Friday, April 29, 2011


    If ever there's a lady                            When Christmas came she just made do
    who needs a word of praise                 and songs we always sang
    I think my mother filled the bill              The Santas that she made for us
    with all her loving ways                       On the tree we'd hang.
    She wasn't just another Mom                She took us all to church each week
    no ordinary gal                                     Since God's her closest friend
    She mothered the McNaughton kids      She asked us all to pray for help
    and Fathered them as well                      We got it in the end.

    Eleven kids were hard to raise             She prayed that we would all survive
    Depression took it's toll                        after she left here
    She did it with a welfare check             She'd want to be as she once was
    Gosh! What a hearty soul                      The family pioneer

    She always baked a lot of bread           I know that there's a heaven, lord
    We'd watch her hungrily                       You listened to my plea
    and knowing just how I liked mine       I mean't it sure as you made earth,
    She'd burn a loaf for me.                      the land, the sky and sea.

   We saw her when she felt real bad       When you decided to take mom
   we saw her full of cheer                        It wasn't with much fuss
   At times we saw her miss a meal          You gave her ten more healthy years
   and quietly shed a tear                           and took ten years from us

                                                                 And when her day did come to pass
                                                                 A promise you did keep
                                                                 She told me that she prayed to you
                                                                 To take her in her sleep.

                                                                        Son George


Prince William and Kate would feel honored if they knew they were married on my mother's birthday!
    Something to be noted to all of the Beutel and McNaughton descendants.
    She was born Ella Jean Beutel on April 29th, 1900 in Jackson, Minnesota. She married our Dad, John Duncan McNaughton after her high school graduation in 1918 in Eureka, Montana. In the chronic absence of our father, she went on to raise 11 children by herself  before, during and after the Great depression first in Eureka and then Fernie, B.C. Canada.
    As a point of interest, the Royal Family is of german heritage along with a number of other countrie,s Royal Families. Their blood relationships go back many generations.
    Also interesting is the fact that Adolph Hitler and Ava Braun were also married on April, 29th.
    Ella Jean passed away just short of being 100 years old.
    I'll be publishing a blog poem in her memory.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


    The reason I blog is simple. I  like to express my opinion on various subjects. Upon deciding to say something of mutual interest to my readers as well as myself, I do a certain amount of research to be reasonably sure that what I'm expressing is correct to the best of my knowledge.
    I say this because in my following of events, particularly political, there are a lot of  misleading or mistruth statements made. In fact so many that I have lost faith in the honor system. "Trust me" is so often misused that it doesn't really mean much anymore. The reason I use "Just let me say this" as a lead for my blogs is to allow me to put the emphasis on how much it is used by politicians to evade answering a question that requires a simple "Yes" or "No".
   One of my blogs is about that very thing. It seems to be a system that a career politician develops over a period of time, along with a manner of talking that gives a "professional tone" to his or her voice. The good old every day street talk that you and I understand is slowly but surely set aside in the
course of their career. It's a "cover your assets" way of saying something you really don't mean but will satisfy the situation for now. I refer to it as "Old Fart" talk. It's almost as though they've forgotten the true purpose we voted them in for. Realizing this has prompted me to consider myself a consevative Independent.
    It's done on both sides of the fence but extremely more so with the Socialists. In fact it is rampant
there. So much so that they seem to think it's okay to do it quite openly without fear of it costing them votes.
    I find it excitingly refreshing to listen to the newcomer representatives talk because they still communicate in a way we understand out on the street, in the office or in the local group discussions
    that take place wherever that may be. That's when we're understanding each other best.
    In a course in letter writing, I was taught to always keep the document as simple as possible and in a way that anyone reading it would understand. That's the way I write today.
    The folks on the street including the Tea party people and myself want to know what the heck is going on!! We are'nt all Doctors, Lawyers,Teachers or Community Organizers. We are the common people with every bit of common sense and brain activity as they have. Our votes are as good as theirs
and we expressed it in the last election. They're talking in a fashion designed to confuse us.
    Let's not let them convince us otherwise or discourage us from believing in the traditions that made this country great. That includes telling the truth, honoring our God given principles and electing someone to represent us that speaks our language.
    Barack Hussein Obama is speaking in the Common man's language. He's catching the ear of the students and the already misled left. He's a great public speaker. He reads the teleprompters very well.
    But the so-called facts and figures he gives are not the truth. They 're written by speech writers who have a Socialist agenda and would like you to believe there's a better wy                                              
    It's not on the golf course, it's not on the basketball court, it's not in his very expensive trips overseas and it's sure as hell not by expressing to the rest of the world that we are'nt right in being the free-est and most powerful country in the world bar none. Just sayin'.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

"STREET SMART" #4 Cont'd.

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In mid-summer, 2007, Allan suffered a severe crippling stroke. Once again I was called to The Providence Hospital in Everett where he was being treated. The doctors announced there would be no operation for him.
    He was totally disabled on the left side but was told with therapy it could improve. It was the final blow that would start Allan on the downhill slide to eventual death. He finally agreed to come home after a futile, stubborn attempt to still make it on his own. Bless his heart for trying! H finally asked to come home.
    We brought him home to Mt. Vernon and he lived with us reluctantly because he couldn't smoke in the house. There was, however,a covered porch where he could sit comfortably to smoke at leisure. He still received his Social Security check and we required nothing for him to live with us. I was helpless to do anything and he along with us, sadly had to watch his condition deteriorate, and it got worse every week.
    Soon he was losing control of his bowels and with me having to work, My wife certainly could not
    be expected to tend to him in that sense. He wasn't coherent at times and I knew his tumor was getting worse. When I tried to convince him he needed to come with me to the hospital, he threatened to stab me so at that point I called 911. The police understood what the situation was and had to physically force him into the car and escort him to the hospital. Because he didn't want to leave the security of our home, in desperation he hollered at me on the way out the door, "Are you going to tell them about the guy you murdered up in Canada?" In disbelief, I gaped at the police and, after glancing at each other, started laughing and told me they understood.
    I went along to the hospital and after a quick MRI he was transported to Harborview diagnosed with severe bleeding and swelling in his tumor. The treatment was immediately started with steroids to reduce the swelling and stop the bleeding. They accomplished that and after several days brought his condition back to, if you will, normal. Allan and I had a good laugh over what he said going out the door with the police. He didn't remember saying it.
    The decision was definitely made at that point that Allan would be going to a nursing home. Reluctantly, he agreed and was transported to the Burton Care Center in nearby Burlington, where he received excellent care.
    I was able to visit him every day and bring him things he needed. Once again I was emotional on the way home, needless to say. It's just not supposed to work out that way!
    On my visits to see him, I always left with him knowing that I loved him. In return he always told me not to worry about him but to care for myself. In his last days, he said that often.
    Allan's condition surprisingly improved with increased  medication and once again surprised the medical profession. He was there approx. a year and a half  longer than expected.
     I was able to hold his hand and say the Lords prayer before he finally succumbed on Feb. 10th,
2009. A strange thing happened at that point. I was seeing a little boy five years old. He looked at me and asked, "Dad, what happened?" I explained to him he had a brain tumor. He turned his head away and closed his eyes. He was finally at peace and a few hours later went with God to join his older brother Dan, whom I'm sure was waiting to help him through. he now rests with his brother in spirit in Cranbrook, B.C.    R.I.P. you two! I'll never quit loving you!  Their mother has since joined them.  Just sayin'.


    After Allan's miraculous recovery, he decided to move back to Canada to be near his siblings.
I need to say in Allan's defense at this point, that Canada was still in the midst of their recession that they had been in for twenty years. In fact they were in it for so long, a whole generation of Canadians grew up in it and sufficient, decent jobs were virtually non-existent. Although Canada's dollar is above our's right now, it was below the U.S. dollar for 25 years or more!
    Allan eventually did find work in a very intensive ocupation and dangerous as well. He, along with a couple of other acquaintances went to work in the Alberta oil fields as roughnecks and managed to survive for several years before that work also slowed down. During that time, Allan became a man.
    But after being used to good pay, it was hard to accept dishwashing type jobs and Allan started having brushes with the law. Everything went downhill after spending a considerable amount of time in jail and being alienated from his friends, Allan only became more despondent to the point where he needed help to get out of his mess. No one realized it at the time, but Allan's mental condition was deteriorating due to his brain injury 21 years prior. He was having silent epaleptic seizures from a tumor that we later determined was started by the injury when he was 17 years old. In desperation, he had no place to go and resorted to living by himself off in the woods in a shack with no electricity.
       Finally, in 1996, his sister Alana got word of the way he was living, and after talking to him, called me in Everett, Washington. After hearing about it, I brought him here with me where I put him to work in my mobile home business. We legally got him his Social Security card and he lived with me.
    Approximately a year later, Allan began to point out his nervous vibrations that were coming and going with more frequency. It was all a part of the brain tumor increasing but no connection to it had yet been made. I finally convinced him to see a neurologist.
   It was confirmed that Allan had a brain tumor 2"X4" growing on the right side of his brain. It was estimated to have been there for a very long time. After telling the surgeon about Allan's motorcycle
accident, he was sure it started way back then.
   An operation was scheduled immediately and a good portion was removed, but we were advised it would grow back over time. There was no option of a second operation.
   Allan took the news very calmly,but I didn't. After being told he had only a few years at the most to
live, I broke down. Allan sat with me and putting his arm around me said,  " I'm not afraid, Dad, You don't be either. It's just a little spooky, that's all." I cried anyway.
   After that, Allan decided to leave our home in Mt. Vernon where we had moved a year before.
   With the strength of my Social security and Allan qualifying for medicaid, we managed to get him a social security check that he could live off of while away from home. He had a place to stay with some friends and could still do some work with them once in a while.
   However, his friends moved away a short time later and Allan, being too proud to move home because I had gotten remarried, insisted he could get by. In order for Allan to get his Social Security check he had to permit it being mailed to him at my address, and I would deliver his money to him every month. I always told him he could come back home, but he insisted he was doing fine and wanted to be among his other homeless friends, whom he always issued money to as soon as he thought I couldn't see.  After three or four days, it was gone, when it could have lasted a lot longer, but that wasn't Allan. He believed in sharing, and made sure every Sunday, he found a church of one kind or another to attend. It didn't matter to him what denomination it was, as long as he could be there to sing along with the choir, who, appreciated his nice voice and always complimented him on it.
  They always allowed him to find shelter in times of bad weather, as well. He was never turned away.
   He never lost his faith in God because of this. He felt as I do today, that religion didn't matter, but God did!! His feelings were, again as mine are, that God could never be that narrow minded that he would favor one believer over another, as long as we all believed in him.
   Allan's goodwill made him a target by the many dishonest, homeless people who exist out there. Many of whom have no conscience for what they do to survive.
   He would often create his own shelter to live  in temporarily, and then invite other street people in out of the cold to spend the night. They in turn, before leaving, would sometimes steal some of his stuff, including sleeping bags etc. Several times he was robbed at knife point for his money, I.D. and other miscellaneous valuables, such as a watch I had replaced for him several times. Even clothing he needed to stay warm when it did get cold.
    I would then help him re-apply for the documents that had been stolen, since I had his immigration info at home with me, and other papers that allowed him to renew the stolen stuff.



    Early in 1976 , It was confirmed that I was an American from the day I was born, and I didn't waste any time taking advantage of the fact. Most of my older siblings were born in the U.S. and I had always yearned to be near them.
    On may 24th,1976, I moved to Seattle, Wa. and Allan, having been born of me  as an american parent, came along with me. My other children choose to remain in Canada and live their lives in the vicinity of their mother in Cranbrook, B.C.
    Allan turned 17 that year, and although through with school, was enjoying just hanging out with the neighbor kids next door. I was remarried by this time and had settled in to being a Warehouseman / Truckdriver in the Teamster's Union, Local #174.
    Their mother had lost her husband in an industrial accident and after receiving a considerable settlement, decided to buy her sons an offroad motorcycle.
    At dinner that evening Allan was excited to tell me about it. I was flabbergasted, considering they had never been on one before, including Allan. In fact, I had never been on one before because, although I had many opportunities in the past, never cared to. My first reaction was to ask him not to ride it, at least not until he got some lessons on safety.
    He promised me he wouldn't. But he did!
    At noon the next day while having lunch at work, I received a call from the boys' mother. Allan had been injured while trying out the motorcycle and I needed to call the hospital immediately. I did and was told to come in and talk to the doctors tending to him.
    I was met by the hospital's lead surgeon and led into see him. I was shocked when  I saw him laying there in a state of convulsions. He had smashed his forehead into a concrete ledge and his left eye popped out of it's socket. Part of his brain was exposed and detached from the front of his skull. I  went into a mild state of shock. The doctor gently calmed me down and after a mild sedative, assured me he was going to make my son better. I found it terribly difficult to think he would survive this one, but he did, once again.
    After six hours of intensive surgery, a team of 5 doctors, each specialists in their own field, managed to put Allan back together again. Allan survived and even gained the sight back in his eye. Another modern miracle performed on my son!
    One year later Allan was raring to go back to Canada where he wished to be near his siblings again.
   But his saga didn't end there. One of his problems was his impatience to go through the steps it takes to become a success. Time after time he attempted to get from A to Z without observing .the rest of the alphabet. The line of least resistance. It doesn't work!! It seldom ever does.


    I recently read where an acquaintance wrote that, he was not only "Book smart", but also "Street smart". Not knowing his background very well, I'll certainly give him the benefit of the doubt but it started me thinking, what really is street smart? This is because I had a late son whom I considered to be "Street smart", since he lived on the streets by choice for the last 12 years of his life.
    I'll give a short rundown of his life before he did that.
    My son was born Allan Dale McNaughton in Calgary, Alberta Canada, on Aug. 11th, 1959. He was a baby that cried a lot as though something was hurting him, but we were'nt able to determine what it was. Doctors could'nt either. The cause was never found, but it was obvious there was pain.
    At the age of 6 months, he became deathly ill with double bronchial pneumonia and, as he was receiving treatment in the Creston, B.C. hospital, contracted staff of the lungs as well. He went into a coma and we were told by the doctor there was little hope for his survival. However, I was approached by the doctor shortly after that announcement, at which time he explained to me there was a new drug developed that was successful, but had not been used on infants under the age of 8 years. We felt there was nothing to lose under the circumstances, and  agreed to it's use.
    The next day as I was sitting by his bedside, when he  awoke, looked over at me and gave me the smile of my lifetime. It was as if to say," I'm gonna make it, Dad"! I hollered excitedly to the nurse walking by, and soon the whole floor was cheering. It was one of the happiest days of my life!.
    He was soon better and Allan went on to live a normal life as a child. The painful crying was gone.
    After 5 tumultuous  years we had amassed together 4 children, Daniel Francis, the eldest, Allan, Leslie Kim and Alana. My wife and I separated at this point with her having custody of the children.
    After 4 years of being away, I returned to eventually get divorced, and received full custody of my children.
    At this point in time, we moved to live in Fernie B.C. Canada. The kids all did fine in school with the exception of Allan who had a difficult time getting along with some of the teachers and other students. Allan made it to grade 10 and decided to strike out on his own. Although he thought he was ready for the world, it seems the world wasn't ready for Allan. His problem of getting along with others remained with him throughout the years. He yearned for friends but couldn't make the friendships last. and his life was continually sad.Allan's ability to make friends and keep them was difficult. I realized this, and made it a point to favor him in family affairs, at times. I loved him then, and still love him as if he were still here with me. Throughout his life, he reached out to his siblings and myself occasionally, sometimes for love, sometimes for understanding and sometimes just to be recognized that he was still part of the "pecking order" in the family.

Friday, April 22, 2011


    In bringing to light  some of the "becoming more obvious" liberal leanings of some of the Fox News
commentators, it's becoming more obvious to me that Shepherd Smith is doing a lot more promoting on behalf of President Obama's Views. Today  he was interviewing Stephen Sigmund and together they were suggesting that even though the economy is definitely getting better, what could Obama do to convince the the voters it is really so? Together they were trying to dream up a way he could accomplish that task. Who are we trying to kid here?  Shepherd! WHERE IS IT BETTER?
    I know that some time ago, Smith declared openly to a magazine that he was Gay. Somehow, with that pretty-boy face it doesn't surprise me, but until then I thought he was a part of the conservative crew with basic, Christian moral values. I'm thinking differently now.
    What are his values? Approximately a month back he had Peter Johnson and a female conservative blogger on his show to discuss the airport security groping of male passengers. The female blogger was clearly against the method used and felt it was too extreme. To my surprise and the embarrassment of the conservative guest, Peter Johnson declared he looks forward to being groped that way and Shepherd Smith agreed whole heartedly! I was shocked by their declaration and I'm sure the female guest was too. In fact when she protested the comment, Peter Johnson started overtalking her every word until she finally gave up in disgust. Until now that tactic has been frowned upon by Fox News.. Shepherd Smith did nothing to stop this Socialist tactic that is so commonly used by the Liberals. Shepherd did nothing to alleviate the humiliation to the lady.
    Do we once again have wolves in sheep's clothing here?
    Is Fox News changing their moral requirements that we've come to enjoy as Christians?
    As good as Shepherd Smith is at delivering the news, is he joining the ranks of the wanna be Geraldo Rivera? Has Peter Johnson already done it? Just askin'. I hope that no honest, straight conservatives are being fooled by these Girley guys. I mean, gosh!!! What is Fox intending to do here?

Thursday, April 21, 2011


    Three months ago I received the dreaded word that no man ever wants to hear. After testing was completed, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer! After reflecting back I knew the warning signs were there for some time prior, possibly a couple of years. It's one of those things, you know, Aww, maybe they are temporary and will eventually go away.
    They didn't! So after arranging a long delayed decision to check it out, I made an appointment with my family doctor. He referred me to a Urologist and it was confirmed I had it by way of biopsy testing.
    I really wasn't surprised and not frightened by it. Being 74 years old I'm not expecting to live forever
    It wasn't until radiology treatment was scheduled did I realize there were many others with the same problem. Some worse than me. The waiting room was a comfortable setting with people from all walks of life and different kinds of cancer. It was a sort of meeting of the minds. A very relaxed and, pleasant if you will, place for all of us to discuss our various problems. No one dwelled on it though. The problems of the world are discussed, the different positions in life are brought up for those who wished to participate and those who wanted to be wiser and remain silent did so.
    With all of that, I managed to get in my two cents worth. Imagine that!
    I must say they were enjoyable therapy sessions for me. A thought entered my mind that if all of us
could get along and accept the consequences that lay ahead for us, Why in the hell couldn't the rest of the world?
    You've heard the expression, "It's all about money". Well, in this gathering room that was the last thing on anyone's mind. We suddenly became equal in that room. There were times when I was pulled away for treatment that I wished I could stay for just a few more minutes.
    Eveyone seemed comfortable with everybody else.
    The people administering the treatment were without exception, pleasant and caring. You couldn't ask
for more gracious people and they make it a point to remember our idle talk from the treatment before.
About personal events, family things and much more. I take my hat off to them for making that a priority.
After all, they have this job to do five days a  week and more.
    Last but not least, the Doctors and Support staff. They were patient and always wanted to know if anything needed to be addressed concerning our treatments.
I commend the Supervisory staff who very obviously had to be careful in the choosing of the workers
for this particular and very special kind of work. I enjoyed every treatment and can't express enough gratitude to all who took part in my treatment.
    Thank you and God bless.

    George McNaughton.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


    What does this lead to? It takes a God fearing person who normally would resist temptation  to the next step leading to immorality.They now have doubt there is a God consequence and have nothing to fear in the way of punishment in the hereafter.They follow the line of least resistance and, as I pointed out in another blog, is the wrong direction 99% of the time.
    It leads to inappropriate sex, homosexuality, drugs, theft of another man's property and ultimately murder in order to satisfy their wants.
    I can't believe that a God fearing person can find solace in voting for the Democratic party as it is today. Especially when they're using the word "God" for the sake of asking you to vote for them. This is the same candidate that would vote to eliminate God from the Pledge of Allegiance, the Ten Commandments from the steps of The Hall of Justice and the elimination of prayer from our schools.
    They are attempting to destroy the very things that were the foudation this country was established on.
    Through blood sweat and tears we grew to be the greatest country on earth, bar none.
    Just to think that these same politicians would support taking moral guidance away from our children
is a very scary and disturbing thought. Guess what? It is already happening under our vey noses and we have yet to do something about it.
    The teachers and professors in our schools and colleges have been slowly doing it for years. I'm sure the smarter ones realize this is happening, but for fear of their own jobs, are not speaking out.
    This agenda erases the hope there is a Supreme Being when someone is dying really needs to believe
they have earned the possibility of going somewhere better.
    It takes away the hope a parent has that God could assist their sick child.
    It takes away the dream that by praying to God you will achieve a better life.
    It takes away the comfort a person may have that they may someday see their lost loved ones who have preceded them in death.
    Most repulsive of all, It takes away the satisfaction that wrongdoers who escaped punishment here on earth will get their come uppance on the other side. Some people say vengeance belongs to God. I guess so, but satisfaction of knowing it's going to happen belongs to us. I wouldn't want to lose that hope.
Just sayin'.


    In light of what happened in the Federal and local politics in the 2008 elections, I wonder when enough voters besides me will recognize the true agenda of the Democratic Party.
    These very influential people do not have the good wishes of the majority of the voters. They have misled and deceived them into following their true purpose on their Marxist minds. Why do I say this?
For several reasons: Most  "true" Socialists do not believe in a Supreme Being or Hereafter. I want to make it clear I'm not referring to the misled, dedicated Democratic voter. I'm talking about the people in authority in the Party who have slowly graduated from a true Party agenda like the days of  Truman to the Party that exists today.
    They have travelled from truth to deception. They cleverly concealed their true intentions while campaigning for office.
    The voters who do believe in God and a Hereafter and vote for a Democratic candidate could very well be voting for a politician who, once in power, could and would take away their freedom of religion in the future.
    Clearly, God is no longer first and foremost in their minds. But they need your votes to win an election.  The voter is not clearly recognizing the intention of the the candidate's long term Marxist goals. Once they achieve control, It's very difficult to take it away because of the judges they they have placed in strategic levels of the Justice system who believe in their political agenda.
    Democracy is the farthest thing from their thoughts anymore.
    Socialism is the introduction to Marxism.
    So why are these two-bit politicians hiding behind the skirts of Democracy? Because they wouldn't stand a chance of surviving in this freedom loving country otherwise.
    If I heard it right, 95% of americans believe in God. 70% of those believe in Christ.
    I've come to realize that whenever I'm talking to a pseudo Democrat they defend Socialism rather
than Democracy.
    Their kind of Socialism is the first step away from God. They're careful not to make a total denunciation but seeds of  doubt are intending to be planted. Enough so, that the temptations of wrongdoing can be somewhat comforted.  (cont'd)

Monday, April 18, 2011


    The problem right now with the "Majority" party,( I will call them that right now since I feel its more appropriate), is because of the continued diversity within. Everybody in the world knows who's taking exception to who. The Beltway boys, Krauthammer, Hume, Rove and several other insiders are fearing their esteems are going to diminish somewhat if they are edged aside by the up and coming, diverse, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, Michelle Bachman and the other recent winners of the last election.
    Lets face it folks, The latter group of people are the newcomers on the block and will be around for the rest of MY life at least.
    The first group needs to re-assess itself and get aboard or they're only going to spoil it for what I see as the last chance we have to turn back the George Soros- Barack Obama Socialist, Marxist train. If you think the policies they've already set in place are extreme, "you ain't seen nothin' yet."
    We need to keep pointing out their false projection figures, their blatant lies and their insincerity in everything they say or do.
     As wise as the "Good ol' Boys" really and truly are, they're not going to prove anything by purpoefully ganging up on Bill O'Reiily simply because they don't like the esposure he's giving to the Newcomers.
    I think they feel they have nothing to lose, since they're all independently wealthy and will be comfortable in their tax loophole dens for the rest of their lives no matter what happens!
    Throwing someone else under the bus won't hurt them like it will hurt the less wealthy Newcomers.
    The Consevative, normal thinking Tea Partiers sadly know what there is to lose, they've already lost it. An empty wallet wakes a lot of people up, including me.
    Honesty and sincerity does not count with the Socialists. That's why they're so comfortable with the
Islamic philosophy. They think it's okay to lie if it suits their God's  purpose. Their God is George Soros.
    It's beyond me how they buffalo the innocent, church going Christians who really haven't caught  on to them yet and still vote for them anyway.
    It really burns me when I hear a Socialist Congressman say, "The President is supposed to lead the Senate and the Congress, but they're not listening to him."
    HE HAS NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE TO LEAD ANYBODY! Good God, he'd get lost if there were 3 trees in his back yard! He gets totally lost when one of his speech teleprompters falls down.
   He's a master at public speaking and Community organizing. Nothing else that comes close to running Gov't.
   The Congress and the Senate need to guide him. Not the other way around. Just sayin'.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


    It's only now really coming to light concerning the differences between the "Good old Boys" from the Washington Beltway and the newcomers from the Tea Party.
    With a great deal of respect for Krauthammer, Brit Hume and Karl Rove, I have to disagree with them regarding the recent entrance into the Conservative arena by the newcomer Tea Party.
    They probably don't want to admit it, but it's a change to the Republican way of doing things in the past that doesn't work anymore. The "Good old Boys" aren't prepared to lose their grip on the "Washington Insider" system.
    What I mean to say is,it's an entirely new concept of modern politics with the Tea Party people being
   smarter and more informed than the average "Like father Like Son" Independent voter of the past.
   The way I look at it is, It's a new era coming on and we'd be smart to jump aboard now rather than later when the Socialist Democrats take control again because of our stubborn, divided ways.
    The old "script" talking, old fart ways of John Boehner are fast becoming a boring thing of the past.
Don't get me wrong, here! Three more wiser men don't exist in the Conservative community, but from what I've observed in their co-ordinated objections and corrections they have been taking with Bill O'Reilly lately regarding the front runner representatives of the up and coming Tea party are an indication that they are willing to throw the next election under the bus if it doesn't happen their way.
    Party consolidation is too important right now for them to behave that way.They're better off  keeping positive about the allies they have and welcome the new party with open arms. Otherwise a split will
only be a sure vote for the Obama thugs.
    At least Bill O'Reilly is open to changing his mind if he turns out to be wrong. He, along with a few other warriors such as Limbaugh, Beck,Hannity and Susterin are doing their job.
    My thoughts to Krauthammer, Hume and Rove are, If you can't say something nice about your ally counterparts, don't say anything at all!
    As it is right now, you've got the Obama regime clapping and laughing in your faces. Just sayin'.


    In trying to decypher Obama's speech to the Nation regarding his plan for America, it became apparent to me what he really has in mind. The taking down of Corporate America as we know it today.
    To his twisted, Socialist way of thinking, he feels that the Gov't is the lender and the private sector should be obligated to paying it back for anything the Gov't spends.
    His Marxist way of thinking drives him to believe everything should really belong to the State or Federal Gov't and what monies they collect no longer belongs to the people, but to the Socialist controlled cause.
    In his speech he openly remarks that by increasing tax on the "Rich", the money is a means of  giving something back.
    I wasn't dreaming when I heard him say that. Were you?
    So maybe we should straighten the Socialists out on this one. THE MONEY WAS NEVER BORROWED FROM THE GOV'T IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
    This guy has just given the Socialist Party's hidden agenda away "lock, stock and barrel" and doesn't even realize he did it!
    So in other words, he thinks the more he spends is okay because the private sector is obligated to pay it back.
    Wouldn't it be more reasonable to think of the Gov't as the Borrower and the private sector as the Lender?
    Where were we when all of this changed? We're being hornswoggled by this guy and his Cronies and what's worse, the people that vote for him and his party only vote for them because their parents and grandparents did. Not bccause of what he really has in mind. Barack Obama's intentions along with the Socialist party are totally selfserving and not in the interest of the private, freedom loving american.
    The "Community Organizers" are hoping for total control and the only way to do it is to seize it by deceptive means.
    The tail wants to wag the dog. Just sayin'.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


    That ended the argument, but I won the fight. However it also got me back into night courses too. I know now that he had something there, but it took me awhile. That poor guy was right! Trouble is, I've never seen him again.
    We were both hockey players though, so I'm sure he understood. I've learned a lot since then and the more I learn, the more I keep my hands in my pockets and my mouth shut. I don't think I'll ever be an introvert, though.  Just sayin'.
    Have you noticed the quietest person in a group conversation is usually the wisest person once he or she takes their turn to put their 2 cents worth in? So often that happens. I once heard another group member say, "Now that we've finally found someone who knows what they're talking about, we better just shut up and listen".
    We are never too old to learn when it comes to some things. Listening is one of them.
    At one time some years ago, I was involved in giving a short course in communications to a group of workers and supervisors. One supervisor was notorious for stuttering and since we talked a lot back and forth on our truck radios, he always kept his responses short and to the point.
    During this course we would speak a passage from a mine safety regulations book that we knew couldn't be remembered very easily if we asked them later to write it down. Later they were requested to write it the way it was spoken to them.
    After the exams were collected and corrections made, we discovered that the man with the speaking impairment got 100% word for word. The other 19 students got an average of 32%.
    What did that tell us? Well, because of his impairment, he trained himself  to get things right the first time in order that he wouldn't have to embarrass himself by asking questions later.
    It certainly taught me to listen a lot more intently as well.
    Have you ever been sitting in on a lecture and let your mind wander off a little bit? And when the instructor spots that, he pauses, stares at you and asks you to repeat what he just said? That'll make you listen for the remainder of the lecture, anyway!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


        In a previous blog I briefly mentioned the Tea Party and the way they have been ignored by the Socialist/Democratic Party. I described what they were made up of and why they are protesting to the Obama Administration.
     I guess the best way to describe the reasons they feel like they do is to imagine ourselves in their shoes. Imagine being employed by a company for 20 years or so and having a retirement program you can collect on in the near future when all of a sudden the whole economy slips into a recession. You think you have your retirement pension to fall back on in case you lose your job.
   You have a house you and your wife purchased on an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) seven years ago.
    The payments started at an affordable amount of $1800.00 per month. You were assured by your Realtor along with the Lender that your loan amount is backed by FannyMae incase the bank takes a wrong turn and gets in trouble finacially. You have taken your life savings of  $20,000.00 and placed it down on the purchase in order that your payment is able to be lowered to the arranged payment.
    It's quietly pointed out to you that because of the lower interest rate, your payment will be increased after the first 2 years to a slightly higher amount. After that it will increase every year for three years at which time it becomes a fixed rate and the payment will stay the same to the end of the thirty year contract.
    Because of a recession looming in front of you and you really didn't get much for raises, the money situation gets worse and your payment is now at $2500.00 per month.
    Your wife suddenly gets laid off after 9 years on the job and receives unemployment. Your finances are now upside down.Then due to a deeper recession, you also get laid off. You both go to your 401k's only to find that your 401k's have lost their value by 50% .
    Ultimately you're in a financial fix with no way out. The banks are in trouble because they can't meet their obligations either. The bills keep coming in and you realize you can't meet those obligations either.
     You look around you and find that many of your neighbors are in the same boat. You have questions for the Representatives in Congress. The phones are ringing off the hook at your representative's office but he or she is not answering you particular call because there isn't enough time in the day.
    Obama tells them to start holding Town house meetings. You know, one of those "monkey see monkey do" things. They try to B.S. their way through but you're too smart a group of people to absorb that much malarkey and you call their bluff. They call off the meetings and later explain to the Main Media the people need a lesson in manners and just don't understand and should shut up.
   Thus the beginning of the Tea party. Can you believe it?   Just sayin',



    Having lived a lifetime of always wanting a little more of what life had to offer rather than being satisfied with the full plate that was in front of me, I now feel, being in the late evening of my years and reflecting back, I have something to offer on the following subject: Determining at which point in my life I really did grow up.
    At the age of 17, I thought I was there. At 19 when I met a girl and got married, I again thought I was there. At 26 and going through a divorce, I felt for sure I was done growing up. Only after going to work as an underground miner in Butte, Montana and encoutering the hazards and truly hard work that was required to make it in that kind of occupation, did I finally become a qualifying adult. 
    I looked back at those other times and I smiled to myself. I had achieved growing up. I had faced some of the perils of life that some people never do or will and I am here to tell about it. Some of my friends I grew up with who ventured out and took their chances didn't make it. I think of them often and realize how fortunate I am. With the help of my brother John who was 14 years older than me, I finally grew up in Butte, Montana.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


    I like to think that I'm logical and fair to myself  when I assess the rights and wrongs of our present political system, both Federal and State.
    Believe me, I'm no expert at either one so as I learn about both, I have to depend on what's logical to me.
    I have already mentioned in a previous blog concerning the behavior and affairs of the Att. General of Washington State. In that article, I questioned the actions  and role of  the office because it seems to me that, since the Att. General is elected by each and every voter, he or she should operate at the pleasure of  the people rather than the State's Governor. This I assume, would be in accordance with  a free Society's system of checks and balances. it only makes sense that  should an action by the Governor
be contradictory to the Constitution, the Att. General can point out the violation.
    This can only be done if the office is totally Independent of the States affairs. There's just too much political " bedfellowing" otherwise. I can't be so naive in my thinking to not know it takes place because it does, particularly with the Socialists who happen to be in positions of power these days.
    They have already demonstrated the abuse of power in recent days, both Federal and State.
    Have you noticed the similarities between the Muslims' Shariah law and the behavior of the Socialists? If you haven't, I'll point some out.
    In Shariah law it's okay with Mohammed to lie if it's in his interests. It's also okay to deceive in order to satisfy Mohammed. It's alright to condemn and sentence if it's within his beliefs.
    I personally believe the Socialists are intending to operate in that order if they can get away with it.
    They have made their intentions enormously apparent in the last 2 years and what's more, they flagrantly don't care if we know it!
    That, my friends, is the beginning of their transparency without them wanting it to be. their true motive is not a secret anymore.
    I'll come to my last point.
    What I consider to be the weakness in our Federal system is that the Attorney General's position is not elected. It's appointed by the President in power, meaning he operates at the pleasure of the President and not the people. It also means that he or she can ignore the constitutional values of the Country should the President desire and unless challenged by the Congress, get away with it. If the congress happens to be of the same political belief as he or she and it's to their political advantage to ignore it, they can and do. Just Sayin'.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


    In 1997 I purchased a D/W mobile home through Wa. Mutual. It was a fixed rate agreement over 20 years. I had a payment that stayed the same,  as it should have since it was after all, a fixed rate agreement.
    In 2005 I heard rumors that Wa. Mut. was having problems with irregularities in the way they were doing business. I felt quite comfortable since I didn't think it would affect a small fish in a big ocean. However, sometime shortly thereafter, 2006,  I  received a notification that my contract had been sold to GreenTree and I would be receiving further communication from them. It was another indication to me that they were having problems because usually it's one of the first things that banks have a tendency to do when the money gets tight. In cases like that, the banks that aren't having difficulties become predatorial and make offers on whatever is presented to them by the troubled mortgage holder. After being informed on the balance left owing, the mortgage buyer pays anywhere from 25 to 35 cents on the dollars owing.
    Since the original lender has already made approx. 30% in total dollars over the amount credited to the mortgage principal that has been subtracted from the original principal, they are ahead of the game anyway. The money they receive for the 35 % sale is also added to the their profit. After every thing is considered, their  past expenses on the account included, they are ahead of the game.
    The contract buye stands to make a profit on the rest of the contract which leaves them to collect payments on a much smaller investment than the principle I still have left to pay on.
    When I received my payment notification from GreeTree, The payment amount was increased by $25.00 per month. Since my  arrangement was for a fixed rate contract, I enquired with GreenTree to find that Wa. Mut. showed I had received $3700.00 as a Corp. advance in the year 2000. They also showed I had received another $2000.00 in the year 2005.
    I had never received either of those moneys ever!
    It seems that Wa. Mut. inflated my principle that amount when they sold the contract to GreenTree.
    After objecting vigorously to G.T. they ended up leaving my payment the same.
    I sat back to enjoy the rest of the ride until I was notified by the I.R.S. that I owed them taxes on that money and to pay up! I told them my story for what it's worth  and that seems to be placed in limbo.
    As it stands today, I think I know what's going to happen should I live long enough to finish my contract. GreenTree will refuse to deduct the extra $5700.00. In fact they probably won't release my title either if I don't pay it.
    Washington Mutual is impossible to reach because of their bancrupcy and fraud situation.
    GreenTree refuses to discuss it with me as well.
    Any sugestions:?  Just sayin'.