Friday, November 30, 2012


     On November, 2008, The Socialist/Democrats won the Congressional and Presidential Election in the United States of America.
     Almost immediately, early in 2009, They shut out the opposition by rushing behind closed doors, locking out the Republican opposition and passed sweeping changes in the way our Gov't would be run including the horrendous overhaul of our Medicare system and installing what's now called Obamacare.
     Obama began overriding our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, again ignoring our Congressional process entirely with Executive orders and appointing Atheists and Communists to his White House and Executive Staff.
     But the way the Socialist/Democrats commandeered total control and so quickly locked out the spokesmen for 49% of the population of this country was unprecedented in the history of our great nation.
     At first, everyone on both sides thought Barack Obama was a Christian "convert" from Islam.
     Gradually though, Obama and his Socialist/Democrats began to show their true colors with the intensity of the radical, bizarre changes in International and National policy.
     Signs of a possible future Dictatorship has begun to rear it's ugly head and even moreso since the Atheists have begun a second term.
     Now look at Egypt. In today's Skagit Herald.
     Islamists on Thursday,rushed to approve a draft Constitution for Egypt's newly established Dictatorship without the participation of Liberal and Christian members, aiming to pre-empt a court ruling that could dissolve their panel and further inflaming the clash between the opposition and Dictator Mohamed Morsi.
    The draft of the Charter, meant to determine a new political identity for Egypt, after 60 years of rule by Authoritarian leaders,(Dictators) has an Islamic bent that 'Rights' experts say could lead to restrictions by Muslim Clerics in legislation and freedom of speech, women's rights and other liberties.The exclusion of the Christian opposition was obvious in Thursday's session of the assembly that has previously been writing the document for a new Democracy for months when it still included the Liberal, Secular and Christian Opposition.
    Of this new "Closed door" meeting, the 85 attendees did not include one single member from the opposition. For weeks, the opposition, already a minority, had been objecting to the passage of the Islamic bent document.
    Voting had not been expected for another 2 months.
    Do you wonder where Dictator Morsi's advice may have come from, with him being an Islamic friend of Barack Obama's??  Just sayin'.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


      I understand from the News reports on Fox News that the Administration is intending to change the privacy law so they can, at will, read all personal Emails on the internet that are 6 months old or older.
      As it stands, I'm sure that Homeland Security is already capable of doing it with the sake of Homeland Security in mind. So what would be the other reason for doing this?
      It sounds like anyone in the Administration could then do it for any reason they wish.
      Doing such a thing means they would be free to launch personal vendettas against anybody they wish in order to "get even" sort of thing.
      I ask you, do you have the good faith that the politicians who just waged the dirtiest, degrading, dishonest campaign of their political lives to get re-elected by hook or by crook, should be trusted to read your emails with nothing but "Good intentions" in mind?....... Really??
     Try not to forget, especially with the plague of 'Short memory' syndrome that's going around right now, how much this "Clairvoyant" Administration has actually conducted International and the Nation's business 'strictly' behind closed doors for four full years. To my knowledge, none of the President's meetings on the Nations business have ever been recorded, particularly for the country's Electorate to hear.
     He's made a few remarks when someone left a microphone open by mistake with him not being aware of it, and to his regret every time. It was never something the General public in this country wanted to hear come from his mouth!
     Doesn't it appear strange to you that they never want us to hear what they've said behind closed doors, living off our tax money, spending our present and future tax dollars, some of it going to International Co.'s who are doing business with it outside of this Country, like General Electric owned by J.P. Morgan that doesn't pay one penny of tax to the U.S.?   Just askin'.   What say you???


     "Poor Illegal Alien families who come for emergency medical aid are always clean, well dressed and keep themselves properly maintained as a whole"
     "While poor white people who come for the same purpose are filthy, unbathed and undernourished"
     I'd like to suggest to that doctor to go a little further and investigate the amount the Federal and State Gov't.s contribute towards the Illegal Aliens who get free cell phones for their children, living quarters assistance, elec. bills paid, phone bills paid, food stamps and free college tuitions and cash assistance allowed per person.
     Just don't discriminate, and do it for the white people in the same fix.
     Not to say that's necessarily wrong, but then it would be appreciated if he would also do a feasibility study on how much the legal, poor white people get regardless of their conditions in comparison.
     I'm willing to bet the proportion of poor white people coming to the emergency room for treatment is far less and mostly consists of homeless folks who first of all, should be in proper Mental facilities instead of being unkempt and without proper facilities on the streets. WE ARE IRRESPONSIBLE BY NOT TAKING CARE OF THEM!
     I, having been in poor health for various reasons, have frequented the emergency rooms many more times than I would liked to have, seen many more Illegal Alien families of 5 or more in the emergency rooms than sincerely poor, white people who were in obviously desperate need of help. By the way, during those times I was in those emergency rooms, the only ("white trash" people as he referred them as being,) needing help that I saw were clean enough to sit next to me and without objection.
     For this doctor to imply that this means White people in comparison to Illegal Alien families are taking better care of themselves, is a falsehood.
     Our Disillusioned Leaders at this point in time are responsible for the difference this doctor sees in the emergency room.
     The Illegal Aliens and their families, through our legally paid taxes that we have a shortage of at this moment in time, are comfortably BEING TAKEN CARE OF BY US, not by themselves.
     The discrepancy in financial equality between races here is so outlandish it's despicable.
     You don't have to be a genius here to recognize the imbalance between Gov't. supporting people who don't legally belong in our country, and the lack of support for the ones that do.
     For Barack Obama and his "Well Oiled Atheistic Machine" to have the nerve to accuse the White people of the United States of America of being discriminatory, is barely short of a heinous crime.
     The hypocrisy here is unbelievable. Just sayin'. What say you??

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


     2013 will soon be here. Medicare at present, provides medical coverage for us, both Part A and Part B.  Obamacare kicks in on Jan. 1st, 2013. Because of our income we presently qualify for both. We both have serious, ongoing illnesses that we wish weren't there, but they are.
     Our incomes haven't changed and will remain the same for 2013. My secondary coverage will be dropped and I'll be required to pay for secondary insurance.
     Obama promised us that the Elderly on Medicare would not be affected by Obamacare when it kicks in. He practically hollered at the microphone when he said it. WE WOULD NOT BE AFFECTED! PERIOD! Remember that?  Republicans will remember, Democrats probably won't. (If for no other reason, for convenience sake.)
     Today I received notification from the State that due to an increase in household income, that I will be dropped from Medicare Part B.
     Because an increase in Social Security of 1.7% will also increase, it tells me I'm over the limit. However, there also will be an increase of 1.7% in Social Security tax and that, unfortunately, will not increase the net amount my Social Security income will be to the household. But again, unfortunately through some real intense Gov't 'think tank' conclusion, our income to the household is calculated at not net income, but gross pay before deductions. Make sense?
     In my case, my increase will be 16 dollars but the increased deduction will also be 16 dollars, giving me zero increase. See what I mean Vern? ( Straight out of Chicago Gangster thinking.)
     Sometime in the near future, Obama will say he increased our Social Security!!
     On the same page that they announced my change, it exempts all illegal aliens and felons.(prisoners).
     They will continue to get all the Federal and State assistance they are currently getting, and are exempt  from having to require secondary insurance for prescription coverage. ( There could be as many as 20 million Illegals in this country)
     I am now required by law, to seek secondary insurance to cover myself, which I, unfortunately, have no additional income to do it.
     And by the way, Obama sat down with AARP, an Insurance conglomerate that for years has donated big money in the past to the Democratic campaigns including Obama's, and who receives large amounts of federal assistance by way of it's claim to be non-profit, and directed AARP to plan Obamacare.
     Very much like paying the burglar to make the bank burglar proof, Don't you think?
     AARP made it mandatory for All Americans (Except Racial minorities, Illegal Aliens and felons of course. ) to have to supply their own prescription coverage by the date, Dec. 7th, 2012. (An Insurance Co.'s dream come true.)
     You may wonder if it's reverse discrimination against the Old folks of this country simply for living this long, wouldn't you?
     And by the way, the lady at the State doesn't seem to be answering her phone or returning phone calls either. Just sayin'.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


     For a moment, please attempt to place yourself in a neutral, moral, judging position where at the end of it all, you can decide whether the truth counts or not.
     Now for me, I've already defined what I believe is the difference between a flat out lie where someone may suffer because of it, and B.S.,where no one is hurt and for the sake of entertainment to get a laugh.
     You determine for yourself what is a serious lie, or just B.S.
     In politics, where you go to the bother of enjoying your "Sacred" right to vote, Don't you think it's important to you that the person you're voting for is sincere to you, and fully intends to fight for the things you and he or she supposedly believe in?
      Don't you think there should be no secrets from you in his official capacity?    
      Should he or she "ever" keep that information from you? When you request to know, Should a misleading answer to avoid telling you be appropriate, and you know it's not answering the question, should you be satisfied with that? If you find out down the road a ways, that they undoubtedly "lied" to you, can you really convince yourself that they're telling you the truth, simply because you don't "want" to believe they "lied" to you? He or she must be honest, you voted for them! Is that what you think?
     Okay, so out of the kindness of your heart, you give them a pass. After all, you yourself have probably presented someone in the past with a "lack of  knowledge" and "dodged a bullet", so to speak.
     You've put your heart and soul into believing the person representing "you" would not deceive you.
     He has an honest smile, opens the door for you and yours, and has sworn an oath with his hand on the bible to uphold the laws of the Country and according to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, so help him God! Or did he even put his hand on the bible?
     So through the Press, when the representatives are asked about the affairs of Gov't, you would at least expect to get a straight answer, "Yes or no" or even a maybe. But it's not there! It consistently never is! And you begin to have your doubts as to whether or not this person you voted for is really intent on leading the Country, your country, in the manner in which he promised?
     Or did he have, along with a special interest group that steers him from the shadows,but were never elected, be intending with ideas in mind for you and I that will take us in a direction we weren't intending to go? Since they aren't telling you anything you want to know with a straight answer, you start to inquire more and more. Where are they taking us?
     The more you inquire, the more they avoid answering you. Although it's your taxpayer dollars they're operating on, and your business to be informed as a voter, they hold ALL of their meetings, Internationally and otherwise, behind closed doors. (We have yet to hear a total conversation, EVER recorded, from behind closed doors with this Administration.) I doubt the conversations are ever recorded!
     To think they would have the boldness, the audacity to take the position that we don't NEED to know!
     Mind you now, it's our money, our Gov't and regardless of our political stances, "We still don't need to know!!"
     So you look into things on your own, to try and determine where the truth is. If no one's going to tell you, and as our nation grows closer to bankruptcy with the hundreds of billions of dollars disappearing into nowhere, "We don't need to know."
    Congratulations to the folks that re-elected a President who, aside from his very "Rich Atheist Billionaires," who direct him from the "Well Oiled, well heeled Machine."
    There's a comment option at the bottom of this blog.
    Can anyone tell me without lying, where he is taking this Country? And don't forget who told you to tell me. Because I want to know, so I can quit guessing.
     Oh, and another thing. Please don't B.S. either!! It's no laughing matter! Just sayin'.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


      Yes, I can live with my mistakes the way I remember them. I even try not to distort them to suit my conscience, which by following the line of least resistance, it's too easy to do.
      I can face what truth belongs with them and the consequences of remembering them. But, in order to deal with mistruths and distorted memories inspired by another, I refuse to allow myself to hear them if I can, and I do.
     I can only separate from those folks by not exposing myself to them and their unpleasantries. I do regret the differences.
     But hurt me once , shame on them, hurt me twice, shame on me.
     I only desire to hear or speak what I believe to be the truth and whatever accompanies it. Be it morally or politically. I feel that's fair.
     Thankfully, I have many friends who accept me for the man I am, and my expression in my beliefs. They come from different walks of life and backgrounds, but basically they are all sincere in whatever they do believe, and we all seem to be comfortable with it.
     I can live the rest of my life being satisfied with that.
     Not for the first time, I resort to my favorite prayer.
                              THE PRAYER OF SERENITY.
                            GOD GRANT ME THE SERENITY


     The main principle of Control for any Dictatorship is to render the masses incapable of resistance.
     In order to do it to a "Free" nation as large as ours is to do it methodically, as silently as possible over an extended period of time. It would have to be done by an International group such as "The United Nations". and or the "New World Order".
     The first step by them, is to see to it that the nation that is already protected by a "Constitution and Bill of Rights" no longer has the capability to decide for it's own by Democratic means involving the voter's and their representatives being granted the power to decide what happens to the taxpayer's dollars. In other words, take that ability away from every common man,women and child.
     Once that is accomplished, they will muffle our protests with unconstitutional mandates requiring us to not assemble in public places or behind closed doors.
     But it has to be done by subversive means to avoid revolution. Why? Because under the Constitution and Bill of Rights, every citizen is allowed to bear arms, and we do.
     So the next step is to disarm the common people, so all they can do is throw rocks and Molotov cocktails. (Like Egypt right at this very moment. If you're not watching FOX NEWS on a regular basis, you may not be aware of it) The people just had Democracy yanked out from under their nose by a Dictator promoted by President Obama. A Democracy yet in it's infancy and not even allowed to grow from it. A dictatorship that is due to receive 1.5 billion dollars in U.S. "Aid." Will Obama give it anyway? Well, let's watch and see.
     In a sudden move, after the Announced Dictatorship and suspension of civil rights to the people by Mohamed Morsi of Egypt, the United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back talks on a treaty in the United Nations to regulate arms sales as long as it would be by consensus. Consensus means "Unanimous vote".
     This overturns the former position taken previously by the United States. An unprecedented decision at that. Since the previous position was to leave it up to the individual members of the U.N.
     On Wednesday also, President Obama took the first major step to ban all firearms in the United States. This of course will not take them out of criminal hands, since he has been known to sell them to the Drug Cartels through his pet program,"Fast and Furious." Something he refuses to discuss.
     He intends to enforce gun control on legitimate citizens through the signing of International treaties set up by the United nations and/or the "New World Order." (Depending on what name they want it to have.)
     The Obama Administration can use the State Dept. to bypass the normal 'legislative" process in Congress.
     All of this, mind you, is fully supported by "The Well Oiled Machine" who, in case you haven't realized it yet, is the "real force" behind Barack Obama and worse yet, with the use of the taxpayer's money.
     In defiance of the 2nd Amendment, he's going to try to get this done before the U.S. Citizens even  understand what has happened.
     While cloaked in secrecy, his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, without the knowledge of the American people, will commit the United States to International treaties and foreign gun control laws.
     By doing it this way, it means that they will bypass any Media controversy or votes in Congress. A treaty will be signed that prohibits firearms and ammunition by manufacturers to the public. However, the "Black market" in firearms will continue.
     As sure as Obamacare is forced on us, so will gun control be.
     The last thing I want to happen is to see us lose our way of life as we've had it in the past. But if you don't recognize this information the way I've presented it to you, that's exactly what will happen!
     At least listen to the warnings.    Just sayin'.


                                              (Revised 11/28/13)
      A personal friend, knowing I moved here from Canada, Emailed some questions that were asked of him by another transplanted Canadian to our Country. So here they are:
     How does it make sense that a President who wants to be re-elected to help the redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor, reap the donations from a $35,000.00 a plate dinner and not give a dime of it to the poor?
     How can the President, who is Black, have a Chief Advisor who is black, an Attorney General who is black, a U.N. Ambassador who is Black, claim there is discrimination by the White race towards the African-Americans in this country when 18% of the Government workforce is Black, and the general population is only 12% Black?
     How could the President have the two persons most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the I.R.S., and Charles Rangel, who is Black and was once Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, both admitted tax cheats, be in favor of higher taxes instead of being in jail?
     How, in America, can the President be friends with and condone Terrorist Muslims who kill people in the name of Allah, and have the "Left" Main Media fretting that the normal citizens would offend the Muslims in the world by speaking out against these acts?
     How, in America would the President want to make people who desire to become American citizens, wait for years in their home countries, pay tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars for the privilege while he wants to gift Amnesty to Illegal Aliens who sneak into the country in the tens of millions?
     How, in America, could the people who believe in balancing the budget and living within the legal boundaries of the Constitution, be referred to by the President as "Extremists"?
     How, in America,Could you be required to present I.D. to buy a drink, but not to register to vote? Which would you think is the most important?
     How, except for handsome Campaign contributions, could the President promote a Company such as G.E. whose ownership is controlled by an International Co. like J.P.Morgan, and not pay a dime in U.S. taxes?
     How, but in America, could the President collect more Tax dollars from it's common citizens than any other nation in history and still spend a Trillion dollars more per year than it takes in? A spending of 7 million dollars a minute and still complain that the Gov't. doesn't have enough money?
     How, but only in America, could the "Rich" people of America, who currently pay 86% of all income taxes, be accused of not paying their "fair" share? Especially by a President who got himself re-elected by mostly people who pay no income taxes at all? 
      How, but only in America, could a Foreign Muslim, come to the United States, be elected President, be sworn into office by promising to abide by the rules of the Constitution as required in "The Oath of Office", then turn around and attempt to disobey every bit of it by issuing "illegal executive orders", remain in office?
     Just sayin'.

Friday, November 23, 2012


      Well, isn't that a surprise. Especially when our President backed the Leader of the Revolution, Mohamed Morsi, by announcing Morsi would be leading the nation into a new, infant Democracy, and that's why he was supporting him financially and otherwise.
     If you have been watching Fox News, and if you haven't, you certainly should be, in order to get ALL of the news, not just some of it, you would have suspected at the time that Al Qaida was leading the Revolution all along. There were Al Qaida flags being displayed all over the place. Us folks on the Right were screaming it as loud as we could that the President was not telling the truth!
     Everybody at Fox News with one eyeball and two gonads knew it, and predicted it. Could be some of the women did too!
     But Obama will claim he didn't, and he backed the Rebels as though in good faith, but knowing better. That'll be as close to admitting he was deceived as he'll get.
     Morsi has now officially announced that he personally is taking complete control of the country as a Dictatorship and he will set the rules.
     Are you Ideologue Lefties still going to deny your dream of Marxist/Communism for the future of this Country? I mean, when you are confronted with it, you steadfastly deny it as though the person asking is a fool! "Oh, no! It's just a better kind of Democracy!" one guy told me, as though he sincerely believed it was true. "It's better than what have now." He knew that I knew he was lying! There is no Marxist/Socialist nation in the world that has ever lived better than we have under our form of Democracy. NONE!!
     Can anyone please show me where in the World Socialism is better right now? Does lie after stinking lie, make things better?  Since when can any time Barack Obama stands before a crowd and flat out tells a lie, that you can term it anything but what it is? It's a LIE, Folks.
     At least have the guts to stand up and tell the story for what it really is! Just quit LYING about it!
     Right now, you "would be Do-Gooders" are even lying to yourself, and that's only because somewhere along the line, there's Taxpayer's money in it for you! But for Goodness' sake, Don't lie!! Just sayin'.


Thursday, November 22, 2012


     He , through a good, religious based upbringing, assumed most others were sincere, as he is.
     He raised his family to believe the same thing, as he did.
     He believed that through smart thinking in handling his financial affairs, he could become rich, he did.
     His friends choose him and he assumed he could trust them, he did.
     He, knowing past history of the nation, thought people would believe in his faith in God, We did.
     Were these mistakes?
     The only mistake he made was not recognizing the dishonesty, insincerity and Deviltry that has infiltrated the very core of our "used to be Great" Society and way of life that was previously maintained by our Judeo/Christian beliefs.
     We have, through the sincerity and naivety that comes with God wanting us to trust others, allowed the Atheists to slip into the folds of our Society to the point that all of those beliefs we trusted ourselves with, really don't count anymore.
     Because with Atheism comes Marxism and Communism and the notion that sincerity, honesty and trust aren't part of the human conscience anymore. They aren't needed because God no longer exists and  punishment doesn't either, as long as you don't get caught. With Atheism infiltrating our Upper Courts, getting caught and convicted can be, and does, get overturned by Leftist Judges.
     It's sad to think about it, but it seems we, as believers in a Supreme existence, are becoming pushed aside by the Atheist bullies who have picked just the man to fill the bill, Barack Hussein Obama. Who through all of this, even in his elected position as "Trusted" President of the United States, has managed to never answer a question "Yes or No", or face an honest Press or expose any of his meetings with the rest of the World when held totally behind closed doors, in order that we don't know exactly what he has said or intended to do. I mean, NEVER!! He has gotten, and is getting away with it as we speak.
     This is truly a mysterious man who won his re-election based on the most dishonest, filthy language, degrading of the opposition in the history of this United States of America.
     It stinks of corruption, and will smell of rot for all the while he is in power. Even the people who assisted him are remaining silent as they lament on the way they lowered themselves to disgrace a perfectly good man like Mitt Romney who only wanted to do well for the common, "willing to work" folks of our nation. There's not one lick of evidence to prove otherwise.
     It's my wish they fumigate the White House when he, (Obama) leaves.
     Mitt didn't need anymore money, he just loves the United States of America in a patriotic, caring way.
     Please don't give me the crap that Obama won the election honestly. He got there on the backs of the Illegal Aliens and felons who in the tens of millions, were allowed to register to vote when they shouldn't have been allowed to. We know it, and so does he and his sardonic smile.
     Thank you Mitt Romney!! You are a good, honest, caring man that the bus driver "didn't" see.
     Happy Thanksgiving to all of the God-loving people of the world. Just sayin'.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012


      After 4 years of being a complete failure at establishing peace in the world and encouraging just the opposite here throughout America, such as Community Organizing the Wall street Occupiers and receiving the hypocritical Nobel "Peace" Prize, Barack has decided to wave his magic wand for peace in Gaza. Of course he has to establish peace in the rest of the world first.
      He does it by means of boarding Air Force One, flying as high as he can get so one of the Hamas misguided missiles don't accidentally hit him by mistake, making speeches from the heavens as though he is Mohammed and Community Organizing the very important country of Myanmar in preparation for "The New World Order"
      Being far too busy to be distracted by the "slight" disagreement that's taking place between Israel and the Palestinian Terrorists called Hamas, (He tries to avoid the word "Terrorists", though.) he has more important things to tend to.
      I don't have to avoid the word "Terrorist" yet, that is, if the U.S. Constitution is still intact. (You never know what could happen with that, in the next 4 years,)
     But hey!! He did send his "Retiring" Secretary of State Hillary to save the day over there!! Having partaken in every "Peace" march that really meant anything when it came to Media attention throughout her war torn life in the Bill Clinton draft dodging years, and having relived every tragic, major battle ever fought since 1940, why wouldn't he send an expert such as her??
     After your's truly talked to an 'Active' nuclear scientist vacationing with folks here for Thanksgiving, he sounded "Very concerned" over Iran's nuclear capability. He put it this way, "They have all the means to build a nuclear bomb. They only need the material to do it, and how do we know they don't already have that?" It was extremely discouraging, believe me.
     To be honest about it, which both Barack and Hillary rarely are, the sending of Hillary to Israel at this time was a slap in the face to Prime Minister Netanyahu. After several 'rude' encounters in which Barack displayed his displeasure of Netanyahu's dislike for the behavior of 'Hamas' and Iran's intentions to "Wipe Israel off the map", Barack wants us to believe that he stands behind Israel no matter what, but believes Israel is wrong in this confrontation with his (Barack's) Muslim friends. He expressed his displeasure by cancelling a meeting with the Prime Minister after he had traveled all the way from Israel to discuss the situation with Barack. He even snubbed him in the hallway of the White House! The Prime Minister left for Israel, embarrassed and empty handed.
      Don't you think at least Michelle owes him an apology as the "First Lady"? Or even Valerie Bowman Jarrett, or Commander of the "Well oiled Machine", Atheist George Soros?
      In case you think Obama isn't in frequent contact with Iran, he is! Valerie Bowman Jarrett is a very close friend of, first Michelle before Michelle met Barack, and Barack after that. She was the first and longest lasting Adviser to the President appointed after his swearing in ceremony. She was immediately hired as his Chief Adviser in Governmental Affairs. She was born in Iran to African American parents, spent her childhood there, speaks the language fluently and is a constant "go between" with Barack and Iran, being a citizen of Iran as well. ( Read the book,"The Amature" Written by Edward Klein.)
      Ever wonder how those "Highly classified Military secrets" have been falling into Iran's hands lately?
      Being careful not to accuse, All I'm saying is, Weigh all of the possibilities!!
     You see, Obama has recently been talking out of both sides of his mouth as usual. To the American people, "Israel will always be our strongest Ally" and to the rest of the Islamic people of the world, " Israel is encroaching on Palestinian territory, so they must learn to get along, by Israel abandoning the Gaza Strip." All of this of course, from the "Mohammed Heavens" in Air Force One! (Get ready for another "Nobel Peace Prize!!)
     To keep things clear so far, Hamas started firing at Israel first "FROM" the Gaza Strip. Capish?? The Palestinians KNOW Barack is religiously and favorably on their side, by withholding the Military aid from the U.S. that Israel so urgently needs to repel the attacks from the Palestinian Terrorists.
     He will never make a decision that would offend Mohammed!!
     Surely to "Our" God, you understand that!!!   Just sayin'.

Monday, November 19, 2012


      The rent is currently $1,200.00 per month. The Landlord, not wanting to get out of favor with his tenants, is intending to raise the rent to $1,600.00 per month. So he sends out a notification that he's intending to raise the rent, but due to his understanding that the economy is headed for dire straits, he is going to work with the tenants by giving them a rent cut of 10%.
      "Oh, Goodie!", says the tenant. "That's kind of him, don't you think?" to an adjoining tenant. "Now I can afford to stay! In fact, now I can go ahead and buy the new car with that kind of news!"
     The tenant, in his excitement, runs out and buys the vehicle.
     Expecting to see the next rent statement lowered to 10% less than $1,200.00 = $1,080.00, the next bill comes and it is surprisingly at $1,560.00 "Wow," says the tenant, "the Landlord lied to us." The tenant confronts the landlord. "Why did you lie to us?" "I didn't lie to you. I just forgot to tell you I was raising it first." But I did subtract the cut from the new amount, didn't I?" "After all, I have to balance my budget after all those necessary trips around the world I took in the last four years." "I did give you a rent cut in my way of thinking." Don't believe the story. I only used it to show how ridiculous it could be. That's not what Landlords do. But do you think it's fair that Barack Obama should do it? Do you really??
     That's the way all your tax cuts are going to be from Barack Obama, by the way. You see he purposely increased the amount of the future budget allowance to make it look like your're getting a Tax cut. The tax cut you voted for was already added to the budget ahead of time. Capeesh? Just sayin'.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


               Read my blogs on twitter     George McNaughton@George McNaughto
      It is to me, too. Between the confused voter and the manipulated, Leftist Courts, this arrogant man has laughingly made it that way.
     There obviously isn't anyone of judicial stature with the guts to stop him, or wants to.
     I'm honestly beginning to think the Obama supporters and voters DO know what's going on and DO want it that way. There just can't be anybody who can walk and chew gum at the same time that believes otherwise.
     As I write this blog, It's unbelievable to observe the organized confusion of the General populace and the mind bent thinking that's going on in Congress and the White House.
     Until now. Having been in sales for a lot of years, I attended several seminars held by "Experts" who wrote books on the subject. Demonstrations were used on some of the attendees being used as "customers", with the technique of helping the undecided buyer to buy now rather on whether they wanted to ponder on the purchase a little longer by going home and discussing it, so they wanted to be sure of what they were purchasing. In my case, I was in the business of selling mobile homes. It's a step that people take, much like-site built homes in the respect that, they would be spending a good part of their lives in one, and the purchase could mean financing over 15, 20 or 25 years. Unlike paying cash or financing a car over 5 years, then buying another one.
     The decision requires much more consideration. The course was to sell "today" or "blow them out the door" so they could tend to another potential buyer waiting in the lobby.
     Anyway, the seminars were more focused on "Quick sell" techniques that turned out to be a huge failure in the sale of mobile homes. In these courses, the instructors, who had no history of selling mobile homes, ( Albeit we were selling basically to the same customers as car buyers) would demonstrate the "Quick-sell" by "stand them up, spin them around 3 times til they were 'balance' confused", sit them back down and try to convince them that if they bought, today, they'd get the home for less money than if they came back another time and talked to another amateur sales person who didn't have the "in" with the owner like this salesman did! "But you need to buy today".
     It worked well in the car business, but not in a more serious transaction, such as a home.
     The salesmen who claimed to have done well in the car business using that method soon found they were doing lousy in the home sales.
     Yes, they convinced more people to sign their name on the dotted line of the earnest money, and they would leave a check for $1000 dollars behind to secure the belief they wanted to buy. But State law had something to say about that, and it wasn't long before all earnest monies were deemed back to the buyer no matter what, if they wanted to back out.
     Now all the salespeople who followed the "quick sell" method fell out of favor with the customers who were lined up demanding their deposits back due to going home after the sale. Realizing the consequences of being rushed into a purchase before they were truly ready to buy. A lot of the remaining customers were turned down because of bad credit and the sales company was no further ahead financially than if they had just let the customer go home with a good feeling that they wanted to come back to the salesperson who treated them so nicely. They also had to put up with the rush of paperwork involved in returning the money.
     The good, well established sales companies who knew better than to try the "slam dunk" method flourished by tending to the buyers properly and gaining their trust before writing up an earnest money and then getting the buyer qualified at a bank first. The buyers had no qualms about signing the earnest money once they were notified by the salesperson of the approval.
     Many of the "Quick sell" companies went the way of the dinosaur.
     I tell this story because the "Quick sell"worked for Obama and his bunch just as it did at first for the two-bit salesmen who didn't make it. You followed his lead and gave him your money. He'll relish the money he intends to get through raising your taxes. The big difference is though, try getting your money back when this Phony from Kenya is through giving it away. Good luck on that one!!! Just sayin'.

Friday, November 16, 2012


     Well, here we go again, the "hide in the shadows" President has lied, is lying and will continue to lie as long as the Sheeple let him do it. What's new after all?
     Four gallant, loyal Americans operating at the pleasure of the President are Slaughtered by Al Qaeda with the President being glaringly aware it was happening.
     In order to honor and not offend the Muslim faith he was sworn into, and to not place his own cowardly life in danger because of it, he assured the Radical Terrorists it is okay to butcher and maim non Muslims should they feel the need to do so in the name of Mohammed.
    Congratulations, Lefties. You have just re-elected an Al Qaeda friend to another 4 years at the Helm of steering our Sacred Military, as well as the U.S. of America.
    An American death means nothing to this man as he continues his journey to the top of the World. He has only one fear, and that is for his own life should he upset the Islamic faith. He will not put his own life on the line to take up arms for any reason against the Radical Muslims. Death at the hands of Mohammed  would be his ultimate end if he did. He just can't feature being slaughtered and dragged through the streets as he has allowed to be done to our beloved Americans, who by the way, were there under his watch. ( On live, real time video at that!)
    "Christian" convert be damned. He never was, and never will be. Truly, he's an Atheist and a dedicated one who has totally surrounded himself with other very rich Atheists, with the promise they will permit him to be their puppet as the President of "THE NEW WORLD ORDER".
    I've written a previous blog about it just recently, including the "Trilateral Commission" and the "CFR" (Council on Foreign Relations).  A sophisticated think tank, on how the World would be governed by Marxist/Communism. All other objectors such as Christians including "Radical Muslims" and Unions will be dealt with only after that objective is met, but until then, they're beneficial and needed. Homosexuals will be dealt with by the Muslims first, not to my dismay.
    The "beyond control" Rich Atheists, who are above fearing future taxes, have found the perfect Narcissistic man to do the job, and he will probably succeed in concealing any move he makes in his attempt to advance. Such as he is doing right now as I write.
    Please understand, there is really nothing "radical" about me. I'm just a common guy who has lived his life in an adventurous, but "run of the mill", sometimes "redneck" lifestyle. I'm soon to be 76 years old, have suffered several life threatening illnesses, but I'm still here. Through it all, recognizing that my living is from day to day, and there's not much more time for nonsense, I realize a certain amount of clairvoyance in the irrational and rational behavior of people. My experiences of the past hare allowed me to see things without all the "decorations" that might disguise them. (I'm sure age has permitted a lot of others to do the same)
    "I clearly" see Barack Obama and his group for the "Phonies" that they are. With all of that, why shouldn't I, along with a whole lot of others, be concerned about one of the few things that are so valuable to us all, who believe in God and his guidance through the Sacred "Declaration of Independence," The "U.S. Constitution" and the "Bill of Rights"? Got a problem with that??
     Just sayin'.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


     Until the U.S. Gov't. of "We the People" (That is, if their still is one) decides to take matters of our country's economics firmly in hand, the real production machine in this country will continue to be non-exist for years to come.
     By this time, it's no secret how the situation here came to be as desperate as it is. We have allowed, through lack of common sense regulation, our nation to lose control of our own natural resources. How? Well, we only have to refresh ourselves in the history of the growth of industry in the U.S. before and after the turn of the 20th century.
     You'll see the struggle that took place between the Major Entrepreneurs that blossomed into the greatest Industrial Revolution in the history of the modern World at the time. Except for the dispute of wages in exchange for labor, (Growing Unions versus Owners,) the country flourished. There was the inexhaustible thirst for oil, steel, building materials, electric power for the cities and industries and the labor required to produce it all.
     Narcissism and ego became the state of mind of the various successful owners of each industry. The race for the richest man in the world was on. All to the benefit of all parties involved.
     The main players at the time were J.D. Rockefeller, rich from oil because of the need for kerosene so important to coal oil lamps around the world, J.P. Morgan for railroads, shipping and later, electricity production with the help of Thomas Edison, (already famous for discovering electricity, inventing such things as the cylinder phonograph, incandescent bulb, movie camera, telegraph, carbon microphone, Stencil duplicator and the distribution of electricity through power plants. ) and last but not least, Andrew Carnegie for the production of Steel.
     Why was the whole country so successful in it's growth?  Because all of the raw materials and finished products were produced, refined and sold right here for our own use before ever being considered for shipment to other countries. In most cases, anything shipped out of this country was a finished product. The dollar became strong and remained that way because for every dollar printed, there was a product to represent it. I refer to it as a productive dollar.
     The productive dollars stayed here and the economy of the country thrived, as a whole.
     Moreover, Labor unions came into being because of the greed of the main players, (the entrepreneurs) who were in their own personal race to be the richest man in the world. It wasn't just to be rich, because they already were, beyond imagination. But the less they paid, the richer they became.
     Because of that personal greed, Labor unions were necessary to help the workers in their quest to improve their living standards as well. Why not?
     Also after the turn of the century, Henry Ford improved the development of automobile mass production of the Model 'A'.
     Until then, only the more well off folks could afford a car, causing a definition between the Haves' and Have-Nots. Henry Ford made the Model 'A' affordable for the average citizen creating a closer bond between Neighborhoods and cities.
     In my estimation, there is a tremendous difference between the Industrialists of old, and the ones we have now. The Industrialists of then were also in their own way, wanting to see the U.S. of America,  a nation to be proud of as a leader in Industrial nations.
     The International Corporations of today don't give a darn about national loyalties. Therefore they have totally eliminated the need for an American production Country in exchange for cheaper labor in China and the Third World countries by shipping the raw materials directly out of the country with no need to refine them here.
     Only well thought, well placed legislation can turn that around. We can start,(With a new Gov't., of course and the elimination of the current EPA.) as a "Gov't of the people" once again, place regulations restricting raw materials from leaving this country and requiring finished products to be produced here.
     We are in the very unique position of having all the natural resources needed to accomplish that task and becoming totally sufficient to survive once again as the most productive nation in the world, instead of coming under the control of the "NEW WORLD ORDER" that is inevitably to become a Communist dominated Dictatorship.
     Unless we do something soon. that's what Barack Obama and the Atheist, "Well Oiled Machine" is planning for us. As I mentioned in a previous blog, everyone reading this should also read the intentions of "THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION" that can be found on the internet. Wikipedia. The familiar names you will see will take your breath away.   Just sayin'.

Monday, November 12, 2012


      Why did we "this", and why did we "that". Why can we NEVER get a direct answer "Yes or "No"  from the Atheists that supposedly "Won" the election?
      Maybe if we had compromised a little more on our own principles, we might have won? Well let me say this; Compromise on what? That is, without giving up some of our moral principles, which we are already supposed to be entitled to anyway.
      And what were they, the Atheists going to compromise on, giving in on some of the Anti-God mandates that they've already established and passed into law against the will of the diverse religious people who comprise of  80 % of the population?
      Don't you see something wrong with this?  I do!!
      We didn't lose this election to the Atheists because they outnumbered us, they obviously don't. What Obama and his "Well Oiled Machine", comprised of very rich Atheists did, was pay out an obscene amount of your present and future taxpayer dollars to the union leaders and illegal Aliens who, on Sunday, take their families to church on the pretense they believe in God's principles, and on Monday ask for, and take financial support from the Gov't that throws Religious people under the bus on the other 6 days of the week. The atheists don't do it through compassion, because it's not their money. it is after all, ours. They only want their vote. period.
      They the voters, aren't Atheists, they normally mean well, but they fear if they vote against those Atheists, they will lose their benefits and consequently, their security.
      There's no doubt in my mind that these people mean well, but when it comes to their immediate future, and no jobs to go to, that would exceed the income they now receive for sitting at home.
      They just aren't there, because the International Multi-Corporations have moved them permanently to China or other 3rd World Countries. We are at the mercy of those Corporations such as G.E. since they have no loyalties to any country in particular, including the United States. It's strictly business, nothing personal.
      Besides, the tens of millions of illegal Aliens that have been promised amnesty if they vote in favor of the Atheist backed Obama, of course are going to, regardless of conscience, and they did, without interference of law.
      So what compromise can we make on our moral principles that we haven't already? There really are none. Can we agree to believing in half a God, or half a cross, or half a rosary. or half a confession and maybe half a forgiveness for our sins? Of course we can't.
     So forget about sending the illegals back, the damage is done, but through your churches and Non-Muslim religions that comply with the ten commandments, the Constitution and Bill of rights, teach them in private schools where they can be convinced there is a God as they don't do now in Public schools. Most of all, teach them the importance of economics and what makes a dollar worth a dollar instead of 40 cents.
     Until we wrench them away from the current Public school system and perverted thinking College professors waiting for them afterwards, it's going to get worse.
     Only when Obama and his "Well Oiled Machine" are truly brought to light and taken down to the size they really are, will they call for compromise. By then, we won't need to.
     The only failure in this election, was in not putting enough emphasis on how much he did, and does lie. He is a disgraceful, Narcissistic liar who to this day, can't tell the truth about his past.  Just sayin'.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


      Freedom from Communism and Nazism. Thank you for being there when the victims of those tyrants  were being assailed and slaughtered simply for the sake of Total control.
      There is no reward great enough to compensate for the sacrifices you made!
      God bless you all, for those wanting to do it selflessly for the sake of freeing others, and those required to do it through the mandated draft. You still did it. Thanks again!!
      To my father,  John Duncan McNaughton, a machine gunner in the First World War and the Home Guard in WW11.
      To my brothers late and present, thank you Stanley, Duane, Lorence and Jack. To my nephews,  Robert and Kenneth, and all of my friends, past and present who choose to defend as well, thank you!
      Hats off to those who were willing to offer their lives, but fortunately didn't have to. We love you.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


      I have been witness to, and hope to never witness again, a mysterious foreigner from Kenya wage the most dishonest, hate mongering campaign to be re-elected to the Presidency that I cannot believe will ever happen again in my lifetime. at least 150 million people are as stunned as I am, so I'm by no means, alone. The other 150 million are in need of getting their noses operated on to recover their sense of smell, and they're not going to like it either.
      Along with the fear of losing some of the friends and relatives I love, the turmoil it's caused among the families of friends I've come to know, and the killings of our brave patriots in Benghazi that could have been prevented by a cowardly, Un-American President, I know now that I have seen everything! It's not pretty.
      It would be a waste of time to dwell on the facts that were obvious to too few Americans in the past. But that doesn't mean we can't prevent it from happening again. Not that we will be able to prevent what the educators will continue to do in the next four years, but as we come to our senses through that period and produce teachers with more compassion for the real past, instead of changing it to suit their Atheistic means of Communist control, we can revert back to the system of Democracy that's been so good to us in the past. You see, they think they have a plan that's better than ours, and with the notion they're a cut or two above our stupidity, we need to be led in what they think is a "New Direction". The new direction in their eyes, starts in Kindergarten.
      It's amazing how we've allowed them to fool us into being polite and silent while they, themselves, the large Corporations who grew to such an extent that they became bloated with financial, International power around the world instead of just one nation, ruled. Very subtly introducing the General populace to their Socialist, and then Marxist ways. First by infiltrating  the education process by Community Organizers within the unsuspecting, well meaning Unions who were first interested in getting a fair shake with the school boards and committees.
      Instead of well meaning motives, they injected dislike, and eventually hatred towards the hands that fed them. All the while preaching slogans such as, "Don't rock the boat" and "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." What a great way to advance an agenda that would suit their particular purposes, but least of all, yours as individuals. "Don't disagree, Honey. You'll embarrass someone." You get the drift!
      As a result, I doubt you'll find a leading educator in the Public School system that thinks in favor of individual rights such as the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights affords us all today. Not unless there's something in it for them, of course.
     "Shut up, and listen" would be more fitting to their kind of protocol.
     So if we are to survive the next 4 "Executive Order" years to where we can still have our individual rights to say our piece, the last thing we all want to do is, remain silent while they continue "Picking the Pockets" of the tax payers. Silence is not an option anymore, but a necessity.
      If Atheism is allowed to, they will hold our heads under water until the last breath of Individual air is gone!
     Right at this moment, there's a dog fight going on among the Conservative, "nice guy" pundits of the Fox News Media. Such as, "How did we lose?" or "What should Romney have said?" or "He wasn't aggressive enough!"  The fact is, it isn't what anybody in the Republican Party did wrong, and it's not what Obama did right, morally. It's simply what he and his campaign Did! It was rotten to the core with lies about anything that was effective in making so many Independents and Republicans stay home and not vote at all. Along with the millions of votes cast by people who registered but were't really legally qualified to vote without proper I.D. The folks that stayed home are the ones who were so totally confused by the Atheist lies they didn't know who to believe.
      And about the Benghazi murders, now that Obama is back in, he really doesn't give a rip what comes out about it, now he's re-elected, because he can control the Congress and Senate by "Executive Order" anyway. Why on earth should he care? But he will care if we all speak up and let him know we do!!
      Speak up, for God's sake!!     Just sayin'.

Friday, November 9, 2012


     It's easy. It wasn't anybody's fault on the Conservative side that caused the Election to turn out in Obama's favor. It's what the Main Media and the well trained manipulators on the left did, be it for better or for worse. I happen to think it was for worse.
     What did they do? Well first of all, how can you compete in an election financially, when you're competing against a man who has the financial input from International Corporations based in the rest of the modern Financial world? Who, by hook or by crook, produced unlimited resources through the Super funds system (Where the Obama Super fund committee doesn't have to claim where the money's coming from?) guaranteed by the "Well Oiled Machine" ( The Marxist/Atheists such as Billionaire George Soros. Atheist Bill Gates, Atheist Warren Buffet, Communist/Marxist Frank Marshall Davis, Atheist based "Midwest Academy"in Chicago founded by Atheist Saul Alinsky, Atheist William Ayers, the Iranian born, behind the scenes Valerie Bowman Jarrett as Obama's Chief Adviser on all Governmental Affairs and last but not least, THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION. ( Globally based "New World Order")which is strategically located in various countries around the world.
      Unless the readers at this point go to WIKIPEDIA and type in TRILATERAL COMMISSION, read the contents of it's 18 page documentary on "THE NEW WORLD ORDER, often twice, you probably won't understand what I've been trying to point out to you.
      Do it, or leave this page. To the rest of you who do, I will continue.
      The TRILATERAL COMMISSION was founded in 1973 by Atheist Democrat David Rockefeller and ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, with headquarters in New York, Paris and Tokyo.
      It is thought to be funded by the tax exempt giants like Ford, Lily Endowment, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Corporations such as Time,Bechtel, Exxon, General Motors,(Remember the Stimulus Loan?) and Wells Fargo.
     It's membership consists of past and present Presidents, Ambassadors, past and present Secretaries of State, Wall St. Investors, NATO and Pentagon Military Personnel, International Bankers, Foundation Executives, Main Media owners, University Presidents and Professors, Senators and Congressmen and women, Wealthy Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
     They established the CFR - (COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS), a highly paid think tank also founded by David Rockefeller (Chairman) and Zbigniew Brzezinski (Founding Director.)
     Then the TRILATERAL COMMISSION began organizing at the 3500 acre Rockefeller Estate in Tarrytown New York.
     It's existence is a proven fact as verified by such mainstream news sources like Time Magazine and the New York Journal etc.
     When confronted with it's authenticity, George Franklin, Jr. of the TRILATERAL COMMISSION, showed a dislike of the questioning of the global "NEW WORLD ORDER", and made the mistake of attempting to disguise it's intended objective.
     THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION has an official publication called TRIALOGUE.
     The publication is intended to point out the benefits of working the world in a manner that would simplify International co-operation in business dealings around the world.
     However, they are excluding the fact that the United States, the way it currently sits at the top of the heap and ahead of the rest of the modern world in it's normal way of life and how we have achieved and live it, all set-backs included, has nowhere to go but down. They do not address the complications it would cause in changing our "Sacred" Constitution as it now exists to a global one they would fashion to suit the world as a whole. It appears they really don't care about the way it would restrict individual rights the way they are intending the changes.
     If you think that isn't important to us in this futuristic thinking, you better think again!
     With the way the old industrial nations of the past and their treatment of the common man, as he worked and was rewarded then, it was considered when the Founding Fathers of this great Country drew up the U.S. CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS that we, as the common man, would be afforded our civil rights and freedom, and guaranteed them on legal documents. A Government designed to be ran by the people, of the people and for the people.
     It has worked great for 235 years, so why would we accept anything less, now??
     The likes of the rich Rockefellers and such didn't draw up this idea of a NEW WORLD ORDER for the sake of the common man, but for the simplification of running their International businesses. They obviously don't behave like the Great Entrepreneur, Walt Disney, who besides being an astute businessman, also had the pleasure of people in mind. ( You only have to take a trip on his one ride "Its' a small world" to appreciate his consideration of making people happy).
     For unions of any kind, you better consider what they have in mind for you, once they jump from the Democracy we have now to the Dictatorship they have in their thinking at the end of all of this.
     So anyone who isn't on the left, shortsighted thinking of the ledger, there may be a crumb or two extra for the backing you're giving Barack Obama at the moment, but you'll be out there begging for one when he's finished.
     To Fox News and the people in shock from the results of the Election, Romney did nothing wrong, the Conservatives did nothing wrong and there's nothing to be ashamed of for hoping for better results.
     It was the merciless, selfish people in the 'Well Oiled machine" who already knew the ploy of "THE NEW WORLD ORDER" and greedily think there's something in it for them if they can take this country down.
     Keep one thing in mind the next time you watch the victorious Barack Hussein Obama dance up the stairs of Air Force One with that grin on his face, heading overseas to meet with his Communist Colleagues, he's not doing it with the betterment of you in mind. He's not even thinking of the crying, cold and hurting folks on the East Coast as he stays comfy warm in what he considers his own, personal plane on his way to Europe. He really doesn't give a damn.    Just sayin'.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


       Well.....,I have. He is not going there to escape the problems here, and he's not about to tackle the problems over there either, although they have plenty more than we do here and definitely need solving by somebody somehow.
       Do you remember his open microphone promise to the Russian President that he would be more able to satisfy the wishes of the Russian President after he won his second term in office? I think that's what he's up to, along with satisfying the wishes of a bunch of other countries we didn't hear him secretly make promises to as well. How can he do this?
       This is how; he has no intention of conducting business as usual concerning our country and it's Constitutional way of Gov't. as we have known it, and abided by it in the past. He is flying there to meet with people he has the assurance of, that he will no longer necessarily be required to. I think he is fast-forwarding himself into a position that he feels is higher and more powerful than the President of the United States, and that's called the President of the "New World Order".
       The hurricane "Sandy" followed by the freak Nor'easter snowstorm that has crippled millions of people on the East Coast means nothing to him compared to his dream of being elevated to that job.
       Right at this moment, he doesn't give one sweet darn about the affairs of this country. In fact has he ever?? Look what he did with our money so far.
       When will that happen? Well, that will be determined by the Trilateral Commission when the CFR ("Council on Foreign Relations" "think tank") under it's direction by "The New World Order" deems it's the right time for it. And what better time for an International Multi-Organization to do it?  They couldn't have picked a riper time for it. A time when the world is financially imploding around it's own ears everywhere on the globe. At the world's weakest moment and the International Co'.s, Banks, Oil Co'.s etc. withholding all the world's financial resources to make it happen. There couldn't be a more opportune time, and it's the only time they would have this kind of monetary control to do it. If they don't do it now, they will have to wait for a similar time in the future to do it and I don't think they're willing to wait that long again. It has to be at a time when the world is at it's weakest moment in order to accomplish it. I hope I'm wrong, but as I feared in some of my earlier blogs, I think he's going to try it.
       I won't go any farther with this prediction, but I'm asking you to go to Google search and type in; TRILATERAL COMMISSION, and then click on to the Wikipedia version explaining it in 18 pages. It's been in the planning for more than 40 years when Carter was in power.
      I didn't dream it, believe me. You'll soon enough realize why I fear what I do. Just sayin'.


      That's right! it wouldn't have mattered, because if the Socialists had presented Donald Duck, (Who would have been smarter, by the way.) they would have won.
      Why?? Because they ran their campaign in such an unorthodox, dishonest manner that was so totally "foreign" to the General Electorate that, (much the same as the way Obama ran the White House), it was "unbelievable." But who did they make the most unbelievable? Mitt Romney!!
      I'm sure all Americans over 16 have heard about the underhandedness of "Chicago Style" politics.
      They're world famous for their skulduggery, and the history of the political atmosphere is in the archives and on the Internet for everyone to see. Corruption is taken for granted and I doubt there is a politician on the street there that can't be coerced into something when it comes to money.
      It's the expected "nature of the beast" kind of thing, because of Chicago's notoriety.
      Since Barack Obama got his indoctrination to Atheism in circa 1983 when he met Saul Alinsky, creator of the Atheist based "Midwest Academy" in Chicago, and becoming a member of it's board, he .immediately got involved in Chicago style politics. Another Atheist and confirmed Communist, Frank Marshall Davis became his personal mentor at that time. Obama does not like to discuss that era.
     Being the accomplished speaker he turned into, naturally he became a favorite among The Atheist community and it's believed they started grooming him for Leftist politics with an eye on the White house, way back then.
     Those became the only politics he learned and still operates under that kind of principle to this day.
     Getting him to the White was another thing, but fortunate for him, Ted Kennedy died and he was chosen to replace him as the Senator from Illinois. You all know the story from there.
     Now to the year 2012. Despite his total failure as the President, the Regime behind him, led from the
 shadows by the infamous George Soros, immediately began the process that would re-elect him anyway.
    Knowing the only chance they had to get him re-elected was by shadowy means, and knowing that the process they had in mind worked several times in Chicago, they implemented it. the idea was to defame and make up false accusations about the opposition to the degree the people would lose contact with the reason Obama shouldn't be put back in. The economy and jobs.
     They became totally dishonest in their quest, including Barack Obama. Virtually every appearance he made was riddled with lies. So much so, the Electorate became confused and didn't know which way to turn. It worked, and they won.
     Congratulations on another win, Chicago!!   Just sayin'.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


       In the latest analysis of last night's Election, the well founded determination of "Wha' hoppen'd" is this. You, as readers of my blogs have just witnessed the most dishonest, nastiest lies ever conducted by the Democratic/Socialist Party and it's Main Media affiliates, in the history of U.S. Federal and State politics!
       It's not that it hasn't happened before, in the U.S., it has, but not nationwide as it was just done here.
This election style of negative politicking has taken place in the notoriously corrupt city of Chicago for decades. But it wasn't introduced to the Federal level until Barack Obama ran for President in 2008 and swept the naive Electorate off their feet by his fancy dance maneuvers. (His campaign headquarters were in Chicago yesterday by the way.)
       It's called, "Baffling the Opponent with footwork!" A laughable term applied to boxing, or fisticuffs many years ago. Only they took it from the ring and applied it to politics in Chicago around about the same time as Al Capone took over the city in the dirty thirties.
       In boxing it concerns the shuffling of the feet in such a manner it confuses the opponent, takes his eyes from yours for a split second to look at your feet, and with perfect timing, you deliver the knockout punch. Match over. Do I make sense so far? (Most people don't know that tactic unless they've partaken in the sport.)
       Well, in this recent election win, that's exactly what Obama and his bunch, including the Main Media did to the unwary Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. It wasn't fair by any stretch of the imagination, but it worked.
       That successful, devious ploy was played out so well, that they took the voting electorate's concentration off the very important issues at hand by telling the biggest whopper lies they could think of, about anything, it didn't matter what, but the last thing they wanted you to think about was the truth. Jobs and the Economy.
       You see, Mitt's an honest individual, raised in a white family with good moral principles. He thought if he was honest and up front as he was taught, he would at least receive the same in return. His Christian beliefs guided him, as they well should.
       Around the dark, sinister corner stood a group of Atheistic thugs musing on a tactic that they knew worked in Chicago, time after time. (For example, look at the unprincipled, unholy character who is currently the Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel.) Isn't he a doozer?
       This election though, from City, to Municipality, to county, to State and  to the Federal Gov't, they worked it perfectly. They never missed one dirty trick in the book.
      But Mitt and the rest of his sincere counterparts trudged on, thinking that honesty was the best policy. (They didn't count on the fact they were dealing with Atheists, who after all, have no fear of reprisal from God because they don't believe there is one. (Not counting of course the Naive Sheeple who were the worker bees thinking they were campaigning for the good of all!)
      The Electorate did in fact take their eye off the ball, being confused by the dishonest rhetoric to the point they didn't know who to believe, and ran to the polls believing there was no point in changing anything, and besides, they were still took in by the belief that Barack Obama was so smooth, he had to be telling the truth.
      They went to the polls totally confused by the Obama Regime with the last thing on their minds, The jobs and the Economy that Mitt Romney so sincerely and honestly told them he would bring back to America. They weren't even voting for Obama as much as they were concentrating on voting against "The enemy of the people," as they characterized him to be, Mitt Romney. They were"sincerely" convinced to believe that. No one could have been more demonized than what these two-bit thugs did to him in their quest for power.
      You're going to see in the days to come how much damage they're going to do to our once 'Sacred' Country. Shame on them, and shame on the folks who took their eyes off the ball.
      I love America, and I believe the truth will catch up to, and overcome the trickery used in this campaign. I only pray that I'll live long enough to see it. Barack Obama bought this election on the backs of the honest taxpayers of this country to the likes of which it has never been done before.
      The votes he avoided Romney of getting were combined with the votes of people who are so in abundance with financial support from the Federal and State Gov't s. that for fear of losing it, they did the only thing they had no choice but to do, (So they thought) and that was to vote for him again.
      He had the support of the Gov't Unions since he had already lined their pockets with Taxpayer "Stimulus" money prior to the Election. Top that off with allowing Illegal Aliens to vote without proper I.D. as was once required by law in most States and Federal Elections. An enormous amount of them went to the polls. Many millions.
      Let's not leave his wife, Michelle out of this mix, either. (As much as he would think he can "Order" us to.) She fought for the legalization of Abortion and the deaths of live birth babies, an attractive choice to women with Atheistic views on life and death anyway, but also suitable to their promiscuous needs.
      It doesn't take much to persuade people to the temptations of the "Line of least Resistance" principle that most certainly, according to Judeo?Christian teachings, is almost never the way to go.
      The Obamas are and always will be Muslim, when it suits their tastes, and Atheists when it doesn't.
      You can make your own call on that one, but they seem to go hand in hand together when it suits them. It's the way I see it. Just sayin.


      Barack Obama has money, lots of it. A billion dollars in his war chest, Stimulus money in the billions that have never been accounted for that could be handily available for emergency purposes, and the ability to have someone ready who can make an offer that can't be refused.
      Permit me to point out a few similarities in the following incidents.
      Several months back, Barack Obama found himself in deep doo-doo with his imposition of the heavily disliked, and very expensive Obamacare program that was to replace Medicare at the end of 2012. The decision to overturn his program was before the Supreme Court, with the balance of votes being in favor of rejection with the Chief Justice John Roberts making the final vote. He, not only being the chief Justice, but also the most conservative minded judge of the bunch, suddenly ruled in favor of the program and very quickly excused himself to a sabbatical and retreat for an extended period of time in an undisclosed location.
     Reporters couldn't reach him to ask why. It was a decision that could have easily unseated the President in this election. Instead, he confirmed him! Did it come down to an offer that couldn't be refused here?? Well....what do you think?
      In the second incident, it went like this, Chris Christie, a solid, die-hard Republican known for his outspokenness, had also promoted Mitt Romney for Presidential Candidate early in the primaries, with the suggestion he be picked for the Vice-Presidential candidate to run with him. Surprisingly he did in fact, not get picked!
      Paul Ryan, a good. solid Republican Congressman with fiscal budget experience and a projected budget plan for the future, did get picked! A wise choice by Mitt Romney.
      But the main reason Chris Christie got side-stepped was because he made loud mouthed comments after he promoted Mitt Romney for Presidential Candidate, whereby putting up a red flag that, because of his loose tongue,  he was less desirable than Paul Ryan. Still smart thinking by Romney. Do we see a nose out of joint here, though? Yes!!.
      Being the Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie suddenly had a crisis on his hands from Hurricane "Sandy." which needed some smart thinking to ease the financial pain to the affected residents of the State. Money is going to be needed in a hurry. Where would it come from, if not Barack Obama?
      Two days before election day, and seeing his Governorship in jeopardy if he didn't react fast, he peeled himself away from his support for Romney,(Throwing him under the bus, so to speak) and gave a big beautiful bear hug to the visiting Campaigner Barack Obama, asking for monetary support for his Constituents. Not just one bear hug, but two!! Then he makes beautiful comments toward Obama in support of his campaign. It swayed the voters of New Jersey and the surrounding States to vote for Barack Obama.
       The third instance was when retired General Colin Powell, as a 4 Star General who ended his career to take up the job of Secretary of State under George W. Bush, recommended the invasion of Iraq and had been a firmly rooted Republican supporter throughout his life, suddenly stepped forward to announce his endorsement of Barack Obama the night before election time!! Was another offer made that couldn't be refused?? You tell me!!
       I credit all three of those events plus the ten million illegal Alien votes that were cast without producing I.D. for putting Barack Obama back in power.
       As a registered voter, do you believe he belongs there?    Just sayin'.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


      There will always be a question on my mind about the motives behind the misleading promotions of the Left, or what I commonly refer to now as "The Well Oiled Machine". I feel I'm being more than kind when I refer to them as such. It's showdown time. Get out and vote the "OBAMA REGIME" out of Office.
      The question as to their sincerity is not just mine alone, since I know darn well it's a thought on every patriotic citizen's mind as well.
      In my attempt to rationalize it, I'm finding such deceit and purposely promoted misconception in their
system that I find it, frankly, bizarre. Finding it that way is no surprise to me, but then, trying to explain it in a more clear way to the readers, is difficult to say the least.
     In the past, I have pointed out behavior of the Left as being "programmed". So much so, that I have done my best to rationalize why.
     So I have gone back in time to when I was a little boy and there was a "Communist" organization in Canada called the CCF Party. (THE Co-operative Commonwealth Federation) It was a Socialist political party founded in 1932 in Calgary Alta. Canada, Right in the middle of the "Great Depression." They had a Russian connection and were accused of "Communist" ties and "Dictatorial" affiliations. It was considered the first "Social/Democratic" organization in North America. ( More commonly referred to as, "The Trotskyites.") A Marxist/Atheist leaning philosophy.
     Due to the radical differences between their beliefs and the more Democratic parties at the time, their meetings were always held at impromptu times and undisclosed places to avoid interruption by "The Free Press" of those days. They were never popular. Voting for Obama would be the same as voting for their principles today.
     Their popularity waned even more-so after the cold war started post WW2 with Communist Russia, and they disbanded to form a new party, calling themselves the "New Democratic Party" of Canada.
     They are alive and 'think they're doing well' today in Canada. Many mandates and laws have been passed by them in their periodic moments of power, without the vote of the General Electorate giving them permission to do so. As a result of certain majorities being required in the General Electorate to overturn those mandates and laws, many still exist today. Tricky, eh?
     Fast forward to today. What do you think is happening at this very moment in this great country of the United States of America?
     We have the same breed of people who have, for their own selfish purposes, weaseled their way into politics here, with only one big difference blocking the way; The Constitution and Bill of Rights established by our Founding Fathers under a Judeo/Christian philosophy.
     The Atheist/Communists in our Country wish to change our system to suit their their means, not ours.
     Since the beginning of time there have been two major factions of humans. Those who are willing to go to work to make a living that's suitable to their tastes if possible. On the other side, we have the people who are inspired by idealists who want to skip that process and still have everything they want by means of redistribution of wealth.
     The citizens of the United States of America are faced with a whole lot bigger Dilemma than I've just described. The desire to bring America down as we have known it is under way, not by just the puppet Barack Obama, whom I think needs to have his wife Michelle tie his shoes every morning, but the "Well Oiled Machine" that hides behind him in the shadows. A group who no longer believes in God as we know him, or wants his name mentioned in public, to our own children, in our schools or, if they could stop us, in our churches. They seem to "sacredly" treasure homosexuality as though itself is a form of new-found religion.
     I have already described their similar behavior, right down to the sardonic smiles as they gaze off into the distance, as if they know something the rest of us don't. The secret, behind the scenes financing that's going on by the world's Atheist billionaires. The overwhelming surge of support by the envious Islamic world for anti-Christian/Judeo beliefs to the point they would wipe us and our allies off the map?
    Last but not least, are they so stupid to think we couldn't defend ourselves if it really comes down to it? My answer to that is, "Yes!!"  Just sayin'.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


      Whether or not, you don't like to read both sides of the story, if you're reading this blog, you're gonna' see it anyway.
      First of all, when did anyone think they were being honest with their Constituents when they "trained" them to never listen to the "Other side" of the story? Such as the Main Media and the Marxist Communists on the Left have "programmed" a significant portion of the people turned "Sheeple" to do.
      Is this why they choose to ignore the Constitution and Bill of Rights that were written with the idea in mind that "We The People" would be kept informed as part of a very important voting block, and with that, the right to know the "whole" truth in determining the direction of this country?
      Communism doesn't have any provisions for that, just in case you haven't noticed. You see, once they have you firmly "on the hook", they don't want you listening to anything contrary to what they want you to believe. And that's a very important part! The "Other side" of the story.
      So when politics are being discussed, either between two people, or in a group, they are solidly programmed to not want to listen to your opinion. They have been instilled with the notion that what they already know, is enough to satisfy their curiosity and anything beyond that is a threat to their "False sense of security", and that's really all it is!!
      How many times have you heard them say,"I don't want to hear about it!", when you're merely trying to present your side of the story? This of course, is after they've taken more than ample time to present theirs.
      This morning I presented an article, very well written, by a famous columnist concerning the boondoggle and blunder in the murders committed in Libya on 9/11/12 to a Socialist friend. He glanced at it, and realizing it was a criticism of the current Administration, sat it down without reading it. The fact is, he is so programmed to ignore actual, true information that's contrary to his Party's beliefs, even though they're true, his "trained" mind will not allow him to learn the truth, because it would be a threat to the course that's already set for him by the "Leaders" of the Leftist Party and the Left-wing Main Media.
      In other words, if his information didn't come directly from them, he's not to involve himself in listening to it. It's a "no, no!"
      What's happened here? He is never going to be able to change his mind due to "common sense" opinion. Why?? Because he's never going to hear or read the "Other side of the Story." When it's time for the 'other side' to talk, they'll overtalk them loudly, in order to drown the words out and spoil the point the 'other side' is trying to make, because they don't want us, the "Sheeple", to hear the truth, the whole truth, so help us God.
      The Atheists leading the Marxist/Communist Party operate on that very dangerous theory, that they know is the only way they're ever going to bring down the proud United States of America and it's way of politics that, although not perfect, far exceeds the system of Marxism in the long term. Witness the results of Marxism in Greece, for instance.
      Years ago now, there was a program that never failed to attract my ear when it was on at lunch time every day. The Moderator, whom I wished would live forever, was Paul Harvey. His program was called,"The Other Side of the Story." You could always count on him telling it.
      Although he's passed away, I still say once in a while, "Where's Paul Harvey when we need him?"
      I doubt we'll ever hear that saying when it comes to Barack Obama.
      If he loses this election, which I sincerely wish he will, I hope he fades into the sinister, mysterious  shadows from whence he came, but only faster.  Just sayin'.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


      Isn't it amazing how, in just a few words, little things can mean so much. It materially costs nothing, but does such a tremendous amount to lift one's spirits for a day, a week and to a parent, when you love your children enough, eternally. Just a few reassuring words to your Mother and/or Father and they once again feel grateful for being loved and having gone through the bother to raise you.. All is well!!
      But sometimes it's not!
      I speak from experience, since I have lost 2 sons that God called on way too early, leaving me with an empty feeling and wishing I could have done more. But in reality, it's only wishing and nothing more, because you can't change the past no matter what.
      The loss of my first born son happened in a tragic incident with us being 600 miles apart from each other and, because of a disagreement and lack of contact with each other in his last years, (He was 30,)we spoke little to each other during that time.. I was just one of those things where we both had forgotten the differences, but assumed we would straighten it out down the road, with both of us probably thinking time was of no essence. But it was.
      One day, after my reflecting back on his childhood, remembering his personal problems and considering the distance between us, I decided to write Danny a letter, telling him I was sorry for my lack of understanding of him and our differences, and asking for his forgiveness. I said how much I loved him and that he was heavy on my mind lately.
      I posted the letter from Bothell,Wa., unaware that the Canadian Post Office was on strike.
      A month later, in the middle of the night, My wife and I were awakened with a telephone call from my 2nd son, Allan, who lived in the same town with Danny in Canada. Danny was found dead, frozen face down in a little creek that ran through the middle of town. It was devastating to me,
      I tried to handle it and sat down with the consolation though, that by this time, he had received my letter. But he hadn't.
     One week after, the letter was returned to me because of the strike in Canada. It was a blow that haunts me to this day.
     He died without my assurance that I loved him! Worse yet, a personal dream died with him, a dream that someday his Mother and I would re-unite in his lifetime. I was never able to convince him it couldn't  happen. I won't get into saying why because it doesn't matter.
     I promised myself I would never let that happen again, and I hoped to never lose another child. But 22 years later, sadly I did.
     Allan passed away from a stroke caused by a brain tumor. But this time, he was here with me where I could hold his hand and tell him I loved him, and I did. We parted company with the Lord's Prayer.
     My message is this; Always tell the people that are close to you that you love them. It doesn't cost a dime, and you know that when one of you should leave for good, you've truly done your part by honoring them with your presence, whenever you can spare the time from your schedule in these busy times.   Just sayin'.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


     Upon listening to the KOMO 4 NEWS this morning on the radio, I was pleasantly surprised to hear the following report. After the latest investigation into the insecticide claim by "Super smart" Environmentalists that the chemicals used in producing various vegetables are detrimental to human consumption, leading scientists have falsified that claim.
     They have declared that the latest investigations into the matter show the difference between "Organic" food and the similar food grown with the help of chemicals, is negligible. They have found that there is "no foundation " to the food warnings saying that "Organic" is safer.
     After exhaustive research, all of the claims that "organic" foods are "safer" are unfounded, despite the  fact that the customers were charged more for the Organic" food on that false premise.
     They also advise that, contrary to Environmentalist claims Organic foods are chemical free, They are not!!  They have found traces of chemicals in many foods labeled "Organic".
     So, once again, the Environmental "rip-off" artists are "caught with their pants down", spreading the fertilizer we don't necessarily want in, or on, our food.
     "Green" poop on my turnip is certainly not "my cup of Green tea", so to speak.
     For years, we were buffaloed by Al Gore, a former Vice President to Bill "Horny" Clinton, into thinking that the earth was warming up at a dangerous rate. As a result, the EPA and the Federal Gov't has spent 100's of billions of Tax Payer dollars convincing the world to invest in safer ways of producing energy that has turned out to be a very expensive boondoggle. And it just so happened Al "Gouger"  Gore had investments in the Companies that profited handsomely from it.
     It has just recently been admitted and proven after a whole lot of scientific research that the earth hasn't warmed up one iota in the last 50 years.
     The claim the earth was warming up was never scientifically proven to be true as claimed. It was a lie!! But it was an excellent opportunity for less than sincere people to manipulate the claim in a fashion that would reap a fortune to the promoters of the false information, particularly when they were able to put their "hands in the cookie jar"  ahead of everybody else.Their thoughts really weren't for the betterment of the Sheeple, but how to extract billions of tax dollars in any way they could "from" them.
     All the while making us think they were on the side of protecting the human race.
     Follow me Vern??    Just sayin'.