Just sayin'


Sunday, April 26, 2015


     Not more than 2 weeks ago, when the Muslims were asking for hundreds of thousands for the  female and male hostages in exchange for their safe return, it was finally announced by that same group, the hostages had been killed shortly after their captivity.
     It was long before the Radical killers asked for the ransom. I believe it was finally revealed when a private group of hostage supporters came up with some of the cash, and the murderers came up with the truth they had already been killed.
     Does the U.S. Gov't take their word for it? Well....., it makes sense that they would, doesn't it? But did they also realize the fact they no longer could take the word of those treacherous demons for anything else, anymore.
     What the Muslims were hoping for, I suspect was, the handing over of the money before they had to produce the hostages. Then they could care less about the deception of it all, don't you surmise?
     Now, what makes the U.S. Gov't think they're telling the truth, when the drones that killed two top Al Qaida terrorists in Pakistan, also resulted in the deaths of the hostages Weinstein and Lo Porto? I ask, because those two targeted Terrorists were observed for weeks, moving around the compound with not a "Shred" of evidence the hostages were there, according to an Investigator on FOX NEWS.
     Have they produced any evidence at all, they were in the hands of those particular dead Muslim Terrorist Maniacs? I don't believe so!
     So why wouldn't they be lying about that, too? Why wouldn't they be lying about the other instances they claim hostages were killed by drone strikes? After all, even if the hostages were killed before or after the drone strikes, and they don't dis-prove their false claims, it would be to the killers' advantage political-wise in World opinion.
     They could be lying through their rotten, dog eating teeth, just as Barack Obama and the Clintons have done in the past, and probably will in the near future.
     The only question left here is; Who learned from who???  Just sayin'.

Friday, April 24, 2015


I'm sitting at my desk, wondering what I should write about tonight, and while I'm pondering, I also am lending one ear to Fox News, Bill Oreilly and Megyn Kelly!
     Then it comes to me! The truth! Why not write about that?? Why? Well,...... it struck me that over the past 7 years, All of America has been struck by, pounded with, and convinced to a damaging large degree with anything but guess what? The truth!!!So here we go! Never in my life, (And I've been around for going on 79 years!) did I think that Someone, or some group of devious people would or could take a big strong, beautiful Country like ours and totally turn it and it's Sacred Constitutional values upside down.
     A cunning group, non-believers in God, has succeeded in doing just that. Especially to most people, enough to vote him into the most singularly powerful position in the World. The Presidency of the United States of America.
     What particular group of people? And how did they get to do it? Well if you were the Devil himself, how would you do it? Just like they did it,  you would silently and secretly join forces in various ways that suited the same Godless thoughts they had amongst themselves.
     Being secretly wrapped up in a Godless atmosphere, it made them free to abandon any fear of a penance they would normally have to pay if they were believers in God and a Here-after.
     "Atheism" is the word that would pertain to that group, quite comfortably.
     Who belongs to that extended group? Well, I'd venture to say it's made up of a varying kind of groups who, for their own purposes, feel the need to dominate over others in one form or another; to achieve dominance in one form or another by whatever means it takes to satisfy their perverted needs.
     I again venture to say, the ones with the most Predatorial instincts, particularly in the field of perverted sex. Homosexuality!
     It's a fallacy, and always will be, that people are born into that desire. From what I have determined through talking to others over the years, there is almost always a sexual predator that gives others no other choice but to experience male homosexuality by force, and after a short period of time grow to like it although ashamed to tell anyone else. It also makes them submissive to other temptations as well! Drugs and alcohol for instance. God knows! No one is given life on earth by God to volunteer for that nasty habit.
     But to gain prominence and achieve power, they needed to join forces with other groups such as Atheists, Agnostics, Narcissists, thugs and people motivated by their greed for money. A common desire they can achieve by any means as long as God isn't included.
     Relatively small groups at first, but as they grew larger and quietly moved up in all walks of life by remaining in their own closets, they were able to develop a philosophy suitable to all their own means; Communism! (A naïve 'freedom' afforded them in the Constitution and taken advantage of, to achieve devious rights that weren't intended for that purpose)
     Now, they have grown so united and strong in their thirst for power and money, (again claiming Constitutional rights to cover their cause) they temporarily reign supreme in North America.
     This was relatively late in happening in North America, since to the rest of the Old World, we were all immigrants gathering together to find a life free of dictatorial dominance such as had already happened in the countries who had been in existence for century after century since the beginning of civilization. Their stale existence there for so long, just keeps the "Sheeple" in their "Just go with the flow" and "Don't create waves" sense of submissiveness.
     The most repetitive reasons there uninformed, but insistent supporters use over and over again is; "They're all the same no matter what Party, anyway!" or "The other side's just as bad" or "What's-his-name did it back in 1865".
     They're continually using those 'generalized' reasons to justify their enormous wrongs, by pointing out the random wrongs of others in the past as though, two wrongs make it right, now!
     Obama, although denouncing the persecution of the innocents, will forever try to justify the heinous beheadings and human cage burnings by his Muslim friends, by pointing out the past wrongs of Christians 1000 years ago.
     The newcomers to America on the Mayflower arrived here to escape the defeated lifestyle of Europe, Asia and the murderous Muslim Extremists of the Middle East in search of the truth and freedom. (Two thirds of them perished in their quest.) They made it, and when they arrived, a passenger named William Bradford drew up the precursor to our Constitution as it exists today, "The Mayflower Compact". Read it!!
     But as a great statesman in my estimation said; " The truth always comes out, and the truth always prevails, regardless of pain or pleasure."
     So now that the truth is beginning to surface through all the deception and lies of the recent past, the outcome is evident, and will bring us back to the rules of God, and the Ten Commandments that so carefully guide us in the Goodness of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.
     Because we're still of the New World and consist of the strongest group in the World; a Country of Immigrants who don't mind a good fight in the quest to believe in a Supreme being, and remain free to do so. Just sayin.


     Will the Muslims picking up the pieces, please return the remnants of their beings back to the American Ambassador for identification? What proof did they actually present, and to who?? Was it the Pakistani Gov't whom we so truly trust that offered this news? And although Barack Obama knew of it already, does that grant him the Sacred authority to decide to withhold it from the parents of the hostages when he first met with them?? To have somebody else tell them later?
     The intelligence that underpinned the drone strike turned out to be tragically incomplete, lawmakers and U.S. Officials said Thursday.
     American Development Expert Warren Weinstein and Italian Aid Worker Giovanni Lo Porto lost their lives after years of captivity by Al Qaida.
     Were they actually put to death earlier and then reported killed to embarrass the CIA when they killed the Al Qaida terrorist Leaders in the drone strikes? Were they even there??
     While watching Obama express his regrets, as he boringly read them from a hand written note in front of him, he used no professionalism whatsoever to hide his irritation of having to assume full responsibility for the incident.
     I mean, by accepting responsibility, did he promise to have Michelle administer 150 lashes before going to bed that night? Or did he head out to the golf course as usual for another 36 rounds of golf?
     Isn't the CIA a little hasty in also accepting blame in the deaths of the two hostages?
     There are still an awful lot of questions and answers required before this writer will concede to the assumption the hostages were even there!!
     Just knowing how the Pakistanis hate our American guts, and the fact that Barack Obama hasn't uttered the truth about anything he says anymore, should we hold our tongues to our cheeks in condemning the CIA as responsible for the Hostage deaths??  Just sayin'.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


     How uninformed and brainwashed is that?? She sounded like a 10 year old who grew with the "Woodstock Draft dodgers" family being told half the story that "Killing is bad!" without learning along with it that America has to kill to protect itself.
     It's typical of the 'Left' and the rest of the Exploiters who wanna' go along for the free ride that was paid for by brave American Warriors who have made this Country free of aggression for circa 240 years. A lot of them did it by paying the Ultimate price with their lives.
     Unfortunately, there is going to be no other way to stop the Radical Muslim Terrorists, who are ravaging the earth with their killings by beheading, and roasting people alive.
     The 'Head in the sand' attitude is the ideal of the cowards who are running this country today.
     Wake up, America! Just sayin'!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


     For more than several years now, I've been desperately telling you how I see Barack Obama for the Anti-American he is, as totally indifferent and adverse he was and is,  to the American People. From the very first time he appeared on the political scene, he has not behaved as any normal, patriotic American who was truly born and raised here in the American Way.
     39 years ago, with most of my siblings living or having migrated to the States, I discovered that, although I was born in Canada, I was an American from the day I was born. I was also at the age of 39, and always yearned to be down here with the rest of my family and my mother who moved here as well. So I moved!
     Being a 'people observing' person anyway, I feel I am quite adept at judging the characters of other humans. (Good or bad, it's a trait I don't make any effort to avoid)
     I first became aware of this man Barack, on the political level when he became a "Progressive" Senator.
     He was a master of the microphone, such as only one other I knew as a teenager who, aside from being able to call a Rodeo better than the likes I had never seen before, was like magic  when you put a microphone in his hand.
     A transformation took place from just a guy we knew every day, to a natural, professional performer on the air. The trouble was, in his normal behavior, he was a tremendous B.S.'er in almost every story he told. (To the point we took everything he said with a grain of salt.) We forgave him and playfully referred to him as "Johnny B.S". !
     I really never saw him again after I left that town, and it was many years later when I first heard the lingo of Barack Obama, that the memory came back to me like it was just yesterday.
     I said to my wife, "Oh my gosh! There's the re-incarnation of Johnny B.S."
     Sadly for this Country, I was more than right about the insincerity of this man. But there's a big difference in one respect that made him much, much worse; The Johnny B.S'er I had once known, was a type of fibber that was harmless and never hurt anybody. We never condemned him for it. We looked at him as entertainment.
    This guy we have here, is a pathetic liar for a set purpose, and his lies have caused this Country ir-repairable harm. And he is doing it on purpose. I knew it back then, and he's proving it now!
    This business of saying, "I don't know why he's doing this" and "Don't know why he's not doing that!" is nonsense. Although a pathetic habitual liar, he still has the ability to magically speak on a microphone with a masterful way of reading the printed speech in front of him on three, well placed teleprompters. The masterminding is not his! It's the devious minds of the "Progressive" paid-off Group who knows they'll prosper from his actions if he can pull it off. The well-paid speech writers!
     Read my past blogs on my personal FB page, and you'll be enlightened by what you read.
     Just sayin'.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


     Looking back at the behavior of those three, you can see the "Progressive" behavior now of the way they conducted themselves in the weird  headline events of each Presidency and Administration.
     Carter for instance; although professing to be a Christian Preacher, was obviously the most naïve example of one in Modern history! Although he was honest enough to believe in God, and he himself followed God's teachings, he was overly naïve to get involved in the philosophy of a "One World Order" represented by an Atheist, Godless Gov't now in existence in Europe called "The Trilateral Commission". Carter was an active player back then.
     All the while, prompted on by a wealthy, well known U.S. Statesman, Henry Kissinger and Prominent Architectural participant in the philosophy of the "Trilateral Commission" and "New World Order" circa 1973.
     It makes little sense, because of the direct confliction between the existence of God, and a Central, Communist Government the "Commission" is intended to be. Nevertheless, he did!
     On top of that, it was known that he vetted little of his White House guests and their behavior beforehand, when inviting some of them to dinner. Jim Jones for instance.
     Eg; Shortly before Jim Jones did his move to Guyana with his nine hundred plus congregation of followers, and then murdered a Prominent U.S. Congressman investigating that move, fed them all the deadly 'cool aid' laced with Cyanide! They all died, of course.
     It's a wonder he lasted the full four years in the White House that he did.
     Then after 8 truly good illustrious years by which Republican President Ronald Reagan conducted himself beautifully, and who can be credited for ending the cold war along with four more years by Republican George H. Bush who crushed the tyrannical, murderous Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the reins of Presidency were handed over to the Democratic "Playboy" of U,S; Presidents, William J. Clinton and his now infamous wife Hillary. What a joy ride that was, as we watched what we now know was, the worst sex scandal in the history of our nation's Capital.
     It was then the first sign of outright mistruths were formed and the intentional misleading of truths became obvious to the American people.
     For a short time after Clinton stepped in as President, William P. Barr was inept Director of the FBI, and was in charge of the murderous raid by dozens of FBI Agents on the remote mountain cabin of  supposed White Separatist, Randy Weaver and his family circa Aug. 21st, 1992.
     This was before Louis Freeh was appointed FBI Director shortly after the actual incident. Mistakenly, a lot of people think he was in charge at the time. He was installed in the position after Bill Clinton fired Barr in July, 1993. However, Barr did everything he possibly could to cover the mistakes of the FBI before being replaced by Acting Director Potts.
     Louis Freeh quickly announced that no FBI Agents would be fired or severely punished in their attempt to arrest Randy Weaver for selling two sawed off shotguns to an undercover FBI agent some months before.
    Randy Weaver lived in a remote cabin in northern Idaho on property he owned and developed with his wife and family 40 miles south of the Canadian border. Considered by the FBI as a White Supremacist, Randy did not profess violence but believed in his Constitutional right to feel races should live separate. He never threatened violence in any way against them.
     To repeat an article by writer James Bovard:
     In 1989, An undercover Agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms approached Randy Weaver and pressured the mountain man to sell him sawed-off shotguns. Mr. weaver at first refused, but the Agent was persistent and Mr. Weaver eventually sold him 2 shotguns----thereby violating federal firearms law.
     A court official sent Mr. Beaver a notice to appear in Court on the wrong day. After Mr. Weaver did not show up on the correct day, a justice Dept. attorney (who knew of the error) got a warrant for his arrest.
     Then Federal Agents began an 18 month surveillance of Mr. Weaver's cabin and land.
     David Nevi, a defense lawyer involved in the subsequent court case, noted later; The U.S. Marshalls called in Military aerial reconnaissance and had photos studied by the Defense Mapping Agency. Subsequently they installed solar powered, long-range spy cameras.
     They intercepted the Weavers' mail and even knew the teen-age daughter's menstrual cycle. They then planned an arrest scenario.
     On Aug. 21st, 1992, six heavily armed, camouflaged U.S. Marshals crept onto Weavers' property. Three Agents threw rocks to get the attention of the Weavers' dogs.
     As Mr. Weaver's 14 year old son Sammy, and 25 year old friend living in the cabin, ran to see what the dogs were barking at, the Marshals shot and killed one dog.
     Sammy Weaver fired his gun back in the direction the shots came from. Randy Weaver came out and hollered to his Son to come back and the son turned and ran towards the cabin yelling, "I'm coming Dad!!" A Federal Marshal then shot him in the back as he ran, and killed him.
     Kevin Harris responded to Sammy's killing, by fatally shooting a U.S. Marshal doing the sniping.
     Federal Agents first testified in court the U.S. Marshal was killed by the first shot in the exchange, but later evidence showed the Marshal shot seven times before the return shot killed him.
     After the death of the U.S. Marshal, the Commander of the FBI's hostage Rescue Team was called in, and ordered Agents to shoot any armed adult outside the weaver cabin, regardless of whether that person was doing anything to threaten or menace Federal Agents.) Thanks to the Federal aerial Surveillance,  officials already knew the Weavers always carried guns outside their cabin.)
    With the massive Federal firepower  surrounding the cabin,-----the automatic weapons, the sniper rifles, the night vision scopes, this was practically an order to assassinate the alleged wrongdoers.
     Four hundred Federal Agents quickly swarmed into the mountains around the Weaver cabin. (During this time forward, no one attempted to call Mr. Weaver to negotiate a surrender.)
     The next day, Aug. 22nd, Randy Weaver walked out of his cabin to the little shack where his son'slifeless body lay. As he was lifting the latch on the shack's door, he was shot from behind by FBI sniper, Lon Horiuchi.
    As he struggled back to the cabin, his wife, Vicki, Stood in the doorway holding a 10 mo. old baby in her arms and calling for her husband to hurry. The sniper fired again, hitting Vicki Weaver in the temple, killing her instantly.
     Reuters reported 3 days after the shooting on Aug. 25th,; FBI Agent Gene Glenn said that the Law Enforcement Officers were proceeding with extreme care, mindful that Randy's wife Vicki, and three remaining children were also in the cabin. -----"We are taking a very  cautious approach!" he said in a statement to reporters.
     An internal FBI report completed shortly after the confrontation, said that the shooting was justified, because she placed herself in harm's way.
     Though Federal Officials now claim that the killing of Vicki Weaver was an accident, Jerry Seper of the Washington Times reported in 1993; "Court records show that, while the woman's body lay dead in the cabin for 8 days, the FBI used microphones to taunt the family. "Good morning Mrs. Weaver, We had pancakes for breakfast! What did you have?" asked the Agents in at least one exchange.
     Neither Randy Weaver or Mr. Harris fired shots at Gov't Agents after the siege itself, began by Reinforcements. Mr. weaver surrendered after 11 days.
     An Idaho Jury found him not guilty on most charges and ruled that Kevin Harris's shooting of the U.S. Marshal was self defense.
     FBI Director Louis Freeh justified the shooting of the Weavers because Mr. Horiuchi "observed" one of the suspects raise a gun in the direction of a Helicopter carrying other FBI personnel. Other Officials testified there were no helicopters in the sky at the time.
     One of the most disturbing aspects was Mr. Freeh's 'slaps on the Wrists' to the Affair overseen by his deputy Director Larry Potts, who was in charge of the Idaho operation and signed off on the "Shoot without provocation" orders. Despite the findings by the Justice Dept. that the orders violated the Constitution, Freeh recommended that the only penalty to Mr. Potts be a letter of censure. Much the same as the letter he received when he lost his Government issued cell phone.
     There isn't enough time available to point out the travesties and mistakes under the watch of the Clinton Administration and the mass killings that took place under the Watch of the infamous Janet Reno at Waco Texas. Remember that??
      Now just look at the Dictatorial actions of Barack Hussein Obama and ask yourself; "Do I really want any more of this from the "Progressive/Communist Party"??
 I don't think so!!!  Just sayin'.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


      In his desperate hope of finishing off America in the last step of his Atheistic dreams of conquering the World, he is overwhelmingly clinging to his dream of World dominance on behalf of the International Billionaires who have been backing him from the get-go!
      With even the Sheeple type Democrats beginning to recognize his devious intentions, he sees himself losing the grip he has had on the naïve and Stupid that propelled him to the top in the first place.
      So now, he's reaching for the only weapons left for him to drag himself to fulfill his dreams. Anarchy, Martial law and the importing of  Immigrants from the "OLD WORLD" from which he hopes will illegally vote 12 times apiece and assure the Atheistic "Left" of winning the popular vote! Thus their hopes of eliminating the Delegate voting system that safeguards against this type of behavior!
      No doubt his Kinkos who remain with him no matter what, will stand by him with the hopes of salvaging some sort of semblance of the Communism they were hoping for, through the use of his "Telephone and his Pen".
     Finally. FINALLY!!! His dreams are starting to slop down around his ears and his one-sided war he's been waging from day One against the middle class and American Way, is coming to a screeching halt, and not anytime too soon.
     The mess he's leaving behind is in mammoth proportions, and it will take many years after I've departed from humanity for everlasting peace to straighten it out. But now, after giving up a great job in Canada to join my older siblings in the search for the 'American Way,' and to live under the Bill of Rights and the Constitution that is so important to the survival of the middle class, I can at least be satisfied that my search wasn't totally in vain.
     God bless America and the 'Stars and Stripes' I came in search of, and found. Just sayin'.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


     Well....., Hang in there! You ain't seen nothin', yet!!!
     A Congressional investigation is revealing scandals in the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) that are gonna' stink your socks off! You might even want to put a clothes peg on your nose for this one!; Not just in the DEA, but the cheating by the teachers in Public Schools marking up the scores of failed students in order to get their bonuses for good-teacher performance.
      Think this is a bizarre, 'One time' thing?? Not a chance!! Hold onto your seats as you can now start connecting the devious dots and transactions between our Justice Dept. Leader, Eric Holder, his followers and the infamous Mexican Drug Cartels, (Both of them!)
      Does the "Fast and furious" weapons trade for money that resulted in the death of border Agent Brian Terry being shot to death by a gun purchased from the Justice Dept., ring a bell??? 
      A transaction cooked up by Holder as a "Sting" operation 'gone bad' so to falsely speak!
     The only way you're going to get the whole story as these ones develop, is to watch FOX NEWS Corp. on the Internet or TV cable. Because you can bet your bottom dollar you're not going to get all of it from the Obama Regime's Left-wing Main Media, since they've been in on this whole crap of wanting to take down the U.S. by Barack Obama in the first place. 
      Stay tuned People and Sheeple! There's more, much more, to come!    Just sayin'.

Monday, April 13, 2015


     If lawmakers ever needed to protect the interests of the consumers, they need to now.
     Two years and 3 months ago, I purchased an HP computer and an HP printer, both at the same time! I was inclined to do so because the previous computer and laptop were giving me trouble soon after the warranties expired. The previous printer was also an HP. It began malfunctioning shortly after the warranty had ran out! Just a coincidence that the advice of the East Indian Representative was to renew the coverage for 150 dollars for I year. (The cost of a new printer!)
     Two things I wasn't aware of at the time were; HP, much the same as other major manufacturers do, had outsourced their technical and warranty contracts to other Countries such as India. The other little known fact is, the same people have the capability of disabling your equipment or aiding you in repair of it. Did you know that?? Another interesting thing is, When India decides to disable your printer remotely from there, an independent, licensed repair person isn't able to fix it!
     Well, Norton protection also just happens to be the company that has been outsourced to India for coverage.
     Viruses began showing up right and left, and crept into my printer and computer, along with notices from HP that I needed to renew my coverages, one of repair, and one of protection against viruses. Both from India.
     My new printer, now again 2 years and 3 months old, started malfunctioning and telling me I had an improperly installed, or had installed the wrong print-head. (I had never touched the inside)
     After examination, virus removal and cleaning by a local licensed technician, their still was no improvement and it still malfunctioned with the same message. My computer also started getting pop-ups by HP and Norton that became so frequent and insistent, there was no way to "X" them out, telling me I needed to re-new my virus protection by Norton, and blocking my screen to the point I had to shut off my computer, unplug the power source and remove the battery to temporarily rid my screen of them. I had a local technician remove the so-called "viruses" from my computer,  but worked on my printer in vain.        Within a week, they returned. In frustration, I called HP assistance only to be told by another E. Indian tech that even to remove the HP and Norton 2 inch by 2 inch pop-ups I would have to renew my coverage for another 150 dollars to remove the pop-ups that were HP and Norton produced. (The tech tried to convince me the pop-ups were not theirs, but viruses.) Theyvalso told me the Printer could only be repaired by an HP. technician. (Again , in India!)
     I finally got the inkling that the E. Indian Co. was deliberately causing the pop-ups to harass me into buying new equipment again, or renew the 150 dollar coverage. Maybe the Printer too??
 When I "blew my lid" on the phone, so to speak, I was cut off and magically the pop-ups ceased!
     So we have to face it, Folks; It appears the same Companies you buy the product from are free to harass you into buying either more of their product, or extend more protection coverage.
     Until their is more scrutiny into their activities and rules established to protect us Consumers from these "Predatorial" actions, they have us coming and going. It certainly looks like a scheme to me!   Just sayin'.


     The "False Flag" protests in which "professional", paid Protestors will participate in the burning of the American flags all over the Country and it will begin in one gigantic move.
     According to the warnings from my sources, this will be the signal to, and ample enough reason for, the "Progressive" President of our Country, the U.N, the European Union and the rest of the hostile World toward America to issue blanket declarations of Martial Law, wherever and whenever they see fit to apply it, including the United States of America.
     The signal will come from the "New World Order" established by the "Trilateral Commission" of which I've so often referred to already existing,  in Europe.
     In previous blogs written by me, along with other sources, that the Cock-sureness of Barack Obama indicates there is something in mind for him after he has finished playing his sinister job of taking our Country down in accordance with their plans for a totally united, true Communist Globe. 
     Take a good look at his behavior right now, and you will recognize it too.
     He, coming from the corrupt part of the World to begin with,  was raised in an anti-American atmosphere and in coming here to further himself, didn't do it with an open mind of taking up the Constitutional way of doing business here, but to further the cause of the environment he was raised in. In doing so, the groups of people guiding him from beyond, have in mind as he does, that prosperous America needs to share their  prosperity to the rest of the un-earned poor nations they feel the United States of America has held back all these years. (Not true, of course, but that's the way they teach it in the Muslim world!)
     So following the Line of Least Resistance, it's easier to divide our hard earned wealth amongst them to make them better off, than it is for them to grab their own bootstraps and earn their way up to our standards just as we did. (The proper way of doing it in a Free, civilized World.)
     It's kind of typical in some people's eyes, that when they migrate here, they don't come with the intention of living the American dream as we do, but although they left the Country to better themselves here, they want to bring the habits of their Lesser Country with them! (A twisted way of thinking that makes no sense at all to normal thinking folks, but what the heck!)
     So....., Go on with your desire to re-instate another bone headed Progressive President, Sheeple! But you'll most certainly have innocent blood on your hands to deal with, and some of it may surely be your own. Because the majority of America that still has some semblance of intelligence left, are not going to just stand by and put up with it. 
     The way I see it, the groups behind the operation of the "Progressive" Communist Party have assigned Barack Obama to place his focus on steering the rest of the World the best he can, and continue to back the next potential "Progressive" Candidate get elected by whatever means it takes, in order for them to deliver the final blow!
     Whomever the Progressive Candidate is, they will be of the same set of mind as Barck Obama. they will promise whatever it takes to get elected, but it will only be a total façade because with the absence of God in mind, they will suffer no guilt whatsoever.   
     Don't let their pretense of being Christian minded fool you either. Barack Hussein Obama is already ample testimony to that!  Just sayin'.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


     It's going to be the most expensive Campaign spending brawl ever seen before in any Country in the World. No doubt in the billions of dollars, with the International Billionaires of the World, including the biggest bankers such as J.P. Morgan and it's China based General Electric, backing the "Progressive" Party and it's hopeful election of  another "Progressive" (Communist) President.
     The stakes are huge in this election, since the American Electorate didn't stay as dumbed down as they expected and are fighting back.
     In 2008, the International Billionaires seized the opportunity of taking down the greatest Country in the World when they came up with an unknown mystery man from Kenya and Indonesia who, beyond a doubt, came out as probably the best speech reader ever to appear on the Political scene, Barack Hussein Obama! Alias ('Barry Soetoro')
     It mattered little when the teleprompters fell over a couple of times, leaving him totally speechless until they were re-erected, because by his continuing on when they were, the fact was quickly forgotten by audience mesmerizing as he continued.
     It never was, and never will be anything directly coming from his own brain, that inspired the Sheeple to vote him into office.
     Thank goodness they revealed their true intentions soon enough for the rest of the Normal thinking people of America to realize the 'Progressive' (Communist) Party was truly attempting to give this Country and it's Natural resources away to the rest of the un-earning, undeserving World.
     I assure you, if the American People hadn't caught on as quickly as they did, and the Congress had remained in control by "Progressive" hands, it would have already happened before we could stop them by now. No doubt about.
     Now as it is, Obama and his backers are rushing in a panic to still make it happen, by prematurely ignoring the U.S. Constitution and rushing Obama to go ahead and assume the position planned for him in the first place, President of  the "New World Order".
     You just have to pay attention to his manner of speech, articulating from his references he makes in his speeches "behalf of the United States" to "The benefit of the World".
     He has now turned to Worldly affairs with his intentions, continuing and increasing his concentration on helping the age old Islamic and Communist enemies of the Democratic Republic of the United States, instead of tending to the deterioration of the American Way, which we now realize, the "Progressive" Party (Communist) was aiming for anyway!
     Knowing his Presidency is over with, he is simply passing over the Communist baton to the past graduate of the Saul Alinsky founded, Atheist based, "Midwest Academy", Hillary Rodham (Clinton). A decade later, Barack Obama graduated from,and sat for two years on the board of the same Institution, before moving on to be a lecturer of the Constitution at Harvard. (His association with Communists is laced throughout  his entire career).
     This Whole illustrious Group, is going to throw every dirty trick, every devious fraudulent voting effort into winning the next Presidency, otherwise all the money they have spent so far, will be forever in their lifetime, down the drain, and the once great United States that used to be, will become great and independently powerful on it's own once more.
     The whole fabric of  the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights within the Constitution itself is depending on the out come of the Presidential Election of 2016.
     Please!! Don't allow this to happen!    Just sayin'.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


     In my previous blogs, I have implied he has already positioned himself as the President, not of just  the United States, but the President of the "New World Order", and this remark he just made at the joint session of the Americas only confirms my implications.
    By his ignoring of the restrictions against Communist Cuba by all the Presidents since he himself was born,  he once again imagines he is immune from our sacred Constitutional guidelines.
    It also shows his twisted position of thinking the way he does in his attempt to open our borders to the rest of the World so they can all come in and share it.
    It would be the first time in modern history that people on the outside of a prison has ever wanted to break into it, instead of out of one!
    No Barry! We're not imprisoned within ourselves! No indeed. It's really a question of all the unsuccessful Communistic countries struggling with their own failed problems and running out of other people's money that are trying with your help, to strip America of all their great accomplishments since the War of Independence from Britain.
    As usual, you've once again tried to place the blame on the victims instead of the perpetrator.
    You're doing your damndest to give everything we've ever fought and died for, to a world who has never earned it. Please!!! Turn your back on us, don't forget your backpack full of spoils, and disappear into the rest of the World. I beg of you! (Well, maybe not beg,  not really!) Just sayin'.

Friday, April 10, 2015


    A great way of turning a positive into a negative, I say. The fact is, it's really the reverse. We have cut Cuba off from us! Since we have everything, and they have nothing, due to their choice of having selected Communism instead of our way of life.
     How easy it is for this true Muslim/ Communist to turn things around to make it our fault that Communist Cuba is poor.
     Back in the day, when Fidel Castro won the Revolution under the guise of being a Christian, I remember he had a very close confidant (Catholic Priest) by his side constantly throughout the Revolution. The Cuban people themselves backed him wholeheartedly, not suspecting it was all a ruse to establish Communism when he won. Immediately after he overtook the Country's rule by brute force, he executed the priest. He then denounced America and turned the Country of Cuba, lock, stock and barrel, over to Russian influence and accepted their weaponry and philosophy from then on.
     The "Cold War" was in full swing, Russia was our enemy and supplying planes and weaponry to our enemy in Communist North Korea and China.
     In fact Russia had begun to station long and short range missiles to Cuba that would have enabled Castro and the Russians to attack America, even with Nuclear warheads.
     President Kennedy established the Cuban blockade against Russian Ships and planes to Cuba, until Russia withdrew their military supplies and Missiles.
     So when, Mr. Obama, did Cuba ever deserve Military or food assistance of any sort from us?
     Cuba cut themselves off from Us, Mr. "Communist" sympathizer!
     Since their philosophy hasn't changed, what makes you think the American people should change ours in order to become "Friends"?
     Why should the great populace of America ever want you to "compromise" our way of life or standard of living, to suit anyone else who hasn't liked or defended us ever before in history?
     Did you get this idea from the Saul Alinsky Atheist based "Midwest Academy" you attended and sat on the board for after your indoctrination?
     Just as Hillary Rodham (Clinton) did before you?  Just wonderin'!

Thursday, April 9, 2015


     The schools and Colleges are loaded with people on their teaching staff, who feel being in lock-step with Barack Obama, ( Alias Barry Soetoro ) in believing there is no God. Without a doubt, it also leads them to mistakenly think there is no reason to abide by the age-old belief in his Ten Commandments, either.
     Now......, since there's no Godly reason to believe in them anymore, the U.S. Constitution founded partially on the fact there is one, should no longer be honored. So they ignore it's true authenticity.
     By so doing, they discard a lot of the rules guided by the religious aspect contained within it. (Hypocritically though, in realizing it still actually applies.) they cling to the 5th amendment when it comes to it, and smile to themselves while they sardonically invoke it. (having in mind 'what fools we are'.)
     With that philosophy in mind, (Atheism) it leads them to recognize from that belief, what laws inspired by religious decency should not apply to them anymore, and shouldn't apply to anyone else under their watch. Meaning anyone following their philosophy.
     So, in recent years, in a closeted manner, homosexuality has flourished without guilt, infidelity through insincerity has increased, murdering of unborn babies is rampant, lying has become the norm, eg; President Barack Obama, and plundering of the innocent, honest taxpayer's dollars beyond belief.
     All of this happening by the same class of people who silently worked their way into the Schools, Colleges, Local Gov'ts, County Gov'ts, St. Gov'ts and Federal Administrations and Agencies.
     Let's not stop there, either! How about the Court systems throughout those before-mentioned groups right up to, and including the Supreme Court!
     But don't be misled by their acquired positions of Authority being so vast. They and their followers are not the majority of the American Population. Not by a long shot. They are dangerous to our very Religious being in the respect that, for the time being at least, they are the majority of our Gov't Heads and Administrations in the entire system.
     Back to the reason for those same people wanting further education for the "underprivileged", they know that to maintain their perverted means of control, they must get the potential students to the existing teachers and professors who harbor their philosophy, and remain  in those important positions today.
      An example of those teachers include Atheists and criminals the likes of Ward Churchill, Weather Underground Leader, Bill Ayres, and Van Jones.
     They give the students no choice, but to accept the philosophy of Atheism, prior to leaving those places of learning.
     Thus, the urgency in the Obama Administration being so desperately eager to pass on the Atheistic theme with the idea of either Islam conversion or Atheism before he completes his term in office.
     They will spend whatever future taxpayers' dollars it takes to achieve that means. 
     Take it for what it's worth. Just sayin'.


     That habit has been in the "Progressive"-backing News Media forever and a day, which frankly, drives this writer mad.
     I know that they try to squeeze as much content into a program as possible, and it limits their time for the asking and answering of questions. But the problem with that all along has been too constricting for the Guest, and particularly when the guest is on the other side of the issue.
     I've never liked to see it happen, and even the so-called 'converted' pundits that have moved to Fox News on the Right from the previous 'Left', have had the nasty habit of over-talking their guests by that time, and they seem to have a hard time breaking themselves of the habit.
     It's rude to the guest, and it's also rude to the viewers watching, because they believe as I do, the host has the desire of presenting a long, 5 pointed question that they know very well, the guest can't possibly answer in it's needed entirety due to the shortage of time allotted to do so. So they proceed to ask the next question due to the shortage of time.
     A three-speared problem comes from that manner of exchange; (1) The Host of course, knowing they're the 'Boss' of the program, and also not particularly liking the guest from the other side of the fence, deliberately sets up the time-frame phenomena by taking up most of the allotted time. (2) It lays the time-frame problem on the Guest, whom the Host knows, doesn't have time to answer the 5-story high question. (3) In the attempt to answer it, he or she is over-talked by the Host who doesn't want him or her to adequately answer anyway!
     Although totally unexpected, Fox Host Megan Kelly who normally does grant the time, pulled off the same stinkin' stunt with guest and recently announced Candidate for the2016 Presidential run, Rand Paul, last night.
     I thought Fox News was a cut-above that sort of nonsense regularly done by the 'Left', but I guess not. 
     It gives me the impression she's getting a little too big for her shoes. Just sayin'!


Wednesday, April 8, 2015


     Has Obama created the same pandemonium split in your house and family, as he has in mine?
     Six years ago, our family and extended family friends were able to sit around in the Living or Family room and although on opposite sides of the fence in some issues, discuss the World's news and Politics that affected our lives from day to day in a serious, but sometimes jovial fashion and at the same time, get along as a family should. Keeping it all within the confines of the Constitution, of course! Back then, it was a given.)
     Then, as if by magic, a Mulatto man from a very mysterious and questionable past came into the political picture. First, with a fake  birth certificate he couldn't, but didn't seem to have to verify, stating he was born in Hawaii. Then received a foreign student loan for College under the guise of claiming he was born in Kenya, and producing a birth certificate stating such.
     Again mysteriously, he wasn't required to clear that up, either. (Which would amount to  Fraud)
     After immediately taking up residence in the most notorious city in the U.S., namely Chicago, he enrolled in the infamous, Atheist established, Saul Alinsky Midwest Academy and after an extended time there, was given a position on the Board of Directors, where he sat four 2 solid years, professing Atheism. (Hillary Rodham attended that same college, writing a praised thesis on the matter some years prior to Obama)
     Now,,,,, As a child with a school record showing he grew up in his earlier years enrolled in a Muslim based school in Indonesia and confirmed as a Muslim, maybe you can explain what he was later doing enrolling himself in a school of Atheism in Chicago? Can anyone?
     But that isn't bothering me near as much as him now, on the brink of failure due to his behavior in totally ripping our Constitution to shreds, is talking to the naïve Christian Communities as though he is a convert to Christianity!! Has anybody besides me, noticed that??
     Now, if you've ever taken courses in human behavior connected to sales, you'll realize there are different avenues to success in sales; There is the honest, sincere way, in which you laboriously but successfully acquire the trust of the people you're dealing with, to the point they would buy from no one else but you. This allows you to be comfortable and even be future friends and acquaintances with your past customers you can look in the eye afterwards.
     A genuine person, even though it's mainly about business. No lies or deceptions to be faced with down the road. A salesperson who, at the end of the day, can go home to their family and friends knowing they've made new friends happy!
     Then there is the other way; Operating with your customer in a manner that would make them think you're sincere by the use of niceties, but keeping in mind you're either going to sell to them today by hook or by crook or let them leave to never want to come back again.
     To make a long story short, you razzle and dazzle them, sit them down, stand them up, spin 'em around 4 times until they're dizzy and sit them back down, and hand them a pen with your name on it. Then requesting them to sign, while telling them to keep the pen if they do!
     Both methods work, surprisingly. But with the second method, you have to have a salesman who is Narcissistic, (Cares for no one but himself.) lies no matter what, and hopes to never see you again after today.
     Then he leaves work for his favorite watering hole along with one of the cross-dressing  associates he's been having sex with on the side.
     The next day or so when the dissatisfied customers come back for retribution, he tells the receptionist he's not there and disappears out the side entrance until they're gone.
     The befuddled receptionist goes to the safe to return their money, and it's gone too. Leaving the owners  out of work and in a state of bankruptcy.
     No matter though, the salesman, Barry, has already sold the rest of the stock to the competitor across the pond anyway. 
     What a good Orator he was though! And your friends and family he has convinced he was such a convincing nice guy? They dislike you for two reasons; you were right about this guy when you said you didn't trust him in your friendly discussions about him, and their cars were all missing after he left.  Just sayin'.   ( Just a dream I had, of course!)


Monday, April 6, 2015


I sometimes sit and ponder, on memories of the past
When all my little children, were growing much too fast.

From babies just in diapers, to stand and walk upright
I always loved my babies, and tucked them in at night

I even wrote a song one time, to sing them all to sleep
That song I seldom sing again, and when I do, I weep.

Not with hurt, you understand, but how I loved them so
And sad it is in knowing that, in time they'll never know

Their memories just fade away, of all those little joys
But all those times still stick with me, especially my boys

It seems like it was in a flash that both of them were gone
With every passing day I ask, did I do something wrong?

The angels came and took them both, I really had no say
So all That I can do right now, is join them both someday.

I thank you for your comfort, Lord, by granting peace of mind
In knowing I can carry on,  your strength along with mine.

George McNaughton2


     It shouldn't matter on which calendar day you do it, if you have the proper idea in mind.
     In these days of turmoil, when there is a Devilish, controlling driving force such as Radical Islam chopping off heads of Christians, burning people to death in cages and stoning women to death for infidelity, I find it improper to have one particular Religion that claims to be of the same God, condemning another for the sake of advancing it's own Religious ideals.
     The fact we Judeo Christians face here, is the real live threat to our existence on earth at all.
     If the Radical Islamists, tolerated by the so-called "Peaceful" Islamists (1.5 billion) succeed in their murderous push for Sharia Law all around the World, we're done, anyway!
     Christmas and Easter to most people who believe in the same God, is celebrated by believing that good things happened in bittersweet events, that remind us of what we should or shouldn't do now, or in the future. The birth of Jesus and his death are one of those!
     To this Christian believer, it matters not as much, as to whether he was the son of God or not, but to appreciate all of the good things he professed and did while existing on earth. I personally believe God has his workers here, and if Jesus was not the son of God, he was certainly one of them on the
right track. Yes, I do believe in miracles and Jesus performed them.
     I find it wrong for anyone to allow themselves to be told by believers of another Christian faith, to ignore and criticize the days of Religious Celebrations performed in a God-loving way that generates happiness in others. Particularly children.
    Relating 1000 yr. old pagan rituals performed back in those days to the innocence of  happy, good or even sad Christian and God-loving events is the wrong way to approach your belief in God. Particularly at a time when we should be joining forces as Judeo/Christians as a whole to save our faiths from extinction.
    Divisiveness at this point in time only encourages our true enemy to proceed.
    Divide and Conquer is their main ploy!
    Just sayin'.


Sunday, April 5, 2015


    First of all, we never, ever did want to see our Military clap and cheer because they were going to offer their lives to be sacrificed by going to war. That's a misconception by certain Ideologues  imagining if they could go on thinking the same ideology long enough, the rest of the World will naturally comply to their self-imposed, Ideological thinking. That simply is a dream that doesn't work!!
    Regardless of what those people may think, we have a Constitution drawn up by some very wise and knowledgeable scholars, explaining the desires and lawful intentions meant to guide this Country successfully throughout the ages.
    In their very careful way of thinking, they knew there would be pitfalls along the way, testing the will of the people from time to time, but also knew, if everyone in our Country wanted to remain free, it would have to be with the people all sticking together with complete knowledge of the protection and rights allowed them within that Constitution. It was our 'safety net' to protect us all, with all of us considered equal. The fact is, our military is there to protect us from all forms of physical aggression.
    After all, consider that, as uneducated and poor our average 'citizens' were in those days, they fully understood the importance of what it was for them to follow George Washington, their leader at the time, into battle, not with the purpose of dying un-necessarily, but to defend against the aggression of a Monarchy enforcing taxation and repressive laws on them without Representation.
    Barefooted and improperly equipped, they went into battle against an enemy so strong in the rest of the World, it was un-imaginable they could win. BUT THEY DID!!
    Why?? Was it because they entered a war against such odds that they wanted to die? OF COURSE NOT!!
     Unfortunately, people do die as a consequence of war. Mostly in battle, others as innocent collateral damage. It's the sad part of any war. But nobody ever goes to war wanting to die.
     But in the War of Independence, that brave mix of immigrants knew exactly what was in store for them, if they were to lose to a dictatorship they had struggled so hard to get away from in Western Europe, and as meager as it was in their new environment, they were experiencing a Freedom they had never experienced before.
     That freedom they felt was taken by the founding Fathers and transposed into the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution we successfully abided by for 2 plus Centuries and enjoyed by all people, big and small, regardless of stature and after the Civil War, race, color or creed.
     Granted, there have been pitfalls along the way to interrupt the process, but they in turn have been dutifully dealt with in accordance with, guess what? That very Constitution itself!!!
     So when you hear this mix of misfit group of people who disagree with the idea that going to war is something that only the Conservatives would do for profit and the desire to kill people un-necessarily as they so readily imply, you know immediately it's the same folks who are in the White house drumming up reasons that they alone, should ignore the entirety of the Constitution concerning their behavior to achieve their Un-American goals, but at the same time, insult us by using the distorted Court system that has been infiltrated by the same "Alternative Normals" that allow them to hide behind the use of the Constitution to protect themselves from prosecution. Hypocritical in the extreme, don't you think?
     May I point out that it's the sitting President, who as a Constitutional Professor, studied it not for the purpose of abiding by it, but to destroy it completely. He's doing just that!
     Back to my subject of our Military being involved in more, unwanted war, and with this President using the hard earned American taxes to fund the Islamic upheaval to suit his own future purpose of being the President of the "New World Order", tell me what in the World should we do?
     Should we allow the Islamists, European Union of which our original, brave Immigrants sailed the seven seas to escape from, and United Nations who are backed by the International Billionaires in order to dismantle the Independence of our country for the purpose of establishing the previously mentioned "New World Order" in Europe, or should we once again employ our Military in the proper fashion to defend us.
     They defend us and our Allies so that our great successful Constitution that survived 230+ years, and every soldier who went to war on our behalf, not with the intention of wanting to die, but willing to do so to defend the rest of us.
     The cry by the 'Left' that no more Americans should die fighting a war we shouldn't have involved ourselves in, is a ruse to make the brave warriors feel ashamed that they were wrong in doing so.
     On return from Vietnam, they were spat on by the very draft dodgers who evaded answering the call in the first place and ran to remote areas such as the San Juan Islands, Canada and Britain.
     Ironically, they are the same people who have evaded the draft and got away with it that have infiltrated and wormed their way into State and Federal Politics and the entire Justice system we have our 'Tongue in Cheek' notions about in their behavior today.
     God bless our Military and all the actions they have taken to keep this Country safe today!
     It's the ploy they're using in shaming our Military system in their effort to use them instead to achieve their own means, instead of ours.
     Thank heaven so far, we have resisted and delayed his intentions of employing "Martial Law" and the Military and Police Forces around the Nation as the final step in his quest to defeat our 'American Way'. Just sayin'!


Saturday, April 4, 2015


     Even scarier; keep in mind the fact that Barack Hussein Obama, aside from the "compromising" of our Sacred Constitution almost out of existence, has never compromised anything that would take away from his intentions of being the Leader of the World.
     In fact with all of his complaints that the Congress refuses to "compromise" his radical intentions of 'ignoring' the rules of our governmental system of a government "Of the People, By the People and For the People", he has not compromised one thing that would have caused him to forfeit one law-breaking thing he has in mind! Absolutely nothing!!
     Why?? Because he, even as President of the United States, has never abided by the very Rules that were put forth and dutifully passed by law for him to represent and abide by in the Constitution.
     Having claimed to be a Scholar of the meaning of it, he's proven without any doubt, he studied not to obey it, but to get rich by destroying it!
     I present you proof that can be checked if you'd like to on the Internet. (Perhaps the main reason he would like to, again by Executive order, destroy it by force if necessary.)
     Since the beginning of the Presidential reign of Robert Kennedy, and up to the end of George W. Bushe's term, all of the executive orders issued by 9 Presidents altogether, total 100.
     Now....., from the beginning of Obama's Presidency up until now, he has issued over 1000 of them and still has 2 years of Tyrancy to go!
     It's glaringly obvious as to what his goal is; "Dictatorship by Executive Order!!"
     Here are just some of the most extreme, in case you doubt me;
Executive order 10990; Allows the Gov't to take control of all modes of transportation and control of Highways and Seaports.

Executive Order 10995; Allows the Gov't to seize and control the Communications Media.

Executive Order 10997; Allows the Gov't to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

Executive Order 10998; Allows the Gov't to take over all food resources and farms.

Executive Order 11000; Allows the Gov't to organize civilians into work brigades under Government Supervision.

Executive Order 11001; Allows the Gov't to take over all Health, Education and Welfare function.

Executive Order 11002; Designates the registration of all persons. Postmaster General to operate a National Registration.

Executive Order 11003; Allows the Gov't to take over all Airports and Aircraft including Commercial Aircraft.

Executive Order 11004; Allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with Public Funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

Executive Order 11005; Allows the Gov't to take over railroads, Inland waterways and Public Storage Facilities.

Executive Order 11049; Assigns Emergency preparedness function to Federal Depts., and Agencies, consolidating 21 Operative Executive Orders issued over a 15 year period.

Executive Order 11051; Specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all of Executive Orders into effect in times of increased International tensions and economic or financial crisis.

Executive Order 11310; Grants authority to the Spt. of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute Industrial support, to establish Judicial Legislative Liaison, to control all Aliens, to operate Penal and Correctional Institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

Executive Order11921; Allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of Production and Distribution, of Energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. Financial Institutions in any undefined National Emergency.

    : It also provides that when a State of Emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review it for 6 months.
    As expressed by another Contributor:
    "I'm sure you've heard the tale of "The Frog in the Pot"...Watch Obama's actions, not his words!
By his actions, he will show you where America's headed."
"If this is difficult to believe, prove it to yourself by GOOGLING IT!!"
     Just sayin'.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


     On and on he plows, forever following the marching orders of the rest of the Globe in his never ending dream of being the Leader of the "New World Order".
     Having started slowly at first to avoid detection, along with the International Billionaires fully backing him, he, although slowed by the election events that have blocked him from having the backing of the "Progressive" (Communist) Congress that supported his "Change to America forever" in the first two years, presides over the World, rather than as the President of the Country that duly elected him in the first place!
     We can thank our lucky stars, for enough of our voting population to see he was up to 'no good', and to turn the tide of the overwhelming 'Alternative Normal' Congress by at least placing the House of Representatives in safer, Republican hands and ultimately in control of the 'Purse' as well, in 2010.
     His true, sinister  intentions for America were at least slowed down, but it still left two thirds of our 'Communist crippled' Gov't in the hands of the Chicago trained thugs that followed him into office.
     It didn't stop this group of thugs entirely from forging ahead in it's intentions to throw America and it's way of life into the reach of the pack of Worldly wolves (The international Billionaires)waiting to increase their grip on our 'Country rich' Natural Resources.
     But make no mistake about it, throughout all of the negative changes that found their way to blocking his Communistic progress, it has only slowed him down, and he is every bit as dangerous in his bid to place America into the hands of the European Union, the U.N. and the now-existing "Trilateral commission" who, under the monetary power of International Billionaires, will solidly establish the intended, "New World Order". Of which, the great Orator Barack Obama will be President!
    This representative of the Devil himself  has not given up, despite his slowed-down revelations to achieve that goal.
    His directions from above, are not from God, not from a Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People", but only from the amalgamation of American hating Countries around the World.
    Last but not least, the people he has carefully selected on his Administration are solidly behind him with the promise of something in it for them as well. Make no mistake about it.
    John Kerry, the infamous, proven liar who appeared before a Grand Jury with the claim of witnessing the massacre at Meeh lai in Vietnam in an attempt to discredit the U.S. Military, has been trusted as Secretary of State in the negotiations over Iran's Nuclear advancement.
     He has everything to gain, regardless of that outcome, because he is the husband to the Heinz fortune heiress who is also an International Billionaire.  Just look at what she just purchased lately!!
     Who is trying to kid who, here???  Just sayin'.