Sunday, November 25, 2012


     The main principle of Control for any Dictatorship is to render the masses incapable of resistance.
     In order to do it to a "Free" nation as large as ours is to do it methodically, as silently as possible over an extended period of time. It would have to be done by an International group such as "The United Nations". and or the "New World Order".
     The first step by them, is to see to it that the nation that is already protected by a "Constitution and Bill of Rights" no longer has the capability to decide for it's own by Democratic means involving the voter's and their representatives being granted the power to decide what happens to the taxpayer's dollars. In other words, take that ability away from every common man,women and child.
     Once that is accomplished, they will muffle our protests with unconstitutional mandates requiring us to not assemble in public places or behind closed doors.
     But it has to be done by subversive means to avoid revolution. Why? Because under the Constitution and Bill of Rights, every citizen is allowed to bear arms, and we do.
     So the next step is to disarm the common people, so all they can do is throw rocks and Molotov cocktails. (Like Egypt right at this very moment. If you're not watching FOX NEWS on a regular basis, you may not be aware of it) The people just had Democracy yanked out from under their nose by a Dictator promoted by President Obama. A Democracy yet in it's infancy and not even allowed to grow from it. A dictatorship that is due to receive 1.5 billion dollars in U.S. "Aid." Will Obama give it anyway? Well, let's watch and see.
     In a sudden move, after the Announced Dictatorship and suspension of civil rights to the people by Mohamed Morsi of Egypt, the United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back talks on a treaty in the United Nations to regulate arms sales as long as it would be by consensus. Consensus means "Unanimous vote".
     This overturns the former position taken previously by the United States. An unprecedented decision at that. Since the previous position was to leave it up to the individual members of the U.N.
     On Wednesday also, President Obama took the first major step to ban all firearms in the United States. This of course will not take them out of criminal hands, since he has been known to sell them to the Drug Cartels through his pet program,"Fast and Furious." Something he refuses to discuss.
     He intends to enforce gun control on legitimate citizens through the signing of International treaties set up by the United nations and/or the "New World Order." (Depending on what name they want it to have.)
     The Obama Administration can use the State Dept. to bypass the normal 'legislative" process in Congress.
     All of this, mind you, is fully supported by "The Well Oiled Machine" who, in case you haven't realized it yet, is the "real force" behind Barack Obama and worse yet, with the use of the taxpayer's money.
     In defiance of the 2nd Amendment, he's going to try to get this done before the U.S. Citizens even  understand what has happened.
     While cloaked in secrecy, his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, without the knowledge of the American people, will commit the United States to International treaties and foreign gun control laws.
     By doing it this way, it means that they will bypass any Media controversy or votes in Congress. A treaty will be signed that prohibits firearms and ammunition by manufacturers to the public. However, the "Black market" in firearms will continue.
     As sure as Obamacare is forced on us, so will gun control be.
     The last thing I want to happen is to see us lose our way of life as we've had it in the past. But if you don't recognize this information the way I've presented it to you, that's exactly what will happen!
     At least listen to the warnings.    Just sayin'.

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