Monday, August 25, 2014


      Don't you think there's something seriously wrong with the picture? Particularly when he was aware of the true story of what happened by that time, that led to the justified, self defense shooting by Officer Wilson?
      Obama was too busy golfing, and Joe Biden was busy on vacation,  Make sense to you?
      Anyway, I wanted to address the "Devil may care" attitudes of the President and VP with the lack of attention to one event, and the extreme attention they displayed to the other.
      Time after time, he shows little or no concern about the deaths of our noble Warriors. To him, it's just another day at the office.
     Recently, the funeral of the top U.S. 2-star General who was assassinated by a Terrorist in Iraq was mostly ignored and not attended by our President, except for a hastily written note written by someone else that Obama read impatiently before leaving his podium. It was noticeable even to some in the (Left) Main Media that he couldn't wait to get out of there.
     In contrast to that, and not waiting for the final results of  the Michael Brown case, in which a White policeman acted in self defense against a proven 6'4" thug, and was required to "Shoot to stop" this guy, he sent three Dignitaries from his White house Staff to attend the thug's funeral. So what's that about??
     Instead, they decided to play the 'Race card', and neglecting to follow the truth, They encouraged Race-baiter Al Sharpton to pick up the ball and run with it. He's been running with it ever since, encouraging Racial hatred towards the law and the White people of the Country. It was probably with an 'under-the-table' stipend that's significant to him as a pauper 'Preacher man', but of little write-off expense they'll inflate for collection on their expense accounts.  (Sharpton is often invited to have private meetings and lunches with the President.) 
     I will end this subject to remark that there's been a successful attempt by Barack and the people on the Left to deliberately widen the racial tension and discontent in order to gain votes and allies from the poor, unsuspecting Black and Brown races. 
     They express sympathy for those, not because they feel sorry for them, but to retain their position in a Gov't. that's bent on leading us away from our treasured, paid for in blood, financial and personal Freedom.
     It's one thing to have people living in different countries, including my birth Country of Canada, to look at it the way Sharpton does , because a lot of those countries don't get all the facts about the affairs of the United States, due to biased reporting from their own CBC News station which the Queen of England totally owns. Why??
      I'll attempt to explain the difference; Until 1776 and the American War of Independence in which we defeated the British dominance of taxation without representation, Britain dominated the early Colonies, such as Canada, The U.S. and Australia.
     In Britain's mind at the time, those were places to get rid of what were considered criminal, non-tax paying people who were a burden to them. (Many were considered criminals if, being as poor as a lot of them were, they were convicted of stealing food, such as a loaf of bread.)
     Unaware of the potential of our Natural resources and strength of a mixture of desperate people to survive in a wilderness yet unexplored, they had the attitude that the banished criminals were out of sight, and out of mind. ( If they survived, they were too far away to ever contend with again. If they didn't, they would never have been worth much or of any good to them anyway.)
     But they did survive and produced products and other goods useful to the rest of the World, and the first part was a lot of barter trade transitioning to profitable goods.
     So the British, upon seeing the opportunity of taxation and nothing more, imposed their laws and tax control as the young nations grew. That is, until 1776, and the War of Independence! All British holdings were confiscated and belonged to the New United States.
     It was different with Canada, because in granting demanded Independence, and loosening ropes of taxation to Canada, There was an Agreement signed, avoiding hostility that private British ownership would be retained. There obviously was little thought given to the fact the Royal family owned much land, Industries and communication networks, such as the CBC radio and Television network that still dominates the Airways in Canada today. Like it or not, because of financial ownership, Canada is still not out from under the thumb of Britain and the Queen of England today. Because the CBC sets the broadcasting regulations, she is bound and determined not to allow anything that she decides is detrimental to the Socialist way she manages to preserve through promotion by way of her favorite Party, the New Democratic Party (NDP). (a contradiction within itself, because  they are the same handed-down leadership from the Communist Party of Canada in the late 20's and thirties.)
     So it is today, that the Canada/Britain agreement did not allow for a Constitution similar to ours to be written and defended, the way ours was.
     With that knowledge, We can be proud of how much the American People went to war to defend our Allies, regardless of the understanding they may have had with the British Monarchy. After all, there was still civility among us in joining to oppress an enemy that would have taken away the way of life we each claimed under different circumstances. (Freedom, although different to each.)
     So knowing generally how the survival of  Independence came about and still exists, and the lives our gallant ancestral and present warriors who died, defended and defend up until now, we still appreciate the American way of life. Why would we allow a far left, Communist minded, habitually treasonous President, his Regime and his backing by the International Billionaires to ever revert us back to a modern day World central power such as "The Trilateral Commission" and "New World Order" only to be exploited of our freedom today?? It's reminiscent of the Old World British Empire we fought to get our freedom from in the first place.!!
     How can that possibly make sense to you at all?? 
     How on earth can we permit ourselves to listen to the people, or the tales of their ancestors who say after they migrated for a better life, didn't return to their ancestral nations because they found it better here, say this or that was better in Germany Japan, Russia, Britain, Canada etc.??
     It's a conundrum we are being plagued with right now. 
     This far Left group is depending on, and promoting confusion deliberately and continually, because they know if they keep the free nations in states of manifestation, jobless and undefended, but totally dependent on bloated Government, our morale and dignity will implode into submission. What they're truly after, as I stated before, is the free exploitation of our Natural resources and hijack whatever technology  besides.
    It's their way of encouraging us to "Follow the Line of Least Resistance." If you take a moment and think about it, it's seldom the way to go. But we won't have much choice, either will we?? I'm convinced it's 'the one and only' way he wants it, and won't settle for less. 
     He appears to me to be an incompetent that has no concern for the well being of the free life our Constitution granted us up until he entered office.
     It doesn't make good sense at all to me, but if anyone's got a better notion of that , they aren't producing it! Just sayin'.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


     In knowing and writing my Political views, sometimes with bitterness towards devious "Progressives" wishing and condoning the wrath of the Islamic Terrorists on our Nations Patriotic people, I wish my greatest condolences to the family of James Foley.
     With the President they placed in power through their own selfish, monetary gains, they still stand behind the man whom I personally believe, instigated and even promoted the actions by the Islamic Terrorists who have become more powerful than ever, since he came into his own elected, but unjustifiably assumed, Dictatorial power.
     In a previous statement this morning I made on FB concerning the events in the past that are factual according to my sources of information including FOX NEWS, I pointed out the disappearance of up to 1 hundred billion dollars that the Administration Somehow can't, or won't account for since he came into office 5&1/2 years ago, the mysterious shortages of arms and ammunition that are ongoing today in the retail stores that have everyone mystified, and his supplying of arms and ammunition to ISIS who, have also become so mysteriously well armed and don't hesitate to severe everyone's head that disagrees with their Islamic philosophy. All being members of "The Muslim Brotherhood". Of which some, Obama presently has working in his Administration as I write. Jon Brennan has also converted to Islam.
      Having lost 2 sons, one by dastardly means, I can feel the hurt the parents of the victim are suffering right now. It's an overwhelming feeling of loss that can't be wholly explained by anyone not having suffered a child loss. (When I say child, when it happens, no matter what the age of the son or daughter is, they're always a child in the parents' eyes.)
      Somewhere in the Bible, someone repeated the supposed saying; "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord!"
 Well,..., I'm convinced it was said to mean; Get them to him sooner than later, so he can wreak that vengeance. Realizing he's not here to do it, of course, there's nothing wrong in completing his quest.
     May God bless you poor parents who were horrified by seeing the execution take place with your poor, brave, certain death facing, Son.
     Certainly without doubt, All of us parents who suffered, are praying along with you not only for the divine deliverance of your son, but for the speedy retribution surely to follow.
     With tears welling in my own eyes, Just sayin'.


     In the past, I have had odd occurrences take place on Facebook and Twitter, whereby I have occasionally had comments just plain disappear off my FB personal page. Until now, when I complained to FB about it, their response was silence. 
     It happens often when I post my blogs on there as well. I may have to post them 2 or 3 times before they finally stick. Even when they do, they seem to restrict my posts to 1 or 2 each day. 
     They offer no reasonable explanation.
     Today, as I posted actual documented facts concerning the behavior of the Obama Administration since they've been in office, no obscene language, just facts to the best of my knowledge, they have finally and foolishly advised me that my last posting is unavailable for viewing. To the extent they have even totally erased it from my personal page. With all my public appeals for their response, they posted this to me;
     They don't offer any reason or info on why they are restricting it. Is this lawful? Just sayin'.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


     In reference to people of any race that are dependent on a non-productive source of income to get by, and are bent on being satisfied with their Status Quo such as a lifetime of Welfare. In a lot of cases, there are definitely people disabled in one way or another through no choice of their own, and it's okay by me. But if you're healthy in mind and body, the opportunity is there in one way or another to work and feel better about yourself if you look for and find it.
     Until you do that, whether or not you like it, doesn't change a fact; You indeed are a 2nd or 3rd class Citizen! It's not necessarily bad at all, But with that said, you are in no way obligated to envy, resent or offend other people who aren't in those two classes. Just don't complain because they are part of the 'Haves' and you're not. 
      Such appears to be the case in the recent riots in Ferguson, Missouri, when a lot of the rioters and Protesters were replying to reporters, they were being mistreated by the sternness of the Police.
      But before I point to that, as supposing to be an excuse to object to what was assumed to be, the unjustifiable shooting of a black teenager, I should point out that the overwhelming majority of arrests made by the police in the aftermath, and during the looting and burning of the local businesses, turned out to be done by people who were not residents, and from as far away as Austin TX.
      No one, seems to want to make it clear as to how those non-residents arrived there on cue all at once, with masks and covered faces, some with loaded guns and knives, ready to do battle with the Store-owners and Police. As for the local residents, they hadn't waited to hear the whole story as to what happened to cause the shooting.
      With the help of an infamous, past drug pusher turned FBI informant gone good, and "celebrated" "Community organizer" by the name of Rev. Al Sharpton, the Main media reporters jumped the gun on the information available and blamed the Officer who had "Anxiously and wrongfully murdered" this straight "A"  High school football star. This so-called innocent, people-loving 'Gentle Giant' who never supposedly did anything wrong to anyone, (A 17 year old, 'Gentle Giant' is described as 6' 4" and 290 pounds!) couldn't have done wrong!
      Records reveal he barely made it through High School, in fact.
     Anyhow, the violent protest was on!! They weren't in any mood to wait for the results of a thorough investigation by the local authorities. (to see their attitude right off the get-go, they assumed the Authorities wouldn't be honest about it anyway!) After all, the Rev. Al Sharpton had already implied and said so!
     At this point, I must ask; What happened to this law against 'Inciting to riot'? 
     No matter! They would simply stand by their Constitutional right to "Lawful assembly". (Don't worry about the familiar tones of "The Wall Street Protesters".) Away they went, sometimes even battling with the police who were totally surprised by the systematic, organized confusion and riots.
     In the demonstrators' eyes, it was darn well time to object to the brutal treatment by police in the shooting.
     Repeating Al Sharpton, the most common response by the Protesters was; "We're tired of this Country treating us like 2nd and 3rd class Citizens!!".
     This, no doubt, being said by people who appeared quite capable of going to work. Certainly capable of smashing, looting and setting fire to businesses, as was apparent.
     Now let me tell you two stories; 
     The first one by Dorian Johnson, a partner to Michael Wilson at the scene of the shooting. He said he and Michael were innocently walking down the middle of the street, when they were approached by patrolman Darren Wilson. According to Dorion, the patrolman jumped out of the car , grabbed the 6'4", 290 lb. Michael Brown by the neck and brandishing a gun, pulled him roughly towards and partially into the open door of the patrol car. Michael Brown then struggled loose and began walking away. The officer shouted after him, pointing his gun and started shooting at him with his back turned. When Michael Brown turned and raised his hands in surrender, the officer shot him dead anyway. So far so good, right? No!!
     The story from the officer goes like this; Officer Wilson received a flash report of a "Strong-arm" robbery having taken place at a nearby convenience store, along with a description of the two suspects that had made their getaway by running down the street.
     Coincidentally, Wilson saw two men walking down the middle of the street, doing so uncaring that they were in the driving lanes. As the report described the suspects clothing, it matched the clothing of the individuals that he was going to speak to anyway about blocking the street unnecessarily.
      He exited the car, leaving the door open. As he attempted to speak to them, Michael Brown, (The 'Gentle Giant' as described by his friend) pushed Officer Wilson's 180 lb. frame back into the Car and proceeded to punch him in the face. (Officer Wilson was badly injured with a broken eye socket and a further injury to his eyeball) As Brown struggled with Wilson over his side-arm, a shot was fired inside the car and Brown exited and walked several steps away, showing no appearance of having been shot.  Officer Wilson also struggled out of the car, bleeding and blind in one eye but pointing his gun at Wilson as he walked away. He then shouted to Brown, "Stop or I'll shoot"! Brown turned, raising his arms wide apart and saying as a taunt, "What are you going to do, shoot me??" He then charged at Wilson and Wilson started firing, hitting him with several shots but not stopping him. Finally Brown went down as Wilson was firing the last shot, hitting him in the top of the head.
     At that time, other Patrolmen arrived and Officer Wilson surrendered his weapon to them and was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment.
     A thorough investigation is presently under way by the State patrol and other outside police Dept.s.      The finding was that Brown was not shot in the back as the other apparent thief described, but all shots were from the front. Their conclusion is, Because of the previous beating Officer Brown took, he truly feared for his life by then, and was protecting himself. In their determination, the shooting was justified.
     Even today, after hearing both sides of the story, The Governor of the State went on National T.V. to announce that a Grand Jury would be determining whether or not Officer Wilson will be prosecuted for violating Brown's Civil Rights. Nothing has been mentioned about pursuing the 'Strong-arm' Robbery seen actually live as it happened, with Brown and his accomplice clearly being visible committing the act on the store security cameras.
     Instead, the rioters attacked the store, looting and smashing it and then, destroying it by fire.
     So let me ask you, who you would believe? The testimony of the surviving, obvious thief whose word isn't worth a plugged nickel?
     Or the story of the Officer who, over 6 years with the Force, had a completely unblemished record and was known to have a reputation of being kind to everyone in town, regardless of Race, Color or Creed?  Just sayin'.

Friday, August 15, 2014


     In August of 2013, there was a strange black and white cat that began hanging around the mobile home park we live in. But it wasn't odd for people moving out of the park to abandon their animals when they move their homes out, so it was assumed by everyone in the park that this may have been the case.
     So this cat busied himself visiting with people around the park, moving from place to place in search of food and seeking places to shelter itself from the weather when need be.
     I, in my later years have resorted to being a handyman in my spare time.
     In one instance, I had my own personal, surprising encounter 6 months or so ago concerning the cat when repairing another resident's steps and storm door, while the resident was away at work.          As I was going about with my repairs, the lady knew I would have to open the entry door by accessing the work on the storm door, so she left it unlocked when she left for work.
     As I completed my outside portion of the screen door, I reached for the knob of the entry door and opened it. I was startled when this same cat came shooting out the door to disappear on a dead run for someplace unknown.
     I was distressed by that, because I had let the family pet get away. But along with that, I was finally satisfied I knew at least where the cat lived.
     That evening, when the lady called my home to thank me for the good work, I apologized to her for letting her cat out and asked her if it had come back home safely. Her response was, after the drawing in of her breath, "What cat? I don't own one!!" Both of us were mystified by that.
     Now, since my wife is partially disabled, we had a lady who lived next door to us who was qualified in home nursing, and it was very convenient for us to have her tend to my wife, two times a week. She mentioned one day that she was putting water and food out for that stray black and white cat, because she cared about it's welfare. So sometimes the cat would follow her to our house, I guess.
     Well, unfortunately that lady and her husband passed away through coincidental circumstances and we lost a very good elderly couple and a great nurse. it was a tough blow and we also had to find another home-care nurse. We found one living in our town several miles away.
     For several months now, Margurita, this new nurse has also been coming twice a week to help us with my wife. (All the while, the black and white cat was roaming around the park, sometimes here, sometimes there.)
    Today, by coincidence while taking out the trash, she saw her beloved black and white cat she lost a year ago this month.
    Needless to say, they recognized each other immediately and a very happy re-union took place, with my wife shedding happy tears as well.
    Here's hoping they will live happily ever after.  Just sayin'.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


       Here we go again, 50 years later. The African American Community Organizers have found another excuse for organizing riots. I fear it's just the tip of the iceberg for more looters.
      What's peculiar about it this time is, we had already entered into an era of true inter-racial equality and a time when anyone, without prejudice, had the opportunity of jobs to go to, and if you did work ambitiously for decent wages, nobody really gave a damn what race color or creed you were.
     I must point out though, that since Barack Obama arrived in power, A lot of the unharnessed, African/American population has appeared to have become over-zealous about defying the behavioral laws, and defy the police and other white authority figures. Their 'I dare you' attitude has become apparent all over America. 
      The President seems to have inspired it by his outright accusations that the brown and black races are treated unfairly. Along with his Administration, they quickly made everything so comfortable for the black and brown races without helping the rest of us through this financial dilemma, that it placed them in a position to say, "I don't need to find work"! In an extensive report on a Conservative Cable station, all the black laid off workers told a News Reporter they were getting by quite well, by staying home and not looking for a good paying job.
      I don't believe it has been anywhere near as bad as he's emphasizing the discrimination, and therefore it's done intentionally to incite deliberate unrest .
      That's the impression I get, anyway. 
      But first, during the scandalous Clinton Administration, along came the financially over-zealous meeting of the minds consisting of the World's International Billionaires in Seattle, Wa.. Together, with Bill Gates along with his invitation, they finished molding together the final drafting of "The World Trade Agreement". It was probably the first step in putting together another Universal Group, "The Trilateral Commission" that would be used to reign over all International and National affairs of the Nations anxious to belong to this group. The "Trilateral Commission" would then establish an Executive group called "The New World Order". 
     Now led by Barack Obama as President, with the promise that, if he was successful in his assigned task of harnessing the United States of America first, there was  an offer he couldn't refuse; President of "the New World Order".
     With all of that, an Election among themselves within this group including the "United Nations" and "European Union", (All blind with envy, greed and the wish to complete their dream, they knew they had to have free access to the natural resources that exist within North America.)
     How could they do that and still not have the wrath of the American people come down on them and their greedy, needy idea.
     I believe they knew the only way to do it, was to take America down to the level and capabilities of any other 3rd World country. A big chore, but knowing by taking the legs out from under us, (The all powerful middle working class) it could be accomplished. The 'out of work' Tea Party was born!
     So for the sake of two reasons, greed and power, they moved the production capabilities overseas and into the hands of the the most hungry Nation in the World, China! Then when the lack of work production was at it's most vulnerable time in America, they felt the time was ripe for taking control of our natural resources they so badly need elsewhere to make their dream happen. 
     Hence the totally unreasonable restrictions Obama placed by way of the infamous EPA, were placed on every step forward in Natural Resources production that would be for our benefit and use here!
     That's when they found it the time for a special person to help them deliver the final blow to the American way and it's Constitution that was keeping the American people glued together.
     They had to destroy it all if they were going to succeed in Modern World control.
     They found a mysterious man from out of the dark mysterious past and another, Islamic World to do the job. The magnificent public speaker they had ever heard of, Barack Hussein Obama. 
     With the proper guidance and promises of greater things in the future, he was sent to Chicago to learn the tricks of the Chicago Gangster way. First to the Saul Alinsky founded, Atheist based, "Midwest Academy". (The same Academy that Ms. Hillary Rodham (later Clinton) had attended and scholared in, circa 15 years before.)
     Then they saw to it he had the best speechwriters they could muster, keeping in mind everyone to be associated with him in the future would have the same Marxist, narcissistic mindset he, and they, did. 
     They had found the perfect man to forward their task in Barack Hussein Obama.
     Bingo! Upon election as President, The Obama Administration was born and he's been going about tearing down this country with every means possible ever since.
     He's been doing a pretty good job in every respect, including the shredding of all the good relations that we have all struggled to achieve between races, colors and creeds over the past hundred or so years.
      Hopefully, we may be able to curtail his efforts in this upcoming election, but only if we're able to convince the Electorate and Electoral Board to reject his successor to the Presidency.
       In the meantime, we must consider it an un-acceptable fact that the Community Organizers will continue to inspire unrest and riots until we gain back the power of the people to put a stop to it.
      I predict it will take an iron hand and rebellion to throw these thugs out of office and out of this great Country it used to be. 
      But not before we make an all-out effort to curtail the money they probably have secretly set aside for their 'get-away'! Just sayin'.


Monday, August 11, 2014


     They aren't Presidents anymore!! Pointing to mistakes in the past by other Presidents is only a ploy to hide the embarrassment that's been created by the Bimbo in there now.
     We are totally aware of the past, and we should have learned by now that those mistakes are not an excuse for more now, or in the future.
     It's sickening to hear the likes of Neil Cavuto doing that, day after day concerning financing.
     I would hope when we vote in new Leaders, it's with the assumption they should, or do know better, too.
     We have a very dangerous man in the office of the Presidency and he has been taking this Country down the path to ruin ever since he got in office.
     It's got to be glaringly apparent that he knows EXACTLY what his puppetry and the International Billionaires wants to do financially, and what ISIS wants to do religiously. He's for both with whatever it takes!
     Are we so dumb or blind with the goings on of the ISIS problem overseas today?
     All the last while, 4 years or so, Barack has deviously been supplying arms, ammunition and the latest technology on weaponry to the Iranians and the Sunni's (including Al Qaida) either under the table, or in the pretense of unseating the Arab leaders he claims to be not good for their Country. Only to be replaced by his "Muslim Brotherhood" friends who want to then impose Sharia Law!
      But he's now found himself between a rock and a hard place because his supporters here need to win the next General Election in America, so he's also arming the very people who are fighting the Muslim Terrorists he first supplied American arms to in the first place.
      This puts American know-how in the hands of both warring Parties. Both of which aren't worth the powder to blow them to hell anyway.
      So stop the political jabs at the only people who can straighten this mess out. Like it or not, it's the Conservative Party, and you're not going to do it by digging up old bones about them. Just sayin'.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


     Why? Well I believe the reason is, they are scared to death if they get dumped out of office, the jig will be up for everything they have been doing to the people of this Country that made the United States into the shell of what once was the most advanced, powerful Country in the World for two Centuries.
     Until 2008, we were proud to boast of our accomplishments that we, the Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People" created from the strength given to us, by following and abiding by a "Declaration of Independence" from the tyranny of England, "The Bill of Rights" and the "U.S Constitution". 
      In fact, the American people stood behind every other Country in the world who, like us, wanted to establish Democracies that would allow them to live a life worth working and living for. The results weren't always good, but the effort to help other depressed countries was at least there. 
     Each time, oppression has reared it's ugly head by others who thought differently in their own narcissistic way.
     Well, now we have it happening in our own sad Nation. Now a different enemy is attempting to change the world to the nastiest oppression imaginable, by slashing off the heads of objectors to their cause including Christians. 
     The worst news possible is out now, as they have been placing the heads of Christian children on sticks to display them in the Town Squares in countries like Iraq. Their names; Members of the "Muslim Brotherhood", ISIS!!
     Does anyone care to dispute that dastardly fact?      Any honorable American who has sworn Allegiance to our Country and it's Star Spangled Banner wouldn't, I should think.
     But since 2008, Every disloyal person living in and outside this Country in one dependent way or another on the backs of the hardworking Taxpayer, has brought down their wrath on the American way in so many distasteful ways, it's really surreal, for loss of another word.
     In other words, ever since the most un-American President in the United States of America's history so carelessly took office, along with his supporters drunk on 'Cool aid' and power.
     By so doing, they have broken almost every "rule in the book" when it comes to the Constitution.
     They have certainly thrown the Ten Commandments and it's moral guidance out the window, conducting themselves in such a shameful manner that they, when confronted by a Congressional Investigation Committee, refuse to bring forth documents that, belonging to the people anyway, would expose their dastardly shortcomings.
     Not only are they asking to be excused from testifying, but they're using the 5th Amendment of the Constitution to cover their butts. A conundrum in the fact they have ignored the People of this Country when it comes to abiding by the Whole Constitution themselves. 
     They have even admitted the 'accidental' loss and destruction of internal dept. memo's and emails that would be crucial in bringing out the facts in the huge IRS scandal where it's Head, Lois Lerner, instructed the employees to target the Tea Party and Republican Party members with harassing audits.
     Because of all these shenanigans, they know very well that if they reveal their true purpose of deception right from the start, they are not only out of office, but quite possibly faced with charges of treason and massive fraud.
     So if you're wondering why Barack Obama is leading the charge in this upcoming election season, the Pandora's box will be opened and will lead to a tremendous defeat also, in the General Election of 2016.
     They are now depending on the sole fact that all the money they collect can buy enough Electoral and fraudulent votes to avoid being exposed to that Hell they all deserve.
     It's also going to be dangerous for anyone that might become a threat to avoiding their demise.
     A cornered rat will fight to the finish for it's survival. Just sayin.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


     It doesn't matter how much we persuade the American people to recognize the truth about Obama's real purpose and intentions of taking this Country down. Because that many are already bought and paid for;
     They already have secured  comfortable, Union guaranteed jobs if they keep him and/or his Agenda in place. You see, regardless of what his plans are for the future of our Country, they think they'll always be on the winning side. It doesn't matter to them in their short-sighted way of looking at it, if it does inflict irreparable harm to our great Nation and others negatively affected by his 'New Direction', as long as it doesn't affect them where they are.
     You see, in their eyes, his Agenda calls for a larger Gov't control over the populace, therefore securing even more job security for them! They all look at things the same way; because they all work for Gov't Agencies in one capacity or the other. It's really that simple.
     Because of that, all he has to do is hold onto the dependents on the Gov't dole to add to the electoral base and the Illegal Alien votes to secure another shot at making our Country's populace into a 3rd World Power from the most Powerful Nation in the World that it was 6 years ago.  
     I'm stressing this point because I believe he's principally counting on the minority votes he intends to buy for himself when he declares Amnesty for all Illegal Aliens. This would allow them to immediately vote. 
      Even if there's a provision for a delay in their voting capabilities until later, they'll still support him financially in the prospect it's coming further on.
     If you're wondering why he's placed himself in a perpetual "Fund-raising" mode until Election time, that's why! He knows that he needs the money to buy off a lot of voting booth pollsters and everything it's gonna' take to make it happen. For him, it's no holds barred! Just sayin'.