Wednesday, April 6, 2011


    I like to think that I'm logical and fair to myself  when I assess the rights and wrongs of our present political system, both Federal and State.
    Believe me, I'm no expert at either one so as I learn about both, I have to depend on what's logical to me.
    I have already mentioned in a previous blog concerning the behavior and affairs of the Att. General of Washington State. In that article, I questioned the actions  and role of  the office because it seems to me that, since the Att. General is elected by each and every voter, he or she should operate at the pleasure of  the people rather than the State's Governor. This I assume, would be in accordance with  a free Society's system of checks and balances. it only makes sense that  should an action by the Governor
be contradictory to the Constitution, the Att. General can point out the violation.
    This can only be done if the office is totally Independent of the States affairs. There's just too much political " bedfellowing" otherwise. I can't be so naive in my thinking to not know it takes place because it does, particularly with the Socialists who happen to be in positions of power these days.
    They have already demonstrated the abuse of power in recent days, both Federal and State.
    Have you noticed the similarities between the Muslims' Shariah law and the behavior of the Socialists? If you haven't, I'll point some out.
    In Shariah law it's okay with Mohammed to lie if it's in his interests. It's also okay to deceive in order to satisfy Mohammed. It's alright to condemn and sentence if it's within his beliefs.
    I personally believe the Socialists are intending to operate in that order if they can get away with it.
    They have made their intentions enormously apparent in the last 2 years and what's more, they flagrantly don't care if we know it!
    That, my friends, is the beginning of their transparency without them wanting it to be. their true motive is not a secret anymore.
    I'll come to my last point.
    What I consider to be the weakness in our Federal system is that the Attorney General's position is not elected. It's appointed by the President in power, meaning he operates at the pleasure of the President and not the people. It also means that he or she can ignore the constitutional values of the Country should the President desire and unless challenged by the Congress, get away with it. If the congress happens to be of the same political belief as he or she and it's to their political advantage to ignore it, they can and do. Just Sayin'.

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