Wednesday, April 8, 2015


     Has Obama created the same pandemonium split in your house and family, as he has in mine?
     Six years ago, our family and extended family friends were able to sit around in the Living or Family room and although on opposite sides of the fence in some issues, discuss the World's news and Politics that affected our lives from day to day in a serious, but sometimes jovial fashion and at the same time, get along as a family should. Keeping it all within the confines of the Constitution, of course! Back then, it was a given.)
     Then, as if by magic, a Mulatto man from a very mysterious and questionable past came into the political picture. First, with a fake  birth certificate he couldn't, but didn't seem to have to verify, stating he was born in Hawaii. Then received a foreign student loan for College under the guise of claiming he was born in Kenya, and producing a birth certificate stating such.
     Again mysteriously, he wasn't required to clear that up, either. (Which would amount to  Fraud)
     After immediately taking up residence in the most notorious city in the U.S., namely Chicago, he enrolled in the infamous, Atheist established, Saul Alinsky Midwest Academy and after an extended time there, was given a position on the Board of Directors, where he sat four 2 solid years, professing Atheism. (Hillary Rodham attended that same college, writing a praised thesis on the matter some years prior to Obama)
     Now,,,,, As a child with a school record showing he grew up in his earlier years enrolled in a Muslim based school in Indonesia and confirmed as a Muslim, maybe you can explain what he was later doing enrolling himself in a school of Atheism in Chicago? Can anyone?
     But that isn't bothering me near as much as him now, on the brink of failure due to his behavior in totally ripping our Constitution to shreds, is talking to the naïve Christian Communities as though he is a convert to Christianity!! Has anybody besides me, noticed that??
     Now, if you've ever taken courses in human behavior connected to sales, you'll realize there are different avenues to success in sales; There is the honest, sincere way, in which you laboriously but successfully acquire the trust of the people you're dealing with, to the point they would buy from no one else but you. This allows you to be comfortable and even be future friends and acquaintances with your past customers you can look in the eye afterwards.
     A genuine person, even though it's mainly about business. No lies or deceptions to be faced with down the road. A salesperson who, at the end of the day, can go home to their family and friends knowing they've made new friends happy!
     Then there is the other way; Operating with your customer in a manner that would make them think you're sincere by the use of niceties, but keeping in mind you're either going to sell to them today by hook or by crook or let them leave to never want to come back again.
     To make a long story short, you razzle and dazzle them, sit them down, stand them up, spin 'em around 4 times until they're dizzy and sit them back down, and hand them a pen with your name on it. Then requesting them to sign, while telling them to keep the pen if they do!
     Both methods work, surprisingly. But with the second method, you have to have a salesman who is Narcissistic, (Cares for no one but himself.) lies no matter what, and hopes to never see you again after today.
     Then he leaves work for his favorite watering hole along with one of the cross-dressing  associates he's been having sex with on the side.
     The next day or so when the dissatisfied customers come back for retribution, he tells the receptionist he's not there and disappears out the side entrance until they're gone.
     The befuddled receptionist goes to the safe to return their money, and it's gone too. Leaving the owners  out of work and in a state of bankruptcy.
     No matter though, the salesman, Barry, has already sold the rest of the stock to the competitor across the pond anyway. 
     What a good Orator he was though! And your friends and family he has convinced he was such a convincing nice guy? They dislike you for two reasons; you were right about this guy when you said you didn't trust him in your friendly discussions about him, and their cars were all missing after he left.  Just sayin'.   ( Just a dream I had, of course!)


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