Friday, September 30, 2011


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   The CIA killed Al Qaida's new political replacement of Osama Bin Laden. Isn't that wonderful?? But  don't ask Kirsten Powers,(a Fox News Liberal Contributor) or theACLU!! They think he should have been captured and given a criminal trial to prove his innocence since he was born in America.
   Well, first he was branded as an enemy combatant because he abandoned this country to declare himself as an ally of Al Qaida's. He left American soil to do this. He then took on the appearance of  Bin Laden and was proven to be involved in the intended destruction of the USA. He engineered planned attacks on the United States to take place on American soil. He approved the murder of 3,000 people in the destruction of the twin towers, the Pentagon and the people on board the flight of 93 that, if it wasn't for heroes on board, thwarted the destruction of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. They forfeited their lives to save many more casualties. By the way, where are their medals?
   Go ahead and watch the main media. You'll see lots of liberals who actually feel the same way because they have the ridiculous notion that the attacks were an inside job. Along with the CBC Canada News Organization, They made it look that way without any information or proof that it was.
   This man was a declared member of Al Qaida.
   I'm incensed for two reasons. First, I am a duel citizen so am able to speak and feel the pain of both countrie's sufferings. I know the CBC and it's affiliates are not akin to anything that would improve relations with the United States. The queen owns the CBC. She being the monarchy that lost it's dominance over the United States in 1976, doesn't want to lose control of Canada's loyalty to Britain. The average Canadians are great people and today, I still love them as countrymen who would die for the freedom of other countries and they have done so. God bless their hearts!
   I'm also a natural born citizen of the U.S. due to my mother being born and raised in the States, even though I was born in Canada.
   Because of the manufactured dislike of America by the CBC and the NDP, I migrated to the U.S. to seek the truth and live the way Americans are allowed to live. This has afforded me the opportunity to learn about the average citizen in this country. Guess what? Eliminate the lingo difference and they're exactly the same. It's the U.S. Constitution that makes the difference in our civil rights.
   Get over it!!! It was not an inside job. I reject the insinuation. The Radical Muslims did it and this man was executed in a military manner as he deserved. Technically speaking, he lost his rights to citizenship when he physically joined the Al Qaida Organization. Please understand that. Just sayin'.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


                                           email me      macgeo1234@hotmail .com
   I don't know!!! But what I do know is, the best way for them to win in my estimation would be, since I think any one of them could beat that guy we have as president now, join their forces together and choose a candidate between them. Once that's done, each choose an administration post they'd be good at   as a part of the Administration. Draw straws if you wish. With the combination of knowledge you would be putting together, it would assuredly be the most effective Administration ever. Like a successful football team, they would be all running with the ball in the same direction.
   I don't see how they could possibly lose. Because what the Silent Majority wants to see is someone at the helm with common sense and a knowledge of what it takes to live by our Constitution and Bill of Rights along with the ability to create a productive dollar that can earn another one. Isn't that simple?
   Remember, you're battling with people who are as voters, misinformed, brainwashed into loyalty and voting democrat when they don't realize they're not voting for a Democrat at all, but a man with a dream of being President of the World. He's preaching to the World right now for Goodness sake.!!
   Don't underestimate the ambitions of this guy!!!  Educate the voter!! I'm trying to do my part.
   He is gathering a rag-tag group of voters that, when all added together, can put him back in office for another 4 years of assault on our Republic of the United States of America. I believe he will throw America under the bus in order to be raised to a higher level.
   Have you listened to his speeches lately? This guy will drive the uninformed to the point of violent revolution in order to get his way. He's doing it right now. Have a look at the old flicks of Hitler when he was rallying the crowds before World War 2. This character is ranting and raving just like him. The only difference is, he is pushing a different, personal agenda.
   Mark my words!!     Just sayin'.


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   I'd also add that it's not so much that homosexuals are what they are, but in the last couple of generations, they seem to express their openness in a manner that appears proud. They don't have sense enough to just keep it to themselves, they have actually made it a political issue. They have labelled themselves as a minority group and have crowded their way into other minority organizations which enables them to demand special minority status. I disagree with this as well. Minorities by color can't change the tint of their skin, whereby a gay can change his or her preferences anytime.
   True minorities should and do receive special treatment sometimes, because they can't change what they are. Homosexuals can change their perversion at will. If to them it's a mental problem, they can be helped with that as well. With them it's a matter of bad decision making.
   If someone is prone to bad decisions, I would prefer they not be placed in a position of making decisions that would affect me or my children, be it politics or school or otherwise.
   They can't be good examples to an average, normal human being, as I would like to think we mostly are.
   What really amazes me though, is how we've allowed them to flirt there way into Society, to blend into the minority groups as if they should have a minority rights status.
    The Penn. State perverted sex scandal that's been recently exposed, tells us much about how young males are forced to be abused and sodomized by kinky predators. Who knows how many young men have been converted to enjoying perverted sex by this group.
    It's high time the predators are put away for good. Speak out good and loud, people! You're only saying what needs to be heard anyway. Why wouldn't we want to be heard by the God loving people of the world? Why on earth did we go so far as to let them demand special rights BECAUSE they're perverted? Why do we let the rest of the world think that somehow, it's okay to spread Aids throughout the world and not be called on it? And why do we allow them to humiliate us to the rest of the straight thinking people of the Globe by turning our backs on it as if it's an okay thing to do?
    It's time a correction was made, folks. Don't be afraid to voice it!!     Just sayin'.


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 Today an acquaintance expressed anger at me in a discussion concerning homosexuality. His anger seemed more to me to be aimed at the fact that the subject was brought up at all, rather than whether it was right or wrong.
   It's almost as though the moral aspect should be discounted from the conversation, and 90% of the population should stay mute due to the chance that a homosexual might be offended by someone voicing their opposition to it. He appeared to be upset because he had a relative who was gay and therefore should be defended by requesting that I drop the subject. I didn't and he left as a result.
   I feel bad about his leaving the group discussion, but so be it.
   My religious upbringing taught me to not only abide by the rules of decency and morality but to be brave enough to express them. I'm not a perfect human being by any stretch of the imagination but my conscience prompts me to keep trying. That's what I feel I did today. His discomfort that I stated my opinion on the matter is not my problem to solve, but his. Doing it in his own way is his preference and it's not up to the rest of the world to remain silent because of it.
   In my case, when my oldest son was a teenager, he had a teacher that approached him in a predatorial way. He was inviting students to his apartment after school, and after plying them with food goodies including beer, having homosexual discussions and eventually sex with some of them. It wasn't until several years later that he was exposed by those students and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
   I don't even want to try to guess the number of young boys he offended. It brought me to one logical conclusion, though. I believe now that it takes a perverted sex predator to cause a person to be gay.
   I think it's total hogwash that some people are naturally that way. They're forced to enjoy it at first for the purpose of dominance, and eventually convert to it. It happens in prisons all the time.
   Anyway, I feel it's time for the silent majority to speak out against such a practice for the well being of their children. It's perverted, unnatural and filthy to say the least. I don't believe silence is the proper
solution since it doesn't solve or correct the problem. Speak up, people!     Just sayin'.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


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   Since I was diagnosed with cancer and treated for heart disease at the age of 74, I have had the unique opportunity to express myself as I see fit. Because I see the world as it is knowing I won't be here forever. It makes me realize there's not any room left for mis-truths or deception in my life.
    Having been there, done that, I feel qualified to at least opine on a lot of subjects I'm familiar with. In so doing though, I also understand that what I have to say is bound to offend someone no matter what.
   After all, in a free society like ours it's almost a race to say what I please because I'm afraid that just around the corner, that freedom could be taken away in the "wink" of a Socialist eye.
   I love my family, my friends and anyone who allows me to bend their ear. I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings but if the shoe fits,"wear it". I would risk my life to save another and feel I have done that. No one could love children more than the way I do. I please myself when I help others and expect nothing in return. I'll never be wealthy but will be eternally grateful to those who visited and prayed for me when I was in the hospital recently. I thank the modern miracles of medicine that helped along with those prayers.
   But I have no reason to apologize for what I have to say. I won't ask you to either.    Just sayin'.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


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 It seems to me that whenever a politician proposes a tax to protect the tax payer, the intention is to put more money into the hands of the politician to do with as he pleases and not to give it directly back to the  people it came from in the first place. Am I right in thinking this?
   Did you ever get a cheque in the mail from the Gov't saying this is the money the rich people took from you? Do you think you will ever get one? Nooooooo. It will never happen!
   Where does the money go once it ends up in the hands of Gov't? Well, I think it goes to whomever they see fit, people that helped them get elected or re-elected, people who have applied for grants to be used to research the extinction of the snail darter,(remember that?) or for the rehabilitation of the salmon,for the retention of gov't employees so the unemployment figures won't look as bad due to our "oncoming" recession. Now that I've pointed out a paltry few, by all means feel free to think of many more. To the Gov't worker there is no recession yet. For the private citizen, IT"S ALREADY HERE.
   So now that we're tuned in, What good did that tax dollar do for you.?
   I just read in the Skagit Herald this morning that The National Wildlife Federation is aiming to sue the Federal Gov't saying it has failed to ensure that the national flood insurance program hasn't harmed endangered salmon - or the Orca whales that feed on the fish.
   My question to them is; in this time of hardship for the american people trying to scratch out a survival income, who besides you gives a damn about any other species of animal compared to the survival of one's family?
 How on earth do you think you're going to use taxpayer money to sue the the taxpayer purser for a hypothetical guess that one action just may harm another? Please get lost!!!
   Is anybody still reading this? If you are, I would just like to state that what ever money the Gov't gets from the rich is only going to make Gov't larger and your income smaller.
   Any money the Gov't gets from the rich is already spent anyway. How much money can our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren pay back to a politician who doesn't care where it goes in the beginning.
   Unless the money from the rich goes directly into the pocket of the needy taxpayer, you're only encouraging Gov't to get larger and more reckless with it.
   Get over this taxing of the rich stuff already!!    Just sayin'.

Friday, September 23, 2011


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   For the last while there has been an obvious revelation that the Socialist minded educators in our country are waging a campaign that is Marxist to say the least. I believe it's true. It's been creeping it's way into our schools and colleges for much longer than most people realize.
   Canada has done this in their education system for more years than the United States. I grew up there and being born of American parent, I recognized it at an early age in adulthood.
   Knowing that there had to be a better system was not hard to do because having older siblings in the U.S. who had all done exceptionally well after moving to the States proved it. This was recognizably so because out of 9 of them, none ever wished to abandon their way of life here to return to Canada and it's British and Socialist influence on Canada.
   You see, the younger generation of adults in Canada have never really been exposed to the other side of the story as the general population of the American people have been.
   In this country we have a Constitution and Bill of Rights as I have mentioned in a previous blog. They are guidelines for all of us to go by. Granted they are all too often disputed as to their interpretations, but they still work as a general rule and the affairs of the country go on in spite of the flaws that some people believe are in them.
   Canada was never afforded that opportunity because they didn't resist British control like the U.S. did in 1776. This allowed the British to maintain general control over the Canadian's affairs.
   They continued to keep ownership of monetary and political influence. They do today, in spite of the fact that European investment is being purchased away from the British investors. Asian ownership has taken over as well. This leaves the average Canadian with very little to call their own in the respect of being a voter.
   The Queen, as far as I can determine in my research, has held total ownership of the C.B.C. Radio &
Television in Canada.
   The C.B.C. corporation has always, and still does have total control over any other News corp. in Canada. If the CBC decides to lift the license of a news Corp. because they disagree with what the independent Station has said or done, it has the ability to do so. It cannot be overruled by the Canadian
   Gov.t, even if they want to. It's a private ownership by the Queen herself and not by the British people. You only have to research it on the Internet.
   Which brings me to the point of my blog in the first place. Having spent 39 years as a Canadian citizen under the false sense of security that the country was "Independent" from Britain and could really choose what the people wanted the Prime Minister and Parliament to do wasn't so. Because the CBC controls the politicians with their dominance over the airways. Many times they have taken a particular politician down if they don't agree with what he or she has on their agenda.
    In 1957 I took a radio announcer's course in Calgary that was put on by a group of seasoned Disc Jockeys from a private radio station in Calgary,Who was at the door to greet her?Alberta. It was then I learned CBC was politically oriented to the The New Democratic Party.(NDP). A Socialist party that was akin to the Socialist minded Labor party in Britain.  The New Democratic Party achieved it's name after changing it from the CCF party in 1942 who had lost favor in Canada due to being a Communist party follower.
   I began to take notice that at election time the NDP received far more recognition than all the other parties put together. There was all kinds of "free" time alotted to their politicians. Most of the guests were and still are NDP advocators. It's the Queen's way, Folks!!
   When the Queen made her goodwill visit to the U.S., who did she hobnob to?  Who was at the door to greet her? She was here to cheer them on!
   Years before I migrated to the U.S., I would tune in to a radio broadcast by Ronald Reagan. It was 5 in the morning for 1 hr. and I set the clock to hear him. He was just a broadcaster then but he made sense to me. I believe in his philosophy today.
   Why do I think there's a conspiracy to brainwash our children in schools today?
   The school teacher's strike ended with the teachers claiming victory. A reporter on channel 5 News
this morning asked a returning teacher how he felt about the whole situation. He replied that he was bothered by the interruption of classes might have caused parents to say negative things about the teacher's behavior in ignoring a Judge's order to go back to work. He said he didn't want the kids to take a different direction in their thinking other than what they want to teach them in school.
   What does that tell you?
   I'll express what it tells me. I don't want anyone telling me that bigger Gov't is better. That Socialism is better. That it's okay to disobey the law without consequence of punishment. For the tail to wag the dog.
   I'll say it again. God bless America, and God bless our Bill of Rights and Constitution.  Just sayin'.

Monday, September 19, 2011


    In his latest speech yesterday, he said something I was hoping no president would. He remarked that Warren Buffet had a lower tax rate than his personal secretary. He went on to say,"This isn't Right!!!"
    Well, Mr. President, If that is really the case, Why on earth don't you lower her's??? Wouldn't that serve the average american better?
    You were not elected to raise taxes, were you? I'll bet 1 voter in 10,000 voted for you so you could raise taxes!! If there was that.
    Get off the Marxist tax wagon, Dummy. If my neighbor pays more taxes than I do, should you raise mine? Some mentality you have, Buddy.   Just sayin'.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


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    Read my blogs at ; http/    
     To me, it means the end of the free world as we know it today. As small as the country is in population, it's significance in the world as a Democratic nation in the middle of a world of Islamic, totally unacceptable Muslim beliefs is very important to me. For them wanting to exist as an Independent Nation to call their own is, in all fairness, not too much to ask.
   They have endured the wrath of dislike since long before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, not only because of that, but because of their ability to buy,trade, sell and make a profit successfully over thousands of years.
   They are truly an example of free trade in a Capitalist existence. They have been willing to trade with all countries who would agree to do trade with them for an acceptable price.
   They are the most Universal people in the world because of this. They are not just people of a specific religion, not by a long sight. They belong to all different religions in the modern world, although they predominantly follow the Hebrew beliefs.
    But they generally have one thing in common. The ability to generate wealth, and they do it in a Capitalist fashion that allows everyone besides themselves to make some too.
    Everyone wins when we produce a product that can be worth a dollar to start with and can then be passed on to someone else for a buck and a half if they in turn produce something worth 2.00.
   I guess by now you know I'm talking about Jewish people or people of Jewish decent.
   They've been referred to as greedy. But the Jews I've known in my life and worked with  have always treated me as an equal. They aren't afraid to work beside you because that's what they did to get where they are. It's called generating a productive dollar. They know the drill! 
    They are the champions of Service providing businesses, looking at other races as equals and bold enough to set up shop in all neighborhoods, including the 'kill for a dime' ones. 
    They do it without prejudice even though they have the shadow of the Crucifixion of Christ that hovers over them forever. 
    If you stop and think about other races who have succeeded in a Capitalist business, they have all behaved the same once they have achieved their goal. Granted, greed  overcomes common sense in any human's language. It's something that's happened since time began. 
    Look around you, and you'll see that the desire for money is shared by all races. 
    If you wish to be an Entrepreneur, follow their lead, because that's where they lead.
   The winner always takes control, no matter what. But what kind of control do we want to live under? Communism? Nazism? Totalitarianism? Socialism (Greece for example) or good old Capitalism, where we can take our lumps with the bad times as well as the good?
    Do you see anything better than what we've had in America? We know things will get better eventually if we hold our course. Is Russia better? Is China better? Is Cuba better? Is Brazil better?
    Can you suggest anyone who is better? I don't think so!
    Bringing Israel down means bringing down a physical country that has earned their right to be there, not a belief or way of life that has represented the free world for ages. Leave them be, for Pete's sake!  The beliefs will still be alive and well no matter what!
     With the treachery of the backstabbing U.N., the European Union and Russia, our true Allies are dwindling to a dangerously low level. 
     Although I was born, raised and lived in Canada when we fought together in three major Wars for Democracy to live and survive in other parts of the world, I believe it's the lack of true facts and information being denied by the CBC and the Main Media in this Country. Also, school education systems leaves the common folks as victims of distorted information. 
      It's really the deliberate dumbing down of our up and coming adult population by the presently powerful Socialist/Communist "Progressives" that's the deeper root of the problem. It's not the free Countries such as Israel.   Just sayin'.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


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    The first of our natural resources I would like to talk about is coal. There are so many misconceptions concerning the use of coal in the environmental communities and so much ignorance as to the uses of this valuable maceral that I feel it should be explained to those who would be willing to read and understand. I don't expect environmentalists to comprehend it because it matters not what the explanation is, they will shake their heads in "no" anyway. However, I feel the surest way to get the message across is to give the message anyway,regardless of their powerful, minority status. Which it is, because of many reasons whether they be puritanical due to ignorance or because of money in one way or the other.
   First off, coal is not a mineral as most people would refer to it as. It is a gathering of volatile materials referred to as macerals with the most valuable being carbon.
   There are 4 classes of coal depending on their types of maceral contents.
   The most common are the following:
   Anthracite being the purest of macerals and therefore the hottest burning and most desired for heating and the smelting of iron ore.
                 Bituminous being the most desirable for the making of carbide steel to different levels of strength due to it's content of the grade of bitumen called Coke. Coke is one of the closest relatives of pure carbon. Diamonds being the purest, to my knowledge.
                 Lignite is a lower grade of bitumen mixtures and is used principally for the purpose of burning and heating. It contains more contaminants undesirable for the making of materials requiring strength. However, coal in general has many byproducts used in many different domestic products  in the manufacturing countries of the world today.
   Graphite is lower in bitumens and used in the production of pencils and printing.
   Peat is the precursor to coal befor it comes under pressure from the weight of the earth.
   Peat was very commonly used for burning and heating purposes in past centuries.
   The purpose of my explaining this as simply as I can is to show you how important coal is to the modern world we are used to living in.
   The environmentalists, in their quest for a "clean" or "green" earth would abolish the use of coal in it's entirety regardless of the consequence to them or the rest of us in  the much larger majority.
    The current Administration is agreeing with them and is in the midst of imposing stiff regulations to curtail the use of coal and all other fossil fuels without reasonable regard as to what we have readily available to replace them.
    How absurd and ridiculous can they be? This is a very important concern, because the graduation from coal to alternative means of energy needs to be done in a gradual length of time in order to accommodate the cost of doing so. Alternative energy at this point in time is far too expensive compared to the use of coal. With the economy the way it is right now, the extra money required to make the transition is horrendous and unsustainable. The present cost of producing electricity with coal is 22 cents per kilowatt hr. Right now, the cost of producing alternative power by windmill farms etc. is amounting to 22 dollars per kilowatt hour. Ridiculously unaffordable to the taxpayer, and only because the Obama Administration wants to satisfy the EPA by doing it sooner. Again their is no common sense compromise by Obama or the EPA here. I'm not saying to ignore the desire for cleaner air entirely, but with some more reasonable length of time to develop filtering costs etc. "Rome wasn't built in a day", so to speak.
   It is complete ignorance on their part and it's intentional on top of it all. They know better but don't care. How careless is that?
   There are methods of using coal in a clean, efficient manner and all we need to do is support the research of those ways and assist Industry so they can afford to develop them. Japan has achieved it and so can we.
   Education in fossil fuels needs to be a priority but our socialist educators won't allow it.
   Once again it's the tail wagging the dog even though they are a pitifully small part of the American majority.
   Stand up for fossil fuel production, folks! For now that's all we have that's affordable for the present.  Just sayin'.



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And it couldn't be too soon. Any sensible thinking, Christian minded supporter of his would be wise to leap from his bus, even if it's still rolling. For Pete's sake, what does it take for America to realize what an anti-american he is and always has been?
   Just listening to the garbage coming from him and his administration's mouth right now makes me sick to my stomach.
   This man and his regime of appointees simply cannot make an honest speech if their lives depended on it. Of course you have to watch Fox News to get the real truth about these people because you're not going to get it from the Socialist, Main Media. They're staying away from reporting what's happening in the news right now because they've all been caught red-handed with their drawers down.
    Are the Chicago thugs going to be let off the hook once again? They are robbing the american populace blind.
   The bare faced lies they've been telling are only brought to light by Fox news and it seems to be every time they open their mouths. It's totally ungodly in any reasonable human's standards.
   The discussions that take place in public gatherings have been getting more intense lately concerning this bunch and it draws the involvement of more and more people into the conversations.
   But there's always one thing that seems to remain the same: the rhetoric that comes from the mouths of the Obama backers! They behave defensively in the same manner with remarks meant to interrupt the point you're trying to make when it's your turn to talk. They become loud and begin to over talk the point they know you're going to make. It's done on cue as though they were all taught this stuff in the same classroom. Maybe they were! College teachers, left wing journalists, left wing teachers, left wing union leaders and all the rest of those left wing supporters. Their words are the same, their questions are the same, their statements are the same, and their denials of the truth are the same.
   The word ungodly suits them all well! Please listen to Fox News, people. At least be fair to yourself by know both sides of the story. It truly is fair and balanced. Take notice of the news you hear that the left wing media will not tell you if their life depended on it.
   Keep looking in your wallet as well. It's a great reminder of what they've done and are doing to you. It's also a reminder of what they have in mind for you.
   They all believe that the traditional american way is a waste and that you should try getting by on a little less money. But if you listen to and watch for the regulations they're creating, you will also see they are making exceptions to the rule by way of waivers for their political friends that support them at the polls. There hard line, Communist way of thinking only applies to us, my Tea Party friends.
   It's time to speak loud and clear, Silent majority! Cause if you don't speak now, You won't have the freedom of choice to speak louder later. It really is that serious!     Just sayin'.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


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    I can almost feel the pain and anguish suffered by the totally innocent people who were victims of the Osama Bin Laden terrorist attacks on 9/11,2001. I try to put myself in the place of the passengers aboard the airliner that hit the first twin tower.
     The sudden anguish at realizing their last moment of life was about to end and not even having the time to wonder why. Gone in the wink of an eye! None of which were responsible for the affairs of the world except to go to work to pay their bills. Then the despair of the people in the tower getting hit and not knowing how or why.
     The flames that prompted the people, some of them on fire, leaping to their deaths to escape the inferno and destruction. the shock suffered by the witnesses on the ground, just having to bear witness to the sight and screams that occurred at the same time.
    Then a repeat of the same to the other tower, and having to watch in shock and horror once again.
    The third plane flying into the Pentagon with similar, burning destruction.
    Once again the confusion,  pandemonium, pain and death to innocent lives.
    Lastly, The imposing, imminent pain, terror and death to the passengers of flight 93 who fought for their lives and those of the Capitol building they knew they were going to fly into if they didn't heroically resist. they did, and although losing there own lives in so doing, saved the lives of many others in Washington D.C.
Victims and Martyrs, innocent to be sure.
                                    AN ODE TO VICTIMS AND HEROES ALL.
   If I could pluck you from your resting places and hold your souls close to my heart, I would.
   If I could soothe the pain and anguish you suffered facing impending doom, I would.
   If I could only reason as to why the devil sent his evil doers to offend you, I would, but can't.
   But I can grasp your hearts and bless them as I yearn to hold them to my chest tonight so you can feel my heart beat for you as I slowly fall asleep.
   R.I.P. my beautiful friends, as I'm sure your Maker is taking good care of you.
   Just sayin'.

Friday, September 9, 2011


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   I've been recounting the behavior of Barack Obama since he officially took office early in the year of 2009.
   He immediately assumed the position of not only the president of the U.S., but as the President of  ""The New World Order." A ficticious position , but none the less a position that he took very seriously and hopes to achieve somewhere in the near future.
   Now lets look at him the way he was then.
   He was a confirmed Muslim, baptized their way and all that, and raised in a Muslim town in Indonesia. He was certainly taught the Muslim ways as a child and presumably lived with American grandparents who obviously had a different view of Capitalist America than the average american family than what we are familiar with here.
    I can't put enough emphasis on the fact I mentioned in an earlier blog that when you are raised a Muslim, you become a Muslim forever. The Muslim faith believes in this so strongly that they would rather put you to death than let you change.
   We have witnessed those "honor killings" right here in the U.S. as well as other countries around the world. There is no allowance for compromise.
The problem for him was, when he moved to the U.S., He could see no future in advancement in politics by proclaiming to be a Muslim, so he took up the role of Christian knowing he couldn't really abandon the
Muslim faith. What State did he decide to advance his political career in? Illinois! Specifically Chicago!
   There's no question as to the reputation of Chicago politics. The state is famous or infamous whichever you prefer, for producing the crookedest politicians in the world, let alone the country of the United States of America. Massachusetts seems to take up second place.
    Now feature him going to american colleges for further education that are the most extreme left wing as you can get, and what do you come up with? A typical anti-american with a voice we all wish for, the gift to read a teleprompter as though he's making up his speech as he speaks and a man who can convince and lie to you without any feeling of guilt. Because in the Muslim faith you are allowed to lie if it will further the cause of Islam.
   Believe me, he is not a Christian!
   You can look for a long time, but you will never find a man more self centered than Barack Obama. It's his intention to bring America to it's knees, never to have the ability to rise again as a free Capitalist nation.
   You cannot find a more egotistical,power-hungry man than him.
 The unions will be defeating everything they ever fought for if they follow the ways that Barack Obama has in mind for them.
    In his latest economic recovery speech, He said his 1/2 trillion dollar job recovery program will get americans back to work. He the added it wouldn't cost us anything. He's lying through his pearly white teeth! Since we already owe 14 trillion dollars we can't account for, where's he going to get it? It's going to come out of the pocket of every consumer like you and me no matter if he takes it from the "Rich".
   The "Rich" are going to get it back from us.
    His selfcenteredness has put him in the precarious position of trying to fulfill his greed for power that he is betwixt and between.
   The recent killing of Osama Bin Laden was not something he wanted to do. I believe he was confronted by his own appointees that day and virtually dragged kicking and screaming into the warroom to fulfill the task of ordering Bin Laden dead. I believe he had no choice under the circumstances.
    Now he has no choice but to achieve all the power he can get in order to survive between the Muslims and the Modern world.  He's fighting for his Greedy life! Beware of what he's capable of doing!!
    Just sayin'.