Sunday, November 25, 2012


                                              (Revised 11/28/13)
      A personal friend, knowing I moved here from Canada, Emailed some questions that were asked of him by another transplanted Canadian to our Country. So here they are:
     How does it make sense that a President who wants to be re-elected to help the redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor, reap the donations from a $35,000.00 a plate dinner and not give a dime of it to the poor?
     How can the President, who is Black, have a Chief Advisor who is black, an Attorney General who is black, a U.N. Ambassador who is Black, claim there is discrimination by the White race towards the African-Americans in this country when 18% of the Government workforce is Black, and the general population is only 12% Black?
     How could the President have the two persons most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the I.R.S., and Charles Rangel, who is Black and was once Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, both admitted tax cheats, be in favor of higher taxes instead of being in jail?
     How, in America, can the President be friends with and condone Terrorist Muslims who kill people in the name of Allah, and have the "Left" Main Media fretting that the normal citizens would offend the Muslims in the world by speaking out against these acts?
     How, in America would the President want to make people who desire to become American citizens, wait for years in their home countries, pay tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars for the privilege while he wants to gift Amnesty to Illegal Aliens who sneak into the country in the tens of millions?
     How, in America, could the people who believe in balancing the budget and living within the legal boundaries of the Constitution, be referred to by the President as "Extremists"?
     How, in America,Could you be required to present I.D. to buy a drink, but not to register to vote? Which would you think is the most important?
     How, except for handsome Campaign contributions, could the President promote a Company such as G.E. whose ownership is controlled by an International Co. like J.P.Morgan, and not pay a dime in U.S. taxes?
     How, but in America, could the President collect more Tax dollars from it's common citizens than any other nation in history and still spend a Trillion dollars more per year than it takes in? A spending of 7 million dollars a minute and still complain that the Gov't. doesn't have enough money?
     How, but only in America, could the "Rich" people of America, who currently pay 86% of all income taxes, be accused of not paying their "fair" share? Especially by a President who got himself re-elected by mostly people who pay no income taxes at all? 
      How, but only in America, could a Foreign Muslim, come to the United States, be elected President, be sworn into office by promising to abide by the rules of the Constitution as required in "The Oath of Office", then turn around and attempt to disobey every bit of it by issuing "illegal executive orders", remain in office?
     Just sayin'.

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